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L'ultima not

L'ultima not
I'm writing you one last letter (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 + Riccardo Sgavetti 4/7/2024 - 17:24

Zeven dagen lang [incl. Son ar chistr]

Zeven dagen lang [<i>incl.</i> Son ar chistr]
Blackmore's Night (2003)
Album / Albumi: Ghost of a Rose Track

All for One
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 3/7/2024 - 23:06

تلك قضية

تلك قضية
English version / Versione inglese / Version anglaise / Englanninkielinen versio: Muhannad

Tried to make rhyme, and sound like a song in English. Original Arabic poem by Mostafa Ibrahim.
That's a Cause
envoyé par Muhannad 26/6/2024 - 17:38
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
4o. Bella Ciao (per Vittorio Arrigoni) (Versione inglese di Blake)
4o. Bella Ciao (for Vittorio Arrigoni) (English version by Blake)

Bella Ciao
envoyé par Dq82 24/6/2024 - 11:10

Хотят ли русские войны?‎

Хотят ли русские войны?‎
June 22, 1941, the WWII came to the Russian land. The war financed by bank olygarchy, fulfilled by German anti-communist, mad on mysticism.
27 000 000 Soviet Russians, Ukrainians, Uzbeks, Azerbaijanians, ... lost heir lives during 4 years. Many of them were victims of Nazy sadists.
That's why now Putin soldiers shout to Ukrainians: "Brother, get captured and then – towards family !" They refuse total bombing used against ISIS in Syria.
Some Russian politicians promote nuclear weapons, but Putin answers strictly: Nope.
Some promote the march to make Eastern European countries allies like in Soviet era. But the alliances should be free-will, otherwise ineffective; so, such politicians are ignored by everyone incl.Putin.
The scarecrow of 'Russian threat' is necessary for those who use war to robber their own peoples...
Question on Russians and the war – (continuer)
envoyé par V.S., 2024 22/6/2024 - 11:35

Tira a campare

Tira a campare
Richet Le Luneux, 21-6-2024 20:46
Try to Get By
21/6/2024 - 20:46
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Sono il tuo sogno eretico

Sono il tuo sogno eretico
envoyé par Luke Atreides 15/6/2024 - 18:21
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Pastime Paradise

Pastime Paradise
La parodia di Gangsta Paradise fatta da Weird Al Yankovich

envoyé par Lucone 14/6/2024 - 12:15
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Chi è più ricco

Chi è più ricco
English version / Versione inglese / Version anglaise / Englanninkielinen versio: Geany
All the Wealthy
envoyé par Geany 1/6/2024 - 21:18
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Don Chisciotte

Don Chisciotte
English version / Versione inglese / Version anglaise / Englanninkielinen versio: Geany

This translation preserves the metre and the end-of-line rhymes, at the cost of being a bit liberal in some parts.
Don Quixote
envoyé par Geany 1/6/2024 - 21:07
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Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)

La bellissima versione di Gil Scott-Heron integrata da una sua lunga poesia rappata
Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)
dall'album Reflections (1981)

26/5/2024 - 11:29

Der Arbeitsmann

Der Arbeitsmann
We have a bed, we have a child, (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 25/5/2024 - 12:15
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Lamento per la morte di Pasolini

Lamento per la morte di Pasolini
Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo, 14-5-2024 11:17
Complaint on Pasolini’s Death
14/5/2024 - 11:18
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Le vent nous portera

Le vent nous portera
I'm not afraid of the journey,
envoyé par Dq82 8/5/2024 - 19:44

Giorgia nel Paese che si meraviglia

Giorgia nel Paese che si meraviglia
Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo, 29-4-2024 11:27

"This is a love story that has never truly ended: the love between a part of Italy and fascism.

It is just as when an old couple meets again after long time, one sparkle is enough to revive the (strictly tricolor) flame, and to have it burning vigorously like in past times.

This time, the sparkle is a woman. A mother and a Christian.

I wish you a good Liberation Day. Forever."

– Willie Peyote, Instagram
Giorgia in a Wondering Land
29/4/2024 - 11:27
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Lettera del compagno Lazlo al colonnello Valerio

Lettera del compagno Lazlo al colonnello Valerio
Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo, 28-4-2024 23:10

“La cosa veramente divertente è che c’è stato un tempo in cui i fascisti erano più autentici, più spavaldi, erano leoni, anche se solo per un giorno. Rivendicavano la loro identità senza paura di essere accusati di essere traditori e assassini della patria. Oggi, invece, hanno paura di definirsi, di rivendicare la loro fede”, scrive l’attore, che è anche direttore artistico del concertone del Primo Maggio di Taranto, nel post. E poi, si legge ancora: “Tradiscono la loro identità giurando sulla Costituzione antifascista e poi per stare seduti sulla poltrona diventano campioni della super Cazzola, cintura nera di arrampicata sugli specchi”. Infine: “Lo dico sinceramente: non ci sono più i fascisti di una volta. Solo pecore. Ecco cosa sono i fascisti di ieri che sono diventati i governanti di oggi. Meglio una vita da pecora che un giorno da leoni. Viva la Resistenza”. - Michele Riondino, 28 aprile 2024.
Comrade Lazlo’s Letter to Colonel Valerio
28/4/2024 - 23:07



Nota. Questa sembra essere l'unica traduzione completa della canzone presente in rete (ripresa da Musixmatch). Il traduttore è sconosciuto. Alcune brevi citazioni tradotte si trovano in qualche articolo ecc. dedicato a Toomaj Salehi

Note. This appears to be the only translation of the song available online. Reproduced from Musixmatch. Some short excerpts from the song are found in occasional articles &c. on Toomaj Salehi.
envoyé par CCG/AWS Staff 28/4/2024 - 19:28

San Martino del Carso

San Martino del Carso
San Martino del Carso
envoyé par Luke Atreides 27/4/2024 - 11:28

Avvene sciappate

Avvene sciappate
Riccardo Venturi, 27-4-2024 01:55

Stripped From her Future
27/4/2024 - 01:57
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
4n. Bella ciao (Versione inglese di Tom M)
4n. Bella ciao (English version by Tom M)

One fine morning, I was awakened
envoyé par Luke Atreides 26/4/2024 - 16:36

Ylpeyden sopuhinta

Ylpeyden sopuhinta
"Questa è una traduzione poetica. Ci possono essere delle differenze rispetto all'originale (parole in più, informazioni mancanti o aggiuntive, concetti modificati, ecc.)." Riprodotta con permesso scritto di Pääsuke esteso a Juha Rämö.

"This is a poetic translation. There may be differences with the original (extra words, missing or additional information, modified concepts, etc.)." Reproduced with written permission by Pääsuke transmitted to Juha Rämö.

Copyright © Pääsuke
This translation is protected by copyright law. All rights reserved.
Use on other websites is permitted with proper attribution.

A Fair Price for Pride
envoyé par Juha Rämö 24/4/2024 - 17:48

Adopt This Posture to Evacuate

Adopt This Posture to Evacuate
This comes from an upcoming nonsense poetry book, and it's one in a section of 14 poems that all deal with violence and war.

See the displayed video for more information.

You can also check out my Medium page to see updates about self-publishing with Friesen Press. Here's the link for the first part in the series:

Making Sense From Nonsense
For war
envoyé par Daniel Fuller 22/4/2024 - 11:34

The Haikopalypse

The Haikopalypse
Haikus are meant to be small transient moments in time. Funny how these moments can combine to produce something major.

The following is a collection of 9 haikus meant to be read as one long piece.

Here's the link to the Medium page if you want to share.
The Haikopalypse
A Dead Child in Palestine
envoyé par Daniel Fuller 21/4/2024 - 14:44

You Can Choose Your Dream, but They Will Choose Your Nightmare

You Can Choose Your Dream, but They Will Choose Your Nightmare
This poetic form is called a "villainelle"; probably one of the most famous examples is Dylan Thomas' "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night".

Here is the Medium page link if you would like to share this:
You Can Choose Your Dream, But They Will Choose Your Nightmare
You can choose your dream, but they will choose your nightmare
envoyé par Daniel Fuller 21/4/2024 - 14:39

The Beautiful Leaders WIthout Mercy

The Beautiful Leaders WIthout Mercy
We are truly living in historic times. Events since 2016 (Brexit, Trump, COVID19 policies, Ukraine war, Israeli genocide in Gaza) have completely exposed the hypocrisy of the West.

If you would like to share this, here is the link to my Medium page: The Beautiful Leaders Without Mercy
As the world watches the slaughter of innocents
envoyé par Daniel Fuller 21/4/2024 - 14:35

The Chirality of Evil

The Chirality of Evil
I was looking for a word that rhymed with "Banality", and I thought "Chirality" worked well. An example of chirality is your two hands: they are mirror images of each other, but they can't be superimposed upon each other exactly.

If you would like to share, here is the link to my Medium page: The Chirality of Evil
Put on a suit, put on a tie
envoyé par Daniel Fuller 21/4/2024 - 14:31

Ylpeyden sopuhinta

Ylpeyden sopuhinta

Nota. Si tratta della traduzione inglese fornita da Paolo Rizzi, ma ridisposta in modo da corrispondere al testo originale. Come specificato da Paolo Rizzi, si tratta di una "traduzione automatica"; auspichiamo ovviamente che Juha Rämö voglia prima o poi farne una traduzione inglese a regola d'arte. Si segnala che della canzone esiste una traduzione inglese poetica su Lyricstranslate, ma il traduttore la ha messa sotto copyright. [RV]

Note. This is the English translation provided by Paolo Rizzi, but rearranged to match to the original text. As specified by Paolo Rizzi, this is an "automatic translation"; as a matter of fact, we hope that Juha Rämö will sooner or later make a professional English translation. It should be noted that there is a poetic English translation of the song on Lyricstranslate, but the translator has put it under copyright. [RV]
The Price for Pride
envoyé par Paolo Rizzi 21/4/2024 - 10:35

Avec toi, Vietnam

Avec toi, Vietnam
20/4/2024 - 15:32

The Story of O.J.

The Story of  O.J.
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel: Shawn Corey Carter (Jay-Z)
Album: 4:44

In the summer of 2017, Jay-Z dropped his thirteenth studio album 4:44 to near-rapturous fan reception and critical praise. The project was Jay’s most vulnerable and intimate to date, with the title track famously confirming allegations of infidelity mentioned on his wife Beyoncé’s 2016 opus Lemonade. However, LP standout track “The Story Of O.J.” was less personal and more societal, as the Jigga Man addressed racism and stereotypes within the black community with his signature incisiveness.

“The Story Of O.J.” features lyrics referencing infamous figure O.J. Simpson and his alleged belief that his wealth and influence transcended his race. “I’m not black, I’m O.J.” is a line rumored to have been uttered by Simpson in an interview, and it was quoted in the Emmy-winning... (continuer)
Skin is, skin is
20/4/2024 - 03:23

Georgia Chain Gang

Guitar Nubbit
Guitar Nubbit - Georgia Chain Gang -1962
Transcription: Jürgen Henning (Blues Power Magazin 2 (1993), no. 3, p. 19)

Alvin Hankerson (November 23, 1923 – June 30, 1995), better known as Guitar Nubbit, was an American blues guitarist and singer. His most notable song was "Georgia Chain Gang", which was originally released in 1962 as a single on Bluestown Records. - Wikipedia
I Was Way Down in Georgia,
envoyé par Pluck 18/4/2024 - 18:24

I Went to Atlanta

American Folksongs of Protest by John Greenway
Philadelphia - University of Pennsylvania Press - 1953 - p.106
—Library of Congress, Archive of American Folk Song, unpublished collection.
I went to Atlanta,
envoyé par Pluck 17/4/2024 - 23:33
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Testo trascritto dalla presentazione del video citato
Mr. Tyree
envoyé par Pluck 17/4/2024 - 17:25


Times of Trouble, la bellissima canzone dei Temple of the Dog alle origini di Footsteps.
TIMES OF TROUBLE (continuer)
16/4/2024 - 12:44


Album: Folklore

This song is about one of Taylor’s childhood friends who seemed to have had an unhappy life at home. Taylor reflects back on her innocence back then, how she thought that their problems could be easily solved.
Please picture me in the trees
15/4/2024 - 21:28

Man's World

Man's World
Lyrics / Testo / Paroles / Sanat: Marina Diamandis
Music / Musica / Music / Sävel: Marina Diamandis - Jennifer Decilveo
Single: November 11, 2020
Album / Albumi: Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land

Man's World è un singolo della cantautrice britannica Marina, pubblicato il 18 novembre 2020 come primo estratto dal quinto album in studio Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land. Il successivo 11 dicembre ne è stata diffusa una seconda edizione intitolata Man's World (Stripped) che include la title track e una sua versione per voce & pianoforte, e sono previsti dei remix in occasione dell'uscita dell'album.

Il brano è stato scritto da Marina e co-prodotto da lei con la musicista statunitense Jennifer Decilveo, scelta appositamente dall'artista come parte del suo progetto di realizzare un album centrato sul tema del femminismo e della lotta al patriarcato e, quindi, con uno staff esclusivamente... (continuer)
Cheeks are rosy like a Boucher cherub
15/4/2024 - 21:22

I Am Sold and Going to Georgia

Library of Congress, Archive of AmericanFolk Song, WPA Collection.
American Folksongs of Protest by John Greenway
Philadelphia University Pennsylvania Press 1953
p. 95-96

This song is usually sung by the chained gangs of slaves who are on their way, being driven from Maryland, Virginia, and Kentucky, to the more southern states for sale. The last line of each verse is the chorus, and gives a most impressive effect when sung—as it often is— by 60 or 150 voices echoing the plaintive grief of their hearts. This last line is intended as an appeal to all who have it in their power to aid in bringing about the jubilee of emancipation. -J. W. C. Pennington, D.D. Despite Dr. Pennington's contemporary affidavit that this is a Negro song, most observers will agree that its white origin is transparent; but it is worth including, if only for Dr. Pennington's intriguing phrase, "sung ... by 60 or 150 voices."
O! When shall we poor souls be free?
envoyé par Pluck 15/4/2024 - 17:21

End the Vietnam War

End the Vietnam War
Non ho trovato l'anno in cui la canzone è stata incisa da Allen Ginsberg. Ne esiste una versione remixata da DJ Spooky pubblicata nel 2003.
Come along come along, end the Vietnam War,
14/4/2024 - 19:28

Tangle Eye Blues

Tangle Eye
Tangle Eye Blues - Tangle Eye
Prison Songs, Vol. 1: Murderous Home, " Historical Recordings From Parchman Farm 1947-'48." - The Alan Lomax Collection.

Lomax wrote:” Sung by the cross-eyed prisoner whose mates had named him Tangle-Eye. Every good singer in the Pen has his own field holler with which he amuses himself in reflective moments. Often those tunes are kin to the blues, often they are composed of free yodeling tunes which seem to have African roots. The wild free melodies permit the singers literally to think and free associate out loud. The holler is, for me, the most expressive style in all our folklore. Tangle-Eye here tells his own story.”

“Tangle Eye Blues” is Tangle Eye’s personal story of incarceration, religion, and repentance. Based on his singing style, we can infer that this may have once been a gospel song that was popular amongst African American churches... (continuer)
Mmm, hmm, mm!
envoyé par Pluck 14/4/2024 - 12:15

Fountain Filled with Blood

Fountain Filled with Blood
Fonte :
On the hallelujah line Helen Bonchek Schneyer
Smithsonian Institution

Notes by Helen Bonchek Schneyer. Recorded by Mike Rivers and Sandy Paton. Photograph by Sandy Paton. Jacket·design by Swede Plaut. © ® 1981. FOLK-LEGACY RECORDS .
There is a fountain filled with blood,
envoyé par Pluck 12/4/2024 - 19:09
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Napalm Sticks To Kids

Napalm Sticks To Kids
La versione registrata nel 1972 dai Covered Wagon Musicians
1972 Version recorded by Covered Wagon Musicians

Come detto (v. introduzione), la versione registrata nel 1972 dai Covered Wagon Musicians ed inserita nell’album We Say No To War! è quella con cui la canzone (o meglio, la poesia recitata dal serg. John Boychuk con sottofondo musicale di chitarra) inizia la sua vera storia di canzone contro la guerra. E’ senz’altro basata sul testo portato alla base americana di Mountain Home dal serg. Mike Elliot, ma rispetto a questo è più breve: alcune strofe sono state eliminate, ed altre disposte in modo differente (anche con lievi variazioni testuali). E’ questa versione che viene diffusa in tutto il mondo come messaggio contro la guerra in Vietnam (ad esempio, il testo sopra riprodotto proviene dalla rivista Equality, pubblicata dal 1965 al 1974 e destinata alle forze americane e NATO in Europa;... (continuer)
Napalm Sticks To Kids
envoyé par Cabinet 11/4/2024 - 19:01

I Want to Go Home

Da : Slave Songs of the United States.
New York: A. Simpson & Co., 1867. - Part 1, p.46 , #61

William Francis Allen, (1830-1889), Charles Pickard Ware, (1840-1921), and Lucy McKim Garrison, ( 1842-1877) .

[Verse 7 was added after the Emancipation Proclamation.--J. S. R.]
da: William Francis Allen, (1830-1889), Charles Pickard Ware, (1840-1921), and Lucy McKim Garrison, ( 1842-1877) .
Dere's no rain to wet you.
envoyé par Pluck 11/4/2024 - 17:10

Livin’ on a Prayer

Livin’ on a Prayer

La canzone parla di una coppia dove lei lavora come cameriera in una tavola calda e lui è stato licenziato dal porto dopo uno sciopero. Il pezzo, come detto dall'autore, è ispirato dalla Reaganomics e dalla Trickle-down economy.
Once upon a time, not so long ago
envoyé par Lucone 11/4/2024 - 09:56


Take Me Along [1978]

Take Me Along
envoyé par CCG/AWS Sfaff 10/4/2024 - 08:17

My Father, How Long ?

My Father, How Long ?
My Father, How Long ? ( Traditional )
Berea Songs of Slavery and Emancipation Ensemble

My Father, How Long? / We’ll Soon Be Free.

Two versions of the same song. First in TW Higginson* Army Life In A Black Regiment (pg. 169 XXXIV)
[For singing this “the negroes had been put in jail in Georgetown, S.C., at the outbreak of the Rebellion. ‘We’ll soon be free’ was too dangerous an assertion, and though the chant was an old one, it was no doubt sung with redoubled emphasis during the new events. ‘De Lord will call us home’ was evidently thought to be a symbolical verse; for, as a little drummer boy explained it to me, showing all his white teeth as he sat in the moonlight by the door of my tent, ‘Dey tink de Lord mean for say de Yankees.’”——T.W.H.]
second version, Slaves Songs of the United States, section IV., #112.
I made a composite lyric; music is based on that provided in Slave Songs... (continuer)
My father, how long,
envoyé par Pluck 8/4/2024 - 21:31

My Mother’s Savage Daughter

My Mother’s Savage Daughter
L'autrice scrisse questa canzone nei primi anni 90 rifacendosi alla cultura pagana nordica.

Ultimamente sono diventate virali delle cover , cantate inizialmente come canzone di empowerment femminile .
Poco dopo è diventata un inno per le donne native americane , cosa apprezzata dall'autrice originale .

Articolo dell'autrice sulla canzone
I am my mother's savage daughter,
envoyé par Lucone 8/4/2024 - 17:38

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