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Preghiera in gennaio

Preghiera in gennaio

Pubblicata originariamente su Via del Campo : Fabrizio de André in Finnish
Originally published by Via del Campo : Fabrizio de André in Finnish
Saluti a Walter Pistarini, se legge
Greetings to Walter Pistarini, should he read this

Successivamente su / Then by Lyricstranslate. "Translated from German by Juha Rämö".
envoyé par CCG/AWS Staff 18/5/2020 - 12:13

Muista pestä kädet

Muista pestä kädet
Musica e testo / Music and lyrics / Musique et paroles / Sävel ja sanat: Pauliina Lerche

Here's something a little bit more relaxed to cheer up those of us who are trying to survive in the middle of the austerity and horrors inflicted on us in order to protect the world economy in general and capitalism in particular. The refrain of this childrens' song is performed in sign language.
Maailman toisella puolella on suurensuuri tori,
envoyé par Juha Rämö 25/3/2020 - 20:45
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Corona Virus Climate Catastrophe Fascist Empire 2020 Blues Massacree

Corona Virus Climate Catastrophe Fascist Empire 2020 Blues Massacree
Behind all the drastic measures taken in China, Italy and elsewhere is not concern about the three percent of those infected dying of the disease but how the virus will affect world economy. I can almost hear the hectic rush in medical companies desperately trying to develop a vaccine against the virus - not primarily to protect people and human life but to make astronomical profits.
envoyé par Juha Rämö 10/3/2020 - 15:40

Ei kuule kaupunki

Ei kuule kaupunki
Testo finlandese / Finnish lyrics / Paroles finnoises / Suomenkieliset sanat: Tapio Lipponen

This song has been haunting me for years. According to Finnish music database records it's a song written by Mikis Theodorakis which I don't have any doubts about. The problem is that I haven't been able to trace the original one despite extensive research and due to the fact that I don't know a word of Greek. Finnish database records include a French reference reading »Cite n'entend« (which should actually read »La cité n'entend pas«) suggesting that maybe the original lyrics were written in French in which case there wouldn't be any original Greek lyrics. Anyway, in order to get the song finally off my table, I decided to post it as an original Finnish song by Arja Saijonmaa. Doing that, I sincerelly and desperately hope that one of the countless friends and followers of this webpage will be able... (continuer)
Ei kuule kaupunki, ei näe kaupunki
envoyé par Juha Rämö 14/1/2020 - 13:46
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Työttömän Valssi (Come Around Again Waltz)

Työttömän Valssi (Come Around Again Waltz)
Parole e musica di Arthur Kylander (1892-1968), immigrato negli States da Lieto, Finlandia, nel 1914.
Testo trovato in "Arthur Arkadius Kylander – Amerikansuomalainen kupletisti", di Juha Niemelä, 2003

Arthur Kylander fece ogni sorta di lavoro, dal bracciante al boscaiolo, al maggiordomo, all'autista, e solo dopo 30 anni di fatica e privazioni riuscì ad acquistare una fattoria, impegnandosi nella conservazione del patrimonio boschivo.
Arthur Kylander fu anche cantautore e compositore e negli anni 20 incise anche una ventina di suoi brani per l'etichetta Victor. Siccome agli inizi della sua avventura americana fu anche membro dell'IWW (Industrial Workers of The World), alcune della sue canzoni – come questa - parlano della dura vita dei lavoratori immigrati.

Trovo "Työttömän Valssi" incisa nel 1928 da Kosti Tamminen (anche nella raccolta "Proletaarit Nouskaa" del 1970) e molto più recentemente da Mikko Perkoila ("Punikin Kirjelaatikko Ja Muita Työväenlauluja", 2009).
Kun kuljin mä kulkurin lailla,
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 11/1/2020 - 21:43
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Migrant Song

Migrant Song
envoyé par Juha Rämö 6/1/2020 - 15:30


With this 2nd Finnish version of Viktor Rydberg's great poem I wish all the staff members, contributors and friends of this webpage a peaceful Christmas time and a happy new year 2020.
envoyé par Juha Rämö 16/12/2019 - 13:02
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A Thousand Years

A Thousand Years
With this contribution, the number of Finnish translations and versions on this website will reach 1000 which is more than any other language except Italian, French and English. Thank you all for bearing with me.
envoyé par Juha Rämö 16/10/2019 - 12:54
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I Don’t Speak Human

I Don’t Speak Human
envoyé par Juha Rämö 8/10/2019 - 14:31

Forty-Two Years

Forty-Two Years
envoyé par Juha Rämö 2/10/2019 - 15:30
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That 25¢ (That You Paid)

That 25¢ (That You Paid)
envoyé par Juha Rämö 30/9/2019 - 15:16
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Työtön, hullu ja eläkeläinen

Työtön, hullu ja eläkeläinen
Testo e musica / Sanat ja sävel / Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique: Lapinlahden Linnut
Album / Albumi : Köyhän taivas

La band Lapinlahden Linnut (“Uccelli di Lapinlahti”; Lapinlahti è un comune della regione finlandese del Savo settentrionale, Pohjois-Savo), fa, dal 1983, rock e pop satirico e umoristico. È nata come un gruppo di musicisti di strada. Suonano spesso strumenti alquanto “alternativi”, come faldoni di cartone (di cui sono riconosciuti maestri) o casse di birra vuote. Dal loro album del 1994, Köyhän taivas (“Il paradiso del povero”), questo piccolo capolavoro della Mort au Travail: uno sbraco totale, finalmente. Fare quello che si vuole, mangiare schifezze quando si vuole, non sentire più gli ordini di “capi” deficienti, dormire fino a tardi e niente più camicia di forza alla sera, perché -come tutti sanno- il lavoro fa diventare pazzi. Altro che andare a guardare... (continuer)
Me ollaan työtön hullu ja eläkeläinen
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 3/9/2019 - 20:51

Soldiers Who Wish to Be A Hero

Soldiers Who Wish to Be A Hero
envoyé par Juha Rämö 18/7/2019 - 14:01
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Työmiehen lauantai

Työmiehen lauantai
Sävel / Music / Musica / Musique: Irwin Goodman [Antti Yrjö Hammarberg, 1943-1991]
Sanat / Lyrics / Testo / Paroles: Emil von Retee [Veikko Olavi »Vexi« Salmi, 1942-2020]
Single : 1965
Albumi / Album: Irwinismi [1966]
Viideltä saunaan ja kuudelta putkaan
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 10/7/2019 - 21:40

Vanni Scopa: Mr Tambourine Man (traduzione da Bob Dylan)

Vanni Scopa: Mr Tambourine Man (traduzione da Bob Dylan)
Audio link to the song performed by Freud Marx Engels & Jung on their 1990 album »Aina ja iankaiken« (Forever and Ever):
envoyé par Juha Rämö 21/6/2019 - 14:08

Before Ireland Can Go Free

Before Ireland Can Go Free
envoyé par Juha Rämö 20/6/2019 - 18:56

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