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تلك قضية

تلك قضية
English version / Versione inglese / Version anglaise / Englanninkielinen versio: Muhannad

Tried to make rhyme, and sound like a song in English. Original Arabic poem by Mostafa Ibrahim.
That's a Cause
envoyé par Muhannad 26/6/2024 - 17:38

We Didn't Learn

We Didn't Learn

"Due to the many conflicts in the world right now, I asked myself the question: what if no one would go to war, but everyone would rather stay with their loved ones? I have processed the whole thing into a song." [Klaus Hoffmann]
It was when two brothers didn’t get along,
envoyé par Klaus Hofmann 26/6/2024 - 09:58
Downloadable! Video!

Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
4o. Bella Ciao (per Vittorio Arrigoni) (Versione inglese di Blake)
4o. Bella Ciao (for Vittorio Arrigoni) (English version by Blake)

Bella Ciao
envoyé par Dq82 24/6/2024 - 11:10

Boots of a Soldier

Boots of a Soldier
Unprecedented Sh!t
I wear the boots of a soldier
envoyé par Dq82 23/6/2024 - 10:31

Seven Days

Seven Days
Ridiculous And Full Of Blood
There's just no man upstairs.
envoyé par Dq82 23/6/2024 - 09:32

Хотят ли русские войны?‎

Хотят ли русские войны?‎
June 22, 1941, the WWII came to the Russian land. The war financed by bank olygarchy, fulfilled by German anti-communist, mad on mysticism.
27 000 000 Soviet Russians, Ukrainians, Uzbeks, Azerbaijanians, ... lost heir lives during 4 years. Many of them were victims of Nazy sadists.
That's why now Putin soldiers shout to Ukrainians: "Brother, get captured and then – towards family !" They refuse total bombing used against ISIS in Syria.
Some Russian politicians promote nuclear weapons, but Putin answers strictly: Nope.
Some promote the march to make Eastern European countries allies like in Soviet era. But the alliances should be free-will, otherwise ineffective; so, such politicians are ignored by everyone incl.Putin.
The scarecrow of 'Russian threat' is necessary for those who use war to robber their own peoples...
Question on Russians and the war – (continuer)
envoyé par V.S., 2024 22/6/2024 - 11:35

Tira a campare

Tira a campare
Richet Le Luneux, 21-6-2024 20:46
Try to Get By
21/6/2024 - 20:46

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