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Avant le 2012-4-28

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Too Greedy for Wisdom

Too Greedy for Wisdom
Lyrics by Keiron Mason
Music by Keiron Mason and Joaquín Rodrigo (→ the "Aranjuez" tune)

"This song was motivated by readings on indigenous peoples/colonisations and a few travel experiences.. " (Keiron)
Pictures of lost people stolen from home
envoyé par giorgio 28/4/2012 - 20:15

Ragazzi bellissimi

Ragazzi bellissimi
Album : Le storie degli altri

“Ragazzi bellissimi”: una Paola Turci ironica come ogni tanto ci ha abituato. Un loop di batteria è lo sfondo ideale alla voce è solo un piccolo contorno ad un testo molto più forte. Ragazzi bellissimi in senso lato, nel senso dell'amore che muove il mondo, contro le guerre del potere, delle religioni, contro i potenti...di spettri e pistole....
“Mentre il mondo si rigira faccio fatica a riprendermi, con l'aria brutta che tira cerco di alzare lo sguardo, perché c'è gente felice di essere viva...”
da Grandi palle di Fuoco
Donne avvolte dentro scialli neri come onde tra cattivi pensieri
28/4/2012 - 19:45
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Casey Sheehan Didn't Die for Nothing

Casey Sheehan Didn't Die for Nothing
Lyrics & Music by James Gordon

This song is about Cindy Sheehan's campaign to hold George W. Bush accountable for the death of her son in Iraq..

"The anti-war movement in the U.S. is growing, and Cindy Sheehan has provided it with a human voice- a voice that I thought needed to be heard in song.."

Correlated songs:
Ballad of Cindy Sheehan
Cindy Sheehan Song (Don't You Cry No More)
Song for Cindy Sheehan
When Casey came home from the war
envoyé par giorgio 28/4/2012 - 16:50
Downloadable! Video!

Weapons of Mass Instruction

Weapons of Mass Instruction
Lyrics & Music by James Gordon
Here amongst the trappings of wealth
envoyé par giorgio 28/4/2012 - 14:58

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