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Voice of God Is Government

Voice of God Is Government
Lyrics & Music by Jay Bentley
Album: How Could Hell Be Any Worse?
Neighbors, no one loves you like he loves you..
envoyé par giorgio 16/1/2011 - 10:31
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A Thousand Lies

A Thousand Lies
Lyrics by R. Flynn
Music by Machine Head
Album: Burn My Eyes

"Reminds us of another president, another Bush.. no less a liar than his son.. "
What is a man that stays true to the game
envoyé par giorgio 16/1/2011 - 09:12


Lyrics & Music by John Saullo
Do you feel a ounce of humanity?
envoyé par giorgio 15/1/2011 - 19:41
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Part III

Part III
Lyrics & Music by Jay Bentley
Album: How Could Hell Be Any Worse?
The final page is written in the books of history,
envoyé par giorgio 15/1/2011 - 19:21
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Jenny è pazza

Jenny è pazza
Jenny, o Jenny è pazza, è tra le sua più belle canzoni.
Si capisce benissimo cosa vuole dirci Vasco, con Jenny, ma quanti l'avranno capito? Spero tutti.
Cucciola 15/1/2011 - 03:34

U 1, et cætera

U 1, et cætera
U 1, et cætera

Canzone française – U 1, et cætera – 1906 – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
Histoires d'Allemagne 7
Au travers du kaléidoscope de Günter Grass. : « Mon Siècle » (Mein Jahrhundert, publié à Göttingen en 1999 – l'édition française au Seuil à Paris en 1999 également) et de ses traducteurs français : Claude Porcell et Bernard Lortholary.

Cette fois encore, Lucien l'âne mon ami, nous allons à la mer et même, plus exactement, sous la mer. C'est une chanson qui relate l’histoire des sous-marins allemands (Unterseeboote) et cela, à partir d'un événement de l'année 1906 : la livraison à la Marine Impériale du premier sous-marin allemand : le U 1 (Unterseeboot 1), ainsi nommé en bonne logique et le suivant, c'est assez farce dans un site de chanson s'appellera : U2, et ainsi de suite, d'où, le et cætera. Enfin, relater n'est pas le mot exact, ce serait plutôt, qui évoque. Ce n'est pas... (continuer)
À Kiel, j'y étais le 4 août
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 14/1/2011 - 23:16
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Un sorso in più

Un sorso in più
la canzone un sorso in più è troppo bella
rosa 14/1/2011 - 13:45
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Clenching the Fists of Dissent

Clenching the Fists of Dissent
Lyrics by R. Flynn
Music by R. Flynn, D. McClain and P. Demmel

The band wrote the lyrics about the Iraq war after conducting research and found that "a lot of stuff does not add up", according to Flynn, which angered the band. Machine Head's debut album, Burn My Eyes, featured a similar song titled "A Thousand Lies" which dealt with the Gulf War.
Robb Flynn said "Clenching the Fists of Dissent" was one of the most difficult song to construct: He attributed the difficulty to the amount of tracks; the introduction of the song has 90, including multiple three-part harmony with two guitars, 20 tracks of snare drum, four tracks of kick drum, and military marching cymbals. The song continues with five electric guitars, three acoustic guitars and two bass guitars...
envoyé par giorgio 14/1/2011 - 09:22


Lyrics & Music by John Saullo

Julian Assange founded the WikiLeaks website in 2006 and serves on its advisory board.
He has published material about extrajudicial killings in Kenya, toxic waste dumping in Africa, Church of Scientology manuals, Guantanamo Bay procedures, and banks such as Kaupthing and Julius Baer. In 2010, he published classified details about American involvement in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. On 28 November 2010, WikiLeaks and its five media partners began publishing secret US diplomatic cables. The White House has called Assange's release of the diplomatic cables "reckless and dangerous" while sources in the Kremlin linked to President Dmitry Medvedev suggested that he "could be awarded a Nobel prize"... from wikipedia
I live in a place that's full of fear
envoyé par giorgio 14/1/2011 - 08:17
Parcours: #freeAssange
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Dyin' to Make a Livin'

Dyin' to Make a Livin'
Lyrics & Music by A.K. Mullins; Arranged and performed by W.V. Hill.
Album: Black Lung & White Lightnin'

"Daydreams fade on the hoot-owl shift...when you work down in the mines…"

Hard trials and tribulations of a coal miner.
He don't like breathin' that way
envoyé par giorgio 13/1/2011 - 21:15
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Within You Without You

Within You Without You
george é stato a mio avviso fin troppo sottovalutato...
13/1/2011 - 18:41
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Beyrouth (Il cielo di Beirut)

Beyrouth (Il cielo di Beirut)
In concorso alla 46ma edizione dello “Zecchino d'Oro”, Bologna dal 18 al 22 novembre 2003.
Testo originale di F. Aboudib
Testo italiano di F. Freyrie
Musica di I. Issahakian e M. Fadl
Il mio carillon è un minareto
envoyé par Bartleby 13/1/2011 - 17:34
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La guerra dei mutandoni

La guerra dei mutandoni
"La guerra dei mutandoni" fu interpretata nell'edizione del 2003 dello Zecchino d'Oro da una bambina che si chiama Teresa Viglianisi.
Siccome qui normalmente attribuiamo le canzoni agli interpreti e non agli autori, mi pare che fosse quanto meno un'informazione mancante.
Bartleby 13/1/2011 - 10:45

Blood Brothers

Blood Brothers
Lyrics & Music by A.K. Mullins; Arranged and performed by W.V. Hill.
Album: Black Lung & White Lightnin'

A peace-lovin' hippie and a forgotten soldier find some common ground.
An ode to the late 60`s and early 70's. Tune in and drop out.
Out in the land of the red coyote
envoyé par giorgio 12/1/2011 - 21:10

Mr Man With a Gun

Mr Man With a Gun
Lyrics & Music by Andrea S. Lockwood
Album: Household Items (Vol. Infinity)
My imagination –
envoyé par giorgio 12/1/2011 - 13:08

My Name Is Sylvio

My Name Is Sylvio
A voi la trascrizione del discorso che uno degli uomini politici italiani emergenti, uno degli amministratori più in vista in questo nostro Bel Paese, il Dr. Cetto La Qualunque, ha tenuto a Capodanno nel salotto buono della cultura politica italiana: il dancing Minchionnaire.

Egalité! Fraternité! Libertè vigilé!

Cari italiani e care, troppo care, italiane, questa sera, staseralmente, voglio fare un discorso alla nazione: il discorso di inizio anno. Da più parti mi è stato spessatamente chiesto: “come mai vuoi fare un discorso alla nazione?”. Ho risposto appuntamente: “fatti i cazzi toi!”. Io comincerei subitamente a festeggiare ma purtroppamente però non manca la polemica del giorno festivo.

La bestia De Santis [“stimato” avversario politico del Dr La Qualunque, ndr], che gli ricordo al comma 24, della legge 37, del decreto ingiuntivo Luglio 1987: “io non ti sputo se no ti profumo”,... (continuer)
Bartleby 12/1/2011 - 11:08
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Album “The Resistance”
The paranoia is in bloom,
envoyé par Bartleby 12/1/2011 - 10:45

Lettre au Président

Lettre au Président
Dall'album "Politikement Instable"

Come la canzone n°1 su queste CCG/AWS, Le déserteur di Boris Vian, o come una delle ultime pubblicate, رئيس البلاد (Rayes Le Bled) del rapper tunisino El Général, ecco un’altra letteraccia ad un potente di turno, questa indirizzata al dittatore camerunense Paul Biya, per inchiodarlo alle proprie responsabilità verso il popolo affamato, represso, ammazzato.
Paul Biya è al potere dal 1982, da più tempo ancora del sinistro Ben Ali che in questi giorni sta facendo fare a pezzi la sua gente in Tunisia. E come Ben Ali – che già l’ha fatto - anche Biya sta cercando di modificare la Costituzione del paese per potersi “auto-rieleggere” ad libitum.

La trasmissione di questa canzone è stata - ovviamente - vietata su tutto il territorio del Camerun.
Excuse moi Prési, mais il faut que je te parle
envoyé par Bartleby 12/1/2011 - 10:28


Lyrics & Music by Alan Gardiner and Roger Peatman

This song tell us how a piece of steel changes a small man into a BIG man or so he thinks !!! Well the idea behind the song is the increased use of firearms and how owning one can change a persons personality FOR THE WORSE !
Power I will give you
envoyé par giorgio 12/1/2011 - 08:30
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Peace for John Lennon

Peace for John Lennon
Music by James L. Murrell
Album: The Source

"I always light a candle on the anniversary of his death on December 8th.
I wrote "Peace (For John Lennon)" in memory of the great John Lennon".

"I never got to met him but I always felt that he was like a friend to me through his music.
John changed the way that world was by being himself and standing up for what he believed in.
His music was melodic and the words were always thought provoking".

"Peace (For John Lennon)" is an instrumental rock/fusion song. This is on my new album "The Source". I use some mandolin on the song also".
envoyé par giorgio 11/1/2011 - 21:37

Лирическая (Марине)

Лирическая (Марине)
Chanson russe -ЛИРИЧЕСКАЯ – Vladimir Semënovič Vysotskij / Владимир Семёнович Высоцкий – 1969 d'après la version italienne LIRICA de Silvana Aversa – 1992

On connaît l'histoire d'amour qui unit dans des temps déjà lointains, Vlad (imir) et Marina Vlad(y). Ils se marièrent et il mourut. Un conte tragique... Mais au fond, Vlad n'est jamais parti du cœur de Marina... Elle a continué à le faire vivre, ce chanteur-poète à la voix rauque, d'avoir tant fumé... La chanson que voici raconte sans doute les premiers pas de leurs amours. Que dit donc cette chanson contre la guerre ? Nul ne le sait... Si ce n'est qu'elle célèbre la paix, au moins entre deux êtres.

Quant à moi, dit Lucien l'âne, comme j'aime beaucoup Marina Vlady et Vlad, j'aime beaucoup que l'on installe ici dans les C.C.G. toutes les chansons de Vlad... qui fut lui aussi un dissident majeur... de « ce monde d'où l'on ne peut fuir ».... (continuer)
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 11/1/2011 - 14:16
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Cradle of Civilization

Cradle of Civilization
Lowkey (Featuring Mai Khalil)
Album: Soundtrack To The Struggle [2011]
I remember when I was growing up..
envoyé par giorgio 11/1/2011 - 13:39

We Want War

We Want War
Songwriters: Jack Barnett, Richard Rodney Bennett, John Rutter, Cambridge Singers
Album: Hidden
Some of these trees have been growing for years
envoyé par giorgio 11/1/2011 - 08:17
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Εἶμαι Εὐροπαῖος

Εἶμαι Εὐροπαῖος
E infatti Ben Alì non ha sprecato l'assist: quello che accade è opera di terroristi, ha dichiarato.
Gian Piero Testa 11/1/2011 - 00:35

Лирическая (Марине)

Лирическая (Марине)
millelire stampa alternativa 1992
Vladimir Visotsky 19 Canzoni
envoyé par emanuele ricciardi 10/1/2011 - 23:27
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Письмо перед боем

Письмо перед боем
Säv. & San. Vladimir Vysotskij
Suom. Turkka Mali
Alkup. nimi: Pisjmo

da questo video
envoyé par emanuele ricciardi 10/1/2011 - 23:03

La belle canonnière

La belle canonnière
La belle canonnière

Canzone française – La belle canonnière – 1905 – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
Histoires d'Allemagne 6
Au travers du kaléidoscope de Günter Grass. : « Mon Siècle » (Mein Jahrhundert, publié à Göttingen en 1999 – l'édition française au Seuil à Paris en 1999 également) et de ses traducteurs français : Claude Porcell et Bernard Lortholary.

Bon voilà, Lucien l'âne mon ami, j'espère que tu te souviens des chansons de ton enfance ou alors, que tu as entendu des enfants chanter lors de tes séjours au long des côtes de France, cette chanson, cette comptine des plus célèbres où il est question d'un petit navire qui entreprit un long voyage... et qui relate toutes les aventures qui lui arrivèrent... Le premier couplet de notre canzone reprend d'ailleurs le premier couplet de la chanson traditionnelle... La canzone de ce jour reprend l'idée, le thème de cette chanson du folklore en... (continuer)
Il était un petit navire,
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 10/1/2011 - 21:33
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Lyrics & Music by James L. Murrell
Album: The Source

"Tonight" is a folk/rock/samba/bluegrass/fusion protest song! It is on my new album "The Source". It features the mandolin a lot as the main chordal instrument & has a cool fusion guitar solo in it.

"I started playing the mandolin about 2 years ago. After learning some basics on the instrument, I wrote the chords to "Tonight" on the mandolin. The lyrics came from thinking about what is going on with the world around me recently. We could make changes to this world to make it a better place if we only try".
There's a lot I don't know
envoyé par giorgio 10/1/2011 - 21:10

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