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Avant le 2010-5-29

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Trigger Happy

Trigger Happy
Lyrics and Music by Sara Marlowe
Album: Times Like These...

"About the irony of the claims of the US to be fighting to protect themselves and the world from "weapons of mass destruction", when THEY are the only country to have dropped the "Bomb".
I'm not the one who's crazy in this world gone mad
envoyé par giorgio 29/5/2010 - 16:41

Nothing At All

Nothing At All
Lyrics & Music by Sara Marlowe
Album: A World to Win: Songs from the Struggle for Global Justice

A song about the 'growing gap' between rich and poor…
Emperors, black suits, princes and kings,
envoyé par giorgio 29/5/2010 - 13:20
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Capitalism Kills

Capitalism Kills
Lyrics and Music by Sara Marlowe
Album: A World to Win: Songs from the Struggle for Global Justice

This song is written in memory of different victims of the same system - capitalism; Otto Vass, murdered by 4 Toronto Police officers, the homeless who die on our streets every year, the Palestinians and the new Intifada and Africans dieing from AIDS and prevented from accessing affordable medication.
Four to one, not even counting the weapons
envoyé par giorgio 29/5/2010 - 12:43
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This Is What Democracy Looks Like

This Is What Democracy Looks Like
Lyrics & Music by Sara Marlowe
Album: A World to Win: Songs from the Struggle for Global Justice

"A song about the resistance to the IMF, World Bank, WTO & FTAA,… a song about OUR version of democracy and the strength of the Teamster Turtle Alliance as a force to create the better world that we know is possible".
Now we're raging on the front lines, 50,000 strong this time
envoyé par giorgio 29/5/2010 - 12:08
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When Will The Madness End?

When Will The Madness End?
Lyrics & Music by Sara Marlowe
Album: A World to Win: Songs from the Struggle for Global Justice

An anti-war song specifically about the about 'war on terror' - also included on the "ONE BIG NO" CD compilation released by Artists Against War
(This song was written just after George Bush started to bomb Afghanistan, in "retaliation" for the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon on September 11th. It is also about how other struggles, such as the Intifada in Palestine and imperialism in Africa are all connected and a struggle against the same system - capitalism)
"Operation Enduring Freedom" AKA more war!
So the bombs are dropping once again
envoyé par giorgio 29/5/2010 - 11:00
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Not in Our Name

Not in Our Name
Lyrics and Music by Sara Marlowe
Album: Times like these...

Kind of self explanatory, this song was inspired by the massive anti-war protests and world-wide opposition to the war on Iraq, with the major theme of "Not in our Name". It exposes the real "Axis of evil - Tony Blair and George Bush.
It's a summer's day followed by a winter storm
envoyé par giorgio 29/5/2010 - 10:44
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This Time

This Time
Lyrics and Music by Sara Marlowe
Album: Times Like These...

"About the illegal War on Iraq, the continuing occupation of Iraq and 'War Criminal' George Bush's arrogant declaration of victory last May".
After the story's told for the thousandth time
envoyé par giorgio 29/5/2010 - 10:23
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Blood On Your Hands

Blood On Your Hands
Lyrics and Music by Sara Marlowe
Album: A World to Win: Songs from the Struggle for Global Justice

The United Nations approved sanctions on Iraq and the continued bombing - for over 10 years prior to the latest attack.

(This song was originally written for Bill Clinton and Madeleine Albright who are responsible for the death of over half a million children because of the sanctions they imposed on Iraq. And now George Bush is threatening to spread his "War on Terror" into Iraq...)
How can you sit there and look us in the eye
envoyé par giorgio 29/5/2010 - 09:14

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