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Auteur John Hamilton

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Get Out!

Lyrics by John Hamilton
Music by Hanns Eisler

Testo di John Hamilton
Musica di Hanns Eisler
We’re marching and singing for freedom,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 24/4/2007 - 22:57

War Crimes

War Crimes
Il testo è ripreso dal Repertorio del coro Strawberry Thieves (file .doc scaricabile).

Lyrics are reproduced from the Repertory of the Strawberry Thieves Choir (downloadable .doc file)
War Crime! War Crime!
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 24/4/2007 - 21:44

The Time Has Come

The song is a call to working people to understand the class nature of society and the damage that capitalism is causing to the world. It calls for an end to be put to the class system by ending the capitalist system.
Chorus 1 (tune A)
envoyé par John Hamilton 17/12/2005 - 22:37

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