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Pasta nera

Pasta nera
Chanson italienne – Pasta nera – Modena City Ramblers – 2013

« Rien de nouveau sur le front occidental » est un double album des Modena City Ramblers, le treizième de leur carrière.Les dix-huit les chansons contenues dans l'album ont été écrites, arrangées et produites par les Modena City Ramblers.

Face A: Niente di nuovo: Niente di nuovo sul fronte occidentale - Occupy World Street - È primavera - C'era Una Volta - La Guèra D'L Baròt - Pasta nera - Fiori d'Arancio e Baci di Caffè - La luna di Ferrara- Beppe e Tore
Face B: Sul fronte occidentale: Il Violino di Luigi - Due magliette rosse - Tarantella Tarantò - La Strage delle fonderie - Afro - Kingstown Regatta - Il giorno che il cielo cadde su Bologna - Nostra Signora dei Depistati - Briciole e spine

Entre 1945 et 1952, plus de 70.000 enfants du Sud (de l'Italie) plus mal en point, furent reçus temporairement par des familles du Centre-Nord.... (continuer)
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 6/8/2014 - 21:42
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El adiós del soldado

El adiós del soldado
envoyé par Maria Cristina Costantini 6/8/2014 - 17:33
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Błogosławię zło...

Błogosławię zło...
leggermente rivista dallo staff delle CCG ma complimenti a Krzys!
6 agosto 2014
envoyé par Krzysiek Wrona 6/8/2014 - 16:30
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“Irish Folk Song of World War I. The Greek port of Salonika (Thessaloniki) came to prominence in 1915 when it was used to mount and supply the Gallipoli expeditionary force. The song probably originated in Cork, Ireland, but became known in the British Army (many of whose members were in any case Irish, especially during the First World War). The verse mentioning Sinn Fein was no doubt a later addition. Salonika, in common with other World War I landmarks, would have been well-known in the poorer parts of Cork City at the time, as many of the men were forced for economic reasons to enlist. This is an anti-recruiting song and the terms 'soldiers' and 'slackers' are used for those who enlisted and those who stayed at home. While the soldiers were away their wives received what was known as separation pay. These women were known as 'Separas' and were very much despised by the other women. Most... (continuer)
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 6/8/2014 - 15:46

Mr. War

Mr. War
Bene, per non allungare troppo le sigle, penso che una Canzone Contro la Guerra di quelle vere vere, che ci stanno di per loro, senza bisogno di spiegazioni, e che si pubblicherebbero anche da sole, senza nemmeno l'intervento di qualche perfido Admin, beh, una CCG come questa d'ora in avanti la chiamerò "DOCCG"...
B.B. 6/8/2014 - 14:45

The Comin' of the Roads

The Comin' of the Roads
Tyrd Yn Ôl (The Comin' Of The Roads), il testo della versione in Gallese (Cymraeg) di G. Davies cantata da Mary Hopkin.
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 6/8/2014 - 13:38
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La bala

La bala
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 6/8/2014 - 10:44
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El hormiguero

El hormiguero
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 6/8/2014 - 10:21
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La bala

La bala
Dev'essere una questione di case discografiche. Anita Tijoux sul suo profilo facebook ha postato vari video delle sue canzoni anche del nuovo album, quindi non mi sembra una molto gelosa del suo copyright...
6/8/2014 - 09:48

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