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Malbrough s'en va-t-en guerre, ou Mort et convoi de l'invincible Malbrough

Malbrough s'en va-t-en guerre, <i>ou</i> Mort et convoi de l'invincible Malbrough
Canzone popolare francese
Chanson populaire française
A French folksong
Ranskalainen kansanlaulu
[XVIII secolo; ca. 1709]
[XVIIIème siècle; ca. 1709]
[18th century, about 1709]
[1700-luvulla, noin 1709]

Les paroles dateraient de la bataille de Malplaquet , le 11 septembre 1709, au cours de laquelle John Churchill, premier duc de Marlborough (1650-1722) , fut grièvement blessé - et non tué . L'essentiel de sa carrière militaire fut consacré à lutter contre la France. C'est pourquoi les Français s'amusèrent à raconter sur un ton parodique sa mort et son enterrement. Cette chanson ne connut du succès qu'à partir de 1781. Geneviève Poitrine, nourrice du premier dauphin de Louis XVI la chantait à l'enfant royal : Marie-Antoinette la reprit au clavecin et en lança la mode. La mélodie fit le tour du monde.

Il testo risale forse alla battaglia di Malplaquet, combattuta l'11 settembre 1709,... (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 20/8/2005 - 23:54

La Mémoire de Papon

La Mémoire de Papon

Sull'aria di J'ai la mémoire qui flanche di Faudel e Jeanne Moreau (1963), novembre 1997

Sur l'air de J'ai la mémoire qui flanche de Faudel et Jeanne Moreau (1963), novembre 1997

Per la vita di Maurice Papon e l'"affare Papon"si veda questa pagina di Wikipedia in francese.

Pour la biographie de Maurice Papon et l' "affaire Papon", voir cette page Wikipédia en français.
J'ai la mémoire qui flanche
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 20/8/2005 - 23:32
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Paul Wolfowitz

Paul Wolfowitz
From bombing Iraq to running the World Bank. If anybody needed more evidence of the intimate connection between US economic and military policy, there it is.
He’s done giving orders to generals
20/8/2005 - 21:06
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The Death of Rachel Corrie

The Death of Rachel Corrie
March 2003

Rachel Corrie was part of an ISM (International Solidarity Movement) delegation in Rafah, Palestine when she was killed by a young Israeli terrorist in a bulldozer. She was a friend of many people I knew from my days at the Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington.

Vedi anche Rachel Corrie di Alessio Lega e Rachel And The Storm della Casa del Vento
When she sat down in the dirt
20/8/2005 - 19:20
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Who Would Jesus Bomb?

Who Would Jesus Bomb?
My musical response to an encounter with some rightwing evangelical types at a supermarket in Houston.
I've seen you in the markets
20/8/2005 - 19:12

Age Of Oil

This is what it was like at the end of the age of oil (insane).
It was as if there was a contest
20/8/2005 - 19:05

Join The Army

April, 2004
If your life's not exotic enough
20/8/2005 - 18:53

War On War

War On War
Lyrics and Music by Wilco
Testo e musica di Wilco
Album: Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
First released as a single
It's a war on war
20/8/2005 - 16:47

Juggle Tings Proper

Juggle Tings Proper
(words and music: Rodney Smit)

From the 1999 album: Brand New Second Hand
It's living dead proof
20/8/2005 - 16:20
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Bush And Saddam

Bush And Saddam
Lyrics and music by Everton Blender
Testo e musica di Everton Blender

Il testo non è completo, e le parole tra % sono incerte. Se riesci ad aiutarci a trascrivere il testo, mandaci un commento!
Lyrics are not complete and we are not sure about the words between %. If you can help us to write down the lyrics, send us a commentary!

Canzone anti-war dello stupendo cantante reggae-conscious Everton Blender. Per gli amanti del reggae da un fanatico del reggae e della parte migliore della cultura e tradizione rasta. La canzone, in realtà, parla della 1a guerra del Golfo e di Bush padre; ma è pur sempre quello che ha messo al mondo Bush figlio...

Mickscopa su italy.indymedia
Whoa, whoa
20/8/2005 - 16:15
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My Hero, Mr. President

My Hero, Mr. President
Lyrics taken from One Good Move
Yea, Yea
20/8/2005 - 15:33
Parcours: Héros

Not In My Name!


Lyrics taken from One Good Move
Uncle Sam is acting tough
20/8/2005 - 15:20

We Don't Want Your War

We Don't Want Your War
Words and music by Jynkz

The Anti-War Movement has an Anthem

The anti-war movement declares it has an anthem. "We Don't Want Your War" is being played by protesters worldwide as the song by musician Jynkz strikes an emotional chord.

If you haven’t heard it yet you will. It’s traveling fast and far as computer-savvy war protesters worldwide have embraced a song written by San Francisco musician Jynkz. The anti-war fans are using the Internet to hurl emails and post links about the song faster than you can say, "We Don’t Want Your War".

"Now we have an Anthem", writes web publisher Lew Rockwell giving Jynkz front page coverage on his tremendously popular anti-war Web site, "We Don’t Want Your War is nothing short of heroic", Rockwell proclaims. And he isn’t the only one that thinks so. Downloads of the song from the Jynkz web site are skyrocketing. Fans are coming... (continuer)
When you can't believe a word they say
20/8/2005 - 15:05
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Protest Song

Protest Song
From Anti-Flag website:

We met the Donots during our first European tour, spring of 2002, when we toured with them and Millencolin. Almost automatically the Donots became great friends to us. They weren’t overtly political in their music like Anti-Flag, but it became evident very quickly that both bands shared very similar political points of view - especially regarding the idea that people of all nations must stop being manipulated into warfare by their governments. When the tour ended Ingo of the Donots and I kept in touch via email.

A few months before Anti-Flag’s Spring 2003 European Tour I had begun working on a new song which I hoped Anti-Flag would record acoustically and release on our website for free. The song idea wasn’t a new one for me, I wanted to write a song that encouraged people who liked our music and agreed with our message to take the next step: participate in political... (continuer)
And so the time has finally come
20/8/2005 - 14:55
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Written shortly after the first Gulf war. I'll stand by the feeling today. War is horrible and we have become too insulated from its realities.
Every morning I get up and I watch the war, watch the war
20/8/2005 - 14:46
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Filled With Love

Filled With Love
Men of anger, men of war
20/8/2005 - 14:41
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The Sad And Silent Song Of A Soldier

The Sad And Silent Song Of A Soldier
Lyrics and music by Phil Ochs
Never recorded on LP
[data di composizione ignota]
Testo e musica di Phil Ochs
Mai inserita in album
And the flag draped coffins are a sailin' home
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 20/8/2005 - 14:41
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I Am Not At War With Anyone

I Am Not At War With Anyone
Album: "Innocence"
I am not at War with anyone
20/8/2005 - 14:39

The Parade's Still Passing By

The Parade's Still Passing By
Lyrics and Music by Harry Chapin
Testo e musica di Harry Chapin

Una canzone dedicata a Phil Ochs a pochi mesi dalla sua morte, con particolare riferimento a One More Parade. Anche il suo autore, Harry Chapin, sarebbe morto tragicamente (in un incidente stradale) di lì a pochi anni, nel 1981.
I got the news today
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 20/8/2005 - 14:37
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Chaplain Of The War

Chaplain Of The War

Lyrics and Music by Phil Ochs
Testo e musica di Phil Ochs

Never recorded on LP
Mai inserita in album

[[[cs/chaplain-of-the-war.html|Phil Ochs - Complete Lyrics]]. Crediamo che non sia male abbinare questa canzone alla lettura de L'obbedienza non è più una virtù del sacerdote cattolico don Lorenzo Milani. [CCG/AWS Staff]
God bless the men who've learned to put their lives upon the line,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 20/8/2005 - 14:30
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Ballad Of The Cuban Invasion

Ballad Of The Cuban Invasion
Lyrics and Music by Phil Ochs
Testo e musica di Phil Ochs
Never recorded on LP
Mai inserita in album

La Baia dei Porci

La Baia dei porci (Bahía de Cochinos) è una stretta insenatura nella parte centro-meridionale dell'isola di Cuba. Divenne nota per un tentativo di invasione di Cuba effettuato il 17 aprile 1961 da 1.500 anti-castristi emigrati negli Stati Uniti e oppositori del governo di Fidel Castro.

Lo sbarco nella Baia dei porci fu l'inizio del tentativo di invasione; ideata durante la presidenza di Dwight Eisenhower, l'operazione fu autorizzata dal suo successore John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

A suggerire l'opportunità dell'attacco erano stati i servizi segreti degli Stati Uniti, decisi a riportare l'isola sotto la propria sfera d'influenza. Castro, succeduto al filo-americano Fulgencio Batista, aveva infatti nazionalizzato banche, società e casinò, ostacolando gli interessi... (continuer)
A thousand went to take the island
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 20/8/2005 - 14:27
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All Quiet On The Western Front

All Quiet On The Western Front
Lyrics and Music by Phil Ochs
Never recorded on LP

[data di composizione ignota]
Testo e musica di Phil Ochs
mai registrata in album

Bill Curtis supplied the lyrics and says: "In an interview with Phil in July 1969 Phil mentions a new song that he wrote called ``All Quiet On The Western Front''. He sang it at a rally following his performance at Carneige Hall that year. He mentions one line from the song "I think I'll join the National Liberation Front". The song appears to have not been released nor does it appear in Broadside. Perhaps it was never sung again."

Update: Bill said that he exchanged e-mail with a person who said that he saw Phil Ochs sing this song at a demonstration in Central Park. He also said that the record company would not allow Phil to record the song because they objected to a line in the song which Phil refused to take out.

Apparently, a recording of... (continuer)
The [...] are [...]
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 20/8/2005 - 14:24

All My Heroes Are Dead

All My Heroes Are Dead
Lyrics and music by Dar Williams
From "The Honesty Room"

Testo e musica di Dar Williams
da "The Honesty Room"
You gotta admit Life magazine made 1968 look great,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 20/8/2005 - 14:19
Parcours: Héros
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My Vietnam

My Vietnam
Daddy was a soldier he taught me about freedom
envoyé par alex.. forza salernitana 20/8/2005 - 14:18
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Sitting In Silence

Sitting In Silence
da "La diserzione degli animali del circo" (1994)

Cantata da Gordon Gano dei Violent Femmes
Testo di Gordon Gano
Oh, its late in the night but I don’t think I will sleep
20/8/2005 - 10:32

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