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Don't Go

Don't Go
Lyrics & Music by Mark McCahon
Album: Songs From A Sofa [2001]

A protest song against war.
"Another song originally written many years ago, in the early nineties. I rewrote the lyrics to suit contemporary times ".
Our history has seen it a million times before
envoyé par giorgio 1/4/2012 - 20:01
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Album: Survivor
I heard the high pitched keening
envoyé par giorgio 1/4/2012 - 19:47


Lyrics by Larry Ludwick
Music by Jon Bushaway

"This is all true. Nobody is protected, not even myself. A part of 'the dead company' project.."

"This is my response to wonderful review by Andreas of The Frankfurt Dialog Company which pretty much summarizes the story behind the song:

Thanks Andreas... I hope you don't mind, but I would always submit something like this to you because I know you will listen to and understand the lyric. Yes it is hard and especially because it is a perfectly true story. Every detail is as it happened to me and Venable.

The only thing that maybe you misinterpreted is the part about what happened to me when Venable went off to the war... because actually I enlisted... I enlisted for my own reasons and not because I had any thought of the war, it was just that my own life was in a shambles. But I did not want this song to be as much about me but more... (continuer)
envoyé par giorgio 1/4/2012 - 19:15

Man in the War

Man in the War
Lyrics & Music by Mark McCahon
Man in a bar, a man in Vietnam (Iraq) (Afghanistan) (Iran???)
envoyé par giorgio 1/4/2012 - 16:50
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The Eton Rifles

The Eton Rifles
Album: "Setting Sons" (1979)

"The Eton Rifles" as such, do not exist: the cadet corps of Eton College is the Eton College Officer Training Corps[2], Eton being a famous English public school in Berkshire that is regarded as the epitome of Britain's privileged 'elite'. The song itself recounts the difficulties faced by the unemployed and lower paid working class in protesting against a system loaded against them.

The song recounts a street battle Paul Weller had read about in the newspapers concerning elements of a Right To Work march going through Slough in 1978 breaking off to attack pupils from Eton College who had been jeering the lunchtime marchers (hence Hello, Hooray, an extremist scrape with the Eton Rifles), rashly thinking that a bunch of 'posh schoolboys' would be an easy target: only for the outnumbered but far fitter college pupils to give them a beating. As the lyric put it:... (continuer)
Sup up your beer and collect your fags -
1/4/2012 - 15:29
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Name of Love

Name of Love
Album: "American Dream"
Parole e musica di Neil Young

Trovo apprezzabile l'ironia insita nell'utilizzo della forma tipica della litania per questa esortazione alla pace. Bella l'interruzione della risposta all'"invocazione", come se i "fedeli" si rendessero conto del significato dell'invocazione e trasformassero la risposta in una richiesta, che suona anche come un dubbio: "Puoi (o potete) farlo in nome dell'Amore?" Oggetto dell'esortazione, dal momento che in inglese YOU significa sia "tu", sia "voi", potrebbe essere Dio, ma non esclusivamente. Ritengo più probabile che l'autore intenda riferirsi a chi comanda, spesso nel nome di un Dio. Il brano è in American Dream.
You who rule upon the land
envoyé par Enrico 1/4/2012 - 12:29

The Boss

Lyrics by unknown (John Neuhaus?)
Music: Traditional

Since today is Sunday it's the right thing to give thanks unto the Lord and to sing praises unto Thy name !
Testo tratto da Folk Archive.
Nel repertorio di Utah Phillips

Praise boss when morning work-bells chime
envoyé par giorgio 1/4/2012 - 11:35

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead
Lyrics & Music by Bob Parsons
Album: 1-2-3-4

This song is about the comic book "The Walking Dead". The verses are from the back of the comic.
The world we know is gone
envoyé par giorgio 1/4/2012 - 11:28
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Whenever a Child Dies

Whenever a Child Dies
Album: Survivor
The message hits them very deeply
envoyé par giorgio 1/4/2012 - 09:40

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