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Avant le 2005-8-23

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For America

For America
dall'album "Lives in the Balance"
As if I really didn't understand
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 23/8/2005 - 23:58
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Soldier Of Plenty

Soldier Of Plenty

Lives in the Balance
God is great, God is good
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 23/8/2005 - 23:57

Three Minutes Silences

Three Minutes Silences
Lyrics and Music by Robb Johnson
Testo e musica di Robb Johnson

They said we ought to have 3 minutes silence.
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 23/8/2005 - 23:49

Peace At Last

Peace At Last
[3 nov 2001]
Lyrics and Music by Robb Johnson
Testo e musica di Robb Johnson
The Kaiser was a rich man, made his money from the poor
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 23/8/2005 - 23:47

A.D.D. (American Dream Denial)

A.D.D. (American Dream Denial)
Album: Steal This Album! (2002)
We fought your wars with all our hearts,
23/8/2005 - 23:14
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No Boom Boom

No Boom Boom
Un rifacimento di "Boom Boom" di John Lee Hooker trasformato in una canzone contro la guerra.
Le parole probabilmente non sono complete
No boom boom boom Mr. son of a Bush
23/8/2005 - 23:10
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My Country 'Tis Of Thy People You're Dying

My Country 'Tis Of Thy People You're Dying

"My Country 'Tis of Thy People You're Dying" is Buffy Sainte-Marie's statement-in-song about Indian affairs.

"My point in the song is that the American people haven't been given a fair share at learning the true history of the American Indian. They know neither the state of poverty that the Indians are in now nor how it got to be that way. I try to tell the side of the story that's left out of the history books, that can only be found in the documents, the archives and in the memories of the Indians themselves."

Nat Hentoff, liner notes for Buffy Sainte-Marie, Little Wheel Spin And Spin, 1966
Now that your big eyes have finally opened,
23/8/2005 - 22:49
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Now That The Buffalo's Gone

Now That The Buffalo's Gone
This song was on my first album and I'd have thought it would be obsolete by now. But governments are still breaking promises and stealing indigenous lands, and I still believe that informed people can help make things better.
(Buffy Sainte-Marie)
Can you remember the times
23/8/2005 - 22:45
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Lay Down (Candles In The Rain)

Lay Down (Candles In The Rain)

Le candele accese ad una manifestazione per la pace

Melanie performed at Woodstock in 1969. During her performance, for the first time in pop history, candles were lit (and thus began a tradition). Inspired by this experience Melanie wrote "Lay Down (Candles in the Rain)" which was a hit all over Europe and the USA.
Lay down, lay down, lay it all down
23/8/2005 - 22:27
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We Didn't Know

We Didn't Know
Parole e musica di Tom Paxton
Testo pubblicato su Broadside # 62, del 15 settembre 1965
Nell’album intitolato “Ain't That News”

The song compared Americans' unawareness of Vietnam atrocities with those Germans who claimed they "didn't know" about Nazi war crimes

La canzone confronta l'ignoranza degli americani a proposito delle atrocità commesse nel Vietnam con quei tedeschi che sostenevano di "non sapere niente" dei crimini di guerra nazisti
We didn't know said the Burgomeister,
23/8/2005 - 22:13
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The Bravest

The Bravest
(Written 9/24/01)

«As I sat and watched the horror unfold on 9/11, I could smell the acrid smoke drifting south from the Pentagon. There was a never ending line of cars heading away from Washington. With the rest of the world I watched the towers come down and among the victims were 343 New York firemen. I'll never be able to look at a fireman or woman again without knowing that he or she would lay down their lives for me without ever knowing my name. We can never thank them enough.»
(Tom Paxton)
The first plane hit the other tower
23/8/2005 - 22:05
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Lyndon Johnson Told the Nation

Lyndon Johnson Told the Nation
Words and Music by Tom Paxton
Testo e musica di Tom Paxton

In questa famosa canzone Paxton ironizzò sulla doppiezza del presidente Johnson nei suoi tentativi di giustificare la guerra agli occhi dell'opinione pubblica americana. Tutto già visto: non a caso questa canzone è stata, assai opportunamente, "attualizzata". Cambiano i presidenti, ma...
I got a letter from L. B. J.
23/8/2005 - 22:01

Monster / Suicide / America

Monster / Suicide / America
Album: "Monster" (1969)
Once the religious, the hunted and weary
23/8/2005 - 21:36
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Peace In Our Time

Peace In Our Time
Album: Goodbye Cruel World - 1984
Out of the aeroplane stepped Chamberlain with a condemned man's stare
23/8/2005 - 21:26
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Put Down That Weapon

Put Down That Weapon
Album: Diesel and Dust (1987)
Under the waterline
23/8/2005 - 17:48
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Travelin' Soldier

Travelin' Soldier
Bloodshed ruins everything, especially life's simplest pleasures, like chatting with a stranger. This 2002 track finds the Chicks speaking their mind by illustrating the kind of void war leaves in so many lives.

Lo spargimento di sangue distrugge ogni cosa, soprattutto i piaceri più semplici della vita, come chiacchierare con un estraneo. Questo pezzo del 2002 tira fuori alle Chicks quel che hanno dentro, descrivendo quale vuoto la guerra lascia in tante vite.

“'Travelin’ Soldier',the current single by the Dixie Chicks, is the most powerful anti-war record of the moment. Partly that’s because it’s the one now being heard by the most people. But it’s also because the song, written by Bruce Robison, doesn’t look away from war’s inevitable human costs. A high school girl falls in love with a boy who is eventually shipped to Vietnam. At its end, she stands beneath the bleachers, sobbing. Her... (continuer)
Two days past eighteen
23/8/2005 - 17:37
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Washington Breakdown

Washington Breakdown
(Pete Seeger / Lee Hays)
From/da "Songs For John Doe"

The third verse refers to Vito Marcantonio, a Congressman from East Harlem who supported radical causes.
Financier J. P. Morgan symbolized the capitalist evils of the 'money trust' that gave major corporations and financial institutions enormous political clout.
Republican Wendell Wilkie unsuccessfully ran against Roosevelt in the November 1940 Presidential campaign. Although supported by many isolationists, Wilkie generally agreed with Roosevelt's foreign policy.
Ronald D. Cohen & Dave Samuelson, liner notes for "Songs for Political Action," Bear Family Records BCD 15720 JL, 1996, p. 77.)
(from this page).

Questa canzone degli Almanac Singers di Pete Seeger, scritta in un momento in cui gli Stati Uniti erano ancora neutrali nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale, conteneva una critica feroce... (continuer)
Franklin D., listen to me,
22/8/2005 - 23:47

Plow Under

Plow Under
La canzone che chiude il controverso album 'Songs for John Doe' (vedi Ballad Of October 16th) è l'ironica "Plow Under" (Sotterrali), la quale mette a confronto una tattica del controverso New Deal Roosveltiano ,l'Agricultural Adjustment Association con le inevitabili conseguenze di una guerra non voluta.

'Songs for John Doe' (see also Ballad Of October 16th) closed with the sardonic 'Plow Under.' It compares a controversial policy of Roosevelt's first New Deal agency, the Agricultural Adjustment Association, to the inevitable casualties of an unwanted war.
(Ronald D. Cohen & Dave Samuelson, liner notes for "Songs for Political Action," Bear Family Records BCD 15720 JL, 1996, pp. 77-78.)
(from this page

Questa canzone degli Almanac Singers di Pete Seeger, scritta in un momento in cui gli Stati Uniti erano ancora neutrali nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale, conteneva... (continuer)
Remember when the AAA
22/8/2005 - 23:42

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