Bella Ciao
110. Bella čau (Traduzione in Lettone di higarra [L. Trans.])
110. Bella čau (Latvian translation by higarra [L. Trans.])
Bella čau
envoyé par Dq82 19/11/2024 - 13:17
Гимн демократической молодёжи мира
Title: Pasaules demokrātiskās jaunatnes himna
Japanese title: 全世界民主青年歌
English title: Anthem of WFDY
Original: Гимн демократической молодёжи мира
Country: Latvia
Language: Latvian
Composer: A. Novikov
Lyricist: P. Līcīte
Year written: ????
Record source: ????
Songbook source: 1964 Sirds dzied
Japanese title: 全世界民主青年歌
English title: Anthem of WFDY
Original: Гимн демократической молодёжи мира
Country: Latvia
Language: Latvian
Composer: A. Novikov
Lyricist: P. Līcīte
Year written: ????
Record source: ????
Songbook source: 1964 Sirds dzied
Pasaules demokrātiskās jaunatnes himna
envoyé par Boreč 10/10/2022 - 15:50
Гимн Международного Союза Студентов
Title: Starptautiskās studentu savienības himna
Japanese title: 国際学生連盟の歌
English title: Anthem of International Union of Students (Anthem of IUS)
Original: Гимн Международного союза студентов
Country: Latvia
Language: Latvian
Composer: V. Muradeli (ვ.მურადელი)
Lyricist: A. Krūklis (А. Круклис)
Conductor: Gailis Daumants (Гайлис Даумантс)
Performer: Student United Mixed Choir (Studentu apvienotais jauktais koris)
Ensemble: Student united ensemble (Studentu apvienotais pūšaminstruments)
Year written: ????
Year recorded: 1981-07-05
Record source:
International anti-war song
Latvian communist song
Soviet friendship song
Japanese title: 国際学生連盟の歌
English title: Anthem of International Union of Students (Anthem of IUS)
Original: Гимн Международного союза студентов
Country: Latvia
Language: Latvian
Composer: V. Muradeli (ვ.მურადელი)
Lyricist: A. Krūklis (А. Круклис)
Conductor: Gailis Daumants (Гайлис Даумантс)
Performer: Student United Mixed Choir (Studentu apvienotais jauktais koris)
Ensemble: Student united ensemble (Studentu apvienotais pūšaminstruments)
Year written: ????
Year recorded: 1981-07-05
Record source:
International anti-war song
Latvian communist song
Soviet friendship song
Starptautiskās studentu savienības himna
envoyé par Boreč 10/10/2022 - 15:38
Священная война (или Вставай, страна огромная!)
Svētais karš
envoyé par Boreč 25/4/2022 - 00:41
Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]
1α. Ienada negaisi - La versione lettone
1α. Ienada negaisi - Latvian version
1α. Ienada negaisi - Latvian version
Ienaida negaisi
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 28/6/2021 - 13:45
LETTONE [ Vilkacis (Aldis), Lyricstranslate 2017]
LATVIAN [ Vilkacis (Aldis), Lyricstranslate 2017]
LATVIAN [ Vilkacis (Aldis), Lyricstranslate 2017]
Traduzione lettone di Vilkacis (Aldis) - L. Trans.
Latvian translation by Vilkacis (Aldis) - L. Trans.
Latvian translation by Vilkacis (Aldis) - L. Trans.
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 5/2/2020 - 02:58
נרקוד לשלום
23. LETTONE / Latvian
Valda Rubis
Valda Rubis
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 26/8/2017 - 08:11
Blowin' in the Wind
La versione standard in lingua lettone (così viene definita in alcuni forum lettoni qui consultati) è della band chiamata "Zeļļi", sulla quale non siamo riusciti a raccattare notizie decentemente precise. C'è però un video dal quale risulta l'ennesima versione "ballabile" di Blowin' in the Wind; un destino che ha atteso spesso l'immortale canzone dylaniana. Il testo, invece, proviene da, lo "" della canzone lettone ("dziesmas" significa "canzoni", ndr).
The Latvian standard version of Blowin' in the Wind (thus the song is called in some Latvian forums we plucked from for this page) is by the band "Zeļļi"; sadly, we couldn't find sufficiently precise infos on this musical group. Anyway, there's a video showing another dancing version of Dylan's immortal song. The lyrics are reproduced from, the Latvian song repository ("dziesmas" means "songs"). [RV]
The Latvian standard version of Blowin' in the Wind (thus the song is called in some Latvian forums we plucked from for this page) is by the band "Zeļļi"; sadly, we couldn't find sufficiently precise infos on this musical group. Anyway, there's a video showing another dancing version of Dylan's immortal song. The lyrics are reproduced from, the Latvian song repository ("dziesmas" means "songs"). [RV]
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 17/11/2016 - 02:28
Where Have all the Flowers Gone
Traduzione in lingua lettone da questa pagina Life Schools
A translation into the Latvian language reproduced from this Life Schools page
Traduction en latvien tirée de cette page Life Schools
A translation into the Latvian language reproduced from this Life Schools page
Traduction en latvien tirée de cette page Life Schools
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 15/4/2016 - 03:54
Karavīra atgrieanās
"Il ritorno del guerriero"; si tratta di una canzone satirica. Il testo è ripreso dal Latvieu dziesmu serveris ("Server delle canzoni lettoni").
Sveika, māmiņ, beidzot mājās ir tavs karavīrs,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 11/7/2006 - 23:24
Canzone popolare lettone; il titolo significa "Il soldato". Il testo è ripreso dal Latvieu dziesmu serveris ("Server delle canzoni lettoni"), dove sono riportati anche gli accordi per chitarra (con notazione musicale nordeuropea).
Tās, tās tālās debesīs
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 11/7/2006 - 23:14
Breve canzone, il cui titolo significa "pace", il cui testo è ripreso dal Latvieu dziesmu serveris, il "Server delle canzoni lettoni" che sarebbe oltremodo benemerito, ma che è anche interamente in lettone. Tenteremo comunque una traduzione della canzone.Il testo della canzone è di Kristaps Plaums. Proviene dall'album Dienasgrāmata.[RV]
Redzi kā putns paceļas
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 11/7/2006 - 01:09
Lili Marleen [Lied eines jungen Wachtpostens]
LETTONE / LATVIAN - Valdis Mednis
La versione lettone di Valdis Mednis ripresa da
Valdis Mednis' Latvian version reproduced from
Valdis Mednis' Latvian version reproduced from
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 19/3/2006 - 01:51
"Hello. I don't know where did you get this version of Latvian lyrics, but it is full of grammatical mistakes. I am very upset to read this. I give you truly correct Latvian text. Thanks." (Janis Lacis)
Naturalmente ringraziamo il sig. Janis Lacis per le correzioni. Purtroppo il nostro lettone è, per così dire, miserello e non ci siamo accorti degli errori contenuti nella versione ripresa peraltro da un sito lettone (!).
We thank of course mr Janis Lacis for the correct Latvian text of the Internationale. Sadly, our Latvian is very poor and we didn't notice the mistakes made in the version we reproduced from a Latvian (!) website. [CCG/AWS Staff]
"Hello. I don't know where did you get this version of Latvian lyrics, but it is full of grammatical mistakes. I am very upset to read this. I give you truly correct Latvian text. Thanks." (Janis Lacis)
Naturalmente ringraziamo il sig. Janis Lacis per le correzioni. Purtroppo il nostro lettone è, per così dire, miserello e non ci siamo accorti degli errori contenuti nella versione ripresa peraltro da un sito lettone (!).
We thank of course mr Janis Lacis for the correct Latvian text of the Internationale. Sadly, our Latvian is very poor and we didn't notice the mistakes made in the version we reproduced from a Latvian (!) website. [CCG/AWS Staff]
26/6/2005 - 17:57