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Avant le 2005-1-22

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MCMXCIV perché i vivi non ricordano

MCMXCIV perché i vivi non ricordano
Consigliamo di seguire i link nel testo: questa è probabilmente la CCG che in assoluto più ne rimanda ad altre. Ad altri nomi, ad altre storie, ad altre lotte.
Non canto per i vivi, non canto per loro
22/1/2005 - 16:52
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A la source

A la source
Des tonnes de gazole
18/1/2005 - 11:13


Les Lyonnais du Peuple de l'herbe, "Découverte Scène" au Victoires de la musique 2002, ont invité le rappeur anglo-asiatique JC001. Résultat : un "freestyle" intitulé "Chienne2Guerre"
I see a city attack another where the kids already suffer mothers mourn ’n’ times are much tougher Than we can ever see through our TV From Vietnam to Afghanistan it’s all a distant reality Not actually connected to our lives untill they’re back from Iraq and the body bag arrives Man walks into a bar... Then he explodes so there ain’t no ’ha ha’
18/1/2005 - 00:36
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Forgiveness & Love

Forgiveness & Love
"I wrote this song following September 11th, 2001 and thought it might be appropriate to release now given the present worldwide mobilization for peace. In writing it, I thought a lot about the radical love and forgiveness taught by Jesus and the early Christian tradition as well as the principles of peace and justice that are at the roots of Islam; I thought about the frequent uses and misuses of religion, including the invocations that imply that God would somehow choose sides in a war"
Forgiveness and Love
18/1/2005 - 00:30

Sergente, no!

Sergente, no!
No! Mamma no!

Un inno dei gay contrari al servizio militare
Sergente, no!
16/1/2005 - 21:49
Parcours: Déserteurs
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(Gisberto Cortesi)

Album: Solo Nomadi
Salvador era un uomo, vissuto da uomo
16/1/2005 - 19:38

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