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Il disertore

Il disertore
Riccardo Venturi, 26-10-2023 12:09
The Deserter
26/10/2023 - 12:11

Noc spokojna

Noc spokojna
Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo, 25-10-2023 13:51
A Peaceful Night
25/10/2023 - 13:53

Vstala primorska [Vstajenje Primorske]

Vstala primorska [Vstajenje Primorske]

The song is about the uprising in Primorska, now the Western region of Slovenia, which was occupied by fascist Italy for 20 years. It is now considered the unofficial anthem of the region, and people often stand up while it's performed.
Rising of Primorska
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 23/10/2023 - 00:31
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My brothers, I know our situation: the division and the exile that affect us in disorder and a lack of organization that we cannot overcome.
envoyé par Dq82 22/10/2023 - 17:52
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Lugano Addio

Lugano Addio
Album / Albumi: The Infinite & The Autogrill, Vol. 1 (2020)

Farewell Lugano
Farewell Lugano
envoyé par Dq82 22/10/2023 - 17:04
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La nuova versione di Roger Waters da The Dark Side Of The Moon Redux (2023)
A cinquant'anni di distanza dalla pubblicazione del capolavoro dei Pink Floyd Roger Waters pubblica una reinterpretazione dell'intero album, a voler rivendicare il suo ruolo fondamentale di scrittura all'interno del gruppo. Un'operazione che non gli ha risparmiato diverse critiche. Chiaramente era difficile confrontarsi con l'originale e rifare le canzoni senza la chitarra e la voce di David Gilmour.

Nella nuova versione una strofa è completamente riscritta e tutto è inframezzato da alcuni pezzi recitati.
21/10/2023 - 18:58
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I translated Iranian singer-songwriter Shervin Hajipour’s hit song “Baraye” to English. Being American-born myself but raised by Iranians parents who left during the revolution, I purposely made it my own to reflect my experiences as an Iranian born outside of Iran and never having been to Iran. I do encourage everyone to listen to the original, but this is the point of covers: all songs belong to all the people
20/10/2023 - 22:44


E Cardelline
Hampsicora (Marco) (L. Trans.)
Freedom (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 20/10/2023 - 18:49
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بشبه مبارح

بشبه مبارح
Riccardo Venturi, 19-10-2023 08:15
Almost Like Yesterday (continuer)
19/10/2023 - 08:16

Säkkijärven polkka

Säkkijärven polkka
Here's another audio link featuring one hell of a black-belt judoka rehearsing polka. The colouring of the tatami suggests that the clip was definitely not made in Sweden:
envoyé par Juha Rämö 15/10/2023 - 16:07

Nero di seppia

Nero di seppia
ovviamente è sempre soggetta alla supervisione dei professionisti delle ballate in rima.

Cuttlefishes have three hearts
envoyé par paolo Rizzi 3/10/2023 - 15:08
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
2e/novies. English translation of the “Alba feminine version” by Luke Atreides
Baby Bye
envoyé par Luke Atreides 24/9/2023 - 17:11
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Morti per niente

Morti per niente
Riccardo Venturi, 19-09-2023 12:05

Translator’s note.In translating this song for English speakers, I warn the English reader that the original lyrics are literally full of quotations (and self-quotations), as well as references to historical events and Italian idiomatic expressions that are not always easy to be adequately translated into English. References to historical events are generally expressed through direct links pointing to site songs that talk about them (often provided with English translations); but there are also specific notes explaining idiomatic expressions and other points that could be difficult to understand for those who are not fully at home in the sad history of Italy in the post-war period up to nowadays.
Dead for Nothing
19/9/2023 - 12:07

Riposa Soldato

Riposa Soldato
Das Lied entstand 2016 als Beitrag zum Singspiel "Don Camillo in St. Gallen" des Rorschachers Santa Cecilia Chores (Schweiz) unter der Leitung des Liedautors. Es begleitet die Beerdigungsszene von Peppones Neffen, der während einer Friedensmission im Irak-Krieg ums Leben kam. Dabei wird dem glücklosen jungen Soldaten die süße, wenngleich ewige Ruhe gewünscht. Der Text ist inspiriert von "Ellen's Song I" (The Lady of the Lake) von Sir Walter Scott (1771 - 1832).
Ruh dich aus, Soldat
envoyé par Claudio Luciano 10/9/2023 - 16:50

Bresci, l'anarchico tornato dall'America

Bresci, l'anarchico tornato dall'America
Riccardo Venturi, 4-9-2023 09:38
Bresci coming back from America
4/9/2023 - 09:40

وداع بعد از رفتن

وداع بعد از رفتن
youtube Cross translating shows some gaps, taken into account, as far as possible, in the Italian translation [RG]
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 3/9/2023 - 10:30


Lorenzo Masetti

Come al solito, ci ho provato.... accetto suggerimenti per migliorarla. Manuel Agnelli ha aperto con questa canzone ieri sera il bel concerto a Sesto Fiorentino confermandosi una delle voci più autentiche e credibili del rock italiano, dal vivo molto più che sul disco.
envoyé par Lorenzo 2/9/2023 - 21:02

Riposa Soldato

Riposa Soldato
The song was written in 2016 as a contribution to the musical recital "Don Camillo in San Gallo" by the Corale Santa Cecilia di Rorschach (Switzerland) directed by the author of the song. It accompanies the funeral scene of Peppone's nephew who fell during a peacekeeping mission in the Iraq war. In fact, the passage finally hopes for a sweet, albeit eternal, rest for the unfortunate young soldier. The text is inspired by "Ellen's Song I" (The Lady of the Lake) by Sir Walter Scott (1771 - 1832).
envoyé par Claudio Luciano 28/8/2023 - 19:24

En Guerra

En Guerra
25/8/2023 - 18:54

Tenere Den

Tenere Den
Out there, the great desert (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 15/8/2023 - 12:48


envoyé par Dq82 15/8/2023 - 10:55
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
2e/sexies. English translation of the "Alba feminine version", by Riccardo Venturi 11.8.2023
I was evacuated to Alba together with my family. My father was a member of “Giustizia e Libertà” (“Justice and Freedom”, a clandestine partisan organization) and used to carry clandestine press from Turin to Alba. In October 1944 I was an eyewitness of the entrance of the partisans into Alba's Cathedral Square. I was an attentive and curious girl, and remember very well that they sang “Fischia il Vento” and also a “feminine version” of Bella Ciao:
11/8/2023 - 12:27

Запевала сојка птица

Запевала сојка птица
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 28/7/2023 - 23:04

Latcho Drom Egypt

Latcho Drom Egypt
In omaggio all'arrivo di Patrick Zaki in italia
Un ballo sballo egiziano tratto dal meraviglioso film Latcho Drom di Toniy Gatlif ed un augurio per il suo futuro matrimonio
envoyé par Paolo Rizzi 23/7/2023 - 13:38

Surrounded by Spies

Surrounded by Spies

Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel:

Album: Never Let Me Go

Ho quindi iniziato a riflettere sugli innumerevoli modi in cui la nostra privacy è stata erosa e rubata dall’introduzione delle telecamere in tutto il mondo che ora utilizzano tecnologie di riconoscimento facciale razziste; l’ascesa di Internet e del telefono cellulare, che ha trasformato praticamente ogni utente in un paparazzo e spettatore della propria vita, e come abbiamo per lo più offerto informazioni personali a enormi multinazionali il cui unico intento è sfruttarci.
Ho usato la tecnica del cut-up inventata da William S Burroughs e resa popolare nella canzone moderna da David Bowie. È una storia vera raccontata attraverso la lente della paranoia, completo disgusto per i valori della società moderna e per la deificazione del capitalismo di sorveglianza.... (continuer)
I saw you jump from a burning building
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 18/7/2023 - 23:40

Birmingham Sunday

Birmingham Sunday
Birmingham Sunday
(September 15, 1963)

His poem, Birmingham Sunday, was written in 1963, after the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church, which was often used for meetings in support of civil rights,at which Martin Luther King Jr. himself had even once been in attendance, that killed four young girls attending Sunday School there on September 15, 1963. -
Four little girls
envoyé par Pluck 18/7/2023 - 18:17

Don't Want Apartheid

Don't Want Apartheid

Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel:
Israel Vibration

Salah Hammouri

Nel dicembre 2022 l’avvocato franco-palestinese Salah Hammouri , nato a Gerusalemme, è stato deportato da Israele in Francia

L’espulsione del difensore dei diritti umani franco-palestinese Salah Hammouri è un crimine di guerra reso possibile dal sistema di leggi e prassi che hanno l’obiettivo di mantenere l’apartheid israeliano sulla popolazione palestinese.
Così Amnesty International ha commentato il provvedimento con cui, il 18 dicembre, Hammouri è stato imbarcato a forza su un aereo diretto in Francia, dopo aver trascorso nove mesi in detenzione amministrativa senza accusa né processo.

In precedenza, nell’ottobre 2021, l’organizzazione per cui lavorava, “Addameer”, era stata qualificata “entità terroristica” dalle autorità israeliane. Gli uffici dell’organizzazione... (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 17/7/2023 - 18:53

Ballad of Ozie Powell

Ballad of Ozie Powell
The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes
Poems :1931-1940 pag.188-189
Arnold Rampersad, Editor
David Roessel, Associate Editor
Red is the Alabama road,
envoyé par Pluck 15/7/2023 - 11:34

Welcome to Hell

Welcome to Hell
"Welcome to Hell" conveys an anti-war perspective through its cynical portrayal of the horrors of war and its critique of the justifications given for sending young men off to battle.

The song opens by seeming to promote the carefree entertainments soldiers can enjoy during "shore leave," but then twists this by referring to the "red rooms" and "green tables," implying the brothels and gambling that serve as distractions from the grim reality of war.

The lyrics mock the idea that soldiers are gallant heroes, suggesting they are just naively following orders and propaganda about "securing a place among the saints." The line "To die for your country does not win a war / To kill for your country is what wins a war" criticizes the rhetoric used to convince young men to sacrifice themselves.

There are vivid descriptions of the gruesome casualties of war - "Limbs rendered birds, by the speed... (continuer)
envoyé par Daniel Fuller 14/7/2023 - 15:39

White Man

White Man
White Man – Langston Hughes ( 1901 – 1967 )
envoyé par Pluck 13/7/2023 - 12:09

The Last Apache

The Last Apache
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Bolland & Bolland
He was just a boy, (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 12/7/2023 - 17:17

It Was Sad When That Great Ship Went Down, or the Titanic

It Was Sad When That Great Ship Went Down, <i>or</i> the Titanic
[~ 1913]

Ultimamente si è riparlato parecchio di una famosa e grande nave -di cui non farò il nome-, il cui relitto giace, spezzato, a tremilaottocento metri di profondità in un punto dell’Oceano Atlantico settentrionale. Una tomba negli abissi, come disgraziatamente ce ne sono tante e tante, che andrebbe soltanto lasciata in pace nelle sue maestose tenebre eterne. Su quell’infausto avvenimento che si portò via le vite di circa mille e settecento persone si è detto, scritto, cantato e filmato di tutto a partire dal quindici aprile millenovecentododici; centoundici anni d’ogni cosa. Ma poiché questo è un sito di canzoni, ecco appunto una canzone popolare che, se non è proprio la prima a proposito di quel tragico e capitale naufragio, dev’essere quantomeno tra le prime. Come spesso avviene per le canzoni popolari, non ha un titolo ben definito: chi la chiama col nome di quella gran nave, chi... (continuer)
Oh they built the ship Titanic to sail the ocean blue
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 11/7/2023 - 21:12
Parcours: Naufrages


Album: Shade
We’re living like the programmed
9/7/2023 - 19:17
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Going Up The Country

Going Up The Country

Rispetto alla versione in studio sono presenti una strofa iniziale e una finale e gli assolo di flauto sono sostituiti da assoli di chitarra
Ogni alternativa di trascrizione sara' ben accetta .
envoyé par Pluck 7/7/2023 - 18:22

King of a Land

King of a Land
King of a Land
If I was a king of a land (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 6/7/2023 - 20:32


Written where his daughter was doing a school project on the painting by Pablo Picasso depicting the aerial attack on this market town by the German and Italian air forces during the Spanish Civil War on April 26, 1937. It is told from the perspective of an aged survivor of the Spanish attack who might have settled in Syria.
I recall the bombs from heaven, I was just a child - eleven
envoyé par Dave Mason 6/7/2023 - 15:30

Banks of Newfoundland

Banks of Newfoundland
Traditional (?)
Banks Of Newfoundland ·: Andy Irvine Old Dog Long Road, Vol. 2
℗ AK Records Released on: 2020-11-14

O you may bless your happy luck that lies serene on shore
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 5/7/2023 - 18:53
Parcours: Naufrages

When the Eagle Screams

When the Eagle Screams
Album: Motörizer

On Motörizer, When The Eagle Screams is an anti-war song.

Yeah. That’s about war being run by businessmen. When the eagle screams – when you squeeze the dollar. That’s what that means.

Lemmy's golden rules of songwriting, and the three songs he loved the most

In the heart of battle we were tested
1/7/2023 - 00:00

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