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Auteur Harry Chapin

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Album "Portrait Gallery"

Di come la vita sia già di per sè una fucina di "bummer", di sfigati, e di come la guerra non faccia altro che renderli più sfigati ancora e/o sdoganarli definitivamente come criminali ed assassini...

Il protagonista di questa triste storia mi ha ricordato molto il personaggio di Bunny, il soldato "baby faced" spaccone e violento interpretato da Kevin Dillon in "Platoon" di Oliver Stone... Ve la ricordate la scena terribile nella quale il ragazzetto cow boy tutto "fuck & fuckin'" uccide col calcio del fucile un vietnamita disabile e poi coi suoi compagni mina e incendia il villaggio in puro "My Lai style"??
Quanti di questi mostri vengono sguinzagliati e decorati nelle guerre di ogni tempo!?!
His mama was a midnight woman
envoyé par Bartleby 30/12/2011 - 22:55
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Flowers Are Red

Flowers Are Red
Album “Living Room Suite”

“The idea for the song came to Chapin when his secretary told him about her son who brought his report card home from school one day. The teacher had written a note in the card saying: "Your son is marching to the beat of a different drummer, but don't worry we will soon have him joining the parade by the end of the term." The quote was often used as an introduction to the song during live performances, with the comma after "drummer" being pronounced as a word because of the educational theme.” (en.wikipedia)
The little boy went first day of school
envoyé par Alessandro 23/4/2010 - 10:00

The Parade's Still Passing By

The Parade's Still Passing By
Lyrics and Music by Harry Chapin
Testo e musica di Harry Chapin

Una canzone dedicata a Phil Ochs a pochi mesi dalla sua morte, con particolare riferimento a One More Parade. Anche il suo autore, Harry Chapin, sarebbe morto tragicamente (in un incidente stradale) di lì a pochi anni, nel 1981.
I got the news today
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 20/8/2005 - 14:37
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One More Parade

One More Parade
Testo e musica di Phil Ochs
Lyrics and Music by Phil Ochs
Da / From "All The News That's Fit To Sing"

"Pam Raver says: Phil wrote 'One More Parade' in Cleveland one night when he was emceeing a performance by the late Bob Gibson. He caught a guitar riff which he played for Gibson after the show and it became those decending bass notes that march through much of the song." Shortly after Phil Ochs' death, the folksinger Harry Chapin wrote the song The Parade's Still Passing By with exact reference to this song. Chapin died tragically 1981 in a car crash.

"Pam Raver dice che Phil scrisse 'One More Parade' a Cleveland, una notte mentre stava facendo da ospite a un'esibizione dello scomparso Bob Gibson. Prese un riff per chitarra che suonava per Gibson dopo lo spettacolo e ne fece le note basse discendenti presenti nella maggior parte della canzone." Poco dopo la morte di Phil Ochs,... (continuer)
Hup, two, three, four, marching down the street
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 9/8/2005 - 23:28

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