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זאָג ניט קײנמאָל

זאָג ניט קײנמאָל
see: This Page
Partizaner Hymn (Zog Nit Keynmol)
Reinhardt 28/10/2005 - 10:44

Я вырос в ленинградскую блокаду

Я вырос в ленинградскую блокаду
Trascrizione del testo russo in caratteri latini
Romanized Russian version
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 28/10/2005 - 02:15
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Children of the Grave

Children of the Grave
26/10/2005 - 14:44
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Jack O'Leary

Jack O'Leary
Versione inglese di Tim Parks
dal libretto dell'album di Massimo Bubola
24/10/2005 - 15:22
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Se questo amore è un treno

Se questo amore è un treno
Versione inglese di Tim Parks
dal libretto dell'album / from the album booklet
24/10/2005 - 14:52
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Nostra Signora Fortuna

Nostra Signora Fortuna
Versione inglese di Tim Parks
dal libretto dell'album / from the album booklet
24/10/2005 - 14:40

Adio Ronco

Adio Ronco
Versione inglese di Tim Parks
dal libretto dell'album di Massimo Bubola
24/10/2005 - 14:22
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Era una notte che pioveva (La sentinella)

Era una notte che pioveva (La sentinella)
Versione inglese di Tim Parks
dal libretto dell'album di Massimo Bubola "Quel lungo treno".

Per una presentazione dell'album di Bubola, vedi la prima canzone, Jack O'Leary
24/10/2005 - 14:15
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Monte Canino

Monte Canino
Versione inglese di Tim Parks
dal libretto dell'album di Massimo Bubola
24/10/2005 - 13:57
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Noi veniam dalle pianure

Noi veniam dalle pianure
Versione inglese di Tim Parks
dal libretto del disco
23/10/2005 - 23:57
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Lo païs que vol viure

Lo païs que vol viure
In francese
C'est le cyprès dressé
envoyé par adriana 21/10/2005 - 19:44

Roof Of The World

giovanna 20/10/2005 - 23:00
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Lyrics by Bernie Taupin
Music by Elton John

The song Nikita appeared on the "Ice on Fire" album, which was released in 1985. It is the song that made me fall for Elton and his music! The song is about the old communist USSR and East Germany (the video was shot near the Berlin Wall in Germany) and how people were not free to do as they pleased. It's not about a particular person, just a general fictional story about how difficult it would be in those days for a Western man to be in love with a woman from the communist side of the world
(from Elton John FAQ)


Nikita è una canzone di argomento simile a Heroes di Bowie, un amore da un lato all'altro del muro di Berlino.
È interessante però notare che Nikita è un nome maschile in russo (ma non in francese) e, conoscendo il personaggio, credo che la cosa sia in qualche modo voluta.
Hey Nikita is it cold
20/10/2005 - 21:35
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Il vivisettore

Il vivisettore
envoyé par adriana 20/10/2005 - 17:50

Brother In Korea

Lou Osborne
[ca. 1950 - 1950's]

Lyrics as printed in "Jimmy Martin and the Osborne Bros. -- Sunny Mt. Boys" Songbook, 1950s, reprinted in liner notes, "Jimmy Martin and the Sunny Mountain Boys," Bear Family Records BCD 15 705-1 EI, 1994.
It was on the 27th of November
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 20/10/2005 - 11:54

We Believe

We Believe
envoyé par Sabrina 19/10/2005 - 22:57

Lifebelt Washed Up On The Shore

Lifebelt Washed Up On The Shore
Lyrics as reprinted in Pete Seeger (ed.), Woody Guthrie Folk Songs, London, 1973, pp. 237-238.
© 1963 Ludlow Music Inc., New York, NY
I walked on my beach sand here today
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 19/10/2005 - 22:31
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The Blinding Of Isaac Woodard

The Blinding Of Isaac Woodard
Lyrics by Woody Guthrie
To the tune of The Great Dust Storm by the same
Sull'aria di The Great Dust Storm dello stesso Guthrie

"I wrote this ballad on the 16th day of August in the year 1946, one block from the wreckage of the Atlantic Ocean, on the beach at Coney Island, New York." -Woody Guthrie.

Or this one I made up so's you wouldn't be forgetting what happened to this famous Negro soldier less than three hours after he got his Honorable Discharge down in Atlanta....
(I sung this Isaac Woodard song in the Lewisohn Stadium one night for more than 36,000 people, and I got the loudest applause I've ever got in my whole life. This song is a long song, but most of the action is told in Isaac's own words. I made this ballad up because we'll need lots of songs like this one before we win our fight for racial equality in our big free United States.)
Woody Guthrie, as quoted in... (continuer)
My name is Isaac Woodard, my tale I'll tell you;
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 19/10/2005 - 21:28

Belt Line Girl

Belt Line Girl
Testo di Agnes "Sis" Cunningham
Lyrics by Agnes "Sis" Cunningham

Sull'aria di The Danville Girl
To the tune of The Danville Girl

Sung to the tune of "Danville Girl," Cunningham's "Belt Line Girl" offered solace to all the "Rosie the Riveters" working in America's defense plants.

Lyrics as recorded by THE ALMANAC SINGERS, New York, NY, c. Feb 1942, and reprinted ibid., p. 104.
[AGNES "SIS" CUNNINGHAM, solo vocal]
I stood on the station platform
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 19/10/2005 - 21:17
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Willie Has Gone To The War

Willie Has Gone To The War
Testo e musica di Stephen Collins Foster
Lyrics and music by Stephen Collins Foster
The bluebird is singing his lay,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 19/10/2005 - 20:41

Off To War I'm Going

Canzone popolare della guerra civile americana (1860-1865). Interpretata, tra gli altri, nel 1928 dai Carolina Twins (Gwen Foster e Dave Fletcher), di cui rappresentò un cavallo di battaglia.

"Although [Gwen] Foster was widely recorded -- both on his own and as a member of several groups -- little of his history is known... After leaving the [CAROLINA] TAR HEELS, Foster recorded with... Dave Fletcher, one of the original members of the Four Yellowjackets. These were credited to 'Fletcher and Foster' -- Gennett, and 'The Carolina Twins' -- Victor...
Gwen Foster's importance lies not in some great ability to create original songs, but in his innovation and improvisation in dealing with basically traditional material, and his fine musicianship...
Another waltz from the Carolina Twins. Probably this one dates back top the American Civil War. The Song is interesting because Fletcher and Foster have added a yodel which would never have been present in more traditional versions."
I hear the whistle blowing;
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 19/10/2005 - 20:37

The Soldier's Sweetheart

The Soldier's Sweetheart
Testo di Jimmie Rodgers
Lyrics by Jimmie Rodgers

Sull'aria di Once I Had A Sweetheart
To the tune of Once I Had A Sweetheart
[==> Joan Baez Ballad Book, Vol. I]

© 1927 Peer International Corporation
Lyrics as reprinted in Dorothy Horstman, Sing Your Heart Out, Country Boy, New York, NY, 1976, p. 282-283

MRS. CARRIE RODGERS: "A pal of Jimmie's, Sammie Williams, told his sweetheart good-bye and went to France -- to be killed in action. So before the war was over, Jimmie found time to pick out words and air to his first composition, a sentimental song.... From the first his railroad buddies liked the song, and the young fellows in Meridian who were his boon companions liked it. With banjo, guitar, uke, they hung around the all-night places or strolled the streets playing and singing Jimmie's song along with 'Sweet Adeline' and other... (continuer)
Once I had a sweetheart,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 19/10/2005 - 16:57

The Battle Hymn Of Lt. Calley

The Battle Hymn Of Lt. Calley
Testo di Julian Wilson e James M.Smith
Lyrics by Julian Wilson and James M. Smith

Sull'aria di The Battle Hymn Of The Republic
To the tune of The Battle Hymn Of The Republic

Si veda anche Everybody's Got A Right To Live di Pete Seeger.

Una canzone che, forse, qualcuno potrà trovare sconcertante in questa raccolta; personalmente la trovo assolutamente rivoltante. Ma, in questo caso, è forse bene lasciarla a testimonianza di quale fosse l'atmosfera che esisteva negli Stati Uniti ai tempi della guerra nel Vietnam, dove anche un assassino come il tenente Calley poteva trovare giustificazione (al solito con il pretesto degli "ordini eseguiti"; un pretesto utilizzato costantemente, ad esempio dai nazisti colpevoli degli eccidi di civili durante la II guerra mondiale). Giustificazione che poteva spingere qualcuno anche a scrivere canzoni ributtanti come questa. Che lasciamo, qui, a... (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 19/10/2005 - 16:13

After The Bomb

After The Bomb
The biggest war has ended
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 19/10/2005 - 15:56
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After The War

After The War
So many came before you,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 19/10/2005 - 15:53
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Partigiani fratelli maggiori

Partigiani fratelli maggiori
Testo di Michele L. Straniero
Musica di Fausto Amodei

Nel repertorio anche del Gruppo Pane e Guerra.
Partigiani che adesso cantate,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 19/10/2005 - 15:04
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The National Anthem

The National Anthem
Ancora un brano dei neppure troppo ermetici Radiohead. Il più inquietante "Inno Nazionale" che sia mai stato composto (a parte l'hendrixiano "Star Spangled Banner"): è incluso nell'album "Kid A" del 2000...

Ognuno è così vicino
Ognuno ha paura"

e poi il senso dell'incombenza della morte, "It's holding on".
envoyé par Alessandro 19/10/2005 - 11:14


dal volume "Joan Baez, Ballate e folksongs"
Newton Compton Editori, Roma 1977
pagina 97
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 19/10/2005 - 03:08

We Grannies Work For Peace

To the tune of "The Farmer In The Dell"
We Grannies work for peace
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 19/10/2005 - 02:46

Pile Up Those Bombs

Pile those bombs around me honey
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 19/10/2005 - 02:45
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La colombe

La colombe
English version by Alasdair Clayre, originally performed by Judy Collins, also sung by Joan Baez (in the album "Joan", 1967)
18/10/2005 - 22:34
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Savaşa hiç gerek yok

Savaşa hiç gerek yok
Ringrazio entrambi per la squisita gentilezza dimostrata, e do loro il...benvenuto nella "grande famiglia" delle CCG!

Riccardo Venturi
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 18/10/2005 - 22:20
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Fools Rule The World

Fools Rule The World
Mighty man, do you know the names
18/10/2005 - 11:18
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You And Whose Army?

You And Whose Army?

Le canzoni dei Radiohead sono spesso "ermetiche"... questa però mi pare piuttosto esplicita: "Voi e l'esercito di chi? Voi e i vostri amiconi. Dai, dai, Sacro Romano Impero! Venite, se volete. Potete prenderci tutti".
Come on, come on
envoyé par Alessandro 18/10/2005 - 11:00

Street Spirit

Street Spirit
Questa canzone fu cantata dal leader dei Radiohead, Thom Yorke, al termine di un memorabile concerto della band a Berlino, concerto tenutosi in un giorno terribile: l'11 settembre 2001.
Yorke introdusse il brano con queste parole: "This is hoping that George Bush doesn't declare World War III..."
Rows of houses, all bearing down on me
envoyé par Alessandro 17/10/2005 - 17:49

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