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This Is Radio Clash

This Is Radio Clash
Un bellissimo singolo del 1981.

Incredibilmente mai pubblicata in un album, è sicuramente un pezzo memorabile. I Clash riescono magnificamente a incorporare influenze dub, hip hop, e addirittura disco senza snaturare il loro sound.

La linea di basso è - per stessa ammissione di Strummer - "ispirata" da Another One Bites the Dust - il grande successo dei Queen pubblicato l'anno precedente.

Per quanto riguarda il testo siamo però completamente in territorio Clash - l'appello di una Radio Pirata per la lotta e per la libertà.
Interrupting all programmes
envoyé par Alessandro 10/1/2006 - 13:26
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Smisurata preghiera

Smisurata preghiera
Testo e musica di Fabrizio De André e Ivano Fossati
Lyrics and music by Fabrizio De André and Ivano Fossati
Album: "Anime salve"

L'ultima canzone dell'ultimo disco di Fabrizio De André, Anime Salve (1996). Smisurata preghiera (ispirata dal "Gabbiere" di Alvaro Mutis) è invece secondo me non solo la somma dei percorsi del disco, ma anche di quelli della vita poetica di De Andrè. Fortissima la presenza di Mutis qui ripreso sia per la "Preghiera" di Maqroll, che al contrario recita "Ricorda Signore che il tuo servo ha osservato pazientemente le leggi del branco. Non dimenticare il suo volto", sia in più punti, a partire da quel "gli elementi del disastro" che ricorda appunto una delle raccolte più note del poeta. Ma De Andrè attraverso la poesia stavolta ci offre un vero, grande affresco a tinte forte della solitudine libera e scelta, presupposto necessario per "consegnare alla morte... (continuer)
Alta sui naufragi
9/1/2006 - 19:32

Tutto è finito, la morte è ormai decisa

Canzone legata alla vicenda di Sacco e Vanzetti, segnalataci dall'instancabile Alessandro, che la ricorda cantata dalla sua nonna paterna. Sembra che il testo non sia completo e manca il titolo (scegliamo quindi, secondo l'uso corrente, di utilizzare come titolo il primo verso).

Della canzone si parla in un articolo di Lele Odiardo su "Umanità Nova" (n. 28 dell'8 settembre 2002):

Nonostante il fascismo, le vicende di Sacco e Vanzetti entrano nell'immaginario popolare e suscitano una spontanea solidarietà ...

In quegli anni le notizie arrivavano, ancor prima che attraverso i giornali, con i cantastorie che si esibivano nelle piazze i giorni di festa e di mercato. L'indimenticato Tavio Cosio in un suo scritto riporta il testo di una canzone diffusa all'epoca.

Ricorda ancora il farmacista villafallettese: "La canzone in questione non ricordo se sia stata scritta nel 1927 o nel 1928, ma... (continuer)
Tutto è finito, la morte è ormai decisa
9/1/2006 - 18:04
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Sur le port de Dieppe

Sur le  port  de Dieppe
Louis Aragon / Gérard-André Gaillard
Le jour de Sacco-Vanzetti
envoyé par adriana 9/1/2006 - 17:42
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After The Revolution

After The Revolution
[January 2003]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
From the album, or song collection, "For the moment"
David Rovics' Official Website

"The way things could be, and hopefully will be soon, as soon as we get it together. We have a world to lose or a world to gain. Originally recorded on Return." -David Rovics.

April, 2005

I had a great show a while back in Olympia, Washington and met Pat Maley there. I was recording a few new songs at his studio to put on the web, and at some point he suggested that I put out my next CD on his label, Yoyo Records. Thinking that to be a great idea, I went about figuring out what I wanted to do about that, and this is the end result.

Four cities were involved in this decisively non-Luddite production. I recorded vocal and guitar tracks in Houston, and Kristine Pettersen (Thistle) did harmony vocals later in the same place, Sugar Hill Studios with John Griffin... (continuer)
It was a time I'll always remember
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 8/1/2006 - 22:57
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I Wanna Go Home

I Wanna Go Home
[June 2003]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
From the album, or song collection, "For the moment"
David Rovics' Official Website

"A very succinct summary of the problem and the solution for Palestine, as expressed by many refugees. Originally recorded on Songs for Mahmud." - David Rovics.

April, 2005

I had a great show a while back in Olympia, Washington and met Pat Maley there. I was recording a few new songs at his studio to put on the web, and at some point he suggested that I put out my next CD on his label, Yoyo Records. Thinking that to be a great idea, I went about figuring out what I wanted to do about that, and this is the end result.

Four cities were involved in this decisively non-Luddite production. I recorded vocal and guitar tracks in Houston, and Kristine Pettersen (Thistle) did harmony vocals later in the same place, Sugar Hill Studios with John Griffin engineering.... (continuer)
I was born a refugee
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 8/1/2006 - 22:44

Love Of An Unknown Soldier

Love Of An Unknown Soldier
[April 2004]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
From the album, or song collection, "For the moment"
David Rovics' Official Website

"For a beautiful Salvadoran woman I saw in a photo on the cover of the New York Times. I was sitting in a café in Seattle in November, 1989, while she was trying to overthrow the US-backed fascists in El Salvador. Standing majestically on a rooftop in San Salvador, dressed in fatigues and an AK. Too bad those SAM's got intercepted en route from Nicaragua." -David Rovics.

April, 2005

I had a great show a while back in Olympia, Washington and met Pat Maley there. I was recording a few new songs at his studio to put on the web, and at some point he suggested that I put out my next CD on his label, Yoyo Records. Thinking that to be a great idea, I went about figuring out what I wanted to do about that, and this is the end result.

Four cities were involved... (continuer)
I can only guess at where you came from
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 8/1/2006 - 22:37
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They're Building A Wall

They're Building A Wall
[February, 2004]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
From the album, or song collection, "For the moment"
http://David Rovics' Official Website

"For the apartheid wall in Occupied Palestine. Originally recorded in the spring of 2004 for Songs for Mahmud." -David Rovics.

April, 2005

I had a great show a while back in Olympia, Washington and met Pat Maley there. I was recording a few new songs at his studio to put on the web, and at some point he suggested that I put out my next CD on his label, Yoyo Records. Thinking that to be a great idea, I went about figuring out what I wanted to do about that, and this is the end result.

Four cities were involved in this decisively non-Luddite production. I recorded vocal and guitar tracks in Houston, and Kristine Pettersen (Thistle) did harmony vocals later in the same place, Sugar Hill Studios with John Griffin engineering. I sent the sound files... (continuer)
They're building a wall
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 8/1/2006 - 22:21


[April 2004]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
From the album, or song collection, "For the moment"

April, 2005

I had a great show a while back in Olympia, Washington and met Pat Maley there. I was recording a few new songs at his studio to put on the web, and at some point he suggested that I put out my next CD on his label, Yoyo Records. Thinking that to be a great idea, I went about figuring out what I wanted to do about that, and this is the end result.

Four cities were involved in this decisively non-Luddite production. I recorded vocal and guitar tracks in Houston, and Kristine Pettersen (Thistle) did harmony vocals later in the same place, Sugar Hill Studios with John Griffin engineering. I sent the sound files up to Boston and in Tenitus Studios my friend Sean Staples laid down bass, mandolin, bouzouki, electric guitar, dobro and nylon string guitar... (continuer)
I saw it in a photo
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 8/1/2006 - 22:08
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The Draft Is Coming

The Draft Is Coming
[September 2004]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
From the album, or song collection, "For the moments"
David Rovics' Official Website

April, 2005

I had a great show a while back in Olympia, Washington and met Pat Maley there. I was recording a few new songs at his studio to put on the web, and at some point he suggested that I put out my next CD on his label, Yoyo Records. Thinking that to be a great idea, I went about figuring out what I wanted to do about that, and this is the end result.

Four cities were involved in this decisively non-Luddite production. I recorded vocal and guitar tracks in Houston, and Kristine Pettersen (Thistle) did harmony vocals later in the same place, Sugar Hill Studios with John Griffin engineering. I sent the sound files up to Boston and in Tenitus Studios my friend Sean Staples laid down bass, mandolin, bouzouki, electric guitar, dobro and nylon string... (continuer)
The draft is coming
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 8/1/2006 - 22:05

Lysistrata's War

Lysistrata's War
Music by Mark D. Williams
Lyrics by David Hamilton

An original Rock Opera by
David Hamilton and Mark D. Williams
Adapted from Aristophanes’ Lysistrata

Official Website


Aristophanes' anti-war comedy Lysistrata, written in 411 BC, has female characters, led by the eponymous Lysistrata, barricading the public funds building and withholding consensual sex from their husbands to secure peace and end the Peloponnesian War. In doing so, Lysistrata engages the support of women from Sparta, Boeotia, and Corinth. All of them are at first aghast at the suggestion of withholding sex, but they finally agree and swear an oath to support each other. The woman from Sparta, Lampito, returns home to spread the word there.

The play also addresses the contribution that women could make to society and to policy making, but cannot because their views are ignored: All such questions are considered... (continuer)
8/1/2006 - 17:06

In The Spirit

In The Spirit
"So this song is my first anti-war song. This song is basically about the war and how it sucks and all that kind of stuff, but it's also about keeping a good attitude about how we have to change things and basically, kind of, rebuild our entire country from the ground up. From square one. And trying to keep a good attitude about it, 'cause there's a lot of work to do. But if we stay in a good mood and have a good time doing it then we have a better chance of pulling it off."
(Lisa Rein)
Sticks and stones won't make them go away
8/1/2006 - 15:50

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