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Auteur John Brunner

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Le déserteur

Le déserteur
INGLESE / ENGLISH / ANGLAIS [1] - John Brunner

Broadside #50 september 1964

Boris Vian, poet, novelist, amateur jazz trumpeter and left-wing activist, died - I believe in 1959 - at the comparatively early age of 45. His best-known works are a novel about race prejudice, "J' Irai Cracher sur vos Tombes" (I will Spit on your Graves)' from which an extremely bad movie was made just before his death, and this song, a protest against the Algerian war. It was recorded very successfully by the Algerian singer Mouloudji, but was banned by the French government and withdrawn in both printed and recorded versions; we first heard it in Sweden (translated very well, I'm told), and then on discovering its origin attempted without success to locate a copy in France, Belgium or Britain. The French text was eventually supplied to us by some pacifists in Lyons; I prepared the translation and my wife Marjorie... (continuer)
The Deserter
envoyé par dq82 3/11/2016 - 16:55
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The H-Bomb's Thunder

The H-Bomb's Thunder
Lyrics by John Brunner
Testo di John Brunner

To the tune of "Miner's Lifeguard"
Sull'aria di "Miner's Lifeguard"

Una delle poche canzoni scritte da John Brunner, apprezzatissimo scrittore di fantascienza. Nel 1959, appena scritta, fu fatta circolare dapprima in volantini durante le manifestazioni per la pace. Anche in seguito continuò a circolare con il sistema dei "Broadsides" (fogli volanti).(Broadside #19)
In VV.AA. "Songs Against the Bomb", eseguita da The London Youth Choir, con Wendy Edwards & Ron Fielder al banjo e Leon Rosselson alla chitarra.

(The Lone Ranger)
Don't you hear the H-bombs' thunder
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 21/11/2005 - 14:38

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