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עושה שלום

עושה שלום
Preghiera Biblica
A Prayer from the Hebrew Bible

Musica e canto di Nurit Hirsh
Music and Singing by Nurit Hirsh

"Colui che fa la pace" - Una delle più celebrate preghiere bibliche messe in musica da Nurit Hirsh e interpretata da decine di artisti in Israele e all'estero.
CD: Dudu Fisher Gift - Golden Chassidic Songs Track 8

"He who makes Peace" - One of the most celebrated prayers from the Hebrew Bible, set to music by Nurit Hirsh and performed by dozens of artists in Israel and abroad.
CD Dudu Fisher Gift - Golden Chassidic Songs Track 8
עושה שלום במרומיו (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi / ריקרדו ונטורי 12/9/2005 - 23:08

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