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Passando per Milano

Da:Canzoniere del Progno
Passando per Milano
envoyé par adriana 15/8/2005 - 13:20
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Mei ros che negher

Mei ros che negher
Dall'album "Bala e fa balà "

a Carletto Giuliani
Mei ros che negher
envoyé par adriana 15/8/2005 - 10:55
Parcours: Gênes - G8
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Per questo non dimentico

Per questo non dimentico
Per questo non dimentico le lacrime versate
envoyé par adriana 15/8/2005 - 10:15
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Manifesto beat

Manifesto beat

"Una canzone-manifesto del movimento beat, che ruota attorno a due elementi ideali: la non violenza e la ripartenza, intesa come cancellazione del ricordo e della esperienza ed inizio di un mondo del tutto nuovo. Sul primo siamo d'accordo, sul secondo, come Musica & Memoria, un po' di meno.

La base musicale è curiosamente presa da un brano americano decisamente leggero dei Searchers, "Don't Throw Your Love Away", di argomento del tutto diverso e tradizionale ("Non gettare via il tuo amore") con le note festose del quale l'impegno esibito del "Manifesto" stride un poco." - Musica e Memoria
Perché dovremmo imparar
envoyé par adriana 15/8/2005 - 08:24
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Dall'album "La casa di Alice"
Siamo nati quasi morti di freddo e di paura
envoyé par adriana 14/8/2005 - 20:30
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Testo di Thomas Frank
Musica di Michel Polnareff
Fini le temps de la discorde
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 14/8/2005 - 20:02

Il treno della morte

Il treno della morte
Testo di Silvio Settimi
Musica: Ripresa da Russian Spy and I degli Hunters

Il testo, scritto da Silvio Settimi, il chitarrista dei Jaguars, prendendo come base musicale un successo internazionale del gruppo olandese degli Hunters ("Russian Spy and I", Io e la spia russa), prende spunto, secondo una testimonianza dello stesso autore, proprio dall'ambientazione musicale con sonorità russe per sviluppare una storia originale. Si immagina che il protagonista della vicenda sia un anziano capo nomade russo o cosacco, che riunisce i suoi seguaci nell'ora della morte e lascia loro un messaggio di pace e di speranza per il futuro. Intorno il resto della tribù fa una festa di addio per il vecchio capo, immaginiamo attorno ad un falò notturno, con danze e canti russi.

Il tema pacifista e la ambientazione drammatica danno comunque alla canzone un tono "di protesta" che la pone accanto... (continuer)
Venite intorno a me
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 14/8/2005 - 18:51
Parcours: Trains
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Uomini uomini

Uomini uomini
Testo e musica di Roberto Castiglione

Un notevole brano beat nello stile di P.F.Sloan (l'autore di Eve Of Destruction, il grande successo di Barry McGuire) scritto e interpretato da uno dei più significativi cantautori beat, Roby Crispiano (Roberto Castiglione). Programmato dalle radio all'epoca (a Bandiera gialla, dove vinse diventando "canzone regina" e a Per voi giovani), ebbe anche un buon successo, aiutato anche dalla particolare voce roca di Roby e dalla sua convinta interpretazione. Crispiano - Castiglione, che ebbe altri buoni successi come ade esempio Brennero '66, presentata al Festival delle Rose in coppia con la prima formazione dei Pooh (e con annessi guai da parte della censura RAI), abbandonò presto la carriera musicale per non scendere ai compromessi richiesti dall'ambiente e dai discografici dopo la fine dell'epoca d'oro del beat, abbracciando una carriera di venditore... (continuer)
In me vedete
envoyé par adriana 14/8/2005 - 18:25
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The Last Stop

The Last Stop
Da/From "Before These Crowded Streets"

This song is about inhumanity, particularly in the context of war. The song contradicts the belief that war is necessary to eventually reach peace, as displayed in the lyrics "War, the only way to peace, well I don't fall for that." The song also talks about the way people kill others without even thinking about it, almost in a robotic fashion: "How is this hate so deep, lead us all so blindly killing killing, fools we are." The song also discusses the US government's lies concerning war and their idea of supremacy in the world: "Right is wrong now, shut up you big lie." The last topic discussed is the pain caused by war, especially towards the families of those killed: "Mother's cry is hate so deep, must a baby's bones this hungry fire feed." (thanks, Liz - Ridgewood, NJ)


This song is obviously about Jerusalem, "the last stop" on a migragtion... (continuer)
yahweh yahweh, the hebrew word for god
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 14/8/2005 - 17:46
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Da / From "Question Of Balance"

Band member Justin Hayward wrote this. It reflected the thoughts of many young people who were questioning the war in Vietnam.
This was the opening track on their Question Of Balance album. It was recorded several months earlier than the other tracks on the album and its title was shortened from "Question Of Balance" to "Question"
in the liner notes of the 1997 remastered CD, Hayward wrote: "Sometime before we taped the album, we (documented) 'Question,' which was a song that I didn't have on Friday night for a session (the next day). But, by the morning, I had it and it was recorded very quickly." Hayward adds that it was "Recorded live, with no overdubbing or double-tracking, just a bit of echo."
In The UK this became their second biggest hit, after their 1964 #1 hit "Go Now."
Fish, who is the ex-lead singer of the UK rock group Marillion,... (continuer)
Why do we never get an answer
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 14/8/2005 - 17:28
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Landlocked Blues

Landlocked Blues
From / Da "I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning"

This song is about the Iraq war, which the band feels is completely unnecessary. Conor Oberst sings, "There are kids playing guns in the street/and one's pointing his tree branch at me, so I threw my hands up, I said enough is enough, if you walk away, I'll walk away, then he shot me dead." This song suggests that even the youth are marred with violence. (thanks, Robin - Huntertown, IN)


I agree. I think it's about many different things, not only the Irag War. It says a lot about running away from different situations, I think. One of my favorite verses in this is, "We made love on the living room floor With the noise in background of a televised war And in the deafening pleasure I thought I heard someone say 'If we walk away, they 32ll walk away'" I think that verse just speaks so much about how you can never be free of war and pain and... (continuer)
If you walk away, I’ll walk away
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 14/8/2005 - 17:10
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I've Seen All Good People

I've Seen All Good People
Da / From "The Yes Album"

This is an anti-war song: The term "I've seen all good people" is ALL the people, including the so-called enemy.
The line, "Don't surround yourself with yourself" refers to self-righteous behavior; "Move on back two squares" is a chess term meaning to retreat and rethink your position. The lyrics also refer to the queen, which is the most versatile and powerful chess piece. It talks about how news is captured for use by the queen, which uses forces to take control and manipulate troops against the enemy. War is like a game of chess.
This song references "Instant Karma" which was a song recorded by John Lennon a year earlier.
The lines: "Just remember that the gold is for us to capture all we want, anywhere, Yea, yea, yea" refers to the rich and powerful victimizing the weak and poor. The US was taken off the Gold standard by Richard Nixon August 15, 1971... (continuer)
I. Your Move
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 14/8/2005 - 16:52

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