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Cardinal Law

Cardinal Law
Grande donna, addio.
1/8/2023 - 14:56
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
100. Bella adio (Versione in Europanto di Joe Peña)
100. Bella adio (Europanto version by Joe Peña)

This is the Europanto language version of "Bella Ciao" and it should be easily understood by everyone, even those that speak Italian, Spanish and French. Because it is practically a mix of those languages with English. I will keep on making other translations of this song. Goodbye everyone and have a nice day! - Joe Peña

Introduction d'Europanto:

Mi caros amicos, möge la pace e l'amor de nostro Fader in l'heven be mit du/voi. Oje, Io vud laik tu shear dis mesaj d'espero & unity mit voi, in eine lingua dat transcende over la fronters & brings som popolo junt. In Europanto, noi kan expressi nostro pensaments e sentiments in eine vay dat vud bi under-stud per multes, regardles van der nown native langwj. Let nus embreis dis neue important langwj d'unity & usi it por spred mit... (continuer)
Oh bella adio!
envoyé par Joe Peña 1/8/2023 - 06:18
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eppure sembra dica tra la 9^ e 10^ riga :- sempre più traditi da judesh. se così fosse, sarebbe un bel tranello. E qua non c'entra l'intifada palestinese....
io 31/7/2023 - 17:20
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O que faz falta

O que faz falta
Mi scuso per queste aggiunte magari un po' fuori tempo massimo, ma sono un omaggio a Zeca che mi pare giusto condividere. Nel 2010 una sorta di mini-super-gruppo di giovani musicisti portoghesi si riunisce sotto il nome di "Zeca sempre" e pubblica l'album "O que faz falta" in chiave rock con una grande enfasi sulla vocalità. Nell'album ci sono belle versioni di molti pezzi famosi di Zeca ma quello più in vista è proprio "O que faz falta", che peraltro è diventata negli anni una canzone scandita e ballata in tutte le grandi manifestazioni sindacali e della sinistra portoghese, a causa della sua eccezionale vivacità e della sua inscalfibile attualità.

Luigi Piccioni 31/7/2023 - 15:30

Langston Hughes: Justice

Langston Hughes: Justice

"Justice" is a short poem by Langston Hughes. Hughes wrote the poem in 1932, resulting from the highly publicized Scottsboro Boys incident, in which a group of young men of color was falsely arrested and tried for rape.

A central theme of "Justice" is that the justice system in the United States is damaged and truly blind to people of color. Justice is alluded to as a "blind goddess," meaning justice is highly desired, but Hughes writes that "we black are wise" to the idea that justice does not see them.
Hughes describes her blindfold as a “ bandage “ that conceals “ two festering sores,” indicating that in reality that justice is incomplete for black Americans,who are full of anger and pain.

What does Justice by Langston Hughes mean? ›
Pluck 30/7/2023 - 19:07
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
99. Coi melbi ("Bella ciao" in Lojban di Joe Peña)
99. Coi melbi ("Bella ciao" in Lojban by Joe Peña)

This is the "Bella Ciao" version in the Lojban language, a logistical and ironic constructed langauge meant to make people think and make it hard, as opposed to Esperanto, which is easy to understand and easy to learn. Lojban instead was made to make your head crack! Since Lojban is also the language of the future, in this "Bella Ciao" version the main character faces a space invader & wakes up in another dimension. This is the funky outer space Lojban version. Enjoy!
This is one version of the funky logistical constructed language called Lojban. I decided to do it while I was thinking about Interlingua, Occidental, Ido, Lingua Franca Nova, Novial and Esperanto. There will be more "Bella Ciao" translations available in these languages also. Goodbye!

Coi! Ti noi se bangu lo lojbo cu se jorne lo "Bella Ciao" noi se zdani le terdi. .i .au do gleki!
Coi melbi
envoyé par Joe Peña 30/7/2023 - 13:05
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Georges Brassens: Trompe la Mort

Georges Brassens: Trompe la Mort
Le testament è una canzone del tutto diversa. Perché non spostarla in una sua voce a parte?
Lonnie 30/7/2023 - 03:01
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Era meglio morire da piccoli

Non ho sentito la versione di Rossi, mi chiedo: è possibile che invece di tappa-turaccioli abbia cantato stappa turaccioli?
Karl 29/7/2023 - 16:51
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Ho cercato di fare una traduzione fedele ma al tempo stesso cantabile.
Tutto passa e tutto resta
envoyé par Giovanni Campanini 28/7/2023 - 18:39

The Ocean Just Like Me

The Ocean Just Like Me
envoyé par Paolo Rizzi 28/7/2023 - 13:06
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
Bella versione dell'orchestra Multietnica di Arezzo: Dos zekele mit koylen/Bella ciao (italiano e arabo)

Nella versione live dell'orchestra Multietnica di Arezzo insieme ai Modena City Ramblers c'è anche una parte in albanese (video cercasi)
Dq82 28/7/2023 - 09:48

One-Way Ticket

One-Way Ticket

Note adattate dal saggio di Adriano Elia (Università di Roma "Roma Tre") “NOT SOUTH”: THE GREAT MIGRATION IN LANGSTON HUGHES’ “ONE-WAY TICKET”
Le Simplegadi Vol. XVI No. 18 Novembre 2018 Pag. 117,118,119

As in typical blues songs, “One-Way Ticket” gives us an effective account of the sufferings not of an individual, but of a whole people: I pick up my life And take it with me And I put it down in Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo, Scranton, Any place that is North and East – And not Dixie.

In the opening stanza, the first-person singular pronouns ‘I’ and ‘me’ are not personal, but Whitmanesque *, that is, universal and inclusive. The narrator is forced to ‘pick up’ and ‘take’ his life elsewhere, anywhere but South, both metaphor for racism and discrimination and its geographical nucleus. Using the medium of an informal talk recalling the style of Robert Frost , although in a different... (continuer)
Pluck 27/7/2023 - 13:12

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