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Preghiera semplice

Preghiera semplice
The way for we (2014)

Brother Francis
envoyé par Dq82 5/10/2018 - 20:17
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Marc Almond's English version (2003)
La version anglaise de Marc Almond (2003)
Marc Almondin englanninkielinen versio (2003)

"Zhuravli" (Russian: «Журавли́», IPA: [ʐʊrɐˈvlʲi], Cranes), first performed in 1969, is one of the most famous Russian songs about World War II. The poem was originally written in Gamzatov's native Avar language, with many versions surrounding the initial wording. Its famous 1968 Russian translation was soon made by the prominent Russian poet and translator Naum Grebnyov, and was turned into a song in 1969, becoming one of the best known Russian-language World War II ballads all over the world.

The poem's publication in the journal Novy Mir caught the attention of the famous actor and crooner Mark Bernes who revised the lyrics and asked Yan Frenkel to compose the music. When Frenkel first played his new song, Bernes (who was by then suffering from lung cancer) cried... (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 4/10/2018 - 12:34
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Sangurin til frælsi (El día feliz que está llegando)

Sangurin til frælsi (El día feliz que está llegando)
Versione inglese di Ceil Herman della versione svedese di Björn Afzelius
Version anglaise de Ceil Herman de la version suédoise de Björn Afzelius
Björn Afzeliusin ruotsinkielisen version englanninkielinen käännös: Ceil Herman

“Sång till friheten” is an adaptation by Björn Afzelius, of the Silvio Rodriguez song. The lyrics are on his tombstone at his grave in Göteborg, Sweden. It was my introduction to his music in a Swedish course at Uppsala Universitet in Uppsala, and remains one of his all time favorites, as well as mine. [Ceil Herman]
envoyé par Ceil Herman 29/9/2018 - 12:11
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23/9/2018 - 21:46
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This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
22/9/2018 - 17:26
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Maggie Holland: Black Cat

Maggie Holland: Black Cat
Black Dog, la canzone di Jesse Winchester (1970)
Black Dog by Jesse Winchester (1970)

Jesse Winchester, 1970

Babe Ruth, 1972, First Base
envoyé par k + rv 19/9/2018 - 01:25


Io ci ho provato a tradurla, vedete voi se migliorarla.

18/9/2018 - 22:35
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
4f. Bella Ciao (versione inglese di Marc Ribot feat. Tom Waits)
4f. English version by Marc Ribot feat. Tom Waits

Da / From: Songs Of Resistance 1942-2018

envoyé par Dq82 13/9/2018 - 14:51
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L' "Internazionale Australiana"
The "Australian Internationale"

You may take this Australian Internationale for a parody -and Australian English sounds definitely outlandish, rather euphemistically. Yet I think the key points of the song are fully respected. Sure, everything is transferred to local, contemporary issues, using a language that ladies (not all, of course) may find shocking : "Stand up, ya victims of pomm bullshit, The time for top blokes has arrived, Quit wanking off on shitty wi fi, It's time for workers all to thrive”. Drink Foster beer, form cooperatives and let emu warlords know terror (did you know this episode of Australian history, which occurred in 1932 when the army was sent to machine-gun and exterminate emus?) Maybe, Eugène Pottier would be a bit puzzled at first; this amazing version may remind you of Mr Crocodile Dundee far more than of the... (continuer)
The Australian Internationale
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 12/9/2018 - 09:50
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Parole di Kora nella traduzione inglese di John Porter
Dal sito ufficiale
envoyé par Krzysiek Wrona 27/8/2018 - 12:17
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La maumariée vengée par son frère

La maumariée vengée par son frère
Thank you to the original poster for the French lyrics; this is a beautiful song.
I have made a rough English translation in case any other English speakers like myself stumble on this page.
The first year that I was married
envoyé par Tom Harper 25/8/2018 - 02:46
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Tajga blues

Tajga blues
La versione, seppur bella e suggestiva, non è una traduzione letterale, e a mio avviso perde alcuni punti cruciali del testo originale – difficile da stabilire se per motivi di rivisitazione poetica o per un’insufficiente comprensione del testo ceco

Sul blog c'è anche un’introduzione inglese alla canzone:

“Said by Marta Kubišová herself to be her favourite among all her recordings,Tajga Blues ‘69 is also one of the greatest records of its era, and not only in the former Eastern bloc. Few Western singles of the day are as remarkable as this particular few minutes of dramatic balladry and highly political poetics underscored by heavily distorted guitar. Tajga is the arctic region of the northern hemisphere, and appearing so soon after the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, it’s unlikely that the song’s allusion to Siberia as a region of exile would have been missed, however oblique... (continuer)
envoyé par Stanislava 24/8/2018 - 16:03
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Modlitba pro Martu

Modlitba pro Martu
Proviene dal blog Learn Czech through Songs ed è quindi una traduzione letterale. In realtà, Marta Kubišová ha eseguito una versione inglese della canzone, della quale però il testo è irreperibile e che provvederemo, quindi, a trascrivere all'ascolto:

Prayer for Marta singer Kubišová recalls dramatic comeback during 1989's Velvet Revolution

Modlitba pro Martu, A Prayer for Marta, is a song that for many people will be forever associated with Czechoslovakia’s Velvet Revolution of 1989. Performed by the 1960s Czech pop star Marta Kubišová, it had previously come to symbolise resistance to the 1968 Soviet-led invasion.

Originally titled just Modlitba, the song was composed by Jiří Brabec with lyrics written especially for Kubišová by Petr Rada. Those inspirational lyrics include a quote from the 17th century Czech educator Comenius along the lines of, the people will one day once again... (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 21/8/2018 - 23:16
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Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ
dall'album tributo Folkways: A Vision Shared del 1998
One, two, three, four
17/8/2018 - 20:21
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Fabrizio De André: Dolcenera

Fabrizio De André: Dolcenera
English Translation: Dennis Criteser
Traduction anglaise: Dennis Criteser
Englantilainen käännös: Dennis Criteser

De André in English

"Dolcenera" is about a tryst that never came about due to the disruption of a major flood, such as occurred in Genoa in 1970. The term "dolcenera" refers to the dual nature of water - sweet when it is pure and life-giving, and black when it is fouled and out of control as in a flood. Against the backdrop of the flood, a man watches and waits anxiously for the woman to arrive. But it never happens, as she is stranded in a tram, unable to reach any distance, deceived and disappointed by the promise of an adulterous love that never came to pass. The theme of solitude in this song plays out as the loneliness of two lovers who are unable to meet." - Dennis Criteser
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 17/8/2018 - 09:18
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Flowers of Filastin

Flowers of Filastin
envoyé par Andrew 8/8/2018 - 18:18

Heimweh nach Heimat

Heimweh nach Heimat
envoyé par B.B. 2/8/2018 - 16:00
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Y en eso llegó Fidel

Y en eso llegó Fidel
envoyé par ZugNachPankow 31/7/2018 - 14:26
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L'isola che non c'è

L'isola che non c'è

Artisti Vari – Yayla: Musiche Ospitali (Appaloosa/Ird, 2018)

Il 20 giugno è uscita questa bella raccolta: un disco di incontri, di storie e di collaborazioni strane, inusuali e belle. La data non è casuale: quel giorno ricorre infatti la Giornata Mondiale del rifugiato. “Yayala” è una parola turca che significa transumanza, la migrazione periodica con cui si cercava un clima più mite e una terra più ospitale, per poi tornare alla propria; nel nome di questa Yayla, artisti italiani e stranieri (non solo musicisti, ma anche attori e scrittori) ci raccontano questo tempo ruvido e doloroso. I proventi della vendita del doppio cd andranno al Centro Astalli che da anni fornisce servizi per i rifugiati e promuove campagne di sensibilizzazione sul tema. Ben 130 i musicisti coinvolti, i più famosi di loro sono Antonella Ruggiero, Neri Marcorè, Edoardo Bennato che, insieme a Jono Manson e... (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 27/7/2018 - 10:00

Hur länge ska vi vänta

Hur länge ska vi vänta
envoyé par Juha Rämö 18/7/2018 - 09:37
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That Kind of Grace

That Kind of Grace
Additional lyrics © 1998, 1999 David Roth
Tuesday afternoon...Jonesboro, fire alarm at school
17/7/2018 - 23:07
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Cançon del Larzac

Cançon del Larzac
17-07-2018 22:04

The Fight for the Larzac refers to a non-violent civil disobedience action by farmers resisting the extension of an existing military base on the Larzac plateau in South Western France. The action lasted from 1971 to 1981, and ended in victory for the resistance movement when the newly elected President François Mitterrand formally abandoned the project.

The base, used for training French soldiers, was originally established in 1902 on 3,000 hectares (7,400 acres; 12 sq mi) of uncultivated heathland. Michel Debré, Minister of Defence in the Georges Pompidou administration, announced that the base would be extended to 13,700 hectares (34,000 acres; 53 sq mi) and that the necessary land would be expropriated in the public interest.

An initial informal resistance movement was formed by 103 landowners whose land was subject to expropriation. In 1973 their cause was taken... (continuer)
17/7/2018 - 22:06
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(To Be) Young, Gifted and Black

(To Be) Young, Gifted and Black
Featuring Lalah Hathaway (figlia di Donny Hathaway, che aveva pure interpretato la canzone originale)

dall'album Nina Revisited… A Tribute To Nina Simone

16/7/2018 - 23:17
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Testo in inglese dal libretto dell'album
You are the glory and the foundation of my life
envoyé par Dq82 16/7/2018 - 17:39
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Manos Enemigas

Manos Enemigas
envoyé par Dq82 16/7/2018 - 17:28

Suola ja noaiddi

Suola ja noaiddi
Go away, far away from here
envoyé par Juha Rämö 8/7/2018 - 11:06
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Black Rage

Black Rage

Basata su una parodia della famosa canzone My Favorite Things di Rodgers & Hammerstein dal musical The Sound of Music poi trasposto nel celebre film omonimo (Tutti insieme appassionatamente). La canzone originale era stata ripresa addirittura da John Coltrane.

Il rifacimento di Lauryn Hill elenca le radici della discriminazione e della conseguente rabbia della popolazione afroamericana negli Stati Uniti, dalla schiavitù alla segregazione razziale per arrivare alle recenti violenze della polizia contro la popolazione nera. Black Rage infatti è la furia cieca, ma anche la rabbia dei neri di fronte all'ingiustizia e alla discriminazione.
Black Rage is founded on two-thirds a person
envoyé par Lorenzo Masetti 7/7/2018 - 23:58
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Fuck Your Ethnicity

Fuck Your Ethnicity
Album Section.80

Una canzone contro il razzismo e contro le violenze razziali.
Gather around. I'm glad everybody came out tonight. As we stand on our neighborhood corner, know that this fire that's burning represents the passion you have. Listen, Keisha, Tammy, come up front. I recognize all of you. Every creed and color. With that being said... fuck your ethnicity. You understand that? We gon' talk about a lot of shit that concerns you. All of you...
7/7/2018 - 17:40
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99 Problems

99 Problems

The Black Album

Un poliziotto razzista che ferma Jay-Z, quando ancora non era ricco e famoso, solo perché nero. Questo rap è diventato un vero e proprio inno di protesta contro le violenze della polizia statunitense.
If you're havin' girl problems, I feel bad for you, son
7/7/2018 - 17:28
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Cambia il vento

Cambia il vento
long dark years, but a change is gonna come!
envoyé par Leonardo 6/7/2018 - 22:24
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Chi non vuol chinar la testa

Chi non vuol chinar la testa
envoyé par ZugNachPankow 5/7/2018 - 14:32
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La vie s'écoule, la vie s'enfuit

La versione inglese di Jim Burrill (Eseguita accompagnandosi col dolcemelo).
La vie s'écoule, la vie s'enfuit
The English version by Jim Burrill (accompanying himself with a dulcimer)

For the 50th anniversary of the May ’68 uprising in Paris, which set a more personal feel to revolution and led to new ways of thinking about society and standing up for our lives: from Peoples’ Park to postmodernist ideas to Occupy Wall Street and beyond.
The lyrics/chord sheet gives the chords in Am, using C-A-cc tuning. For this take I tuned down to Gm, using B♭-G-b♭b♭ tuning.

I’m sure the references to violence in the song resonated with those involved in the May ’68 uprising. But I have elsewhere given my opinion that while those engaged in a some future popular uprising for revolutionary social change might need to use some violent tactics, I find little use for violence today’s struggles. Nevertheless, I would not want to edit out the references to violence in Vaneigem’s song. [Jim Burrill]
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 2/7/2018 - 22:42
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Fiorella Mannoia: Il cielo d'Irlanda

Fiorella Mannoia: Il cielo d'Irlanda
An attempt at a singable translation. The lyrics were occasionally altered for the sake of rhyming (eg. "The Irish sky is a huge hat of rain" -> "The Irish sky is a lady with blue eyes"); hopefully someone with a better command of English can make it more faithful to the original.
envoyé par ZugNachPankow 2/7/2018 - 13:51
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No Peace

No Peace
No peace, oh no
1/7/2018 - 21:52
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Tribal War

Tribal War
Album Voice of Jamaica

A massive conscious reggae hit condemning the fighting between African tribes on the mother continent, fighting for control of the land and natural resources some of the more prominent tribal wars of the time included the crisis in Rwanda when the Hutu controlled government massacred roughly 750'000 of their Tutsi Rwandan brothers and sisters in just over 3 months. The United Nations came under heavy criticism for their slow response to the genocide in which the use of rape as a weapon caused a spike in HIV infection rates. This and other similar murder of Africans by Africans is what inspired this collaboration on this, Buju’s first international album release.
[Intro - Brian & Tony Gold with Buju Banton]
1/7/2018 - 21:25
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Sound of a War

Sound of a War
Album: Large

“Da un punto di vista armonico e ritmico, Sound Of A War è molto semplice e potente, il che la rende forse la canzone più “Mellow Mood” del nuovo album. Il modo in cui è stata prodotta e la sua sonorità però sono un buon esempio del sound generale dell’intero disco. Per quanto riguarda il testo, purtroppo la guerra continua ad essere un argomento di attualità che tocca tutti noi. Esplorando l’impatto sociale delle fake news divulgate dai mass media abbiamo voluto essere diretti ed onesti: “Gwaan like you sad but you only pretend. Inna reality you don’t give a damn” (“Fate solo finta di essere tristi. In realtà non ve ne frega niente”).

Il reggae è sempre stato una musica militante con un chiaro messaggio, e questa canzone dice che non ci tiriamo indietro.”
People you take it too easy
1/7/2018 - 13:09
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Fiorella Mannoia: Il cielo d'Irlanda

Fiorella Mannoia: Il cielo d'Irlanda
Nessuno ha mai pensato di tradurre e cantare questa canzone in inglese o in gaelico. Questa sicuramente non è cantabile, è anche meno che decente, ma chissà che qualcuno prima o poi non ci provi.
envoyé par Dq82 + Riccardo Venturi 1/7/2018 - 12:03
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E io ero Sandokan

E io ero Sandokan
envoyé par ZugNachPankow 29/6/2018 - 23:48
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The Walls Came Down

The Walls Came Down
Modern Romans

Michael Been said this about "The Walls Came Down":

"There was a great deal happening politically - Grenada, Lebanon, or the government saying the Russians are evil and the Russian government probably saying the same about us. That kind of thinking inspired me to write the last lines of 'Walls Came Down'."

The song reminds the imagery of the Isrealites led by Joshua during their siege of Jericho. On the seventh day of the siege the priests blew their trumpets made of ram horns and the people shouted and Jericho's wall fell allowing Isreal to destroy the city.
Well they blew the horns
envoyé par Dq82 29/6/2018 - 22:35

Soft Parachutes

Soft Parachutes
Parole e musica di Paul Simon.
Nel suo album “One-Trick Pony” del 1980, che è anche il titolo di un film da lui scritto e interpretato, diretto da Robert M. Young.
Soft parachutes, Fourth of July
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 29/6/2018 - 10:50

Keep the Customer Satisfied

Keep the Customer Satisfied
Parole e musica di Paul Simon
Nell’album “Bridge over Troubled Water”

Il racconto di cosa accadeva quando l’autore di He Was My Brother e 7 O'Clock News/Silent Night ed il suo sodale Art Garfunkel tenevano concerti in alcuni Stati, dove venivano insultati ed oltraggiati da “patrioti” e “veri americani” e persino intimiditi dalla polizia, tutta gente di “sani principi” e “timorata di Dio” che però sapeva usare solo parole d’odio… E dire che Simon & Garfunkel non facevano altro cercare di soddisfare i loro tanti fans...
Gee, but it’s great to be back home
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 28/6/2018 - 15:14
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One People, One Struggle

One People, One Struggle
Justin Sane / Chris Head / Chris #2 / Pat Thetic
Album: The Terror State

La canzone era stata finora presente nel sito nella pagina dedicata a El pueblo unido jamás será vencido, come suo “offspring”: una delle non poche canzoni ispirate (spesso con il solo slogan seminale) all'inno planetario dei Quilapayún e di Sergio Ortega. Ma è una canzone autonoma, e come tale è stata riportata in una pagina apposita. Proviene dall'album The Terror State. [CCG/AWS Staff]
The people, united, will never be defeated.
envoyé par Dq82 + CCG/AWS Staff 28/6/2018 - 09:52

Offshore Detention

Offshore Detention
Offshore Detention
© 2018 Tony Smith

Australia's policy on asylum seekers and refugees has been condemned by experts in the law, medicine, psychiatry, economics, politics and ethics. It is possible that our inhumanity could one day make us liable to criminal prosecution and to pay compensation to its victims. I thought I had best record this song before the dozen is outdated. [Tony Smith]
Australia plays a deadly game
envoyé par Tony Smith 28/6/2018 - 04:46
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Resolution der Kommunarden

Resolution der Kommunarden
Englische Version / English version / Versione inglese / Version anglaise / Englanninkielinen versio: David Constantine [2003]

"This is the version found in Brecht’s play "The Days of the Commune" as performed in 2012 in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street in Zuccotti Park, New York City." [Pawel Dembrowski]

The Days of the Commune Part 1: scenes 1 – 5 from Zoe Beloff on Vimeo.

Bertolt Brecht, The Days of the Commune, trans. by David Constantine, in Bertolt Brecht, Collected Plays 8: The Antigone of Sophocles; The Days of the Commune; Turandot or the Whitewasher’s Congress, ed. and intro. by Tom Kuhn and David Constantine (London: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2003)
Resolution of the Communards
envoyé par Paweł Dembowski 27/6/2018 - 22:31

Brown Sugar

Brown Sugar
Scritta da Mick Jagger e Keith Richards
Nell’album “Sticky Fingers”

Per il percorso mai istituito ma esistente di fatto delle “CCG/AWS dimenticate”…

“Brown Sugar” è una canzone che certamente parla (anche) della violenza sessuale dei padroni bianchi sulle schiave nere, pratica in voga per secoli nelle piantagioni nel sud degli USA…
Gold Coast slave ship bound for cotton fields
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 27/6/2018 - 16:16
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Lords of War

Lords of War

Album Generation Doom

'Lords Of War' is a cry of defiance against the ever-encroaching military industrial complex, against police brutality, against tyranny in politics, against CAFOs, against the injustices our people face on a daily basis. Revolution is the opiate of the artist. We'd rather be in battle than at peace. We'd rather be a wolf than a sheep. They've had their chance to reign. But this is our time, our moment. We are generation doom."

Blabber Mouth
[Sample: Franklin D. Roosevelt]
26/6/2018 - 23:57
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Keepers of the Light

Keepers of the Light
Featuring Damian Marley
Album: Maestro
I pray thee, I pray thee
25/6/2018 - 23:30
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The Chant

The Chant
Album: Maestro
Don’t let the struggles overcome you
25/6/2018 - 23:22

Cruel World

Cruel World

Seeb & Skip Marley

“Cruel World” è una canzone del trio elettronico norvegese Seeb in collaborazione con Skip Marley, nipote di Bob Marley (è il figlio della figlia maggiore di Bob e Rita Marley)

Abbastanza lontana per sonorità dalle radici reggae della famiglia Marley, è una canzone sul bisogno di trovare l'amore in questo mondo senza pietà.
Put it down, yeah
25/6/2018 - 23:08
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War Zone

War Zone
Oooh yeah well
25/6/2018 - 22:45
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Redemption Song

Redemption Song
La versione cantata da Lauryn Hill e Ziggy Marley con un inserto rap
Version performed by Lauryn Hill and Ziggy Marley with a rap supplement
Version chantée par Lauryn Hill et Ziggy Marley avec un supplément rap
Lauryn Hillin ja Ziggy Marleyn laulama versio rap-lisäyksellä

Redemption Song
25/6/2018 - 22:25

Για την πατρίδα

Για την πατρίδα
Lyrics: Yiannis Angelakas
Music: Trypes
24/6/2018 - 23:40
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Made in Africa

Made in Africa
Revelation Pt. 1 – The Root of Life
(featuring Wale & The Cast of Fela!)

L'Africa, dove è nata l'umanità e da dove vengono le prime civiltà, colonizzata, depredata e sottomessa dal colonialismo e dal neocolonialismo.
[Intro voice 1]
24/6/2018 - 22:27
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Jah Army

Jah Army
Album: Revelation Pt. 1 – The Root of Life (2011)

Featuring Buju Banton & Damian Marley
[Verse 1:Stephen Marley]
24/6/2018 - 22:17
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Circle of Peace

Circle of Peace
Album: Rebellion Rises (2018)

scritta e catata con il fratello Stephen Marley
Stand in the circle of peace cause only the willing will see their dreams
24/6/2018 - 22:09

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