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Vapauden kaiho

Vapauden kaiho
Testo e musica / Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel:
Hiski Salomaa (Hiskias Möttö, Kangasniemi 17-5-1891 – New York 7-7-1957)
[Recorded 20.3.1929]

Between 1927 and 1931 Hiski Salomaa, who had immigrated to the USA in 1909, recorded 18 Finnish songs for Columbia Records. One of these was »Vapauden kaiho« which was originally commissioned from him by his labor union, the radical IWW (Industrial Workers of the World). Apart from one, all these recordings are available here.

In terms of linguistics, Salomaa's songs are interesting in two ways: he sings in a broad east Finnish accent (Savonian dialect) and his lyrics often - not in this case, though - contain words that are called Finglish, a term originated by Martti Nisonen, professor at the Suomi College in Hancock, Michigan, in the 1920's and referring to a mixture of English and Finnish common among Finnish... (continuer)
Meill' vapauden kaiho soi
envoyé par Juha Rämö 26/3/2015 - 22:52



Chanson française – Marengo – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2015


Opéra-récit historique en multiples épisodes, tiré du roman de Jiří Šotola « Kuře na Rožni » publié en langue allemande, sous le titre « VAGANTEN, PUPPEN UND SOLDATEN » – Verlag C.J. Bucher, Lucerne-Frankfurt – en 1972 et particulièrement de l'édition française de « LES JAMBES C'EST FAIT POUR CAVALER », traduction de Marcel Aymonin, publiée chez Flammarion à Paris en 1979.

Voici donc, Lucien l'âne mon ami, une nouvelle série de canzones qui s'en vont te raconter l'histoire d'un Arlequin amoureux, ci-devant fantassin de l'Empereur autrichien François. Enrôlé de force, déserteur par vocation, il passera sa vie à fuir, fuir et à se réfugier en songe dans les bras imaginaires de son Arlecchina. On verra bien à la fin comment tout cela finira. Oui, Monsieur Po, oui, Monsieur Li, Oui, Monsieur Chi, Oui, Monsieur... (continuer)
Au printemps de dix-huit cent
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 26/3/2015 - 21:17

The Babies of My Lai

Norm Burns
Another song-poem about My Lai, released in Boston, Massachusetts - these are song lyrics, sent to specialist publishing and recoding companies, usually in response to an advertisement, that have been set to music for a fee (around $200-400). (1) Composed by Ann Parks and Lew Tobin (he co-founded the label with Shelley Stuart, and he presumably took the writing credit for the music side). Performed by Norm Burns & The Satelites. The track, called "The Babies of My Lai" (Sterling Records # S-547), probably released in either late 1971 or early 1972 (based on the label discography), focused on the death of the children at the massacre. The narrator sarcastically said that "a little baby raised it gun" and so a soldier "raised his weapon in defense". The narrator mourned the deaths: "sleep baby sleep", and declared to "never forget what has been done". The lyrics did not mention or comment on William Calley's trial, but it leaned towards criticising his actions, and therefore it fell into the anti-Calley camp.

Justin Brummer
Sleep baby sleep, sleep baby sleep
envoyé par dq82 26/3/2015 - 18:10
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Will There Ever Be a Time?

Will There Ever Be a Time?
The song "Will There Ever Be a Time?" (Bold Records # 377 / 358), probably released around 1969-1971 by Captain Foam, an obscure psychedelic folk group, based in Ohio, took a general anti-war position, while referencing the My Lai massacre. Written and sung by Richard Bertram, produced by Nick Boldi, and engineered by Gary Rhamy, the song was recorded in Peppermint Productions Studios, in Youngstown, Ohio. (1) Firstly, it expressed opposition to war, counting the dead, and questioning why they had to "see them fall". The narrator accused presidents of "trying to play god". He then called for the "money that they spend to build the guns and bombs", to be redirected towards clearing the "world of hunger", which would contribute towards "peace and equality". Then onto the subject of Calley and the massacre, the narrator argued that the "guns of...My Lai" represented a "curse upon the world".... (continuer)
Will there ever be a time, a time so real...
envoyé par dq82 26/3/2015 - 18:07
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Were You There?

The country rock band Mason Proffit formed in 1968 in Indianapolis, Indiana, led by The Talbot Brothers - John Michael Talbot and Terry Talbot. While their two previous records made the charts, this one failed commercially. The song "Were You There" (Warner Bros. Records # BS 2657) contained socially conscience lyrics, running through several injustices throughout history - from slavery, to the Holocaust: "you cried when Hitler killed the Jews". It then moved to Vietnam, posing the question "were you there at My Lai?", and then entering into a plea for people to protest: "come all of you, it's time to take a stand".
You said something should be done
envoyé par dq82 26/3/2015 - 17:58
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Lieutenant (Had Any Lately)

Lieutenant (Had Any Lately)

The soulful track "Lieutenant (Had Any Lately?)" (Stang Records # ST-5027), out of New Jersey, took an anti-war line and condemned Calley - one of the few to do so.

Is this record performed by Sylvia Robinson?

A year earlier she released the single Have You Had Any Lately (Stang # 5015) - the same melody and with almost identical lyrics, without the Calley references, written by Robinson.
(1) Robinson did in fact have three children.
(2) The song later appeared on the 1973 album Pillow Talk (Vibration Records # VI-126).

Anyhow, the structure of the verses, formed by repeating questions ('how long' and 'how many') took a similarly effective approach to Bob Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind" - the narrator wanted to know "how many children did you kill" and "how much...of their blood did you spill". She declared that Calley's actions made him "inhuman" and "not fit for society".
Vietnam War: My Lai & Lt. William Calley Songs
How long has it been lieutenant since you made a friend
envoyé par dq82 26/3/2015 - 17:51
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The Cry of My Lai

Ivan Lee
The Cry of My Lai
The Cry of "My Lai" / It Makes No Difference (1971) [Single]

The traditional country song "The Cry of My Lai" (Gold Standard Records # GS-310) - one of the few songs that condemns the massacre, with the narrator telling Calley that "the devil possesses your soul", against the background sound-effect of an infant crying. He asked: "hey lieutenant, can you still hear the small babies cry?". He also wondered if Calley had acted as if in a childhood game: "did the frightened child remind you of a smiling boy, who plays war at home and the gun is only a toy". Released in Nashville, Tennessee, written by Johnny Adams and Ivan Meece.
There in a ditch in My Lai, a small baby cried
envoyé par dq82 26/3/2015 - 17:46
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The War Crimes

The War Crimes
album: Massacre at My Lai (1970)

A spoken word release (Flying Dutchman # FDS-118) in which Rosko narrated the newspaper articles of Pete Hamill - an American journalist who in the 1960s wrote for the New York Post, reporting from Vietnam. (1) It took a highly critical view of the Vietnam War, the military, and the politicians of the era, such as President Eisenhower and President Nixon. Produced by Bob Thiele, founder of Flying Dutchman, it featured background music from Ron Carter (bass) and James Spaulding (flute). Nat Hentoff, music critic and historian, wrote the linear notes to the record. Hamill also wrote the words for the 1970 record Murder at Kent State University (Flying Dutchman # FDS-127).

Billboard noted the album on 28 February 1970, saying that "Bob Thiele's Flying Dutchman label again collaborated with WNEW-FM's spotlight writer Peter Hamill's description of... (continuer)
Poor, lost America, clean, honorable, decent, even naive
envoyé par dq82 26/3/2015 - 17:31

Ballad of Song My

Ballad of Song My
testo e spartito

Il massacro di Mỹ Lai, conosciuto anche come massacro di Sơn Mỹ, fu un massacro di civili inermi che avvenne durante la guerra del Vietnam, quando i soldati statunitensi della Compagnia Charlie, della 11a Brigata di Fanteria Leggera, agli ordini del tenente William Calley, uccisero 347 civili - principalmente vecchi, donne, bambini e neonati.

Il massacro avvenne il 16 marzo 1968 a My Lai, una delle quattro frazioni raggruppate nei pressi del villaggio di Sơn Mỹ, nella provincia di Quang Ngai a circa 840 chilometri a nord di Saigon. I soldati si abbandonarono anche alla tortura e allo stupro degli abitanti. Come venne riferito da un tenente dell'esercito sudvietnamita ai suoi superiori, fu una atroce vendetta, che avvenne poco dopo uno scontro a fuoco con delle truppe Viet Cong che si erano mischiate ai paesani.

Il massacro fu fermato dall'equipaggio di un elicottero... (continuer)
Can you sing of Song My and can you tell me why
envoyé par dq82 26/3/2015 - 17:22

Texas Tweezers

Texas Tweezers
Wake up America!

The album Wake Up, America (Big Toe Records # 1) contained several references to Vietnam, such as the tracks "Our National Anthem", "Chicago", and "The Drug Company". On the track "Texas Tweezers" Hoffman took a phone call on a radio show. The caller attacked Hoffman for being ignorant, an exhibitionist, and for criticising the country, which, according to the caller, would have got him killed in Russia. Hoffman responded by arguing that the US "killed a million people in Vietnam" which damaged her reputation. He then rhetorically ask the caller "what do you think My Lai was, a god damn Connie Island trip".
envoyé par dq82 26/3/2015 - 17:07

Thyssen, opera sonora

Thyssen, opera sonora
di e con Ezio Mauro
regia di Pietro Babina
concept audio di Alberto Fiori & Pietro Babina
esecuzione live di Alberto Fiori
voci di Umberto Orsini e Alba Rohrwacher
Produzione Elastica srl

Ieri sera qui a Torino è stata inaugurata quarta edizione di Biennale Democrazia, una manifestazione culturale il cui “obiettivo è la diffusione di una cultura della democrazia che sappia tradursi in pratica democratica.”
Checché se ne possa dire (borghesi, buuu!, cattocomunisti, buuu!, le lezioni magistrali di Draghi e della Boldrini, buuu!... ) di questo progetto ideato da Gustavo Zagrebelsky – ex membro e presidente della Corte Costituzionale, nonché mio quasi compaesano ed il migliore docente che io abbia mai avuto – checchè se ne possa dire del Repubblicano Ezio Mauro e del suo giornale “di regime”, beh, questa è un’opera in memoria di

Antonio Schiavone
Giuseppe Demasi
Angelo... (continuer)
Gli operai di Torino diventati invisibili
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 26/3/2015 - 14:02
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La risposta al ragazzo della via Gluck

La risposta al ragazzo della via Gluck
Testo di Giorgio Gaber
Musica: Giorgio Gaber
Originariamente in singolo
Poi in: Collezione singoli 1965/67

Il ragazzo della via Gluck riesce a farsi accettare se cantata da Adriano, che la impone con la sua personalità di interprete, ma come canzone non esiste: è ingenua, superficiale, sembra un tema fatto da un bambino di seconda elementare. Dov'è la protesta in quel "chissà dove si va a finire"?
Non si riesce mai a capire se Adriano scherza o fa sul serio.

Giorgio Gaber
Questa è la storia di un ragazzo
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 26/3/2015 - 12:23

Além da Terra, além do Céu

Além da Terra, além do Céu
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 23/3/2015 - 14:36
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Sången om reaktionen

Anders Källström
Sången om reaktionen
23 marzo 2015
23/3/2015 - 12:58
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Fuoco sulla collina

Fuoco sulla collina
Certamente artisti come Ivan non c'è ne saranno più lo scoperto tardi ma da quando ascolto le sue canzoni veramente le sento nel cuore grazie Ivan
Antonio 22/3/2015 - 23:19

Lili Marleen (alla triestina)

envoyé par Silva 22/3/2015 - 22:02
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Esilio di Lev

Esilio di Lev
Esilio di Lev - Due recenti registrazioni

CCG/AWS Staff 22/3/2015 - 20:06
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Tuntematon sotilas

Tuntematon sotilas
English translation by Juha Rämö

Musica / music / sävel: Kaj Westerlund
Testo / lyrics / sanat: Hector
envoyé par Juha Rämö 22/3/2015 - 16:10
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Znamení doby

Znamení doby
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 22/3/2015 - 13:59

Carlo Giuliani

Carlo Giuliani
A Carlo Giuliani e a tutti gli altri uccisi dallo Stato (1943-2001)

[Elenco stilato nel 2002]

"A un anno dalla morte di Carlo Giuliani, ammazzato dalla polizia mentre manifestava la sua protesta per l’ingiustizia sistemica, ripresentiamo il tragico elenco degli uccisi dallo Stato - una folla di persone, spesso giovanissime come Carlo, falciate in circostanze simili. [...]

Bernart Bartleby 22/3/2015 - 12:14
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Home Fires

Home Fires
Mi dispiace ma nella trascrizione ci sono veramente troppe imprecisioni, questo è il testo cantato da Ron Kavana nel disco omonimo del 1991:
(Flavio Poltronieri)

riportato il testo corretto sopra
22/3/2015 - 10:25
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Avanti popolo [Poiché non vogliamo sfruttati]

Avanti popolo  [Poiché non vogliamo sfruttati]
Swedish lyrics by Gösta Åberg
Svensk version av Gösta Åberg

Performed by Röda fanan (Red flag)
envoyé par Juha Rämö 22/3/2015 - 10:05
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The Ballad of Ho Chi Minh

The Ballad of Ho Chi Minh
Finnish translation by Elvi Sinervo
Suomennos Elvi Sinervo
envoyé par Juha Rämö 22/3/2015 - 00:19

Siamo gente di Molinella

Siamo gente di Molinella
Sulla pagina di it.wikipedia dedicata al paese di Molinella si può leggere quanto segue: “Ma grande impressione in tutta Italia provocarono i gravi e cruenti episodi noti come fatti di Molinella del 17 maggio 1949. In tale data i comunisti, contestando il risultato delle elezioni per la locale camera del lavoro la presero d'assalto all'atto stesso dell'insediamento della maggioranza socialdemocratica che aveva vinto. I tafferugli, oltre a un gran numero di feriti, portarono alla morte di una donna. Tali fatti contribuirono a rendere insanabile la frattura fra la corrente socialdemocratica e riformista e quella comunista in seno alla CGIL unitaria, portando alla nascita della UIL.”

Credo si tratti di un clamoroso errore, di un travisamento quando non di una menzogna bell’e buona. Se è vero che fu proprio tra 48 e 49 che si consumò la rottura tra comunisti e socialdemocratici in seno alla... (continuer)
Bernart Bartleby 21/3/2015 - 23:02
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Sono nata il ventuno a primavera

Sono nata il ventuno a primavera
21/3/2015 - 22:58
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Käenpoika (Laulu fasismista)

Käenpoika (Laulu fasismista)
English translation by Juha Rämö
Enlanninkielinen käännös Juha Rämö
envoyé par Juha Rämö 21/3/2015 - 22:32
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Прощание с красным флагом

Traduzione italiana trovata qui. Credo si tratti di quella di Evelina Pascucci, in “Evgenij Evtušenko. Arrivederci, bandiera rossa: poesie degli anni Novanta”, Newton Compton, 1995
Прощание с красным флагом
Mi pare però che la traduzione corretta del titolo, che ricorre in ogni capoverso, sia un po’ più “definitiva”: “Addio, nostra bandiera rossa”...
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 21/3/2015 - 15:09
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Toast to Freedom

Toast to Freedom
cercfo un commento

chi cercfa trovfa! [CCG Staff]
21/3/2015 - 12:34
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Finalmente la guerra è finita

Finalmente la guerra è finita
Chanson italienne – Finalmente la guerra è finita – anonimo – ca. 1918/19

Voici, Lucien l'âne mon ami, une chanson qui donne à réfléchir à certains aspects de la mémoire des guerres. Je te précise tout de suite que je n'ai aucune envie de célébrer les chants guerriers, les hymnes à la nation combattante et autres fariboles, juste bonne pour les chœurs et les fanfares militaires et leurs aficionados nationalistes et guerriers. Je n'en ai pas plus pour les chants patriotards et les litanies aux glorieux vainqueurs – une fois dans un sens, une fois dans l'autre.

C'est donc une chanson qui raconte une autre histoire, une chanson de guerre mais qui ne sacrifie pas au Dieu de la Guerre : Arès ou Mars. Mais dis-moi ce qu'elle a de particulier...

Elle a une double caractéristique : d'une part, c'est une chanson sur une guerre finie, sur une paix renaissante et le héraut qui la chante n'est généralement... (continuer)
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 21/3/2015 - 12:30
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Dziś do ciebie przyjść nie mogę

Dziś do ciebie przyjść nie mogę
The lyrics of the Finnish version performed by Arja Saijonmaa are written by Saukki (Sauvo Puhtila).
Juha Rämö 21/3/2015 - 11:26

Über Die Bezeichnung Emigranten

Über Die Bezeichnung Emigranten
Chanson allemande – Über Die Bezeichnung Emigranten – Bertolt Brecht – 1937

Texte de Bertolt Brecht, écrit durant son exil à Svendborg. Recueil “Svendborger Gedichte” (1939)
Musique de Kurt Weill
Interprétée par Katja Ebstein ‎in “Laßt Euch Nicht Verführen! - Katja Ebstein Singt Und Spricht Bertolt Brecht” – 1999.
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 20/3/2015 - 20:38
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Deutsches Lied 1937

Deutsches Lied 1937
Finnish translation by Brita Polttila
Finnische Übersetzung von Brita Polttila
Suomennos Brita Polttila
envoyé par Juha Rämö 20/3/2015 - 18:15
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The Red Flag

The Red Flag
Testo finlandese
Finnish lyrics
Suomalaiset sanat

A link to the song performed by Reijo Frank:
envoyé par Juha Rämö 20/3/2015 - 10:22

Dear God

Dear God
Quando dice "you always let us humans ddown"tradotto è tu deludi sempre noi umani
Elia Callegari 19/3/2015 - 22:45

Sono un ribelle mamma

Sono un ribelle mamma
Davide Giromini - Skiantos tribute

adriana 19/3/2015 - 18:13
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Bertolt Brecht: Von Armen B. B.

Bertolt Brecht: Von Armen B. B.
Finnish translation by Elvi Sinervo
Finnische Übersetzung von Elvi Sinervo
Suomennos Elvi Sinervo
envoyé par Juha Rämö 19/3/2015 - 17:23
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Mein junger Sohn fragt mich (Der Sohn II)‎

Mein junger Sohn fragt mich (Der Sohn II)‎
Finnish translation by Brita Polttila
Finnische Übersetzung von Brita Polttila
Suomennos Brita Polttila
envoyé par Juha Rämö 19/3/2015 - 16:57
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Lob der Dialektik

Lob der Dialektik
Finnish translation by Brita Polttila
Finnische Übersetzung von Brita Polttila
Suomennos Brita Polttila
envoyé par Juha Rämö 19/3/2015 - 16:32

Die Flucht

Die Flucht
Finnish translation by Brita Polttila
Finnische Übersetzung von Brita Polttila
Suomennos Brita Polttila
envoyé par Juha Rämö 19/3/2015 - 15:59

Der Krieg, wie

Der Krieg, wie
Chanson allemande – Der Krieg, wie – Hans Magnus Enzensberger – 1995
Texte d'Hans Magnus Enzensberger (1929-), écrivain, poète, traducteur, éditeur allemand.,
Musique de Wolfgang Nening (1966-), compositeur autrichien, in « 4 Lieder nach Texten von Hans Magnus Enzensberger, no. 1. »
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 19/3/2015 - 15:58

Kohlen für Mike

Kohlen für Mike
Finnish translation by Brita Polttila
Finnische Übersetzung von Brita Polttila
Suomennos Brita Polttila
envoyé par Juha Rämö 19/3/2015 - 15:47

Die Heimkehr (oder Die Rückkehr)‎

Die Heimkehr (oder Die Rückkehr)‎
Finnish translation by Brita Polttila
Finnische Übersetzung von Brita Polttila
Suomennos Brita Polttila
envoyé par Juha Rämö 19/3/2015 - 15:30

In finsteren Zeiten

In finsteren Zeiten
Finnish translation by Brita Polttila
Finnische Übersetzung von Brita Polttila
Suomennos Brita Polttila
envoyé par Juha Rämö 19/3/2015 - 15:20
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Traduzione neerlandese dal libretto di un concerto dello “Schönberg Ensemble”, direttore Oliver Knussen, su musiche di Hans Werner Henze.
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 19/3/2015 - 14:25

Finnische Landschaft (Frühling 1942)‎

Finnische Landschaft (Frühling 1942)‎
Finnish translation by Arvo Turtiainen
Finnische Übersetzung von Arvo Turtiainen
Suomennos Arvo Turtiainen
envoyé par Juha Rämö 19/3/2015 - 14:08
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Ballade vom Weib und dem Soldaten

Ballade vom Weib und dem Soldaten
Finnish translation by Arvo Turtiainen
Finnische Übersetzung von Arvo Turtiainen
Suomennos Arvo Turtiainen
envoyé par Juha Rämö 19/3/2015 - 13:28
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Die Maske des Bösen

Die Maske des Bösen
Finnish translation by Brita Polttila
Finnische Übersetzung von Brita Polttila
Suomennos Brita Polttila
envoyé par Juha Rämö 19/3/2015 - 12:53
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Avanti popolo [Poiché non vogliamo sfruttati]

Avanti popolo  [Poiché non vogliamo sfruttati]
Swedish translation by Lars Forssell
Svensk text av Lars Forssell

Performed by Cornelis Vreeswijk:
envoyé par Juha Rämö 19/3/2015 - 12:40

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