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L'ultima not

L'ultima not
I'm writing you one last letter (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 + Riccardo Sgavetti 4/7/2024 - 17:24

Zeven dagen lang [incl. Son ar chistr]

Zeven dagen lang [<i>incl.</i> Son ar chistr]
Blackmore's Night (2003)
Album / Albumi: Ghost of a Rose Track

All for One
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 3/7/2024 - 23:06

Down Rodeo

Down Rodeo
Album: Evil Empire

Rodeo Drive è la strada dello shopping di Beverly Hills,

“Down Rodeo” was a promotional single by American rock band Rage Against the Machine. The song was intended as the third single from their Evil Empire album, although a domestic single was never released.

The song addresses social inequality between the rich and poor of America, and the simmering class warfare that existed in the band’s home city of Los Angeles following the 1992 Los Angeles Riots. “Down Rodeo” was written just three years after six days of riots were sparked by police violence against minorities in the city. The full lyric must be put into context of the time period and the beating of Rodney King to be understood: “So now I’m rollin' down Rodeo with a shotgun, These people ain’t seen a brown skin man, Since their grandparents bought one”

Yeah, I'm rollin' down Rodeo with a shotgun
envoyé par lucone 25/5/2024 - 23:29



Carlotta Sarina, in arte Lotta, è una giovane artista poliedrica e un’attivista per il clima.
Originaria delle colline di Salsomaggiore Terme, si è trasferita a Milano dopo il liceo per studiare musica. Qui, fuori dal Conservatorio, e mossa da una crescente preoccupazione per lo stato del pianeta, ha conosciuto il mondo dell’attivismo ambientale.

POWER sarà lanciata su tutte le piattaforme il 27 maggio notte, dopo il release party organizzato insieme a @planetboumboum e @lamagma_ a Parigi:
fateci video stupidi,
utilizzatela durante le occupazioni,
le azioni, i cortei.
Saremo a Parigi ma vi sentiremo vicin*.

Facciamo sapere al mondo che la giustizia climatica valica ogni confine geografico, culturale, linguistico: dove non arrivano i governi, arriviamo noi a indicare l’unica strada possibile per costruire il nostro futuro, quella della contaminazione... (continuer)
Power to the people
25/5/2024 - 17:18

Hind's Hall

Hind's Hall
Lyrics and music / النص والموسيقى /Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / מילים ולחן / Sanat ja sävel:

A proposito di antisemitismo

L’antisemitismo é manifestazione di, pregiudizio, rancore o di odio verso gli ebrei, espresso anche attraverso teorie cospirative e attribuzione di colpe senza fondamento. Purtroppo di recente l’epiteto antisemita viene usato troppo e a sproposito per respingere qualunque rilievo critico sulla politica dello stato israeliano, anche se lieve e supportato da evidenze indiscutibili. Schematizzando, il corto circuito è il seguente: l’analisi critica verso aspetti della politica e società israeliana viene classificata come antisionismo. A sua volta l’antisionismo viene equiparato tout court all’antisemitismo. Scatta a questo punto il senso di colpa e l’autocensura della comunità o del singolo malcapitato raggiunti dall’epiteto antisemita:... (continuer)
The people they won’t leave
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 25/5/2024 - 13:12

Bed on the Floor

Bed on the Floor
Available on:
Muleskinner Blues - Asch Recordings, Vol. 2
Woody Guthrie 1944
Make me a bed right down on your floor,
envoyé par Pluck 21/5/2024 - 01:17

Digwell Carol

Digwell Carol
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel: Leslie Fish
Album / Albumi: Firestorm - Songs of the Third World War

The song is a small piece of science fiction masquerading as a traditional song about what initially sounds like a pagan festival. Imagining a kind of peasantry that's survived the nuclear holocaust, the song is a "carol" for a holiday in which all of the corpses and dead crops from radiation sickness are piled in a ceremonial mound to "keep the devil down."

By the end of the song, it is revealed that the "devil" is the word for the powerful people who've retreated to underground bunkers, and that by heaping the dead on top of the doors to the bunkers, they'll be kept in "hell."
It is the time of Digwell, now Summer's gone away
envoyé par Michael Bacon 14/5/2024 - 04:41

Forever Chemical

Forever Chemical
Parole e musica di Simon Roberts

"Forever Chemicals (more accurately known as PFAS, per-and polyfluorinated alkyl substances) are everywhere. In your blood, in your water, in your pets, and in your taco wrappers.

We need to work together to find and correct the sources of PFAS contamination around the world. This will take years of research with support from our federal government in the US and governments around the world. You can educate yourself on PFAS, contact your local, state, and federal governments and express your concern and your support for researching, regulating, and cleaning up these "forever chemicals". (Simon Roberts)

Le sostanze per- e polifluoroalchiliche (PFAS, o PFOA, o PFOS) sono composti chimici con forti proprietà tensioattive. Introdotti in ambito militare negli anni 40, per la loro capacità di fornire alle superfici idro e oleorepellenza, negli anni '70... (continuer)
I’ll be your forever chemical
12/5/2024 - 17:44

African American Work Songs in a Texas Prison

Buongiorno AWS.
In allegato vi invio la intera trascrizione del documentario : " African American Work Songs in a Texas Prison " di TOSHI, DANIEL, and PETER SEEGER del 1966, con i relativi testi delle canzoni registrate, ricevuta da : American Folklife Center .
Buon lavoro

African American Work Songs. Transcription. The numbered explanatory notes are entered as a group between the body of the film and its closing credits.
(Opening sequence, convicts led by Chinaman singing “Let your Hammer Ring” [1] while cross-cutting trees)
envoyé par Pluck 10/5/2024 - 17:13

Angola Penitentiary Blues

Angola Penitentiary Blues
THE MUDCAT CAFE' : Angola Penitentiary Blues
From: cnd
Date: 07 May 24
Here's my transcription from the recording on Spotify from the 1973 album "The Sonet Blues Story".
Lord, I had a fall
envoyé par Pluck 8/5/2024 - 17:32

Justice for the Craigavon 2

Pól MacAdaim

Justice for Brendan McConville and John Paul Wootton, who were unjustly convicted of the murder of PSNI constable Stephen Carroll and sentenced to life imprisonment.
We believe the case was corrupt and the 'evidence' inconclusive, contradictory and discredited. Both men find themselves victims of a system that sought to find suitable scapegoats in the wake of the political and media backlash following the killing.
Craigavon 9th March the news man read, (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 4/5/2024 - 10:42
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Oh Dolours

Oh Dolours

"Oh Dolours" is an ode to Dolours Price, a radical feminist and volunteer in the Irish Republican Army. It's an exploration of the sacrifices people make in the name of liberation, and what kinds of compromises are actually worth the cost — particularly for women, who face sexist double standards even in militant resistance. We recruited the singers from Indoor Friends to join us in the third verse, to make sure that women's voices were actually heard.

Ní saoirse go saoirse na mBan.
(There is no freedom until the freedom of women)
Oh, Dolours
envoyé par Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:52
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If a Song Could Raise an Army

If a Song Could Raise an Army
Notes From A Holocaust
If a song could bring us together (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:31
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Baby Jesus Lying in the Rubble

Baby Jesus Lying in the Rubble
Notes From A Holocaust
She was looking for a place to have a baby (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:27
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The Apocalypse Will Be Televised

The Apocalypse Will Be Televised
Notes From A Holocaust
Such a carpet-bombing nowhere has ever borne (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:26
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Pogroms of Judea and Samaria

Pogroms of Judea and Samaria
Notes From A Holocaust
As the IOF is bombing Gaza into dust (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:24
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Famine and Disease

Famine and Disease
Notes From A Holocaust
In the places they report it, if you listen to the news (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:23
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Once the Last Palestinian's Killed

Once the Last Palestinian's Killed
Notes From A Holocaust
In the Congress and the Bundestag you’ll see them wring their hands (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:22
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Humanitarian Pause

Humanitarian Pause
Notes From A Holocaust
After targeting emergency responders (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:03

Stop the Genocide

Stop the Genocide
Notes From A Holocaust
The story begins, they’ll say, in the fall of ‘23 (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:00

As the Bombs Rain Down

As the Bombs Rain Down
Notes From A Holocaust
Hear the drones above your head (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 4/5/2024 - 08:58
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Flour Massacre

Flour Massacre
Bearing Witness
Almost five months since the blockade was complete (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 4/5/2024 - 08:52
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Taking to the Waves

Taking to the Waves
Bearing Witness
Since the siege began, across humanity (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 4/5/2024 - 08:51
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Song for Gaza

Song for Gaza
Bearing Witness
If I could sing a song for every bomb that flies (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 4/5/2024 - 08:49
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This Is Genocide

This Is Genocide
Bearing Witness
This is genocide, it is not a war (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 4/5/2024 - 08:45

Boycott, Sanction, and Divest

Boycott, Sanction, and Divest
April 24

I spent the day writing a song for the students, staff, and faculty at Columbia University who have been risking a lot to take a very bold stand -- and them along with growing numbers of students, staff, and faculty at growing numbers of other institutions!
It’s happening now, like it has before
3/5/2024 - 14:24

The House Un-Israeli Activities Committee

The House Un-Israeli Activities Committee

"Antisemitism" is the new "communism" -- have you ever said anything that could be construed in someone's convoluted mind as somehow anti-Jewish? Iran is the new USSR, Elise Stefanik is the new Joe McCarthy, and the House Un-Israeli Activities Committee is going strong, ruining one life at a time, and striking fear throughout academia and beyond.
New song: "The House Un-Israeli Activities Committee"
f you imagine when considering a slogan
3/5/2024 - 09:12

Arms Trade

Arms Trade

Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel /
Massilia Hi-Fi

Album: Massilia Hi-Fi ft. Baltimores - Arms Trade

Commercio di armi

Il 26 Gennaio 2023 alla trasmissione “L’aria che tira” su La 7 il ministro Crosetto dichiarava:
[…] Noi ci siamo resi disponibili a dare delle armi che non attaccassero i russi ma difendessero dagli attacchi missilistici. Quindi daremo un sistema di difesa che consenta agli ucraini di abbattere i missili prima che arrivino al suolo. Che mi pare sia una cosa difficilmente criticabile. Io non riesco a criticare un aiuto dato a una popolazione per difendersi da un missile che cade su una scuola, un condominio o una centrale elettrica”. Quanto ai “droni fuori sacco” se fosse una notizia vera “sarebbe un reato perché il ministero della Difesa e lo Stato non ne sono a conoscenza e quindi se fosse vera qualcuno dovrebbe finire... (continuer)
No more international arms trade
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 2/5/2024 - 00:09


written by Gary Clark Jr., Elijah Ford, Jacob Sciba & Sama'an Ashrawi.

Il titolo della canzone, come ha spiegato uno dei suoi co-autori, il giornalista culturale Sama’an Ashrawi, “Maktub”—scritto in arabo come مكتوب— è "un tipo di destino per il quale devi lavorare, un cammino attraverso il cosmo con un lieto fine solo se rimani sulla giusta via."

Trovo che sia una canzone bellissima che giustamente è stata accostata a capolavori come Get Up, Stand Up o Move On Up di Curtis Mayfield.
Uh, they comin' through
1/5/2024 - 00:38

Merry Old England

Merry Old England
Album: All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade

The people who travel here and risk life and limb to come to England and try and make a life for themselves is something we spend quite a lot of time talking about. A lot of these people are trained doctors, they speak four or five languages. It’s not that I’m pro-illegal immigration, I’ve just got this thing against borders. It’s very easy to create fear and anger and hostility about people.

Pete Doherty


Le persone che viaggiano fino a qui e rischiano la vita per venire in Inghilterra e cercare di costruirsi una vita sono un argomento di cui parliamo spesso. Molti di queste persone sono medici qualificati, parlano quattro o cinque lingue.

Non è che io sia a favore dell'immigrazione illegale, semplicemente ho qualcosa contro i confini. È molto facile creare paura, rabbia e ostilità nei confronti delle persone senza ragione.

Pete Doherty
I know, I know, I know you came the long way 'round
29/4/2024 - 20:19

War Isn’t Murder

War Isn’t Murder

The song’s message is direct and harsh, as highlighted by its title, “War Isn’t Murder.” However, it’s full of lyrical wordplay of the kind that someone who has been doing this a while usually comes up with. The whole idea of the song is to needle at the semantics that people use to discuss and paper over the nature of combat.
“War Isn’t Murder”: A Protest Song Built For Social Media
War isn't murder
26/4/2024 - 16:59

The Great Song of Indifference

The Great Song of Indifference

L'indifferenza....maledetta indifferenza,fonte del male che cresce!!!
Bravo Bob a rendere "l'indifferenza" maligna.
“I don’t mind if you go
envoyé par Carlo Paredi 25/4/2024 - 11:09

Adopt This Posture to Evacuate

Adopt This Posture to Evacuate
This comes from an upcoming nonsense poetry book, and it's one in a section of 14 poems that all deal with violence and war.

See the displayed video for more information.

You can also check out my Medium page to see updates about self-publishing with Friesen Press. Here's the link for the first part in the series:

Making Sense From Nonsense
For war
envoyé par Daniel Fuller 22/4/2024 - 11:34

The Haikopalypse

The Haikopalypse
Haikus are meant to be small transient moments in time. Funny how these moments can combine to produce something major.

The following is a collection of 9 haikus meant to be read as one long piece.

Here's the link to the Medium page if you want to share.
The Haikopalypse
A Dead Child in Palestine
envoyé par Daniel Fuller 21/4/2024 - 14:44

You Can Choose Your Dream, but They Will Choose Your Nightmare

You Can Choose Your Dream, but They Will Choose Your Nightmare
This poetic form is called a "villainelle"; probably one of the most famous examples is Dylan Thomas' "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night".

Here is the Medium page link if you would like to share this:
You Can Choose Your Dream, But They Will Choose Your Nightmare
You can choose your dream, but they will choose your nightmare
envoyé par Daniel Fuller 21/4/2024 - 14:39

The Beautiful Leaders WIthout Mercy

The Beautiful Leaders WIthout Mercy
We are truly living in historic times. Events since 2016 (Brexit, Trump, COVID19 policies, Ukraine war, Israeli genocide in Gaza) have completely exposed the hypocrisy of the West.

If you would like to share this, here is the link to my Medium page: The Beautiful Leaders Without Mercy
As the world watches the slaughter of innocents
envoyé par Daniel Fuller 21/4/2024 - 14:35

The Chirality of Evil

The Chirality of Evil
I was looking for a word that rhymed with "Banality", and I thought "Chirality" worked well. An example of chirality is your two hands: they are mirror images of each other, but they can't be superimposed upon each other exactly.

If you would like to share, here is the link to my Medium page: The Chirality of Evil
Put on a suit, put on a tie
envoyé par Daniel Fuller 21/4/2024 - 14:31

The Story of O.J.

The Story of  O.J.
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel: Shawn Corey Carter (Jay-Z)
Album: 4:44

In the summer of 2017, Jay-Z dropped his thirteenth studio album 4:44 to near-rapturous fan reception and critical praise. The project was Jay’s most vulnerable and intimate to date, with the title track famously confirming allegations of infidelity mentioned on his wife Beyoncé’s 2016 opus Lemonade. However, LP standout track “The Story Of O.J.” was less personal and more societal, as the Jigga Man addressed racism and stereotypes within the black community with his signature incisiveness.

“The Story Of O.J.” features lyrics referencing infamous figure O.J. Simpson and his alleged belief that his wealth and influence transcended his race. “I’m not black, I’m O.J.” is a line rumored to have been uttered by Simpson in an interview, and it was quoted in the Emmy-winning... (continuer)
Skin is, skin is
20/4/2024 - 03:23

Georgia Chain Gang

Guitar Nubbit
Guitar Nubbit - Georgia Chain Gang -1962
Transcription: Jürgen Henning (Blues Power Magazin 2 (1993), no. 3, p. 19)

Alvin Hankerson (November 23, 1923 – June 30, 1995), better known as Guitar Nubbit, was an American blues guitarist and singer. His most notable song was "Georgia Chain Gang", which was originally released in 1962 as a single on Bluestown Records. - Wikipedia
I Was Way Down in Georgia,
envoyé par Pluck 18/4/2024 - 18:24

I Went to Atlanta

American Folksongs of Protest by John Greenway
Philadelphia - University of Pennsylvania Press - 1953 - p.106
—Library of Congress, Archive of American Folk Song, unpublished collection.
I went to Atlanta,
envoyé par Pluck 17/4/2024 - 23:33


Album: Folklore

This song is about one of Taylor’s childhood friends who seemed to have had an unhappy life at home. Taylor reflects back on her innocence back then, how she thought that their problems could be easily solved.
Please picture me in the trees
15/4/2024 - 21:28

Man's World

Man's World
Lyrics / Testo / Paroles / Sanat: Marina Diamandis
Music / Musica / Music / Sävel: Marina Diamandis - Jennifer Decilveo
Single: November 11, 2020
Album / Albumi: Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land

Man's World è un singolo della cantautrice britannica Marina, pubblicato il 18 novembre 2020 come primo estratto dal quinto album in studio Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land. Il successivo 11 dicembre ne è stata diffusa una seconda edizione intitolata Man's World (Stripped) che include la title track e una sua versione per voce & pianoforte, e sono previsti dei remix in occasione dell'uscita dell'album.

Il brano è stato scritto da Marina e co-prodotto da lei con la musicista statunitense Jennifer Decilveo, scelta appositamente dall'artista come parte del suo progetto di realizzare un album centrato sul tema del femminismo e della lotta al patriarcato e, quindi, con uno staff esclusivamente... (continuer)
Cheeks are rosy like a Boucher cherub
15/4/2024 - 21:22

I Am Sold and Going to Georgia

Library of Congress, Archive of AmericanFolk Song, WPA Collection.
American Folksongs of Protest by John Greenway
Philadelphia University Pennsylvania Press 1953
p. 95-96

This song is usually sung by the chained gangs of slaves who are on their way, being driven from Maryland, Virginia, and Kentucky, to the more southern states for sale. The last line of each verse is the chorus, and gives a most impressive effect when sung—as it often is— by 60 or 150 voices echoing the plaintive grief of their hearts. This last line is intended as an appeal to all who have it in their power to aid in bringing about the jubilee of emancipation. -J. W. C. Pennington, D.D. Despite Dr. Pennington's contemporary affidavit that this is a Negro song, most observers will agree that its white origin is transparent; but it is worth including, if only for Dr. Pennington's intriguing phrase, "sung ... by 60 or 150 voices."
O! When shall we poor souls be free?
envoyé par Pluck 15/4/2024 - 17:21

End the Vietnam War

End the Vietnam War
Non ho trovato l'anno in cui la canzone è stata incisa da Allen Ginsberg. Ne esiste una versione remixata da DJ Spooky pubblicata nel 2003.
Come along come along, end the Vietnam War,
14/4/2024 - 19:28

Tangle Eye Blues

Tangle Eye
Tangle Eye Blues - Tangle Eye
Prison Songs, Vol. 1: Murderous Home, " Historical Recordings From Parchman Farm 1947-'48." - The Alan Lomax Collection.

Lomax wrote:” Sung by the cross-eyed prisoner whose mates had named him Tangle-Eye. Every good singer in the Pen has his own field holler with which he amuses himself in reflective moments. Often those tunes are kin to the blues, often they are composed of free yodeling tunes which seem to have African roots. The wild free melodies permit the singers literally to think and free associate out loud. The holler is, for me, the most expressive style in all our folklore. Tangle-Eye here tells his own story.”

“Tangle Eye Blues” is Tangle Eye’s personal story of incarceration, religion, and repentance. Based on his singing style, we can infer that this may have once been a gospel song that was popular amongst African American churches... (continuer)
Mmm, hmm, mm!
envoyé par Pluck 14/4/2024 - 12:15

Fountain Filled with Blood

Fountain Filled with Blood
Fonte :
On the hallelujah line Helen Bonchek Schneyer
Smithsonian Institution

Notes by Helen Bonchek Schneyer. Recorded by Mike Rivers and Sandy Paton. Photograph by Sandy Paton. Jacket·design by Swede Plaut. © ® 1981. FOLK-LEGACY RECORDS .
There is a fountain filled with blood,
envoyé par Pluck 12/4/2024 - 19:09

I Want to Go Home

Da : Slave Songs of the United States.
New York: A. Simpson & Co., 1867. - Part 1, p.46 , #61

William Francis Allen, (1830-1889), Charles Pickard Ware, (1840-1921), and Lucy McKim Garrison, ( 1842-1877) .

[Verse 7 was added after the Emancipation Proclamation.--J. S. R.]
da: William Francis Allen, (1830-1889), Charles Pickard Ware, (1840-1921), and Lucy McKim Garrison, ( 1842-1877) .
Dere's no rain to wet you.
envoyé par Pluck 11/4/2024 - 17:10

Livin’ on a Prayer

Livin’ on a Prayer

La canzone parla di una coppia dove lei lavora come cameriera in una tavola calda e lui è stato licenziato dal porto dopo uno sciopero. Il pezzo, come detto dall'autore, è ispirato dalla Reaganomics e dalla Trickle-down economy.
Once upon a time, not so long ago
envoyé par Lucone 11/4/2024 - 09:56

Low Bridge, Everybody Down, or The Erie Canal Song

Low Bridge, Everybody Down, <i>or</i> The Erie Canal Song
Testo e musica / Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel: Thomas S. Allen
Prima incisione / First recording / Premier enregistrement / Ensimmäinen äänitys:
Billy Murray, Victor Records 17250, 18-11-1912
Prima pubblicazione / First published / Première publication / Ensimmäinen julkaisu:
1913, F. B. Haviland Publishing Company, New York

Il Canale dell’Erie (Erie Canal) è un canale storico che scorre da est a ovest tra il fiume Hudson e il grande lago Erie. Storico sì, perché fu completato e inaugurato due secoli fa, nel 1825, e fu la prima via d’acqua a mettere in diretto contatto l’Oceano Atlantico con i Grandi Laghi nordamericani, che sono un vero e proprio oceano interno. E fu l’inizio dei grandi trasporti, umani e di merci. E’ quindi abbastanza curioso che questa canzone mi sia venuta in mente, dopo non mi ricordo più quanto tempo che non la ascoltavo e cantavo,... (continuer)
I’ve got an old mule and her name is Sal,
Fifteen years on the Erie Canal
She’s a good old worker and a good old pal,
Fifteen years on the Erie Canal
We’ve hauled some barges in our day,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 9/4/2024 - 10:15

My Father, How Long ?

My Father, How Long ?
My Father, How Long ? ( Traditional )
Berea Songs of Slavery and Emancipation Ensemble

My Father, How Long? / We’ll Soon Be Free.

Two versions of the same song. First in TW Higginson* Army Life In A Black Regiment (pg. 169 XXXIV)
[For singing this “the negroes had been put in jail in Georgetown, S.C., at the outbreak of the Rebellion. ‘We’ll soon be free’ was too dangerous an assertion, and though the chant was an old one, it was no doubt sung with redoubled emphasis during the new events. ‘De Lord will call us home’ was evidently thought to be a symbolical verse; for, as a little drummer boy explained it to me, showing all his white teeth as he sat in the moonlight by the door of my tent, ‘Dey tink de Lord mean for say de Yankees.’”——T.W.H.]
second version, Slaves Songs of the United States, section IV., #112.
I made a composite lyric; music is based on that provided in Slave Songs... (continuer)
My father, how long,
envoyé par Pluck 8/4/2024 - 21:31

My Mother’s Savage Daughter

My Mother’s Savage Daughter
L'autrice scrisse questa canzone nei primi anni 90 rifacendosi alla cultura pagana nordica.

Ultimamente sono diventate virali delle cover , cantate inizialmente come canzone di empowerment femminile .
Poco dopo è diventata un inno per le donne native americane , cosa apprezzata dall'autrice originale .

Articolo dell'autrice sulla canzone
I am my mother's savage daughter,
envoyé par Lucone 8/4/2024 - 17:38

Wounded Knee Soliloquy

Wounded Knee Soliloquy
The Voice of the Eagle
Go, bury my heart at Wounded Knee (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 8/4/2024 - 17:02

Custer Had It Coming

Custer Had It Coming
Peace Pipe
Strong were our nations, mighty was our number (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 8/4/2024 - 16:57


The song was written by brothers Frank & Sean O'Meara
Jim McCann, who often played with The Dubliners had the most success with it, but it was also sang by The Wolfe Tones, John McDermott, Barleycorn, and Anthony Kearns to name but a few singers. And at least also Andrea Rock & the Rebel Poets in their Ep "Mnà" (Women).

It was written about Joseph Plunket and Grace Gifford who married hours before Joseph was executed for his part in the 1916 rising in Dublin

Tom Clarke was a source of inspiration in the Post Office.
There was Joseph Plunket, pale and weak having come directly from the hospital where he had just undergone an operation.Joseph was shot seated, as he was too ill to stand for the firing squad.
He struggled to be with his comrades on that eventful morning. Margaret Skinnider said he looked like death and he met his death a few days later, not a natural one but... (continuer)
As we gather in the chapel here in old Kilmainham Jail
envoyé par Dq82 8/4/2024 - 13:14


In a world full of hate there's no room for the brave
envoyé par Dq82 7/4/2024 - 15:22



“Mnà”, termine gaelico che significa “donne”, è il nuovo EP di Andrea Rock, speaker radiofonico, musicista, produttore e frontman del progetto ANDREA ROCK & THE REBEL POETS.

A meno di un anno di distanza da “True Stories”, Andrea torna per raccontare le vite di quattro donne che hanno lasciato il segno nella memoria e nella cultura dell’Isola di Smeraldo.

I quattro brani che compongono l’ep sono l’ideale proseguimento del discorso intrapreso nel 2023 con l’album precedente: raccontare storie vere di personalità legate alla storia culturale e politica irlandese, attraverso un suono che tiene conto sia della tradizione che del contesto attuale. La proposta del progetto può essere descritta come “irish punk” o “celtic rock”, con alcune digressioni più hard, ravvisabili soprattutto nella timbrica vocale e nei suoni di chitarra, basso e batteria. Ad elevarsi al di sopra di queste... (continuer)
Walking home from local shop
envoyé par Dq82 7/4/2024 - 15:09



“Mnà”, termine gaelico che significa “donne”, è il nuovo EP di Andrea Rock, speaker radiofonico, musicista, produttore e frontman del progetto ANDREA ROCK & THE REBEL POETS.

A meno di un anno di distanza da “True Stories”, Andrea torna per raccontare le vite di quattro donne che hanno lasciato il segno nella memoria e nella cultura dell’Isola di Smeraldo.

I quattro brani che compongono l’ep sono l’ideale proseguimento del discorso intrapreso nel 2023 con l’album precedente: raccontare storie vere di personalità legate alla storia culturale e politica irlandese, attraverso un suono che tiene conto sia della tradizione che del contesto attuale. La proposta del progetto può essere descritta come “irish punk” o “celtic rock”, con alcune digressioni più hard, ravvisabili soprattutto nella timbrica vocale e nei suoni di chitarra, basso e batteria. Ad elevarsi al di sopra di queste... (continuer)
The countess of Sligo
envoyé par Dq82 7/4/2024 - 06:17



“Mnà”, termine gaelico che significa “donne”, è il nuovo EP di Andrea Rock, speaker radiofonico, musicista, produttore e frontman del progetto ANDREA ROCK & THE REBEL POETS.

A meno di un anno di distanza da “True Stories”, Andrea torna per raccontare le vite di quattro donne che hanno lasciato il segno nella memoria e nella cultura dell’Isola di Smeraldo.

I quattro brani che compongono l’ep sono l’ideale proseguimento del discorso intrapreso nel 2023 con l’album precedente: raccontare storie vere di personalità legate alla storia culturale e politica irlandese, attraverso un suono che tiene conto sia della tradizione che del contesto attuale. La proposta del progetto può essere descritta come “irish punk” o “celtic rock”, con alcune digressioni più hard, ravvisabili soprattutto nella timbrica vocale e nei suoni di chitarra, basso e batteria. Ad elevarsi al di sopra di queste... (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 7/4/2024 - 06:02

Lalzawmi (Zomi) Frankcom

Lalzawmi (Zomi) Frankcom
© 2024 Tony Smith

Telephone call 1 April 2024. An inauspicious date in Australia.

In their own words (almost):

Australian politician: You have killed an Australian!!
Israeli spokesperson: You gave us weapons and told us to go for it after the Hamas attack.
Australian politician: Yes, but we thought you were only going to kill Arabs!
Israeli spokesperson: Yes and we have done a pretty good job of it. Over 30,000 at last count.
Australian politician: But an Australian! And an aid worker for World Central Kitchen at that!
Israeli spokesperson: Aid workers. We have killed over 100 of those. And a few media workers. These things happen in war.
Australian politician: I am very, very angry. (Hangs up).
Israeli spokesperson: (Sigh). Oh dear, how sad. Never Mind.
Voice off: Seems very moralistic for a politician. These Austrians.
Israeli spokesperson: And gullible. How is the big man’s hernia?
Zomi Frankcom has prompted these words bespoke
envoyé par Tony Smith 6/4/2024 - 23:07

Cease Fire

Cease Fire
(December 2023)
Feat. Andre Louis

Sometimes a situation comes along that makes you have to try and do your bit to rectify the balance. For me as a musician, I of course attempt to do this through music.

When Mai approached me about recording a song regarding the ongoing troubles in Palestine I agreed.

The song is called 'Cease Fire' and through power of the human voice and a piano, we hope to bring attention to the current situation and to at least make you stop and think.

Mai's voice emotionally saws above the piano in a way that shall surely tug at the heartstrings. Though the song may be simple in scope, the message is poignant and meaningful, and we hope you share it with your friends and family.

Andre Louis
When is the time that we say enough is enough?
6/4/2024 - 14:26

A Luta Continua

A Luta Continua
A Luta Continua
A luta continua
envoyé par Dq82 + Lorenzo 5/4/2024 - 21:06

Palestine Will Never Die

Palestine Will Never Die

نص/ Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / מילים / Sanat:
Kareem Dennis

موسيقى / Musica / Music / Musique / לחן /Sävel :
Lowkey, Mai Khalil

مطرب / Interpreti / Performed by / Interprétée par / שַׂחְקָן / Laulavat :
Lowkey, Mai Khalil
[Intro: Mai Khalil (Translated)]
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 5/4/2024 - 16:29

Let's Make Love, Not War

Let's Make Love, Not War
Single: I've Got Love / Let's Make Love - Not War
Let's make love, not war
4/4/2024 - 20:58

A luta continua (Keep on Looting)

A luta continua (Keep on Looting)

I've long thought it was convenient and appropriate that the English word "loot" and the Portuguese word for "struggle" sound very similar. The powers-that-be are looting the people and the planet in so many ways every day of the year, but on rare occasions when some people dare loot back a little, like in Chicago a couple nights ago, it's time to call in the National Guard.
Since before Massasoit let the settlers in, long since they took over the west
envoyé par Dq82 4/4/2024 - 09:45

I Gotta Run

Album : Some Mississippi Sunday Morning
Parchman Prison Prayer - 2023
I GOTTA RUN as sung by L. Stevenson ( age 29 )

Per ulteriori notizie sull’album cui appartiene la traccia si rimanda all’articolo " Parchman Prison Prayer: quando le canzoni nascevano nelle prigioni". Allegato alla canzone “ Since I’ve Laid My Burden Down” ( Mississippi John Hurt ) di AWS.
I gotta run, I gotta run, I gotta run.
envoyé par Pluck 3/4/2024 - 13:44

Stop the War Drum

Stop the War Drum
Song that relates to Palestine and Gaza, but which could also relate to any situation of oppression and conflict in the world.

All we need in this world is love 'harmony , understanding, equality and peace.
Another war has come
envoyé par Mehmood 'Doc' BHAMJEE 2/4/2024 - 07:12

Ameriican Requiem

Ameriican Requiem
Album: Cowboy Carter

L'album è la seconda parte di una trilogia inaugurata con Renaissance del 2022. In questo album Beyoncé coraggiosamente si arrischia in un’operazione di riappropriazione culturale del country, tradizionalmente visto come musica bianca e di stampo conservatore.

Ma Beyoncé è comunque una donna del sud degli Stati Uniti e il country fa parte delle sue radici quanto la musica nera, e in questo album riesce a mettere insieme le due cose in maniera a volte sorprendente.

La traccia di apertura Ameriican Requiem (la doppia i è un riferimento all'atto II della trilogia) è un vero proprio requiem per il sogno americano, per tutte le idee di libertà e di uguaglianza tradite nel corso della storia, il funerale di una società libera dall'odio e dalla discriminazione ancora molto lontana dal realizzarsi.

L'album continua con Blackbiird (anche qui con la doppia i), cover della canzone scritta da Paul McCartney per i Beatles e dedicata a tutte le donne nere che lottano per liberarsi.
Nothin' really ends
envoyé par Lorenzo Masetti 1/4/2024 - 23:17

The State of the World

The State of the World

“The song is exactly what it says it is – our observation of the world surrounding us today.This song required a lot of willpower and understanding from each and every member, but it came together in the end. We hope you like the song and find meaning in it.”
KALANDRA Release “The State Of The World” With Music Video
The state of the world has been on my mind
24/3/2024 - 18:27

Children Drumming in Gaza

Children Drumming in Gaza
Children drumming in Gaza
© 2024 Tony Smith

I cannot even begin to understand how governments can fail to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. They know - absolutely know - that Palestinian children are dying in droves. The children are killed by bombs, maimed, traumatised, experience amputations without anaesthesia, and they are starving. I chose a tune which has been around since about 1710. Children should sing this happily but we are destroying childhood.
My school had a percussion band
envoyé par Tony Smith 24/3/2024 - 04:04

A Million Voices

A Million Voices

Canzone che ha rappresentato la Russia all'Eurovision 2015. Una canzoncina pace & amore bruttina e banale, a dire il vero.
We are the world's people
22/3/2024 - 18:57

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