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Wielki wybuch

Wielki wybuch
d’après la version italienne – IL BIG BANG – Riccardo Venturi,- 2021
d’une chanson polonaise – Wielki wybuch – Grzegorz Dąbrowski – 2020

Paroles et musique : Grzegorz « Dr Grzechu » Dąbrowski
interprétée par l’auteur sur un luth de la Renaissance en octobre 2020.
Inédit – Transcrit à l’oreille par YT.

Dialogue maïeutique

Aujourd’hui, Lucien l’âne mon ami, nous avons droit à une chanson qui traite du Big Bang.

Une chanson qui traite du Big Bang, dit Lucien l’âne, mais nous en avons déjà eu une, si je me souviens bien et même, si je ne me trompe pas, elle était de ta composition.

En effet, Lucien l’âne mon ami, tu as raison et nous en avions longuement conversé. C’était Le Big Bang : En avant ! Elle relatait une conférence faite par deux scientifiques à ce sujet. Cette fois-ci, la circonstance est différente. Si la première décrivait le phénomène du Big Bang et en esquissait les implications... (continuer)
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 25/1/2021 - 11:21

Lamento del mercante d'armi

Lamento del mercante d'armi
Pure Stefano Benni. Mi sembra che stiate allargando un po’ troppo...
sergio falcone 25/1/2021 - 11:16
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Ahmed l'ambulante

Ahmed l'ambulante
Il testo della poesia di Stefano Benni
da "Ballate", Feltrinelli, 1991
24/1/2021 - 22:49

Land of Hope and Dreams

Land of Hope and Dreams
Personalmente non credo che nonno Biden, l'ex vice presidente del premio nobel per le guerre condotte con i droni (strategia da cui Biden non si è mai dissociato), porterà gli Stati Uniti a essere una terra di speranza e di sogni.

Però - dopo Lady Gaga, terrorizzata dal cadere dalla scala con i tacchi neanche fosse a Sanremo che ha cantato l'inno (brava ma meglio Jimi Hendrix!) - anche il boss si è esibito in una Washington fredda e semideserta causa covid per l'inaugurazione della nuova presidenza. A Biden bisogna riconoscere di avere cancellato nel primo giorno alcune delle peggiori ignominie decretate dal suo predecessore. Vedremo il seguito, senza sognare o sperare troppo.

Lorenzo 23/1/2021 - 17:36

The Problem

The Problem
Amanda Shires “Our Problem” featuring Angie Stone, Cyndi Lauper, K.Flay, Lilly Hiatt, Linda Perry, Morgane Stapleton, Nona Hendryx, Peaches, Valerie June

"I’m very grateful to have so many of my sisters joining me for 'Our Problem.' The issue of women’s rights and reproductive health affects us all. 'Our Problem' represents women of all generations, musical genres, and communities. Music has the power to bridge gaps and bring people together and I hope that 'Our Problem' reminds you that we are all in this world together and that we can be there for one another no matter what. You are never alone and I’M ON YOUR SIDE.”
22/1/2021 - 23:20
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Hard Times of Old England

Hard Times of Old England
The Hard Times of Old England
Now look to the future, how bleakly it bodes
The lorries are choking the ports and the roads
The fish they are rotting, down there in the holds,
Chorus: Sing 'Oh! the hard times of Old England,
In Old England very hard times!’
Our imports and exports are nipped in the bud,
They’re all choked in paper, bogged down in the mud
While all our great leaders are chewing their cud
Our dear old economy's bound for the red
When to distant parts the investors have fled
This whole strategy has a hole in the head
The people in charge should be tearing their hair,
The lorries are clamped and the shelves getting bare
The administration just isn't all there
We’ve got to be real, can’t reach for the moon
But we can’t take a dose if you don’t have a spoon
Because we are ruled by a brainless buffoon
Our great NHS is now feeling the strain
Staff sickness and overload... (continuer)
David Russell 22/1/2021 - 21:36
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Tutti Abd El Salam!

Tutti Abd El  Salam!
Sì, parecchio infelice, direi.
daniela -k.d.- 22/1/2021 - 10:05

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