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When I'm Gone

When I'm Gone
Cover metrica italiana molto vicina all'originale con qualche piccola libertà di Gianni Barnini
IN QUEL DI’ (When I’m Gone)(Phil Ochs)
envoyé par Gianni Barnini 12/11/2022 - 19:25
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La versione live dei Coldplay

dq82 12/11/2022 - 01:47
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Guerra Tristes Guerras

Guerra Tristes Guerras
La poesia Guerra è stata musicata e cantata da Silvia Pérez Cruz con il titolo "Todas Las Madres Del Mundo"

11/11/2022 - 23:34
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Stelutis Alpinis

Stelutis Alpinis
Recently at a concert after I had sung an anti-war Gaelic song called An Eala Bhan, written in the trenches in 1916 and still often sung today, an Italian lady sang for me Stelle Alpinis.

I liked the words, but the tune is actually that of a mawkish English music-hall song from the 1890s with many rude parodies. It is called She Was Poor But She Was Honest.

The writer may have heard such a version sung by British soldiers.
Sadly, it is difficult for British people to appreciate the Italian song.
rgcogan 11/11/2022 - 21:19
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Die Arbeitsmänner, oder Proletarierlied, oder Wer schafft das Gold zutage?

Die Arbeitsmänner, <i>oder</i> Proletarierlied, <i>oder</i> Wer schafft das Gold zutage?
Köyhälistön laulu / Köyhälistön marssi
Versione finlandese [1899 / 1906]
Finnish version [1899 / 1906]
Version finnoise [1899 / 1906]
Suomenkielinen versio [1899 / 1906]

Performed by Reijo Frank

The earliest Finnish version of »Zu Mantua in Banden«, titled »Proletaarilaulu« (Proletarian Song), was written in 1899 and published for the first time in the 1900 edition of Työväen laulukirja (Workers' Songbook). The below version titled »Köyhälistön laulu« (Song of the Proletary) or »Köyhälistön marssi« (March of the Proletary) is from 1906. The author of the lyrics is unknown. [Juha Rämö]
Sono stato, a dire il vero, un po' incerto se inserire il Köyhälistön laulu (o marssi) finlandese anonimo del 1899 come versione del canto “proto-Hoferide” di Johann Most del 1870, oppure addirittura come canto autonomo con una propria pagina. Questa primissima (e, a quanto per ora risulta, unica) versione... (continuer)
Köyhälistön laulu
envoyé par Juha Rämö (+ RV) 11/11/2022 - 18:33

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