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Avant le 2013-5-30

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Album: Devedesete (1999)
Štagod noćas da zapevam vućiće na sevdalinku...
envoyé par Monia 30/5/2013 - 23:55

Aquellas palabras

Aquellas palabras
Versi del grande poeta catalano in omaggio a Miguel Hernández, poeta e drammaturgo spagnolo, combattente repubblicano, morto in un carcere franchista nel 1942.

Poesia originariamente pubblicata su “Ínsula - revista de letras y ciencias humanas”, anno XV, n. 168, novembre 1960.
In seguito compresa nella raccolta intitolata “Palabras para Julia y otras canciones” pubblicata nel 1979 e dedicata all’amico Paco Ibáñez.
Fueron unas palabras
envoyé par Bernart 30/5/2013 - 23:22
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Quella Che Stiamo Raccontando

Quella Che Stiamo Raccontando
Chanson italienne - Pum Pum! Chi è? La Polizia!‎ – Dario Fo – 1972
Paroles de Dario Fo – Musique de Paolo Ciarchi

Chanson d'introduction de la pièce du même titre, satire grotesque en deux actes sur les massacres d’État, mis en scène par le collectif théâtral « La Comune ».
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 30/5/2013 - 19:18
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So Long, So Long

So Long, So Long
2013 (2005)
In Memoriam: Margaret Thatcher


Back in 2005, anarchist collective Chumbawumba pre-sold an EP called In Memoriam: Margaret Thatcher which they would keep under wraps until the prime minister passed away. Since Thatcher did pass earlier this week, the band has delivered the EP and is also streaming the release online. Along with that, the band delivered a eulogy:
Let's make it clear: This is a cause to celebrate, to party, to stamp the dirt down. Tomorrow we can carry on shouting and writing and working and singing and striking against the successive governments that have so clearly followed Thatcher's Slash & Burn policies, none more so than the present lot. But for now, we can have a drink and a dance and propose a toast to the demise of someone who blighted so many people's lives for so long. If we must show a little reverence and decorum at this time,... (continuer)
So long, so long, you kept me waiting so long, so long,
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 30/5/2013 - 18:37
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Fronne d'autunno

Fronne d'autunno
Concordo è una bellissima canzone, mi fa piangere
Sara 30/5/2013 - 17:47
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Quella Che Stiamo Raccontando

Quella Che Stiamo Raccontando
envoyé par Bernart 30/5/2013 - 13:30
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Passenger List for Doomed Flight # 1721

Passenger List for Doomed Flight # 1721
The song lyrics consist of a list of the names of many politicians, musicians and other public figures that have drawn Chumbawamba's ire:
Bill Gates, Microsoft founder
Richard Branson, Virgin Group founder
Jack Straw, British Member of Parliament
Billy Graham, US televangelist
Gerhard Schröder, German Chancellor
Tony Blair, British Prime Minister
Boris Yeltsin, Russian President
Mick Hucknall, Simply Red singer
Tipper Gore, US Parents Music Resource Center co-founder
Ian Paisley, Northern Ireland unionist leader
Pauline Hanson, Right-wing Australian politician
Courtney Love, American musician
Garry Bushell, English Music critic
Paul Condon, London Metropolitan Police commissioner
Ally McBeal, US TV show character
Jean-Marie Le Pen, French right-wing National Front founder
Janet Reno, US Attorney General
Bill Clinton, US President
Albert F. Sabo, judge for Mumia Abu-Jamal's... (continuer)
DonQuijote82 30/5/2013 - 13:29
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envoyé par DonQuijote82 30/5/2013 - 13:21
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Universal Soldier

Universal Soldier
PASSION KILLERS "Whoopee! We're All Going To Die!" 7 inch EP '91

Passion Killers being then three members of Chumbawamba rush-releasing an anti-Gulf War single. There are four anti-war cover versions: Feel Like I'm Fixin' To Die, Universal Soldier, Shipbuilding and Reuters

Here are the lyrics to two Passion Killers songs. The first one, Feel Like I'm Fixin' To Die, is a very upbeat, party-type song, with lots of kazoo, whistles, whooping, yee-hawing, laughing, etc., in the background. The second one, Universal Soldier, has a more serious tone.
He's 5' 2" and he's 6' 4"
envoyé par DonQuijote82 30/5/2013 - 13:18
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Another Brick In The Wall Part I

Another Brick In The Wall Part I
Parodia in Piemontese del gruppo folk-rock demeziale Farinei dla Brigna dall'album del 2000 sempri Farinei
Ehi Cicu
envoyé par DonQuijote82 30/5/2013 - 11:22


Oggi sembra anche un testo profetico: pensiamo al giaguaro!
carlo r. 29/5/2013 - 21:30
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A Margalida

A Margalida


por Fernando Lucini

«De entre el amplio repertorio de canciones que ha compuesto e interpretado Joan Isaac, sin duda, una de las que más me impactó desde siempre –y que aún sigo escuchando y disfrutando con frecuencia– es la titulada “A Margalida”; canción dedicada a Margalida Bover Vadell –amante de Salvador Puig Antich–, que Joan grabó, por primera vez, en su disco “Viure”, publicado en 1977.

Recuerdo a la perfección el primer día que escuché “A Margalida”. Resultó una experiencia muy emocionante. Joan, con aquella hermosa canción, consiguió provocarme una contradictoria sensación de indignación y de ternura. 

Indignación por el hecho al que hacía referencia: No habían pasado muchos años –fue en 1974– que Franco, y la “gentuza” que le rodeaba, habían condenado a Salvador Puig Antich a la pena muerte, y le habían asesinado. Cruel... (continuer)
29/5/2013 - 10:49
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El adiós del soldado

El adiós del soldado
los felicito a todos por intervenir en este importante debate, los amantes de la buena música y de las buenas letras nos ilustran personas que tienen una idea que por ahí han leído o que les han contado, así se van aclarando dudas y acrecentando nuestro acervo cultural. gracias a quienes intervinieron; muchas gracias!!!
Esperanza Solis Adame 28/5/2013 - 21:15
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Οι προσευχές των ναυτικών

Οι προσευχές των ναυτικών
Bellissimo , ma arapides in greco sarebbero i neri Africani, vedi anche il verso (oscillando )
Vassilis 28/5/2013 - 16:45
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מיר לעבן אײביק

מיר לעבן אײביק
La trascrizione in caratteri latini.

Rispetto al testo originariamente inserito, la canzone è stata ascoltata con ridisposizione delle strofe e dei versi all'interno di esse. [RV]
envoyé par CCG/AWS Staff 28/5/2013 - 16:12
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We Have All The Time In The World

We Have All The Time In The World
e' veramente stupenda, peccato che non si possa avere lo spartito
giuseppe 28/5/2013 - 15:36
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Ho visto un re

Ho visto un re
Mi è dispiaciuto anche per Little Tony, anche se non sono mai stata una fan delle sue canzoni. I suoi dischi valevano pur qualcosa se vescovi, re e imperatori se li accaparravano....
Silva 28/5/2013 - 11:34

Mottetto n.1

Mottetto n.1
Version française – MOTET N°1 – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2013
Chanson italienne - Mottetto n.1 – Cantacronache – vers 1960
Paroles de Michele L. Straniero
Musique de Sergio Liberovici
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 27/5/2013 - 22:21

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