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Song For Dying

Song For Dying
Album: Once Again

An anti-war song written by John Lees, which according to one reviewer, may well owe its inspiration to the famous "Battle Hymn Of the American Republic". (from
Two of them watched in the dawn's early light
envoyé par Marcia 30/6/2008 - 16:00
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Album: Face To Face (1987)

Written by Les Holroyd who was inspired by the Chernobyl disaster in April 1986, when an accident at a nuclear power station in the then Soviet Union killed many and contaminated a wide area of the Ukraine, close to Kiev. The song is a lament for the people of the area, who were innocent victims. (from
My friends it's not what you were famous for
envoyé par Marcia 30/6/2008 - 15:54
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In Memory Of The Martyrs

In Memory Of The Martyrs
Album: Turn Of The Tide (1981)

This song refers to those who lost their lives attempting to cross the Berlin Wall. (from
Life is like a tall ship
envoyé par Marcia 30/6/2008 - 15:48
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Copii Romania

Copii Romania
Album: Caught In The Light (1993)

Written by Les Holroyd, this song concerns the plight of Romania following the break up of the Soviet block. The English subtitle was "Children Of Romania". Mr Holroyd donated all his proceeds to the fund for the orphan children of Romania.
Lautari are gypsy violinists, and "the mighty Karpatii" are the Carpathian mountains. (from
Gone you sons of darkness
envoyé par Marcia 30/6/2008 - 15:39
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There's A War Going On For Your Mind

There's A War Going On For Your Mind
Dall'album "Fight With Tools" (2007)
There's a war going on for your mind
envoyé par Alessandro 30/6/2008 - 15:34
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Cold War

Cold War
Album: Caught In The Light (1993)

Les Holroyd dedicated this anti-war lament to his cousin Marguerette, living in the former Yugoslavia, at a time when the country was racked by a bitter civil war. (from
Born in a cold war
envoyé par Marcia 30/6/2008 - 15:30
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Cheap The Bullet

Cheap The Bullet
Album: Welcome To The Show (1990)
The streets run red with the blood of the innocent
envoyé par Marcia 30/6/2008 - 15:24
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Child Of The Universe

Child Of The Universe
Album: Everyone Is Everybody Else (1974)
I'm a child of South Africa
envoyé par Marcia 30/6/2008 - 15:18
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Album: Berlin A Concert For The People (1982)

Written by Les Holroyd who was inspired by the plight of the city of Berlin, which, at the time the song was written, was divided by the infamous Wall separating East and West Berlin. (from
Came to your border
envoyé par Marcia 30/6/2008 - 15:11
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Ballad Of Denshaw Mill

Ballad Of Denshaw Mill
Album: Caught In The Light (1993)

Written by John Lees, this song is based on a Saddleworth legend which has its basis in fact. Denshaw Mill was a woollen mill which operated until the late 1880s, and was already derelict by the time of the first war, when the events described in the song took place. The line "a hole as rotten as ever fouled the green earth" is from a verse by local poet Ammon Wrigley, and the area is part of the Friarmere division of Saddleworth, known locally as the Darkside. (from
On a cold starry night in the winter time
envoyé par Marcia 30/6/2008 - 15:00
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Album: Face To Face (1987)
Through the eyes of a child
envoyé par Marcia 30/6/2008 - 14:45
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They Shall Not Pass

They Shall Not Pass
Music by The Ex
Lyrics taken from several revolutionary songs then turning them into a new one.

Il brano che apre "1936, the Spanish Revolution", il disco che The Ex realizzarono nel 1986, in occasione del cinquantenario della guerra civile spagnola. Solo quattro tracce (They Shall Not Pass, El Tren Blindado, Ay Carmela e People Again) accompagnate da un accuratissimo booklet di 144 pagine pieno di documenti storici e fotografie provenienti dagli archivi della CNT-FAI.
Just because we are human
envoyé par Alessandro 30/6/2008 - 11:14
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Summer Soldier

Summer Soldier
Album: Baby James Harvest (1972)
I feel sorry for the soldier
envoyé par Marcia 30/6/2008 - 10:04
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Il Sergente nella Neve

Il Sergente nella Neve
À ce moment, nous n'étions pas ennemis... On songe à ce Noël de 1916, mais était-ce 1916 ? Entre deux tranchées, entre deux tueries. On devrait plus souvent manger ensemble...
Quarante hommes, huit chevaux : c'était la contenance d'un wagon pour les régiments de cavalerie, du temps où on se battait encore à cheval; une norme internationale. Alexandre Vialatte le répète assez. Il en a fait une sentence. Quarante hommes, huit chevaux.
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 29/6/2008 - 18:01
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Pacifism pervades the book and score. The theme of opposition to the war is unified by the plot thread that progresses consistently through the book – Claude's moral dilemma over whether to burn his draft card. This theme is most intensely explored in the extended trip sequence in Act 2. The lyrics to "Three-Five-Zero-Zero", which is sung during that sequence, evoke the horrors of war ("ripped open by metal explosion") and point a finger at the Vietnam War directly when the tribe sing "256 Vietcong captured".

The song is based on Allen Ginsberg's 1966 poem, "Wichita Vortex Sutra". In the poem, General Maxwell Taylor proudly reports to the press the number of enemy soldiers killed in one month, repeating it digit by digit, for effect: "Three-Five-Zero-Zero." The song starts begins with images of death and dying and turns into a manic dance number, ironically celebrating the killing in an... (continuer)
Ripped open by metal explosion
28/6/2008 - 23:31
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Un texte superbe. Une conclusion des plus saines; digne de Vian. Déserte !

Chanson italienne – Rossana – Mercanti di liquore e Marco Paolini – 2008.
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 28/6/2008 - 21:12
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antonio 28/6/2008 - 20:23
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La ninna nanna de la guerra

La ninna nanna de la guerra
Ora esiste anche una bellissima versione eseguita da Piero Brega (ex Canzoniere del Lazio) nel disco del 2007 di Sara Modigliani "Ma che razza de città" (i dischi del manifesto).
Luigi Piccioni 28/6/2008 - 18:21
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L'uomo che non dorme mai

L'uomo che non dorme mai
De l'album « Qu'as-tu à faire d'un titre ? » (2005)
« L'homme qui ne dort jamais est un éloge de la sensibilité. Je pense qu'il y a des différences, parfois je me demande si l'être humain est d'un seul ou de différents – ne disons pas races qui est malvenu; cependant, il y a différents modèles totalement différents. Il y a des personnes qui détruisent tellement de choses en une seconde et qui n'ont pourtant pas le moindre problème; il y a des personnes qui passent leur vie pour sauver un petit bout de quelque chose et qui souffrent atrocement pour tout ce qui ne va pas. Je fais un effort pour les considérer comme des parties appartenant à la même espèce. Et dès lors, oui, je la définirais comme un éloge à la sensibilité, qui est peut-être ce qui nous sauve. »
Entrevue de Lorenzo Monguzzi des Mercanti di Liquore, dans Bielle.
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 28/6/2008 - 16:41
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Ska Against Racism

Ska Against Racism
Figli della stessa rabbia

Contro ogni razzismo, per un futuro migliore.

Sicuramente questo e' il disco piu' famoso dell'etichetta Gridalo Forte. Figli della Stessa Rabbia è stato, e continua ad essere un inno. Tutto il disco nei concerti e' stato cantato a squarciagola da migliaia di persone. Brani come "Cararo Sindaco", "Barboni", "Giunti Tubi Palanche Ska", o la versione solo vocale della title track, sono ormai nel DNA di una generazione di giovani in Italia e in tutta Europa. La grafica e' come sempre di Cristiano Rea e rispecchia al meglio la band. Nel retro della copertina il testo di Bella Ciao, che dopo poco verra' incisa nel MLP omonimo.

Ma chi sei,
envoyé par Luca 'The River' 28/6/2008 - 02:49

Chansons de La bande à Bonnot: 02. Les joyeux bouchers

Chansons de <i>La bande à Bonnot</i>:  02. Les joyeux bouchers
Da segnalare la versione italiana dell'intera commedia musicale di Henry-François Rey, con canzoni di Boris Vian, opera di Giangilberto Monti:

Giangilberto Monti


storia del bandito anarchico Jules Bonnot su canzoni originali di Boris Vian.

Roberto Carlotti, fisarmonica - Renata Mezenov Sa, voce e chitarra - Marco Mistrangelo, contrabbasso - Caroline Tallone, ghironda, violino, organetto diatonico.

Jules Bonnot, operaio, anarchico e poi bandito, viene braccato per anni dalla polizia in piena Belle Epoque e diventa suo malgrado un eroe popolare: la sua cattura avviene di fronte a cinquecento soldati e ventimila parigini, nell'aprile del 1912. Henry-François Rey nel 1954 trasforma questa storia in una commedia musicale e ne affida le canzoni all'eclettico artista francese Boris Vian. Dopo lo spettacolo gli spartiti originali si perdono e l'opera viene... (continuer)
Riccardo Venturi 27/6/2008 - 14:53
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(da un po' di tempo non avevo più tradotto una di queste canzoni). un saluto da Nizza.
envoyé par Daniel Bellucci 27/6/2008 - 12:39
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I Don't Wanna Go To Vietnam

I Don't Wanna Go To Vietnam
Album: "Simply the Truth" (1969)
Sittin' down here thinkin',
envoyé par Marcia 27/6/2008 - 11:02
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Elämää juoksuhaudoissa

Elämää juoksuhaudoissa
27 giugno 2008
27/6/2008 - 11:01
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I Don't Like Mondays

I Don't Like Mondays
Bob Geldof wrote this song when he heard about the San Diego elementary school massacre.
In January 1979, Brenda Spencer , a troubled 16-year-old who lived across the street from a schoolyard in San Diego, took the semi-automatic rifle her father had given her for Christmas and began firing. Four people died and eight children were injured. When asked why she did it, she answered "I just don't like Mondays".

Nel gennaio del 1979 Bob Geldof sente la notizia di una sedicenne di San Diego, Brenda Ann Spencer, che si è resa protagonista di una sparatoria nella scuola di fronte a casa sua uccidendo due persone e ferendone altre nove. Alla domanda perché avesse fatto questo gesto lei risponde "I don't like Mondays" (ovvero "Non mi piacciono i lunedì"); questa frase ispira il cantante dei Boomtown Rats a scrivere una canzone.
The silicon chip inside her head
envoyé par Marcia 26/6/2008 - 18:41

The House Of Orange

The House Of Orange
"I don't care what your politics are, when
our children are dying in the streets, it's time to put away the guns." Stan Rogers

The House of Orange is a Stan Rogers song about The Troubles, in particular about fundraising for the combatants in Canada. The overall sentiment of the song is "a pox on both your houses". The 'House of Orange' mentioned in the song is the royal house of William III of England, who led the Protestant side of the Williamite war in Ireland. It is on his posthumous CD From Fresh Water. This is the last song written by Stan Rogers before his death, and arguably among his most lyrically evocative

I took back my hand and I showed him the door
envoyé par Marcia 26/6/2008 - 17:34
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A Change Is Gonna Come

A Change Is Gonna Come
Splendida canzone, ne ha fatto una cover anche Gavin DeGraw nel suo lavoro acustico Chariot Stripped. Un musicista giovane ma molto valido. Voce eccezionale.
Danilo 26/6/2008 - 17:21
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Hang 'em High

Hang 'em High
Album: Perpetual (2004)
Hey you guys - sitting in high place
envoyé par Marcia 26/6/2008 - 11:15
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Half Your Angels

Half Your Angels
Parole e musica di Graham Nash
dall'album Crosby & Nash (2004)

This song was written by Graham Nash after the Oklahoma City Federal Building tragedy...19 of the 168 victims were children.
Somewhere in Heaven
envoyé par Marcia 26/6/2008 - 11:08
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Gotta Go (Can`t Wage A War)

Gotta Go (Can`t Wage A War)
Album: "In Your Face"
Now is the time
envoyé par Marcia 26/6/2008 - 10:05
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Birmingham Six

Birmingham Six
envoyé par matteo88 26/6/2008 - 00:21


Ora, d'accordo la "rinogaetanite" super-postuma di questi ultimi tempi, d'accordo l'autentica grandezza di Rino Gaetano, d'accordo tutto quanto; ma, sinceramente, mi fa un po' specie vedere dei commenti come quello di Aldo. La vita che non ha più senso? Verrò a trovarti presto? E che è, porca paletta, una dichiarazione di suicidio in diretta sulle CCG? Ehi, Aldo, take it easy! Ti vorrei fare presente che Rino Gaetano è morto a poco più di trent'anni, ma chissà quanti cazzo di anni avrebbe voluto vivere ancora se non ci fosse stata quella maledetta notte del 2 giugno 1981; e che, ne sono certo, se Rino potesse vedere quel che hai scritto ti tirerebbe un papagno di quelli da farti rotolare come una bombola di gas vuota lasciata sulla discesa del Gavia. Tienilo presente e torna a trovarci con un po' più di ottimismo, Aldo! Saluti! [RV]
Riccardo Venturi 25/6/2008 - 19:53
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Knockin' On Heaven's Door

Knockin' On Heaven's Door
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 25/6/2008 - 19:42
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Blowin' in the Wind

Blowin' in the Wind

Versione finlandese da Si tratta di una versione letterale.

Finnish version from It is a word-for-word translation.
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 25/6/2008 - 19:33
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Buffalo Soldier

Buffalo Soldier
bob marley 6 un vero mito............ ti amo:-) by la tua bob
bob 25/6/2008 - 17:40

Faces In The Dark

Faces In The Dark
Written by Peter Hicks and Geoff Francis.
To heed the war hawks' cry?
envoyé par Marcia 25/6/2008 - 16:45

Unsung Heroes

Written by Peter Hicks and Geoff Francis.
There's a factory outside Redfern,
envoyé par Marcia 25/6/2008 - 16:21
Parcours: Héros

My Own Two Hands

"This song commemorates the framing and murdering by the state of two US activists, Sacco and Vanzetti." Peter Hicks
To you beloved comrade, we make this solemn vow,
envoyé par Marcia 25/6/2008 - 15:55

Ordinary People

Written by Peter Hicks and Geoff Francis.
They treat us as flotsam and jetsam,
envoyé par Marcia 25/6/2008 - 14:04

Beyond The Charcoal Graveyard

Written by Peter Hicks and Geoff Francis.

"Here in Tasmania, as in Brazil, as in New Guinea, and as across the world, our magnificent life-giving old growth rainforests are being destroyed at record rates - for greed and plunder. We have to make them stop." Peter Hicks
Beyond the charcoal graveyard, where the black stumps stand in rows,
envoyé par Marcia 25/6/2008 - 13:51

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