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Avant le 2010-2-25

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The Bonfire on the Border

The Bonfire on the Border
In “Brendan Behan Sings Irish Folksongs and Ballads”, Spoken Arts (196?), ripubblicato in cd nel 1997.

Scritta da Brian O’Higgins, che negli anni tra le due guerre fu una figura di spicco prima dell’Irish Sinn Féin e poi dell’IRA Army Council

Nell’estate del 1937, Giorgio VI e la Regina Elisabetta, incoronati di fresco, decisero di fare una visita ufficiale in Ulster, giusto per ribadire la soggezione del nord Irlanda alla corona inglese... Ma quando, il 28 luglio, il corteo reale si recò a Belfast, i repubblicani risposero alla provocazione e “salutarono” i sovrani a modo loro: appiccarono il fuoco ai posti di dogana lungo il confine tra le contee sotto dominio inglese e l’Irlanda.
Twas on July the twenty-eighth
envoyé par Alessandro 25/2/2010 - 15:23

La Description du Monde

La Description du Monde
La Description du Monde

La Description du Monde – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
Cycle du Cahier ligné – 92

La Description du Monde est la nonante et deuxième chanson du Cycle du Cahier ligné, constitué d'éléments tirés du Quaderno a Cancelli de Carlo Levi.

Ah, Lucien l'âne mon ami qui court au soleil dans les campagnes, vois comme est la condition du prisonnier, comment est le monde où il est condamné à doucement étouffer. Car s'il n'y prend garde, s'il ne trouve pas comme notre ami la parade d'un monde intérieur et inaccessible aux intrusions ennemies, c'est bien cela qui l'attend. Mourir à petits feux... Par suffocation. Telle est la description du monde de la prison.

C'est proprement horrible, dit Lucien l'âne aux yeux si grands qu'on voit tout le ciel dedans. J'en ai froid dans les os et même dans les oreilles. Finir, là-bas, finir ainsi... Même, nous les ânes, qui sommes durs à la peine,... (continuer)
Monde engourdi de la prison,
envoyé par La Description du Monde 25/2/2010 - 12:47
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Prophets of War

Prophets of War
Lyrics & Music by James LaBrie
Album: Systematic Chaos

"Prophets of War" was written by James LaBrie, who based the lyrics loosely on Joseph C. Wilson's book, "The Politics of Truth".
The lyrics talk about possible ulterior motives behind the Iraq War, while remaining "middle of the road".
The title is a play on words, where the "prophets" of the war, could also be gaining a "profit" from the War. During the recording of the song, Portnoy suggested fans could voice certain lyrical chants. In response to a message posted on the band's website four hundred fans gathered outside the recording studio to record the chanting, however only sixty could fit into the studio.
It burns deep down inside of me
envoyé par giorgio 25/2/2010 - 12:40
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A Town in Russia (A song for Beslan)

Lyrics & Music by Kenn Gordon and Mark Coleshaw
Album: Voice Of Resistance

"This is a sad song for the murdered children of Beslan
"We wrote this song to raise funds for the appeal following the Disaster at Beslan where children were murdered
On its release on its first night on the internet in the chat forum "Paltalk" in the radio room "Voices Of Resistance" the song raised £10,000 and went on to be the driving force for a large concert here in Lincoln in which 10 bands took part to raise funds for Beslan and the Homeless of Lincoln"
In a town in Russia young children lost their lives
envoyé par giorgio 25/2/2010 - 12:34
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Lyrics & Music by Alain Jourgensen and Tommy Victor
Album: Rio Grande Blood
Palestina was a very nice girl
envoyé par giorgio 25/2/2010 - 12:31
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Yellow Cake

Yellow Cake
Lyrics & Music by Alain Jourgensen and Paul Raven
Album: Rio Grande Blood
...And the war goes on
envoyé par giorgio 25/2/2010 - 12:28
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Wishing The Brits Would Go Home

Wishing The Brits Would Go Home
Album “Ireland: The Final Struggle”, Folkways Records.
Scritta da Barry MacIlvogue su di una melodia popolare

“Un’ironica e tagliente, piccola canzone a sostegno della crescente richiesta del ritiro delle truppe inglesi dall’Irlanda. La canzone descrive come, quando all’inizio l’esercito fu mandato nelle contee del Nord, molti [cattolici] pensassero che i soldati potessero proteggerli dai pogrom sempre più frequenti all’epoca… Era solo un’illusione, ed il loro vero ruolo è divenuto subito chiaro agli occhi di tutti: mantenere l’imperialismo britannico in Irlanda.”
(Nota dal libretto che accompagna l’album)
Now you’ve come to this meeting, so listen kind people,
envoyé par Alessandro 25/2/2010 - 09:22
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The Shooting Of Lord Leitrim

[Seconda metà dell’800 (dopo il 1878)]

Altra canzone, insieme a The Banks Of Mulroy Bay, dedicata alla vendetta dei contadini irlandesi contro William Sydney Clements, signore di Leitrim, simbolo dei landlords che per decenni li avevano angariati, ridotti alla fame, uccisi, costretti ad emigrare.
Anche questa ballata è stata pubblicata nel 1962 in “The Fanad Patriots”, a cura di Patrick Doherty.
Rejoice ye men of Leitrim,
envoyé par Alessandro 24/2/2010 - 18:17

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