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La memoria

La memoria
Paula E. Kirman

"This is an English version of La Memoria by León Gieco. Much of the lyrics are based on Gieco's original, but I have "Canadianized" a lot of it, as some of what he is singing about would not translate well for a North American audience." - Paula E. Kirman
The Memory
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 24/10/2022 - 20:17

Yma o hyd

Yma o hyd
robert4289 (L. Trans.)

Still Here
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 21/10/2022 - 23:46


15/10/2022 - 19:01

Putin-setä asuu Venäjällä

Putin-setä asuu Venäjällä
Uncle Putin lives in Russia
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 10/10/2022 - 08:10
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The Internatiovania
An Undertale parody of The Internationale

Hi, Luis here.
Regarding my Spanish translation of the Internationale, it doesn't have Panamanian features, leave as it is now.
This, however, is a very, very, very, very different version of the Internationale that I was making. I say very, very different, because this tyme we don't talk about Communism, socialism etc. This time we're talking about a video game!

And you'll ask me: Hey L. C., the majority of versions (word for word, literal, or lyrical/rhythmical translations) talk about communism, socialism, anarchism etc, but why we don't go beyond, well, outside those roots? Why we don't make The Internationale not just be a battle song or anthem not just for communists alike, but for gamers instead?

That's why I cometh with the idea of making a sort of a parody of the Internationale, based on this video game that many people... (continuer)
Rise up, all beings from your slumber,
envoyé par Luis C. González M. 7/10/2022 - 19:25

Στο στήθος μου η πληγή

Στο στήθος μου η πληγή
Edmund Keeley’s and Philip Sherrard : George Seferis, Collected Poems (Princeton University Press, 1995).
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 5/10/2022 - 08:39

Ο ύπνος σε τύλιξε

Ο ύπνος σε τύλιξε
Edmund Keeley’s and Philip Sherrard : George Seferis, Collected Poems (Princeton University Press, 1995).
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 4/10/2022 - 15:18
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Uno de abajo

Uno de abajo
Brother, I'm going to war
1/10/2022 - 19:48

Επιφάνια Αβέρωφ

Επιφάνια Αβέρωφ
Edmund Keeley’s and Philip Sherrard : George Seferis, Collected Poems (Princeton University Press, 1995).
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 30/9/2022 - 11:22
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
4l. Bella ciao (Versione inglese dei Workers' United Front)
4l. Bella ciao (English version by Workers' United Front)

Night of the Living Reds (2007)

One morning when I awakened
envoyé par Dq82 25/9/2022 - 19:28

The Ballad of Joe McDonnell

The Ballad of Joe McDonnell
Oh, me name is Joe McDonnell, from Belfast town I came
22/9/2022 - 16:00

Chtěla jsem tě proklít, hořká zemi

Chtěla jsem tě proklít, hořká zemi
(dai sottotitoli del video ufficiale su youtube)
envoyé par Stanislava 14/9/2022 - 11:12
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Zas v slunci zlatém

Zas v slunci zlatém
Traduzione inglese
English translations: Lenka Lichtenberg & Alena Jirásek
Dq82 8/9/2022 - 11:13

Dig the Devil’s Blood

Dig the Devil’s Blood
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :

Album : Dig the Devil's Blood: A Coal Miner's Song

Secondo il censimento del 1900 negli Stati Uniti 1 milione 750mila bambini, pari al 18,2% della popolazione minorile, venivano impiegati al lavoro. Nelle miniere di antracite della Pennsylvania i “breaker boys”erano i bambini addetti alla frammentazione e alla selezione dei pezzi di carbone per la decontaminazione delle impurità quali l’ardesia. La maggior parte non avevano guanti, non se li potevano permettere; di conseguenza erano frequenti le ferite alle mani. La loro età era da 8 anni in su, l’orario era di 10 ore giornaliere a partire dalle 7, la paga oscillava da 5 a 7 centesimi di dollaro l’ora. I bambini erano costretti a lavorare ricurvi sui nastri convogliatori. Altri lavoravano come trappers, incaricati di aprire le porte di legno al passaggio... (continuer)
I was born a miner's son on this Blueridge Mountain side
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 6/9/2022 - 13:28

When a Fellow is Out of a Job

When a Fellow is Out of a Job
(Grant Rogers and John Barnes)
All nature is sick from her heels to her hair,
envoyé par Pluck 3/9/2022 - 22:54

Brushy Mountain: State Prison

Brushy Mountain: State Prison

Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :

Album : Featherbone

Brushy Mountain è stato un carcere statale di massima sicurezza nel Tennessee attivo dal 1896 al 2009. Per qualche decennio, sino agli anni ‘60 del secolo scorso è stata anche una miniera di carbone.
Alla sua costruzione iniziale in legno contribuirono anche i detenuti. Fu fondato per sistemare i reclusi dopo le rivolte dei minatori di Coal Creek, Tennessee, contro l’impiego di detenuti in miniera a basso costo. Per i dettagli si rimanda all’introduzione della canzone Coal Creek Troubles.

Non c’era un braccio della morte, tutto sommato non occorreva. I tre quarti dei prigionieri afroamericani erano colpiti da tubercolosi, febbre tifoide, sifilide, polmonite. Tutti i detenuti venivano percossi per scarso rendimento, frustati con robuste cinghie di cuoio. Tra violenze, malattie... (continuer)
I got a home over this mountain
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 2/9/2022 - 22:33


Prof. of English Linguistics
Dept. of English
Sam Houston State University
2/9/2022 - 16:47

When the War Was on

When the War Was on
Blind Willie Johnson - When The War Was On - 1929

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

"When the War Was On" is a call and response blues song recorded in 1929 by Blind Willie Johnson and Willie B. Harris, who is thought to have been his first wife. Johnson plays bottleneck guitar, and sings throughout in his 'growl' (false bass) voice; Harris sings soprano.

The war referred to is World War I (1914–18). The lyrics reference U.S. President Wilson (1913–21) and the German Kaiser; the United States entered the war in 1917.

Unusually for Johnson, the song deals with a temporal rather than a spiritual subject.

Da un commento del video :
This actually sounds more like a war protest song than gospel
Everybody wailed (when the war was on)
envoyé par Pluck 2/9/2022 - 08:35

It’s a Sin to Be Rich, It’s a Low-Down Shame to Be Poor

It’s a Sin to Be Rich, It’s a Low-Down Shame to Be Poor
Lightnin’ Hopkins

It’s a Sin to Be Rich, It’s a Low-Down Shame to Be Poor - 1972
You know that it's a sin to be rich but it's a low-down shame to be poor
envoyé par Pluck 31/8/2022 - 16:40

Penitentiary Blues

- 'Penitentiary Blues' [1959] by Lightnin' Hopkins. This is his adaptation of the work song 'No More Cane on the Brazos' and predates Dylan, The Band and all the rest of them.

The Brazos River was originally named "Brazos de Dios" meaning "Arms of God."
The Texas Almanac link below has more info on it including various explanations for how that name came to be.

In the book (and film) titled Racehoss, a former convict who served time in a penitentiary on the Brazos writes that the place was referred to by the convicts as "the burnin' hell."

So you might say that the men who tried to escape from the prison by running to the river were running from hell to the arms of God.

Nota da :
Lightnin' Hopkins Lyrics - Weenie Campbell
INTRO (Spoken: Penitentiary Blues)
envoyé par Pluck 31/8/2022 - 11:58

We Are Fucking Fucked

We Are Fucking Fucked
Album: Will of The People

Disastri naturali, terremoti, pandemia, una nuova guerra mondiale... siamo fottutamente fottuti. L'ultima canzone del nuovo album dei Muse chiude su una nota... di ottimismo...

If you’d asked me six months before, I would have been trying to get away from the old dystopian thing but then it unfolded in front of me. There’s a massive wildfire, there’s a pandemic, there’s riots on the streets, and my wife’s going into labour. Three of those things happened at exactly the same time. When you see all that going on, you think: “Hang on a minute, we’re all fucked.”

Matt Bellamy, The Guardian
(We play it together)
30/8/2022 - 23:35

Death Row

Death Row
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Chris Stapleton

Album: From A Room: Volume 1

* Last self-portrait of Myuran Sukumaran before his sentence to death on April 25, 2015
Well up here's the window sitting way up high
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 29/8/2022 - 08:07

MK Ultra

MK Ultra
Album: "The Resistance" (2009)
The wavelength gently grows
27/8/2022 - 19:16
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Money for Bombs

Money for Bombs
I was listening to June Carter-Cash the day after Johnny's birthday. The same time goosebumps and tears overcame me as death scrawled across the news tickers. There's been a lot of war and a lot of money being made from it all. If only bullets, bombs, and bloodshed were nutritional.
They always got money for bombs
envoyé par Kyle Allred 26/8/2022 - 00:52

نیست شوقی که زبان باز

نیست شوقی که زبان باز
Mahnaz Badihian

Mahnaz Badihian é una poetessa e scrittrice iraniana, da trent'anni naturalizzata statunitense. La sua é la traduzione di riferimento per le altre lingue; senza il suo supporto non avremmo avuto cognizione delle poesie di Nadia Anjuman.
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 24/8/2022 - 14:59

The Fall of Charleston

The Fall of Charleston
[1865 circa]
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Eugene T. Johnston

Performed by / Interpreti / Interprétée par / Laulavat :
Tennessee Ernie Ford

Album: Songs Of The Civil War

Il 20 dicembre 1860, la Carolina del Sud fu il primo stato a votare per la secessione dall'Unione. Il 12 aprile 1861, le batterie al comando del generale Pierre Gustave Toutant-Beauregard aprirono il fuoco nel porto di Charleston su Fort Sumter , presidiato dalle truppe governative. Fu il primo atto della guerra civile.
Tutti i tentativi dell’Unione di prendere Charleston per terra e per mare nei quattro anni di guerra civile non ebbero successo.
Dopo che Columbia, la capitale della Carolina del Sud, capitolò il 17 Febbraio 1865, Charleston fu abbandonata dai Confederati che non risparmiarono edifici pubblici, depositi e mulini incendiandoli.
Come ogni canzone scritta... (continuer)
Oh have you heard the glorious news, is the cry from every mouth
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 21/8/2022 - 17:47

Will You Fight, Will You Dare?

Will You Fight, Will You Dare?
Dark-eyed daughter
Pubblicato con il nome Phyl Vinnicombe (Lobl è il cognome da sposata)
Words & tune: Lobl

'The 1967 referendum in which 90% of the Australian Community voted in favour of deleting sections of the Constitution discriminating against Aborigines showed goodwill. To enable Aborigines to become independent, self-reliant people this goodwill must be translated into active and positive attitudes. Together we must build a nation where dark and white live in harmony with growing understanding and respect for one another, mutually contributing to the enrichment of our Commonwealth. This is the challenge of these songs and of the present day Aboriginal advancement movement.'
This is still the challenge but now many aboriginal people show us the value of their culture, they show us the meaning of resilience, they show us the way ahead, they show us how to forgive,... (continuer)
The dreamtime folk are stirring now
envoyé par dq82 21/8/2022 - 11:52

Battle of Gettysburg

Battle of Gettysburg
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Fred Darian

Album: Battle Of Gettysburg

Guerra civile americana, estate 1863. I confederati hanno battuto i Nordisti a Fredericksburg nel dicembre 1862 e dopo a Chancellorsville a maggio . Il generale Robert Lee (“Master Robert”), a capo dell’esercito confederato, elabora una strategia volta sia ad alleggerire la pressione delle truppe dell’Unione che stringono sotto assedio Vicksburg, Missisippi, sia a dare respiro alla Virginia stremata. Vicksburg è città chiave per evitare che l’esercito confederato sia tagliato in due; la Virginia è essenziale per i rifornimenti alimentari e per la logistica. L’obiettivo finale è di invadere il Nord e marciare su Washington. Lee attraversa il Potomac , entra in Pennsylvania, stato dell’Unione, allo scopo di sferrare un’offensiva decisiva contro l’esercito nordista,... (continuer)
On July 3rd in '63
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 21/8/2022 - 10:47

Bonus Track [Sacheen Littlefeather's Speech]

Bonus Track [Sacheen Littlefeather's Speech]
Speech of American Indian Rights activist Sacheen Littlefeather, on behalf of Marlon Brando (Oscar ceremony - 1973)
Music: the Indian summer

Sacheen Littlefeather (Piccola Piuma[1]), pseudonimo di Marie Louise Cruz (Salinas, 14 novembre 1946), è un'attrice statunitense
Era il 1972 quando Marlon Brando rifiutò il premio Oscar per la sua interpretazione del Padrino nell’omonimo film di Francis Ford Coppola e al suo posto l’anno successivo inviò sul palco per la cerimonia di consegna la 26enne indiana Apache che tenne un importante discorso contro la mistificazione dei popoli indigeni nei film western ma venne aggredita dal pubblico con una valanga di fischi e gesti razzisti, e poi minacciata di violenza appena scesa dal palco. L’Academy Museum of Motion Pictures si scusa con la donna, oggi 75enne, per il trattamento di quella sera e annuncia per il 17 settembre una conferenza intitolata... (continuer)
Hello. My name is Sacheen Littlefeather.
envoyé par dq82 16/8/2022 - 11:17

Controlled Opposition

Controlled Opposition
No justice in a legal system run by criminals
16/8/2022 - 05:39
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Stare Miasto

Stare Miasto
["Poles, wherever you may be..."]
envoyé par giorgio 15/8/2022 - 15:50
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Major Tom

Major Tom
English lyrics by David Lodge
Music (and original lyrics) by Pierre Michael Schilling
Album: Error In The System
Standing there all alone, the ship is waiting
15/8/2022 - 01:54

Soldier's Lament

Freetrade Band
Universal Anti war song
SOLDIER’S LAMENT Slimey and Munk
11/8/2022 - 06:25

ヒロシマというとき [Cello Concerto No.1]

ヒロシマというとき [Cello Concerto No.1]
Englanninkielinen käännös :
Prof. Richard H. Minear
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 8/8/2022 - 18:37
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There Ain’t No Heaven

There Ain’t No Heaven
video youtube :No Heaven - Dj champion - 3:26
No Heaven - Champion - 2005
envoyé par Pluck 8/8/2022 - 00:53
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Two Hoboes

Two Hoboes
Lawrence Gellert / Dick Weissman
As sung by Judy Roderick on "Woman Blue" (1965, reissued 2006)

Testo da :
Lyr Req: Two Hoboes (D Weissman/L Gellert) - mudcat.org › thread ›
Railroad looks so pretty
envoyé par Pluck 6/8/2022 - 23:09

Joe Brown's Coal Mine

Note .
"Il gruppo canta all’unisono, con la voce del leader in primo piano.
I versi sono scanditi rimicamente da dei regolari “ha!” , che cadono dopo ogni gruppo giampico o anapestico, spesso dividendo anche una parola in due , e corrispondono evidentemente al colpo inferto con l’attrezzo di lavoro.
Questo canto è probabilmente della Georgia, dato che in un Blues inciso ad Atlanta,” Ninety-Nine Year Blues” di Julius Daniels,Victor 20658 ( LP Folkways FA 2951 ) , il “narratore “ dice di essere stato condannato dal giudice a lavorare nella miniera di Joe Brown ( nell’ultima strofa di questo brano l’imputato dice al giudice di non essere stato li’ prima, al che questi risponde : “ Ti do 99 anni,cosi’ non ci torni piu’ “ ; la quale miniera evidentemente celeberrima, viene citata in un altro Blues della Georgia ( con struttura tipo “ worksong “) , “ Rolling Mill Blues “ di Peg Leg Howell,... (continuer)
Joe Brown‘s coal mine
envoyé par Pluck 6/8/2022 - 22:34
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Φώναξε (Διακοπές στο Sarajevo)

Φώναξε (Διακοπές στο Sarajevo)
SHOUT (Vacation in Sarajevo)
envoyé par Christina P. 6/8/2022 - 21:27


Lyrics & Music by Johnny Punish
Album: The Strange Story of Johnny Punish Vol. 1: Political (2000-2016)

Globalization and the New World Order get Punished by Johnny Punish for their push of a Corporatocracy over Democracy.
Punk rockin' song about banksters who are destroying the modern notion of democracy around the world..
We're living in a corporate-toc-crazy
envoyé par giorgio 6/8/2022 - 09:05
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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Lyrics & music by Aliza Hava
Album: Songs for Social Change
Martin Luther King was a preacher man
envoyé par giorgio 6/8/2022 - 08:46

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