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Cançó de la Marina Ginestà

Cançó de la Marina Ginestà
30/10/2020 - 22:29

Dzieci wybiegły

Dzieci wybiegły
Riccardo Venturi, 30-10-2020 18:51
I bambini usciron di corsa
30/10/2020 - 18:52
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The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill

The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill
There are those who claim the lyric is really about the on-going – indeed ‘continuing’ Vietnam war, also known as the “Elephant and Tiger” war, from a quotation by Ho Chi Minh: “It is the fight between tiger and elephant. If the tiger stands his ground, the elephant will crush him with its mass. But, if he conserves his mobility, he will finally vanquish the elephant, who bleeds from a multitude of cuts.”

Thus the Americans are the Elephants going deep in the jungle to hunt the Vietnamese. In 1964, American citizens were chanting “LBJ, LBJ, How many kids did you kill today?” – not dissimilar to ‘All the children sing, Hey Bungalow Bill, What did you kill?’ “The children asked him if to kill was not a sin…” was essentially what the young American anti-war protesters were asking at the time. In 1965, in the Gulf of Tonkin, US naval ships were apparently unexpectedly attacked by the North Vietnamese,... (continuer)
CCG Staff 30/10/2020 - 17:11

Det nya människoidealets vaggvisa

Det nya människoidealets vaggvisa
Riccardo Venturi, 30-10-2020 06:07
Ninna-nanna per il nuovo ideale dell'Umanità
30/10/2020 - 06:08

Dzieci wybiegły

Dzieci wybiegły
La canzone viene citata nel pezzo "Pokolenie Czarnobyla"
di Ludwig Van Goth...

k 29/10/2020 - 23:56

Kocham wolność

Kocham wolność
A Breslavia la gente balla " 't Smidje" per le strade stasera!

Wrocławskie place zablokowane! Protestujący tańczyli na środku skrzyżowania
k 29/10/2020 - 20:40
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A tutti i boia di oggi

Kris Bran 29/10/2020 - 20:31
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De la comptine comme genre.

Lucien et moi, on est de chauds partisans de la théorie des ensembles… et on pense que les comptines, berceuses, etc. sont un genre de poésie, de chanson, en soi (in se) et donc les unes inspirant les autres et utilisant les mêmes modes d’expression devraient toutes figurer dans le même « parcours ».
Il est évidemment toujours possible de faire un autre parcours de chansons pour les enfants, mais c’est une autre approche, même si certaines chansons se retrouveront dans les deux parcours.
On se demande bien où serait le problème.


Ainsi Parlaient Marco Valdo M.I. et Lucien Lane
Marco Valdo M.I. 29/10/2020 - 20:02

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