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How Far Is It From Here To Nuremberg?

How Far Is It From Here To Nuremberg?
Halliburton Boardroom Massacre

Here are fifteen songs I wrote between January and July,
2005. I recorded them at Sugar Hill in Houston with John Griffin on the board on the afternoon of July 28th. I guess there's another bunch of songs here which are continuing the ecological theme that was heavily represented in Beyond the Mall (and to one degree or another in all of my other recordings). Some of the songs are definitely inspired by the musical sensibilies of TV Smith ("Crashing Down," "Boardroom," "Before the Oil Wells Run Dry," "Waiting For The Fall"). I don't know if any of these songs approach TV's brilliance at writing stuff with great universality to it, nor whether the melodies are as catchy as his, but in any case, his music has been a focus for my own songwriting over the past couple months.


"Riffing off of a Robb Johnson song (and a Pete Seeger song)."

David Rovics.
Is there a flag upon your house
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 23:57
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When Johnny Came Marching Home

When Johnny Came Marching Home
Halliburton Boardroom Massacre

Here are fifteen songs I wrote between January and July,
2005. I recorded them at Sugar Hill in Houston with John Griffin on the board on the afternoon of July 28th. I guess there's another bunch of songs here which are continuing the ecological theme that was heavily represented in Beyond the Mall (and to one degree or another in all of my other recordings). Some of the songs are definitely inspired by the musical sensibilies of TV Smith ("Crashing Down," "Boardroom," "Before the Oil Wells Run Dry," "Waiting For The Fall"). I don't know if any of these songs approach TV's brilliance at writing stuff with great universality to it, nor whether the melodies are as catchy as his, but in any case, his music has been a focus for my own songwriting over the past couple months.

Oh, this is a web-only release and can be found in it's entirely in the "MP3... (continuer)
He got off the plane and looked at no one
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 23:52
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Waiting For The Fall

Waiting For The Fall
Here are fifteen songs I wrote between January and July,
2005. I recorded them at Sugar Hill in Houston with John Griffin on the board on the afternoon of July 28th. I guess there's another bunch of songs here which are continuing the ecological theme that was heavily represented in Beyond the Mall (and to one degree or another in all of my other recordings). Some of the songs are definitely inspired by the musical sensibilies of TV Smith ("Crashing Down," "Boardroom," "Before the Oil Wells Run Dry," "Waiting For The Fall"). I don't know if any of these songs approach TV's brilliance at writing stuff with great universality to it, nor whether the melodies are as catchy as his, but in any case, his music has been a focus for my own songwriting over the past couple months.

Oh, this is a web-only release and can be found in it's entirely in the "MP3 music" section of http://this Website. Click on the song titles below to check out the lyrics to each song.

David Rovics.
Helicopter missiles launch
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 23:50
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Four Blank Slates

Four Blank Slates
Halliburton Boardroom Massacre

Here are fifteen songs I wrote between January and July,
2005. I recorded them at Sugar Hill in Houston with John Griffin on the board on the afternoon of July 28th. I guess there's another bunch of songs here which are continuing the ecological theme that was heavily represented in Beyond the Mall (and to one degree or another in all of my other recordings). Some of the songs are definitely inspired by the musical sensibilies of TV Smith ("Crashing Down," "Boardroom," "Before the Oil Wells Run Dry," "Waiting For The Fall"). I don't know if any of these songs approach TV's brilliance at writing stuff with great universality to it, nor whether the melodies are as catchy as his, but in any case, his music has been a focus for my own songwriting over the past couple months.

Oh, this is a web-only release and can be found in it's entirely in the "MP3 music" section of
this Website. Click on the song titles below to check out the lyrics to each song.

David Rovics.
Beside an unused union hall
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 23:46

Before the Oil Wells Ran Dry

Before the Oil Wells Ran Dry
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
From David Rovics' Official Website

Here are fifteen songs I wrote between January and July,
2005. I recorded them at Sugar Hill in Houston with John Griffin on the board on the afternoon of July 28th. I guess there's another bunch of songs here which are continuing the ecological theme that was heavily represented in Beyond the Mall (and to one degree or another in all of my other recordings). Some of the songs are definitely inspired by the musical sensibilies of TV Smith ("Crashing Down," "Boardroom," "Before the Oil Wells Run Dry," "Waiting For The Fall"). I don't know if any of these songs approach TV's brilliance at writing stuff with great universality to it, nor whether the melodies are as catchy as his, but in any case, his music has been a focus for my own songwriting over the past couple months.

David Rovics.
Were you drinking wine from Argentina
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 23:43
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Halliburton Boardroom Massacre

Halliburton Boardroom Massacre
Halliburton Boardroom Massacre

Here are fifteen songs I wrote between January and July,
2005. I recorded them at Sugar Hill in Houston with John Griffin on the board on the afternoon of July 28th. I guess there's another bunch of songs here which are continuing the ecological theme that was heavily represented in Beyond the Mall (and to one degree or another in all of my other recordings). Some of the songs are definitely inspired by the musical sensibilies of TV Smith ("Crashing Down," "Boardroom," "Before the Oil Wells Run Dry," "Waiting For The Fall"). I don't know if any of these songs approach TV's brilliance at writing stuff with great universality to it, nor whether the melodies are as catchy as his, but in any case, his music has been a focus for my own songwriting over the past couple months.

David Rovics.
I joined the army when high school was through
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 23:38

The Plane That Wasn't There

The Plane That Wasn't There
[November 2003]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics

"Read more about this interesting situation at the website of the Shannon Peace Camp." -David Rovics.
The Irish constitution says
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 23:33

Martyr #2

[April 2003]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics

"Martyrdom, that is, knowingly giving your life for a cause, was not invented in Palestine, and is generally a revered concept world-wide. I think it should be seen in that light."
Crazy Horse stood on the hillside
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 23:31


[April 2003]
Lyrics and Music by David Rovics

"Nationalists with low IQ's bug me almost as much as the smart ones." -David Rovics.
The president got on TV
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 23:29

King David

Lyrics and music by David Rovics

"King David was a butcher. Actually, it really depends on how you interpret things, but herein lies one possible interpretation." -David Rovics
All of my life I've heard the stories
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 23:26

Rogue State

[November 2002]
Lyrics by David Rovics
With the force of arms they attacked their neighbors
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 23:25

Minnesota Gestapo

[July 2000]
Lyrics by David Rovics
Music by David Rovics and Rich Caloggero

"Since the protests in Seattle in November/December 1999, the cops/system has been reacting with calculated violence and intimidation to protests throughout North America and elsewhere. In July there was a particularly brutal incident in Minneapolis." -David Rovics
The Gestapo's on the march in Minnesota
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 23:19

A Song For NATO

[May 1999]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics

"Here's one from May, 1999. Pretty self-explanatory. Stop the war." -David Rovics
An oil slick is floating down the Danube
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 23:15


Lyrics and music by David Rovics

" I'm not saying what's right or wrong in this song, just what's real. You reap what you sow, and that applies to the USAF, the IMF and the CIA, too. I was thinking, after the late December bombings in Iraq, of a news article I read back in '91. Apparently, tens of thousands of men from Jordan were volunteering for the Iraqi armed forces, wanting to serve the cause of anti-imperialism. In the section of the application forms where they were asked of their qualifications for serving in the military, thousands replied with only one word: "martyr."- David Rovics.
One soldier stood among the rubble
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 23:12
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Luis Posada

Luis Posada
Ten Thousand Miles Away
Lyrics and Music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics

"Anti-Castro terrorist, free in Miami along with so many others of his kind." -David Rovics.


Il terrorismo asimmetrico: la vicenda di Luis Posada Carriles.

Gli USA ospitano in Florida il noto terrorista Luis Posada Carriles. Cuba protesta e ne chiede l'estradizione.

(19 aprile 2005)

Luis Posada Carriles è un noto terrorista. Meno noto di Bin Laden ma con un curriculum di tutto rispetto e sicuramente con più esperienza sul campo.

Collaboratore del regime cubano di Batista, passò, dopo la rivoluzione dei barbutos e il conseguente crollo del dittatore cubano, alle dipendenze della CIA e dei poteri forti statunitensi. Di lui si sà con certezza - è reo confesso di molti reati, omicidi e attentati - che operò per anni in vari stati del sud america tessendo,... (continuer)
Luis Posada lived in Havana
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 22:34

Drug War

Drug War
Lyrics and Music by David Rovics

"The drug war has been won a long time ago -- by the CIA, who else?" -David Rovics.
I want to tell you something you should understand
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 22:29

When The Aliens Invaded America

Lyrics and Music by David Rovics

"Riffing on something Paul Watson said in a really good talk I just heard." - David Rovics.
What if aliens came from outer space
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 22:24
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November 2005
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
David Rovic's Official Website
Ten Thousand Miles Away

"Another attempt at writing a song about the connection between 9/11/2001 and 9/11/1973. This time it worked."
-David Rovics.
As I looked out my window
envoyé par Adriana 7/1/2006 - 22:16

Nuclear War

Nuclear War

Un espediente non spesso utilizzato nelle "protest song": rappresentare l'assurdità della guerra attraverso l'assurdità della musica. Anche il testo, a dire il vero, non è da meno...

Reinterpretata anche dalla rock band Yo La Tengo nel 2002.
Nuclear war.
7/1/2006 - 21:23
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Testo e musica di Vladimir Vysotskij
Lyrics and music by Vladimir Vysotskij

Ogni tanto riprendo in mano il libriccino della vecchia collana "Millelire" di Stampa Alternativa con le canzoni di Vladimir Vysotskij, oppure cerco qualcosa in rete. Perché Vysotskij è un pozzo senza fondo, oppure sul fondo del pozzo c'è l'anima e la vita dell'uomo, di noi tutti. E così, ogni volta che mi decido a riaprire il discorso con il vecchio Vladimir, c'è sempre qualcosa di nuovo. Qualcosa che era sfuggito. Qualcosa di cui non t'eri accorto prima. Questo vale per questa canzone, del 1967, per la quale questo termine è senz'altro riduttivo. Perché questa è poesia pura, perché la sua lettura senza musica non le toglie niente. Anche se la voce roca e possente di Vladimir è sempre nelle orecchie. Leggetela. Imparatela. Non importa se in russo, in italiano o in un'altra lingua. E' un brivido, sempre.... (continuer)
Небо этого дня ясное,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 21:21
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Five Minutes

Five Minutes
Lyrics by Ronald Reagan :-)

L'11 agosto 1984 l'allora presidente degli Stati Uniti Ronald Reagan che correva per la rielezione si stava preparando a fare un discorso alla radio. Come sound check prima dell'inizio del programma Reagan fece il cosiddetto "discorso dei cinque minuti".

Per errore il commento fu trasmesso in diretta...

Una registrazione delle parole di Reagan fu utilizzata da Jerry Harrison dei Talking Heads e da Bootsy Collins per un singolo dance in cui le parole di Reagan venivano inizialmente proposte rallentate e dopo "rappate" su una base ritmica.

On August 11, 1984, United States President Ronald Reagan, while running for re-election was preparing to make a radio address. As a sound check prior to the address, Reagan made the "Five Minutes Speech"

The comment was inadvertently broadcasted to the general populace.

A recording of the speech was sampled by musicians... (continuer)
My Fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.
7/1/2006 - 19:48
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Men In A War

Men In A War
Album: Days of Open Hand (1990)

"Men in a War" is about missing a piece of yourself, whether it's a physical piece or a part of your will or spirit. I put the woman in the song because I wanted to show these two people in opposite circumstances, both of them feeling incomplete. The man is feeling something he doesn't have, and the woman is not feeling something she has."
"The Open Hand Book - Notes on her New Album", Musician, 1991, also published in Language and in the Limited Edition of 99.9F° ( transcribed by Eric Szczerbinski

(da The Rusted Pipe Web Site)
Men in a war
7/1/2006 - 19:24
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Al Dievel (La marcia del Diavolo)

Al Dievel (La marcia del Diavolo)
da "La Grande Famiglia" (1996)
Testo di Massimo Ghiacci
Musica di Massimo Ghiacci e Alberto Cottica
Seconda voce di Mara Redeghieri

La canzone è dedicata a Germano Nicolini, detto "il comandante Diavolo", prima comandante partigiano e poi, subito dopo la guerra, sindaco comunista di Correggio (RE). Nel 1947 Nicolini fu accusato, insieme ad Ello Ferretti ed Antonio Prodi, dell'omicidio di don Umberto Pessina, avvenuto nel giugno del 1946. Accusa totalmente infondata perché non solo i tre erano estranei alla faccenda, ma i veri assassini avevano già confessato. Nonostante questo, su pressione del vescovo Beniamino Socche, i tre furono condannati a 22 anni di prigione, anche grazie a una confessione estorta con la tortura a un testimone da parte dei carabinieri.
"Al Dievel" trascorse in prigione dieci anni, anche a causa dell'ostilità dello stesso PCI. Nel 1990 il processo fu riaperto... (continuer)
In dla basa svein a Curès
envoyé par Alberto Cornia 7/1/2006 - 16:32
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Povero Napoleone [Viva la Russia, viva la Prussia]

Povero Napoleone [Viva la Russia, viva la Prussia]
Da "La musica dell'Altra Italia"

Nota anche come "Viva la Russia, viva la Prussia", si tratta senz'altro della canzone su Napoleone I più diffusa in tutta l'Italia settentrionale, entrata nel repertorio militare e di risaia; raccolta da Gianni Bosio e Roberto Leydi, 1962, Cologno al Serio, Bergamo.


- Addio padre. La guerra di Belochio, di Palma e di Badoglio (reg. orig. Palma Facchetti)

- Sandra Mantovani: Il testamento dell'avvelenato EP (ried. Folk italiano)

- Bergamo e il suo territorio (reg. orig. Palma Facchetti)


- R. Leydi - I canti popolari italiani (tit. "Viva la Russia viva la Prussia") (m)

- G. Vettori - Il folk italiano. Canti e ballate popolari
Viva la Russia viva la Prussia
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 00:37

Povero Cristo

Povero Cristo
Parole di Nanni Svampa
Musica di Lino Patruno

Testo ripreso da "La musica dell'Altra Italia".


- Nanni Svampa: Perché
- Nanni Svampa in italiano 2
- Nanni Svampa: Cabaret italiano
Povero Cristo si dice di uno che non arriverà
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 00:32
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Per Claudio Varalli

Per Claudio Varalli
Testo e musica di Pino Masi.

Si veda anche La manifestazione in cui morì Zibecchi.

Aprile 1975

Claudio Varalli aveva 17 anni, abitava a Bollate in provincia di Milano, frequentava l’Istituto Tecnico per il Turismo che oggi è intitolato a suo nome ed era un militante del Movimento Lavoratori per il Socialismo.
Giannino Zibecchi aveva 27 anni, abitava a Milano, insegnava educazione fisica alla Uisp ed era un militante del Coordinamento dei Comitati Antifascisti.
Non erano figure eccezionali: erano due ragazzi, divisi da 10 anni d’età, uniti dalla passione politica, sostenuti dalla speranza di migliorare il mondo, protagonisti come migliaia di altri del lungo ’68 italiano. Claudio e Giannino hanno avuto la sfortuna di non riuscire a sopravvivere all’esperienza di quegli anni e noi - compagni ed amici di allora e di sempre - ci auguriamo che raccontando,... (continuer)
Ti ho visto la foto è sul "Giorno"
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 00:24
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Avanti popolo [Poiché non vogliamo sfruttati]

Avanti popolo  [Poiché non vogliamo sfruttati]
Testo di Gualtiero Bertelli
ispirato e sull'aria di "Bandiera Rossa"

Mai e poi mai avremmo pensato di inserire una versione di "Bandiera Rossa" nelle CCG/AWS, un canto che, in una delle sue (numerose) versioni presenta strofe come questa: "E se la Russia ci dà il fucile /Guerra civile, guerra civile/E se la Russia ci dà il fucile/Guerra civile vogliamo far". Mai lo avremmo pensato, finché non ci siamo imbattuti (nella "Musica dell'Altra Italia", come sempre...) in questa bella versione di Gualtiero Bertelli nella quale è presente una strofa così chiaramente contro la guerra, da giustificare appieno il suo inserimento. Ci piacerebbe davvero che questa fosse la versione di "Bandiera Rossa" cantata universalmente...

La versione fu interpretata dal Nuovo Canzoniere Veneto. Riportata da G.Vettori nello storico tascabile della Newton-Compton "Canzoni italiane di protesta 1794-1974", edito nel 1976, fu incisa nell'album "Canti della sinistra di classe" pubblicato dal Manifesto.
Avanti o popolo, alla riscossa
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2006 - 00:12
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dall'album "Rancid"

La canzone si riferisce al terribile genocidio ruandese del 1994, una delle tante guerre praticamente dimenticate.

Il genocidio avvenne in un clima di totale indifferenza da parte dell'ONU e di molti paesi occidentali che mandarono i contingenti con l'unico scopo di salvare i propri cittadini. Fra questi spicca la Francia, che non solo non volle fermare la folle barbarie assassina (negli anni precedenti aveva armato e addestrato le FAR), ma anzi la fiancheggiò mandando contingenti a supportare le truppe hutu in ritirata dopo l'arrivo del FPR (tutsi). Ancora oggi, dopo dieci anni dal genocidio, rimangono aperti numerosi interrogativi ai quali forse non verrà mai data risposta.
Rwanda yeah your moon shines bright
6/1/2006 - 19:59
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E c'è una storia che ci piace ascoltare

E c'è una storia che ci piace ascoltare
Sacco e Vanzetti
E c'e' una storia che ci piace ascoltare
envoyé par Adriana 6/1/2006 - 18:21

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