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Ei kuule kaupunki

Ei kuule kaupunki
paroles finnoises / Suomenkielisten sanojen englanninkielinen käännös: Juha Rämö
envoyé par Juha Rämö 14/1/2020 - 13:49
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Before he closed the gate, he attired in steel and blown off candles,
envoyé par Edvard Sidoryk 12/1/2020 - 16:32
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Morituri te salutant

Morituri te salutant
The path is the dust,
envoyé par Edvard Sidoryk 12/1/2020 - 16:30

The Lumberjack’s Prayer

The Lumberjack’s Prayer
Scritta da Matti Valentin Huhta, aka T-Bone Slim (1880–1942), poeta, cantautore, vagabondo e agitatore sociale statunitense, di origine finlandese.
Sulla melodia dell'inno religioso "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow"
interpretata da Utah Phillips

Una canzone che circolava su foglio volante al prezzo di 10 cents. Il denaro raccolto serviva per finanziare le pubblicazioni gratuite dei Wobblies (IWW)
Testo trovato direttamente sul sito dell'Industrial Workers of the World

Lumberjacks often worked twelve hours a day, seven days a week, faced incredible dangers on the job, and lived under horrendous conditions. They were one of the most abused groups of workers in the early 20th century. The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) was the only labor organization to pay any attention to workers in the lumber camps of the South and the Pacific Northwest. Although humorous in tone,... (continuer)
I pray dear Lord for Jesus' sake,
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 11/1/2020 - 19:20

Harvest Land

Harvest Land
Testo di autori non identificati, indicati con le sigle "TD and H.". Alcuni ne attribuiscono la paternità a Matti Valentin Huhta, aka T-Bone Slim (1880–1942), poeta, cantautore, vagabondo e agitatore sociale statunitense, di origine finlandese.

Sulla melodia del popolare gospel Beulah Land (1876)
Nel libretto di canti degli Wobblies dell'IWW (Industrial Workers of the World), il "Little Red Songbook", edizione del 1923.

In 1915, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) established a branch union, the Agricultural Workers' Organization (AWO). The AWO organized temporary harvesters, known as “harvest stiffs,” in railroad yards, migrant camps, and shelters. At its height in 1917 the AWO had more than 70,000 members, but like the IWW it was undermined by President Woodrow Wilson’s wartime attack on dissent and by local vigilante organizations. The AWO, like its parent organization,... (continuer)
The harvest drive is on again,
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 11/1/2020 - 00:06

Not dè guèra

Not dè guèra
Riccardo Venturi, 09-01-2020 09:06

"A true story that tells what happened on the war front on Christmas eve of 1914/1915 between Italians and Austrians. The scene takes place on Mount Col del Rosso, near Mount Grappa: the Italians went out on patrol and, when they found the enemy behind them, they resigned themselves to the tragedy. By a miracle, the Austrians decided to leave their weapons and exchange with the Italians the sign of PEACE."
9/1/2020 - 09:07
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Fun and Games

Fun and Games
Album: Barenaked Ladies Are Men - 2007
We sent in the army
envoyé par Not Harrison 9/1/2020 - 04:34

Neuf balles

Neuf balles
Nine bullets in my charge
8/1/2020 - 21:28

Suffer Little Children

Suffer Little Children
Scritta da Morrissey e Johnny Marr
In "The Smiths", album di debutto del 1984
Testo da Genius

"But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." (Vangelo di Matteo, 19-14, nella Bibbia di Re Giacomo)

Pauline Reade, John Kilbride, Keith Bennett e Lesley Ann Downey sono stati quattro ragazzini tra i 10 e i 16 anni, tutti abitanti nei dintorni di Manchester, che sparirono nel nulla tra il 1963 ed il 1965. La polizia brancolava nel buio e la svolta nelle indagini fu del tutto casuale quando, il 7 ottobre del 1965, un uomo di nome David Smith telefonò alla polizia denunciando un efferato omicidio cui era stato testimone la sera prima, in casa della cognata. Quando la polizia arrivò sul posto, la casa dove viveva una giovane coppia, tali Myra Hindley e Ian Brady, scoprì il cadavere di Edward Evans, un diciasettenne,... (continuer)
Over the moor, take me to the moor
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 7/1/2020 - 13:59
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Tears of Rage

Tears of Rage
Parole di Bob Dylan
Musica di Richard Manuel
Originariamente registrata da Dylan con The Band nei famosi Basement Tapes pubblicati solo nel 1975
Registrata nel 1968 dalla Band senza Dylan in apertura dell'album Music from Big Pink cantata da Richard Manuel e da Joan Baez in Any Day Now .

Tears of Rage … is a soldier’s curse upon his commander. It’s the voice of a man who followed his leader into battle, saw his friends slaughtered for a cause he never believed in, only to return to find his superior running for political office, turning his back on the values that were so easily sacrificed. “We carried you in our arms / on Independence Day” is the kind of battle-scar allusion that Robbie Robertson will flesh out on ‘The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down” …

“Tears of Rage” doesn’t depend on the same associations, but it pursues the same memories and voices , a disbelief in and... (continuer)
We carried you in our arms
envoyé par L.E. 6/1/2020 - 17:31
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Big Man With a Gun

Big Man With a Gun
Scritta da Trent Reznor
Nell'album "The Downward Spiral", conosciuto anche come "Halo 8"

Non solo una canzone anti machista (probabilmente diretta contro certo gangsta rap dell'epoca) ma direi anche contro ogni power violento e sborone, dove sostantivi come gun e dick, shoot e fuck sostanzialmente collimano nel significato, dove l'atto supremo dell'amore e della vita si riducono ad un atto di morte e sopraffazione...
I am a big man, yes I am
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 6/1/2020 - 15:08

I Might Need You to Kill

I Might Need You to Kill
Scritta da Hutch Harris e Kathy Foster
Nell'album "The Body, the Blood, the Machine"

"The Body, the Blood, the Machine" è una sorta di concept album i cui protagonisti sono una giovane coppia, forse di stranieri residenti, che si trovano a dover sopravvivere in un'America piombata sotto un regime di matrice cattolico-fascista...
Locusts, tornadoes
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 6/1/2020 - 14:19
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The “Global Resistance Network” published a short singing tape of the Sahrawi artist Mariam Al-Hassan, recorded on August 06, 2015 in the Sahrawi refugee camps and titled Alwadae (“Farewell”)

The tape included touching words the skilled artist, who is in a difficult health situation, addresses to the Sahrawi people.

In this video, the Sahrawi artist recommends the Sahrawi people to withstand and preserve all its heritage, and expresses her great confidence that the rising generations keep on struggling and bringing the voice of the Sahrawi people beyond the borders.

For reference, the tape, which was recorded from inside her tent in the state of Smara, impressed many of the pioneers of social networks, who expressed a great emotion, wishing a speedy recovery to the Sahrawi artist.

The resistance network, which includes hundreds of people around the world who are defending peace and freedom, highlighted that Maryam El Hassan devoted her life to the struggle of the Sahrawi people's right to self-determination.
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 6/1/2020 - 07:07

Here’s Your Future

Here’s Your Future
Scritta da Hutch Harris e Kathy Foster
Nell'album "The Body, the Blood, the Machine"

I Thermals si sono sciolti nel 2018. Dio si dice invece che sia eterno, purtroppo...
God reached his hand down from the sky
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 6/1/2020 - 00:05

Drive to the Ocean

Drive to the Ocean
(4 gennaio 2020)

Pubblicato nel giorno del 60mo compleanno dell'ex cantante dei R.E.M. il nuovo singolo è un racconto distopico di un mondo segnato dai cambiamenti climatici in cui i protagonisti sono attratti come da una forza misteriosa verso l'oceano dove tutte le creature si sono radunate. Un'amara considerazione sul destino dell'umanità che era venuta al mondo per esplorare e capire il mondo e ha finito per distruggerlo.
I’ll drive through the mountains,
5/1/2020 - 23:01
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Elles sont venues pour dire

Elles sont venues pour dire
dopo aver percorso tutto il Mediterraneo da ovest a est, una traduzione in inglese più per necessità che per Gibilterra...
dal libretto del CD. Traduzione fornitaci gentilmente dalla stessa Mara Cantoni
2/1/2020 - 23:52
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International News

International News
Nell'unico disco eponimo dei National Wake, la prima punk band multirazziale sudafricana, attiva per pochi anni tra la fine dei 70 e l'inizio degli 80 in quel di Johannesburg.
Era composta da due bianchi e due neri: Ivan Kadey, Gary Khoza, Punka Khoza e Steve Moni.
Ho ripreso il testo dalla copertina interna dell'album, trovata su di un sito dedicato a Johannes Kerkorrel, e ho provato a sistemarlo all'ascolto.

Gran bel pezzo, ben suonato e molto coraggioso nel testo, considerato che si trattava di punk e di bianchi e neri insieme nel pieno dell'Apartheid...
Post, post, city late...
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 1/1/2020 - 21:09
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Entenhausen bleibt stabil

Entenhausen bleibt stabil
English rewriting by Toten Hosen / Riscrittura inglese dei Toten Hosen / Remaniement en anglais par Toten Hosen / Toten Hosenin englanninkielinen (alkuperäinen?) versio
1999, Crash-Landing

envoyé par Dq82 1/1/2020 - 19:05

400 Miles From Darwin

400 Miles From Darwin
Love This City
We pay to shed a sombre tear in the darkness together here
envoyé par Dq82 1/1/2020 - 18:56
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East Timor

East Timor
Wild Seed

Il testo è stato scritto da Morten Harket - ex front man degli A-ha - con Henning Kramer Dahl e Håvard Rem. La musica è di Geir Kolbu.
Sandalwood trees are evergreen
envoyé par Dq82 1/1/2020 - 18:39
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Don't Get Me Started

Don't Get Me Started
The outsider
We ran into trouble scamming for oil
envoyé par Dq82 1/1/2020 - 18:31
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Salome (Let's Twist Again)

Salome (Let's Twist Again)
Swingin' with Raymond

L'album è diviso in due lati: Love it! e Hate it!, questa fa parte della seconda: Odialo.
Part punk part god almighty
envoyé par Dq82 1/1/2020 - 18:23
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Uomini contro [Super Flumina Babylonis]

Uomini contro [Super Flumina Babylonis]
English translation / Traduzione inglese / Traduction anglaise/ Englanninkielinen käännös:
Riccardo Gullotta
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 31/12/2019 - 23:44

Il ritorno di un esiliato, o Già allo sguardo

Il ritorno di un esiliato, <i>o</i> Già allo sguardo
Riccardo Venturi, 31-12-2019 08:39
31/12/2019 - 08:40

You Need to Calm Down

You Need to Calm Down

Album Lover
Scritta da Taylor Swift con il produttore Joel Little

You Need To Calm Down è tutti gli effetti un manifesto contro gli omofobi, gli odiatori da tastiera. Una traccia pro-diritti LGBT, un inno da Pride in cui la Swift sottolinea come “serpenti e pietre non mi hanno mai spezzato le ossa”.

“Sei qualcuno che non conosciamo. Perché sei arrabbiato? Quando potresti essere GLAAD?”, continua Taylor, riferendosi alla celebre associazione LGBT d’America. “Sole in strada alla parata / Ma preferiresti rimanere nell’età oscura”, insiste la Swift, prima di rimarcare come rimanere nell’ombra non abbia mai reso nessuno “meno gay”.

Nei mesi scorsi Taylor ha lanciato una petizione pro-Equality Act, ha donato 100.000 dollari ad associazioni LGBT, ha presenziato al fidanzamento di una coppia gay e ha ribadito in concerto come tutti noi dovremmo avere gli stessi diritti di chiunque... (continuer)
You are somebody that I don't know
31/12/2019 - 00:24
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Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Delta Moon
Album: Cabbagetown
Oh my my, oh my my.
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 31/12/2019 - 00:16
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Migrant Song

Migrant Song
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Jack Warshaw
Album: Misfits Migrants and Murders
We fled our lands in time of war
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 30/12/2019 - 12:54
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Freedom (Freestyle)

Freedom (Freestyle)

Il rapper Joe Budden ha campionato e reinterpretato Freedom di Beyoncé e Kendrick Lamar. Se la canzone originale era già un inno alla libertà e contro l'opressione della comunità nera, Budden la rende un pezzo ancora più politico contro le violenze della polizia e i candidati politici razzisti.
[Intro: Diamond Reynolds]
29/12/2019 - 21:59


Featuring Nas & Bibi Bourelly

La canzone è stata presentata su Tidal il 16 ottobre 2015. La pagina chiede di attivare la webcam che riconosce il tuo volto. Quando clicchi play la canzone comincia e chiede di guardare negli occhi le facce di recenti vittime di violenze della polizia. Se smetti di guardare la canzone si interrompe.


With liberty and justice for all
29/12/2019 - 21:49
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Don’t Shoot

Don’t Shoot

Featuring DJ Khaled, 2 Chainz, Fabolous, TGT, Swizz Beatz, Yo Gotti, King Pharaoh, Curren$y, Problem, Rick Ross, Wale & Diddy

Game recruits an all star cast to speak out against the recent violence and injustice in Ferguson, Mo. The song covers topics such as Injustice, Emmet Till, the relationship between people of color and the police and the increasing militarization of the officers.
[Intro: DJ Khaled]
29/12/2019 - 21:36
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A Lot of Love

A Lot of Love

“A Lot of Love” is the follow up song to “My Friend” and serves as a tribute to those killed by the hands of police of brutality—the most recent victims being Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

This song is more optimistic and uplifting due to its positive serenity. Chris’s songs usually are in the realm of making love but in this track his claim is to show love to all so we can rise up from our losses.
A lot of love
29/12/2019 - 13:05

No Justice No Peace

No Justice No Peace

"Being black in America, you have to know how to take punches from cops, the government and white society. That's what it means to be black. You have to be able to take punches and be able to keep moving."

No justice, no peace
29/12/2019 - 12:59

Sad News

Sad News
Featuring Scarface

Following the shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile by police officers, Swizz Beatz and Scarface linked up to record this powerful protest song.

Although it is unclear who Swizz Beatz is referencing in the second verse, the story shares many similarities with the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, despite Martin’s death occurring in Sanford, Florida.

On February 26, 2012, Trayvon Martin was walking back to his townhouse from a nearby convenience store. Trayvon, like the boy described in this verse, was wearing a hoodie. George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch coordinator, observed Martin and, paranoid as a result of a recent increase in burglaries in the neighborhood, reported Martin to the police. The police ordered Zimmerman to remain in his vehicle, but he instead followed Martin, eventually fatally shooting him just 70 yards from the teen’s... (continuer)
29/12/2019 - 12:25
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The Silence of My Friends

The Silence of My Friends
The Preacher, The Politician Or The Pimp

Liberamente ispirata da una frase di Martin Luther King
Backbiters and haters talk behind my back 
envoyé par Dq82 29/12/2019 - 08:28
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White Privilege II

White Privilege II
Alum: This Unruly Mess I’ve Made (2016)
Featuring Jamila Woods
Testo da genius

"It’s easier, as a white person, to be silent about racial injustice. It’s easier. On paper. But it’s not easier on the whole, because injustice affects all of us, whether we know it or not, whether we acknowledge it or not. At a certain point, this song might affect sales, this might affect touring, but it doesn’t matter if I’m not speaking up – if I’m not pushing myself to speak truth."

Pulled into the parking lot, parked it
29/12/2019 - 00:56
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Better Days

Better Days
Featuring Ariana Grande

Di una banalità a tratti sconcertante, ma pur sempre una canzone contro la guerra, la violenza e il razzismo.

Victoria and Ariana recorded and released the songs due to all the violence that has occurred in the world especially this month due to what happened in Dallas, Texas and for the lives of those black lives that were lost due to the police.

This song is referring that violence is really corrupting our world and that we all, as humans, make mistakes and there is no need for violence and to inform people that even though the world is always going through a crisis we have better days to look for.
Baby, there's a war right outside our window
29/12/2019 - 00:32

My Identity

My Identity
Album Inappropriate Behaviour
Featuring Larynx
It's my Identity
28/12/2019 - 23:19
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The door slams, dust between the cracks
27/12/2019 - 21:02
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Woodman, Spare That Tree!

Woodman, Spare That Tree!
Versi di George Pope Morris (1802-1864), editore e poeta statunitense
Musica composta nel 1837 da Henry Russell (1812-1900), pianista, cantante e compositore inglese

The first american environmental protest song?
Woodman spare that tree!
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 26/12/2019 - 21:49

Tulsa 1921

Tulsa 1921
Rag and bone

Words & Music by Bryan Hembree

98 years ago today Greenwood was burning. Known then as the "Black Wall Street" Greenwood, on the edge of Downtown Tulsa was one of the most affluent African American business districts and communities in America. In the span of 36 hours a mob burned it to the ground. By most accounts, hundreds of Greenwood residents lost their lives. A horrific tragedy. As a kid growing up in Tulsa in the 1980's, the story was rarely talked about. It shocked me and saddened me and so many other Tulsans, but it was a mere undercurrent. It had happened so long ago, and been talked about so little that some people treated it more as a myth than the reality and tragedy it was. When I was writing this song 10 years ago, I tried to imagine what Woody Guthrie or Bob Dylan would have said had then written about the Greenwood massacre. I remember feeling that... (continuer)
A shot rings out in the middle of the night
envoyé par Dq82 + Bryan Hembree 26/12/2019 - 12:14
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Heureux qui comme Ulysse

Heureux qui comme Ulysse
Gulalys (L. Trans.)

envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 25/12/2019 - 08:37
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I Believe in Father Christmas

I Believe in Father Christmas
Testo di Peter Sinfield
Musica di Greg Lake
con una citazione del IV movimento (Troika) de “Il luogotenente Kijé” di Sergej Prokof'ev

Una canzone sulla perdita dell'innocenza e sulla fine delle illusioni dell'infanzia, quando ancora crediamo a Babbo Natale o alla pace nel mondo.

"E io credevo in Babbo Natale, e guardavo al cielo con occhi eccitati, fino a quando mi svegliai con uno sbadiglio alle prime luci dell'alba, e lo vidi attraverso il suo travestimento".

[...] Il finale non placa neanche per un attimo il clima straniante, con Lake che augura agli ascoltatori un Natale pieno di speranza e un anno nuovo nel segno del coraggio, ma torna subito dopo a riflettere sulle tante traballanti illusioni di quel periodo, prima fra tutte la pace in terra, concludendo con il verso capolavoro "Hallelujah, Noel, che sia inferno o paradiso, il Natale che abbiamo è quello che meritiamo" (con la voce che si sdoppia durante la pronuncia delle parole chiave "heaven or hell").

They said there'll be snow at Christmas
24/12/2019 - 22:09
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James White: Christmas With Satan

James White: Christmas With Satan
Parole e musica di James Chance, o James White, nato James Siegfried (1953), sassofonista, singer songwriter, esponente del genere No-Wave.
Nella curiosa compilation natalizia “A Christmas Record”, realizzata nel 1982 dallla ZE Records
Testo trovato su Genius
Last Christmas Eve I didn't feel too jolly
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 24/12/2019 - 18:43
Parcours: Le Diable
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The Pause of Mr. Claus

The Pause of Mr. Claus
Parole e musica di Arlo Guthrie
In "Arlo", album dal vivo registrato nell'ottobre del 1968 al "The Bitter End Cafe”, locale del Greenwich Village, Manhattan, NYC.
Testo trovato su Genius

La lunga intro a questa canzoncina "natalizia" credo si riferisca ai problemi che Arlo ma anche e soprattutto suo padre Woody Guthrie ebbero entrambi con la polizia politica statunitense, quel Federal Bureau of Investigation che dal 1935 fino al 1972 fu ininterrottamente guidato da un vero e proprio cagnaccio, visceralmente anticomunista, Mr. Edgar J. Hoover...
[Spoken Introduction]
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 24/12/2019 - 18:05
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Album African Giant

Featuring Damian Marley & Angélique Kidjo

The song has been described as an exchange of monologues on inequality across the world and the confrontational prophets that these times require.
[Intro: Damian Marley]
24/12/2019 - 00:11
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Dieu s'il existe

Dieu s'il existe
Riccardo Venturi, 23-12-209 10:46
23/12/2019 - 10:47
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We Will Not Bow Down to Genocide

We Will Not Bow Down to Genocide
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel: Leonard Hunt Chandler
Album / Albumi: Originalmente non pubblicata in album / Originally unrealeased in album
Versione modificata / Modified Version: Freedom is A Constant Struggle - Songs of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement [1994]

Len (Leonard Hunt) Chandler, nato il 27 maggio 1935 a Akron nell'Ohio, ha pubblicato soltanto due album in proprio, e tutti e due nel 1967: To Be a Man e The Lovin' People. Nel 1968 ha collaborato ad un album di Lee Irwin & The Credibility Gap, An Album of Political Pornography. Per il resto, canzoni sparse e unreleased in album, come questa; ciò non gli ha impedito di essere considerato, tra la fine degli anni '60 e gli inizi degli anni '70, tra i più influenti artisti afroamericani, e tra i più coerentemente impegnati. Sostenitore riconosciuto del Black Power, il tema... (continuer)
I heard a young boy say,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 23/12/2019 - 09:02
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St. Pauli

St. Pauli
The album that this song comes from is called "Mazel Tov" and is filled with references to Yiddish imaginary and klezmer music.
St. Pauli is a football team from the German town of Hamburg, known for the unmistakable political orientation of its fan club.
It seems that among the "certified" fans of St. Pauli there is also an administrator of this site... [INSCO]

As a "certified fan" of St. Pauli I must say that this song, in the German version, has essentially become the official anthem of the team; or it is perceived as such. [RV]
envoyé par ZugNachPankow 21/12/2019 - 20:42
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Onze de novembre

Onze de novembre
envoyé par B.B. 20/12/2019 - 22:20
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Album Brutalism (2019)

Mother deconstructs the term “Mother Fucker” into its literal and metaphorical meaning.

Metaphorically, the singer’s mother was fucked over by a system that required her to work increasingly long hours, mostly unpaid, just to provide for her children.

Literally, the singer is furious at how little empathy men can have for women over sexual assault. It’s a pervasive and complex phenomenon that makes women fear for their lives. How can you mother fuckers not see how terrible mother fuckers are?

“Mother” was a song that explored the roles of my mother and, in turn, of women in my life. The lyric you plucked was inspired by a Margaret Atwood quote which opened my mind to sexual violence and led me to think of my mother’s past relationships and her vulnerability as a woman beyond her as a mum. “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.” I didn’t want the song to lead the listener down a certain path, but intend to open up conversations of womanhood.

My mother worked 15 hours 5 days a week
19/12/2019 - 15:53
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envoyé par Bernart Bartelby 18/12/2019 - 21:20
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How Can a Poor Man Stand Such Times and Live?

How Can a Poor Man Stand Such Times and Live?
Along The Miners' Rows

“(Along The Miners' Rows) summon(s) up and celebrate(s) the rich cultural history of central Scotland’s now-vanished mining communities”
The Herald
16/12/2019 - 16:12

The Day That All the Lights Went Out

The Day That All the Lights Went Out
Along The Miners' Rows

“(Along The Miners' Rows) summon(s) up and celebrate(s) the rich cultural history of central Scotland’s now-vanished mining communities”
The Herald
Hear the miners’ heavy tramping,
envoyé par Dq82 16/12/2019 - 10:35

Where Can a Miner Go?

Where Can a Miner Go?
Along The Miners' Rows

“(Along The Miners' Rows) summon(s) up and celebrate(s) the rich cultural history of central Scotland’s now-vanished mining communities”
The Herald
Where can a miner go?
envoyé par Dq82 16/12/2019 - 10:33

The Miner's Widows Lament

The Miner's Widows Lament
Along The Miners' Rows

“(Along The Miners' Rows) summon(s) up and celebrate(s) the rich cultural history of central Scotland’s now-vanished mining communities”
The Herald
The life has been torn out from me,
envoyé par Dq82 16/12/2019 - 10:31

Digging Coal

Digging Coal
Along The Miners' Rows

“(Along The Miners' Rows) summon(s) up and celebrate(s) the rich cultural history of central Scotland’s now-vanished mining communities”
The Herald
In nineteen hundred five, digging coal.
envoyé par Dq82 16/12/2019 - 10:30

Along the Miners' Rows

Along the Miners' Rows
Along The Miners' Rows

“(Along The Miners' Rows) summon(s) up and celebrate(s) the rich cultural history of central Scotland’s now-vanished mining communities”
The Herald
About a hundred families lived here one day,
envoyé par Dq82 16/12/2019 - 10:29
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It’s Time to Take a Stand (in Memoriam Pino Pinelli)

It’s Time to Take a Stand  (in Memoriam Pino Pinelli)
In occasione dei 50 anni dalla morte di Pino Pinelli, illàchime quartet ne omaggia la memoria con il remix di un pezzo apparso sul secondo album del 2009, realizzato assieme a Mark Stewart (voce del Pop Group, una delle band più politicizzate del post-punk britannico)
illàchime quartet è un progetto sostenuto da l'Asilo di Napoli

Da Catena musicale per non dimenticare Pinelli e Piazza Fontana
This song is dedicated
envoyé par adriana 16/12/2019 - 08:08



Album: Roll The Bones
All around that dull gray world
15/12/2019 - 21:46
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En la plaza de mi pueblo

En la plaza de mi pueblo
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 11/12/2019 - 22:34

Wilding's Dream

Wilding's Dream
Zagor King of Darkwood

Testo incompleto trascritto all'ascolto

Za-gor-te-nay, lo Spirito con la Scure, l'invincibile giustiziere di Darkwood.
Il suo vero nome è Patrick Wilding, ma gli indiani lo chiamano Za-gor-te-nay, "Lo Spirito con la Scure". Sulla Vecchia Frontiera americana della prima metà del Diciannovesimo secolo, Zagor si batte per mantenere la pace, proteggere le tribù indiane e dare la caccia ai criminali. Figlio di un ufficiale dell'esercito ritiratosi a vivere da pioniere nei boschi del Nord-Est, Patrick Wilding vede morire i genitori a opera di una banda di indiani Abenaki, guidati da Salomon Kinsky. Raccolto da uno strano filosofo vagabondo che si fa chiamare Wandering Fitzy e che gli fa da maestro, il ragazzo cresce desiderando la vendetta. Quando riesce ad attuarla, scopre, però, che il padre era stato a sua volta un massacratore di indiani... (continuer)
My life 've been branded
envoyé par Dq82 11/12/2019 - 18:37
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La poesía es un arma cargada de futuro

La poesía es un arma cargada de futuro
(si riportano qui solo le strofe cantate)
10/12/2019 - 12:05
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Like Fleas

Like Fleas

Album: South of Reality

Come pulci. L'Umanità è una colonia di parassiti per la Madre Terra, che prima o poi se li scrollerà di dosso come un cane e a forza di uragani e terremoti.

A suo modo una canzone ambientalista che credo piacerà al nostro B.B. che da tempo appoggia l'estinzione umana eco-sostenibile.
They say Mother Earth is dying
9/12/2019 - 23:44

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