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Avant le 2005-8-4

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You Can't Stop the Sun

You Can't Stop the Sun
Testo di / Lyrics by Peter Hicks
Musica di / Music by Geoff Francis

When our friends in America warned us about the unspeakable horrors that would follow a George W Bush election victory we thought they were exaggerating. We humbly apologise. Howard, Blair and co are bad enough but this ... especially as his brilliant strategy for dealing with global warming seems to be to simply go into denial.
You can do with your missiles whatever you please,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 4/8/2005 - 15:08

Waltzing my Timor

"This adaptation of Waltzing Matilda by Eric Bogle was sent to us by Richard Mills. Sadly, the words tell their own story." -Peter Hicks.
Once a jolly Digger
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 4/8/2005 - 15:05
Downloadable! Video!

Victor Jara

Victor Jara

Testo di / Lyrics by Adrian Mitchell
Musica e interpretazione di / Music and interpretation by Arlo Guthrie
Victor Jara of Chile, he lived like a shooting star,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 4/8/2005 - 12:58

Operation Visit Myanmar

Operation Visit Myanmar
Testo di / Lyrics by Peter Hicks
Musica di / Music by Geoff Francis

The brutal and murderous military regime in Burma is one of the worst in the world. How sad it is to see Australia's own Bob Hawke taking blood money to go in to bat for them...;par=13451
(Dall' "Unità" - 19/06/2005)

San Suu Kyi, una donna sola contro il regime birmano
19/06/2005 | L'Unità | BURMA |
Seth Mydans
La leader dell'opposizione agli arresti domiciliari compie 60 anni. Si moltiplicano gli appelli per la sua liberazione

Diciassette anni fa quando i birmani si riversarono in massa per le strade per protestare contro la dittatura militare, una donna dotata di una compostezza quasi spiazzante si rivolse alla folla presso la grande pagoda dorata di Shwedagon. All'epoca nessuno si rese conto che si trattava di un gesto di martirio. La donna, Aung San Suu Kyi, era in visita... (continuer)
You can step on board a jumbo jet, you'll be there in a few short hours.
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 4/8/2005 - 12:55

It's Always the Other Side

Testo di / Lyrics by Peter Hicks
Musica di / Music by Geoff Francis

Does the stunning silence from people in western countries and their lack of opposition to NATO's savage war against the people of Yugoslavia mean that all but a lunatic fringe of Serb nationalists have swallowed the imperialist warmakers lies hook, line and sinker? We hope not.

Does anyone believe that the psychopathic Clinton gives a toss for the people of Kosovo, or, for that matter, for anything at all other than his own dick? Surely not.
It's always the other side, it's never you and me,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 4/8/2005 - 12:49

The Honest Arms Merchant


Testo di / Lyrics by Petere Hicks
Musica di / Music by Geoff Francis

Un'altra canzone scritta al momento della crisi di Timor Est, nella quale si accusa Tony Blair di vendere armi al governo indonesiano. Ma il buon Tony ne avrebbe combinate di ben altre, nel tempo a venire...

"Within hours of the result of the East Timorese independence ballot being announced, the evil Tony Blair had despatched an underling to Jakarta - to offer to sell the Indonesian government more arms! We're used to some evil things from reptile politicians - but can anybody cap that?"
I am an honest merchant and the finest of my trade,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 4/8/2005 - 12:27

East Timor Betrayed

Testo di / Lyrics by Peter Hicks
Musica di / Music by Geoff Francis

"Has there ever, morally, been a worse episode in human history than the cynical betrayal of East Timor by it's so-called "friends" - Australia, the USA, the United Nations, the United Kingdom - all have played their shameful parts?
Within hours of the result of the East Timorese independence ballot being announced, UK prime minister Tony Blair had even despatched an underling to Jakarta - to offer to sell the Indonesian government more arms! We're used to some evil things from reptile politicians - but can anybody cap that?"

Così scriveva Peter Hicks, il grande cantautore australiano, ai tempi dell'invasione indonesiana di Timor Est (la parte dell'isola di Timor ex colonia portoghese, cui il Portogallo aveva concesso l'indipendenza nel 1975, ma che era stata immediatamente invasa dall'Indonesia che ne reclamava... (continuer)
East Timor, you are burning, and your rivers are turning to blood,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 4/8/2005 - 11:55

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