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La partance

La partance
La canzone interpretata da James Donal Faulkner
The song performed by James Donal Faulkner

Riccardo Venturi 12/2/2016 - 21:32

The Girl I Left Behind Me

L’introduzione inglese al brano è ripresa da Contemplator, o da uno dei tanti siti che lo citano.

Invito a leggere anche l’articolata introduzione di Cattia Salto sul suo sito Terre Celtiche, dove c’è anche la sua traduzione italiana del brano, che riporto:
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 12/2/2016 - 15:12
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Stornelli d’esilio

Stornelli d’esilio
Strofe di anonimi autori antifascisti cantate sulla stessa aria degli “Stornelli d’esilio” di Pietro Gori, di cui è citato il ritornello:

Hanno ammazzato Giovanni Berta
dei fasci fiorentini [o capo degli assassini]
è stato vendicato
Spartaco Lavagnini.

La nostra patria è il mondo intero
la nostra legge è la libertà
e noi viviamo d'un sol pensiero
liberarla l'umanità.

Hanno ammazzato Giovanni Berta
figlio di pescecani
viva quel comunista
che gli pestò le mani!

La nostra patria è il mondo intero
la nostra legge è la libertà
e noi viviamo d'un sol pensiero
liberarla l'umanità.

1921, Annus Horribilis: a Livorno i socialisti si spaccavano e nasceva il Partito Comunista d’Italia; in Germania Adolf Hitler diventava presidente del NSDAP, il Partito Naz(ional-social)ista (dei Lavoratori Tedeschi); a Roma Mussolini fondava il Partito Nazionale Fascista, evoluzione dei Fasci di Combattimento... (continuer)
Bernart Bartleby 12/2/2016 - 14:24

Lettera al papà lontano

Lettera al papà lontano
troppo bella ;(
11/2/2016 - 21:32

Quando Bandiera Rossa si cantava

Quando Bandiera Rossa si cantava
Invito a leggere “Quando bandiera rossa si cantava... Ragazzi di Villa Argine condannati per offese al Duce”, di Franco Piccinini, articolo pubblicato su sulla rivista La Piva dal Carner, ottobre 2015, negli atti di un seminario musicale tenutosi ad Orta San Giulio nel 2015.

Racconta di quando una sera del 1936 un gruppo di ragazze e ragazzi di Cadelbosco, località La Rocca, Reggio Emilia, furono sorpresi a cantare “Quando Bandiera Rossa si cantava” da un fascistello locale e da questi denunciati in blocco. Furono tutti condannati “per offese a S.E. il Capo del Governo e grida sediziose” e condannati chi a sei, chi a tre mesi con la condizionale e a svariate centinaia di Lire di multa e ammenda…
Bernart Bartleby 11/2/2016 - 15:41
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Fabrizio De André: Jamin-a

Fabrizio De André: Jamin-a
Dal blog Fabrizio De André in English

In De Andrè's words, "Jamína is not a dream, but rather the hope for respite. A respite in the face of possible gale force conditions at sea, or even a shipwreck. I mean that Jamina is the hypothesis of a positive adventure that, in a corner of the fantasy of a sailor, always finds space and respite. Jamina is the companion in an erotic voyage that every sailor hopes for, or better, expects to encounter in every place, after the dangerous broadsides subjected to by an enemy sea or an imprudent commander." - Dennis Criteser
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 11/2/2016 - 07:57
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Canzone del padre

Canzone del padre
Dal blog Fabrizio De André in English

"Per the album notes, the worker "has understood that he is a finished man with no possibility of recovery, that his acts will always be individualistic, striving for his own personal needs, and that by attaining more power one doesn't escape one's condition of isolation and anxiety. The bomb that was tossed with force, with anger and with a sense of vendetta in the dream, now in reality becomes a moment of exhilaration and, obviously of lucidity." - Dennis Criteser
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 11/2/2016 - 06:58
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Mourir pour des idées

Mourir pour des idées
Dal blog Fabrizio De André in English

"Morire per delle idee" is a translation/adaptation of Georges Brassens's "Mourir pour des idées" which was written in response to strong criticism for another of his songs "Les deux oncles," an anti-war song that was controversial because it treated two French brothers equally - one a British sympathizer and the other a collaborationist.

Canzoni, released in 1974, was a "filler" album, like Volume III, desired by De André's label. The only three previously unreleased songs here are covers of Dylan's "Desolation Row" and of two songs by Georges Brassens. Also included are two covers of Leonard Cohen songs.
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 11/2/2016 - 05:52
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Mourir pour des idées

Attribuita a NTBAHA [sic] e datata 2/11/2014. Appare come una versione letterale dell'originale francese.
ان نموت من اجل افكار
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 11/2/2016 - 05:45
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Mourir pour des idées

Svensk version av Ola Henricsson och Örjan Hjorth.

Att dö för idéer è la versione in lingua svedese (il titolo è l'esatta resa in svedese di quello originale) interpretata da Ola Henricsson e Örjan Hjorth (ma la traduzione è del solo Ola Henricsson). Li vediamo qui interpretarla in uno spettacolo a bordo della nave S/S Marieholm, ormeggiata a Göteborg, il 6 marzo 2015. Il testo non è purtroppo reperibile in rete; ci occuperemo appena possibile di trascriverlo all'ascolto. [RV]
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 11/2/2016 - 04:50
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Mourir pour des idées

Mourir pour des idées

Ripresa dai sottotitoli del video YouTube sopra proposto, con trascrizione diretta. La variante del portoghese utilizzato è chiaramente brasiliana.
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 10/2/2016 - 20:41
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La guerra di Piero

La guerra di Piero
POLACCO / POLISH [2] - Szymon Gruda

Versione polacca cantabile di Szymon Gruda segnalatami da Kaśka Janiak (very cool) [KW]
da questa pagina
envoyé par Kaśka Janiak tramite Krzysiek Wrona 10/2/2016 - 19:30
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Mourir pour des idées

Mourir pour des idées

Dall'album "Suppliche e celebrazioni" (2008).
L'animazione è di Dario Faggella (
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 10/2/2016 - 18:30
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Pe' Stefano

A tutti i poeti manca un verso: ogni tanto anche lo staff di Canzoni Contro la Guerra inciampa su qualche canzone dalla micidiale e irreparabile bruttezza, come questo rap in romanesco imitazione di un originale già esiziale per proprio conto, la cui funesta aura adombra ogni pur lodevole intenzione...
Io non sto con Oriana 10/2/2016 - 16:29
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Fabrizio De André: Monti di Mola

Fabrizio De André: Monti di Mola
Dal blog Fabrizio De André in English

"Monti di Mola" takes place on the Emerald Coast of Sardinia. De André called the song a metaphor showing the impossibility of reaching one's dreams in a society that has become bureaucratic and standardized, where the imagination of the culture can't expand to accept "impossible dreams" that are on the verge of coming true. The song is in the Gallurese dialect.

It took six years after the tremendous success of Creuza de mä for De André to release his next studio album, Le nuvole (The Clouds). In the meantime, he and Mauro Pagani explored several avenues of musical collaboration which did not come to fruition. De André had this to say about Le nuvole: "I realized that people are just pissed off, and since Le nuvole is a symbol of this dissatisfaction, the transference, the intermediary for this general discontent, I would say that the album was welcomed... (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 10/2/2016 - 09:55
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Dal blog Fabrizio De André in English

"Sidon is a coastal city halfway between the southern border of Lebanon and Beirut. At the time this song was written, Lebanon was in the midst of a civil war that began in 1975 and that saw Israel invade and push towards Beirut in 1982. In De André's words, "Sidon is the Lebanese city that gave us, beyond the letters of our alphabet, even the invention of glass. I imagined myself, after the sudden attack of General Sharon in 1982, as a middle-aged Arab man, dirty, desperate, certainly poor, holding in his arms his own son, chewed up by the steel tracks of an armored tank. . . . The 'little death' alluded to at the end of this song should not be confused with the death of a little boy. Rather it is understood metaphorically as the end of a civilization and culture of a small country: Lebanon, Phoenicia, which at its discretion was perhaps the greatest... (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 10/2/2016 - 05:58
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Nella mia ora di libertà

Nella mia ora di libertà
Dal blog Fabrizio De André in English

"In the final song, the worker realizes that individual protest has little chance of having results against power, and that to change things it's necessary to join with others and to act en masse, as did the students of May 1968 in France." - Dennis Criteser
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 10/2/2016 - 05:23
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Ballata degli impiccati

Ballata degli impiccati
Dal blog Fabrizio De André in English

"La ballata degli impiccati" is closely related to a 1462 poem, "Ballade des pendus" by François Villon, written in prison while waiting for his execution. Whereas Villon asks for pity for the condemned, the lyrics of De Andrè and Bentivoglio express rancor for those who judged, for those who buried, even for those who remembered, all of whom will inevitably also meet their ends.

Tutti morimmo a stento, released in 1968, was one of the first concept albums in Italy. In De Andrè's own words, the album "speaks of death, not of bubble gum death with little bones, but of psychological death, moral death, mental death, that a normal person can encounter during his lifetime." After the success of Volume I, De André was provided for this next album a cutting edge recording studio complete with an 80-member orchestra, directed by Gian Piero Reverberi, and a... (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 9/2/2016 - 21:49
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Fabrizio De André: Amico fragile

Fabrizio De André: Amico fragile
Dal blog Fabrizio De André in English

"De André wrote "Amico fragile" in a drunken rage after attending a party of rich Italians vacationing on Sardinia. They were only interested in having him play guitar and sing his songs, whereas De André wanted to engage people in discussions about events going on in Italy. He became ever more frustrated and inebriated with the shallowness of the evening, returning home to stay up all night and produce this "stream of semi-consciousness" rant. The song was a staple in his live shows and was one of De André's favorites." - Dennis Criteser
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 9/2/2016 - 20:47
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Dal blog Fabrizio De André in English

"Andrea" is both an anti-war song and a statement of solidarity with and acceptance of gays, as the song is about the love between two men (Andrea is a man's name in Italian). The setting for the song is World War I, which can be deduced because intense battles occurred on the ground in the mountains of Trent during WWI, whereas in WWII Trent suffered bombing from the air by the Germans toward the end of the war.

Rimini grew out of De André's disappointments with the political events of the previous couple of years. In close collaboration with Massimo Bubola, a young 24-year-old who had just released his first album, De André explored several social and political themes, including abortion, homosexuality, and how the petty bourgeois attempted to move into the ranks of the powerful and rise above the political and social turmoil of the times. The music... (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 9/2/2016 - 20:36
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Canzone per l’estate

Canzone per l’estate
Dal blog Fabrizio De André in English

"The music of "Canzone per l'estate" is entirely De Gregori's, while the lyrics were co-written. De André described the song as somewhat autobiographical, describing the tension between the bourgeois life he grew up in and lived much of his life in, and his attraction to anarchism and to society's outcasts who seemed more genuine and alive than the upper classes. Indeed the song describes well the soul-sapping nature of a comfortable, prosperous life that takes one away from vitality and even political engagement ("your eyes closed to the people")." - Dennis Criteser
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 9/2/2016 - 20:25
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La cattiva strada

La cattiva strada
Dal blog Fabrizio De André in English

"Literally, "cattiva strada" means "bad road." But in a moral sense, if you're straying down the wrong path, going down a slippery slope or leading someone astray, you're on a "cattiva strada" and more than a paving crew will be needed. Author and De André expert Cesare Romana observed the following about "La cattiva strada": "The song is among the most illustrative of the philosophy of a great moralist disguised as an 'immoralist.' The bad road represents a pirate ethic, and also the free port where the powers-that-be don't come. Thus it comes to be defined as bad, yet holding these mainstream powers at a distance endows a force most subversive and revolutionary that can be placed at our disposition: love. The fact is that De André never moved far from the bad road. He continued to think that the humanity, love and dignity of man resided there, and... (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 9/2/2016 - 18:41
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C'era una volta

C'era una volta
Chanson italienne – C'era una volta – Giorgio Laneve – 1976

Aux débuts des années '70, dans la vague « cantautorale » (chansonnière) italienne qui aura duré, plus ou moins, jusqu'à la fin de la décennie pour ensuite succomber (même musicalement) lors des années de strontium de la décennie suivante, Giorgio Laneve représenta une voix certes menue et polie, mais avec des traits d'originalité (et d'authentique poésie). Ingénieur électronique de formation, Giorgio Laneve commença fort jeune et, pendant une certaine période, il jouit même d'une certaine popularité, sans jouer des coudes (moi-même je me rappelle d'avoir vu une allusion à lui dans le journal de Mickey Mouse, je ne plaisante pas). En 1970, à 24 ans à peine, arriva à l'improviste en second au alors très célèbre « Disque pour l'été » avec Amore dove sei?Amour où es -tu ? , qui reste probablement sa chanson la plus célèbre. Il... (continuer)
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 9/2/2016 - 15:23
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Interpretazione degli Akusma in dialetto reggino.

Dall'album "Ritmi di Calabria" [2014]
envoyé par Andrea 9/2/2016 - 15:10
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Canzone per l’estate

Canzone per l’estate
In realtà, Fabrizio De André descrisse questa canzone (il cui testo è, sarà bene ricordarlo, stato scritto assieme a Francesco De Gregori) come in un certo qual modo autobiografica. Parla, secondo De André, della tensione tra la vita borghese in cui era cresciuto e aveva vissuto parte della sua vita, e l’attrazione per l’Anarchia e per gli “ultimi” della società, che gli sembravano molto più vivi e genuini delle classi superiori. Fatta salva l’oscurità del testo, caratteristica del resto saliente di quell’album “degregoriano”, si avverte comunque abbastanza bene l’attacco alla vita borghese, confortevole e prospera, che distoglie l’essere umano dalla vitalità e dall’impegno politico (gli “occhi chiusi sulla gente”). Per quel che mi riguarda, l’ho sempre avvertita molto come una canzone sulla dissoluzione della famiglia borghese.
Riccardo Venturi 9/2/2016 - 08:06
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Il testamento di Tito

Il testamento di Tito
Dal blog Fabrizio De André in English

"Il testamento di Tito" takes us into the Old Testament to the Ten Commandments. Tito, the so-called good thief from the Syriac Infancy Gospel, recounts how he violated each of the commandments (except "Thou shalt not kill"), offering critiques along the way. De André considered this song one of his very best for its hard-hitting social impact." - Dennis Criteser
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 9/2/2016 - 07:42
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Il Pescatore

Il Pescatore
Dal blog Fabrizio De André in English

"Il pescatore" was released in 1970 as a single. One of De André's most popular songs, it never appeared on a studio album, but can be heard on several live albums." - Dennis Criteser
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 9/2/2016 - 07:27

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