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The Fall of Charleston

The Fall of Charleston
[1865 circa]
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Eugene T. Johnston

Performed by / Interpreti / Interprétée par / Laulavat :
Tennessee Ernie Ford

Album: Songs Of The Civil War

Il 20 dicembre 1860, la Carolina del Sud fu il primo stato a votare per la secessione dall'Unione. Il 12 aprile 1861, le batterie al comando del generale Pierre Gustave Toutant-Beauregard aprirono il fuoco nel porto di Charleston su Fort Sumter , presidiato dalle truppe governative. Fu il primo atto della guerra civile.
Tutti i tentativi dell’Unione di prendere Charleston per terra e per mare nei quattro anni di guerra civile non ebbero successo.
Dopo che Columbia, la capitale della Carolina del Sud, capitolò il 17 Febbraio 1865, Charleston fu abbandonata dai Confederati che non risparmiarono edifici pubblici, depositi e mulini incendiandoli.
Come ogni canzone scritta... (continuer)
Oh have you heard the glorious news, is the cry from every mouth
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 21/8/2022 - 17:47

Will You Fight, Will You Dare?

Will You Fight, Will You Dare?
Dark-eyed daughter
Pubblicato con il nome Phyl Vinnicombe (Lobl è il cognome da sposata)
Words & tune: Lobl

'The 1967 referendum in which 90% of the Australian Community voted in favour of deleting sections of the Constitution discriminating against Aborigines showed goodwill. To enable Aborigines to become independent, self-reliant people this goodwill must be translated into active and positive attitudes. Together we must build a nation where dark and white live in harmony with growing understanding and respect for one another, mutually contributing to the enrichment of our Commonwealth. This is the challenge of these songs and of the present day Aboriginal advancement movement.'
This is still the challenge but now many aboriginal people show us the value of their culture, they show us the meaning of resilience, they show us the way ahead, they show us how to forgive,... (continuer)
The dreamtime folk are stirring now
envoyé par dq82 21/8/2022 - 11:52

Battle of Gettysburg

Battle of Gettysburg
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Fred Darian

Album: Battle Of Gettysburg

Guerra civile americana, estate 1863. I confederati hanno battuto i Nordisti a Fredericksburg nel dicembre 1862 e dopo a Chancellorsville a maggio . Il generale Robert Lee (“Master Robert”), a capo dell’esercito confederato, elabora una strategia volta sia ad alleggerire la pressione delle truppe dell’Unione che stringono sotto assedio Vicksburg, Missisippi, sia a dare respiro alla Virginia stremata. Vicksburg è città chiave per evitare che l’esercito confederato sia tagliato in due; la Virginia è essenziale per i rifornimenti alimentari e per la logistica. L’obiettivo finale è di invadere il Nord e marciare su Washington. Lee attraversa il Potomac , entra in Pennsylvania, stato dell’Unione, allo scopo di sferrare un’offensiva decisiva contro l’esercito nordista,... (continuer)
On July 3rd in '63
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 21/8/2022 - 10:47

Bonus Track [Sacheen Littlefeather's Speech]

Bonus Track [Sacheen Littlefeather's Speech]
Speech of American Indian Rights activist Sacheen Littlefeather, on behalf of Marlon Brando (Oscar ceremony - 1973)
Music: the Indian summer

Sacheen Littlefeather (Piccola Piuma[1]), pseudonimo di Marie Louise Cruz (Salinas, 14 novembre 1946), è un'attrice statunitense
Era il 1972 quando Marlon Brando rifiutò il premio Oscar per la sua interpretazione del Padrino nell’omonimo film di Francis Ford Coppola e al suo posto l’anno successivo inviò sul palco per la cerimonia di consegna la 26enne indiana Apache che tenne un importante discorso contro la mistificazione dei popoli indigeni nei film western ma venne aggredita dal pubblico con una valanga di fischi e gesti razzisti, e poi minacciata di violenza appena scesa dal palco. L’Academy Museum of Motion Pictures si scusa con la donna, oggi 75enne, per il trattamento di quella sera e annuncia per il 17 settembre una conferenza intitolata... (continuer)
Hello. My name is Sacheen Littlefeather.
envoyé par dq82 16/8/2022 - 11:17

Controlled Opposition

Controlled Opposition
No justice in a legal system run by criminals
16/8/2022 - 05:39
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Stare Miasto

Stare Miasto
["Poles, wherever you may be..."]
envoyé par giorgio 15/8/2022 - 15:50
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Major Tom

Major Tom
English lyrics by David Lodge
Music (and original lyrics) by Pierre Michael Schilling
Album: Error In The System
Standing there all alone, the ship is waiting
15/8/2022 - 01:54

Soldier's Lament

Freetrade Band
Universal Anti war song
SOLDIER’S LAMENT Slimey and Munk
11/8/2022 - 06:25

ヒロシマというとき [Cello Concerto No.1]

ヒロシマというとき [Cello Concerto No.1]
Englanninkielinen käännös :
Prof. Richard H. Minear
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 8/8/2022 - 18:37
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Two Hoboes

Two Hoboes
Lawrence Gellert / Dick Weissman
As sung by Judy Roderick on "Woman Blue" (1965, reissued 2006)

Testo da :
Lyr Req: Two Hoboes (D Weissman/L Gellert) - mudcat.org › thread ›
Railroad looks so pretty
envoyé par Pluck 6/8/2022 - 23:09

Joe Brown's Coal Mine

Note .
"Il gruppo canta all’unisono, con la voce del leader in primo piano.
I versi sono scanditi rimicamente da dei regolari “ha!” , che cadono dopo ogni gruppo giampico o anapestico, spesso dividendo anche una parola in due , e corrispondono evidentemente al colpo inferto con l’attrezzo di lavoro.
Questo canto è probabilmente della Georgia, dato che in un Blues inciso ad Atlanta,” Ninety-Nine Year Blues” di Julius Daniels,Victor 20658 ( LP Folkways FA 2951 ) , il “narratore “ dice di essere stato condannato dal giudice a lavorare nella miniera di Joe Brown ( nell’ultima strofa di questo brano l’imputato dice al giudice di non essere stato li’ prima, al che questi risponde : “ Ti do 99 anni,cosi’ non ci torni piu’ “ ; la quale miniera evidentemente celeberrima, viene citata in un altro Blues della Georgia ( con struttura tipo “ worksong “) , “ Rolling Mill Blues “ di Peg Leg Howell,... (continuer)
Joe Brown‘s coal mine
envoyé par Pluck 6/8/2022 - 22:34
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Φώναξε (Διακοπές στο Sarajevo)

Φώναξε (Διακοπές στο Sarajevo)
SHOUT (Vacation in Sarajevo)
envoyé par Christina P. 6/8/2022 - 21:27


Lyrics & Music by Johnny Punish
Album: The Strange Story of Johnny Punish Vol. 1: Political (2000-2016)

Globalization and the New World Order get Punished by Johnny Punish for their push of a Corporatocracy over Democracy.
Punk rockin' song about banksters who are destroying the modern notion of democracy around the world..
We're living in a corporate-toc-crazy
envoyé par giorgio 6/8/2022 - 09:05
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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Lyrics & music by Aliza Hava
Album: Songs for Social Change
Martin Luther King was a preacher man
envoyé par giorgio 6/8/2022 - 08:46
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Highway 66 Blues

Highway 66 Blues
(Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger)

"Verso la fine degli aa.'30,la mèta della maggior parte dei disoccupati e dei senza casa dell'Ovest e del Sud-Ovest era la California. Disprezzati per la loro poverta' e rozzezza contadina,etichettati con nomignoli dispregiativi (Okies,Arkies,Mizoos) gli agricoltori rovinati dell' Oklahoma,dell'Arkansas,del Missouri, del Texas affluivano verso la nuova terra promessa trovando un formidabile sbarramento di polizia a chiuder loro la strada. La citta' di Los Angeles invento' il blocco totale contro gli immigranti poveri , rimandando indietro tutti quelli che arrivavano senza soldi in tasca sulla strada numero 66,quella che veniva dagli stati piu' colpiti della depressione."

da "La canzone popolare in America " di Alessandro Portelli - De Donato Ed.- 1975 - pag. 40
There is a Highway from coast to the coast,
envoyé par Pluck 5/8/2022 - 20:17

Warriors of Peace

Warriors of Peace
feat. Joss Stone
Music & Lyrics by Yael Deckelbaum

This song was inspired by a prophecy from the book of Isaiah, about a time of unity when all wars will end, and the world will live in peace

I have seen this awakening with my own two eyes while marching with women around the world, and I believe in it.

I can see this happening when we restore our connections to our own hearts and bodies.

Supporting each other in our way to self healing.

Remembering our connection to an ancient voice of wisdom, to the beating drum of our ancestral mothers and fathers, in the times before the story of separation took over, long before the Bible was ever written,

Long before the world was ruled by man.

When women and men had a respectful and loving relationship with our Mother Earth and with each other.

We each hold a key and I believe it starts with remembering

self love.

Thank you Joss... (continuer)
And the wind shall come down from the mountains
2/8/2022 - 18:24
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Captain Holler Hurry

Captain Holler Hurry
Captain Holler Hurry - Autore sconosciuto

Cantano Willie Turner e altri presso Livingstone, Alabama, gennaio , febbraio 1950.
Registrazione di Harold Courlander.

Album: Negro Folk Music of Alabama, Vol. 6: Ring Game Songs and Others
Data di uscita: 1955

Magnifico esempio di logica di classe, espressa con la consueta evidenza e con il sistema della contrapposizione.

Testo e note tratti da :
Blues,ballate e canti di lavoro afroamericani
a cura di Alessandro Roffeni
Newton Compton Editori - 1976
The Captain holler hurry,going to take my time
envoyé par Pluck 2/8/2022 - 03:11
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Georgia on My Mind

Georgia on My Mind
Lyrics by Stuart Graham Steven Gorrell
Music by Hoagland Howard Carmichael
Album: The Genius Hits the Road [1960]

“Georgia .. no peace I find..” ..What was Ray Charles' most famous hit of the 1960s was actually written in 1930 by Hoagy Carmichael and Stuart Gorrell and first recorded that same year by Hoagy Carmichael himself.  However, the song has been most often associated with soul singer Ray Charles, who was a native of the U.S. state of Georgia and recorded it for his 1960 album The Genius Hits the Road.
It has been asserted that Hoagy Carmichael wrote the song about his sister, Georgia.. But Carmichael wrote in his second autobiography Sometimes I Wonder that saxophonist Frankie Trumbauer told him he should write a song about the state of Georgia. He jokingly volunteered the first two words, “Georgia, Georgia...”, which Carmichael ended up using while working on the song... (continuer)
envoyé par giorgio 30/7/2022 - 09:16
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Testo e note da : PANCOCOJAMS - ( blogspot )
Edited by Azizi Powell

Example Of the 1930s Blues Song "Mr. Tyree" (with partial lyrics & selected comments about song collector Lawrence Gellert
Saturday, January 14, 2017

"Mr. Tyree", a 1930s prison Blues recording featuring an African American singer and an African American guitarist. This song was included in the 1930s vinyl recording Negro Songs of Protest *
by [White American song collector] Lawrence Gellert.

An unknown prisoner at Bellwood Prison Camp, Atlanta, Georgia, performing "Mr. Tyree," as recorded by Lawrence Gellert sometime in the mid-1930s.

Tyree Mister Tyree
envoyé par Pluck 29/7/2022 - 18:10
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In Atlanta, Georgia

In Atlanta,  Georgia
In Atlanta, Georgia.

Canta un detenuto,probabilmente del carcere di Greenville,South Carolina, registrato da Lawrence Gellert, 1933-1937: LP Negro Songs of Protest. *
La struttura del brano ricorda quella del Blues ( o “ Blues song “ ) a refrain,che, originatesi nel repertorio di danza della aree rurali con canzoni come “Tight Like That” o “ Bottle Up and Go “ entro' in voga anche nell'ambito urbano a partire dagli anni '30.
Il presente brano si diversifica da questo tipo di musica, tuttavia , per il tempo assai lento,oltre che , evidentemente,per la denuncia sociale eccezionalmente aperta ed esplicita .

Testo e note tratti da :
“ Blues,ballate e canti di lavoro afroamericani”
a cura di Alessandro Roffeni
Newton Compton Editori - 1976

As Langston Hughes commented, “These songs collected by Mr Gellert are of inestimable value.”

Down in Georgia,meanest place in the world,
envoyé par Pluck 28/7/2022 - 18:19

Negro Got No Justice

Negro Got No Justice

Canta un detenuto,probabilmente del carcere di Greenville,South Carolina, registrato da Lawrence Gellert, 1933-1937: LP Negro Songs of Protest.

Del tutto eccezionale l'esplicita denuncia contenuta in questo brano,come in altri raccolti da Gellert

Le strofe 1-4-5-6-7 costituiscono la classica sequenza utilizzata normalmente dai carcerati del Texas nella loro esecuzione del “ Midnight Special “

Il ritrovarla da un capo all'altro degli stati del sud ci indica l'enorme rilevanza che questi versi dovevano avere per le comunità dei detenuti neri.

Ancora più diffuso , anche al di fuori di questa sequenza, il motivo della donna che va in carcere o dal giudice per chiedere la liberazione del proprio uomo ( il quale, nelle versioni dei forzati, normalmente la riconosce dal vestito, dall'ombrello , etc. )

Testo e note tratti da :
“ Blues,ballate e canti di lavoro afroamericani”
a cura di Alessandro Roffeni
Newton Compton Editori - 1976

Niggers ain't got no justice in Atlanta,
envoyé par Pluck 26/7/2022 - 17:30

Get Your Gunn

Get Your Gunn

Goddamn your righteous hand
26/7/2022 - 01:29



Su Putin Randy Newman ci aveva visto giusto
… facendoci ridere di gusto, anche se già allora c’era poco (o niente) da ridere
a Rockol
Di Davide Poliani

Non è una novità che Vladimir Putin, da ormai due mesi isolato alla comunità internazionale occidentale in seguito all’invasione militare dell’Ucraina, prima dello scoppio delle ostilità con il governo di Kiev riscuotesse più di una simpatia presso figure politiche di spicco europee e nordamericane. Senza andare troppo indietro nel tempo, nel 2019 l’attuale numero uno del Cremlino - che, per inciso, in tandem con Dmitrij Medvedev il Cremlino lo controlla dal 1999 - veniva definito dall’allora Ministro dell’Interno e Vicepresidente del Consiglio italiano “un grande presidente” e “uno dei migliori uomini di governo che ci siano ora sulla faccia della terra”. Che l’ex funzionario del KGB avesse una concezione della gestione del dissenso... (continuer)
Putin puttin' his pants on
envoyé par Pluck 25/7/2022 - 19:18
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Hey Mister

Hey Mister
Lyrics & music by Betty Lapcevic
Album: A Message From The People

1972 was an interesting year for Ray Charles. He was profiled in a New Musical Express article with the headlines "The Man Who Beat Drug Addiction And Blindness To Become A Legend". But also, following the lead of Marvin Gaye and Curtis Mayfield, Ray got political with the funky Quincy Jones produced single “Hey Mister”. Written as a letter to a Congressman, Ray points out “we're the richest country in the world and I just can't understand why we got so many hungry people”.

“Hey legislation why don't you try a new route
Listen to the people and hear what they're talking about
You see the poor people know they can't impeach you
They just hoping that they cries will reach you”
The song peaked at #47 on the R & B charts. On shows like Dick Cavett, Carol Burnett and even Bill Cosby, Ray performed his standard... (continuer)
Oh!, listen up everybody, I got an idea
envoyé par giorgio 25/7/2022 - 09:00
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Sail Away

Sail Away
da Genius

“Sail Away” by Randy Newman appears on his album, Sail Away (1972).

Newman presents “the pitch” of an American slave trader to Africans in Bonny, off the west coast of Nigeria.
The slaver sings a song about the wonderful life to be had in Charleston.
Selling a lie about what life will be was used, but the more common practice was going inland to kidnap and shackle those you found.
[Verse 1]
envoyé par Pluck 24/7/2022 - 22:43
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Louisiana 1927

Louisiana 1927
Randy Newman - 1974
Album: Good Old Boys

Louisiana 1927

What makes that ’27 flood so infamous is the fact that, in an effort to save the city where their profits were made, New Orleans’ businessmen spurred on the dynamiting of a levee to divert water to some of the poorer surrounding parishes. These parishes, and the lives of many who resided within them, were effectively destroyed by the ensuing rush of water.

After the damage is done, the final verse features a cameo appearance from President Calvin Coolidge, who surveys the carnage and makes a callous remark that shows little sympathy for all the human suffering around him. Echoes of that same presidential indifference were what many of President Bush’s critics sensed in his reaction to Katrina.

It all leads to one of the most heartbreaking refrains in all of popular music: “Louisiana, Louisiana/They’re tryin’ to wash us away.”... (continuer)
What has happened down here is the wind have changed
envoyé par Pluck 24/7/2022 - 17:54
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There'll Be No Peace Without All Men as One

There'll Be No Peace Without All Men as One
Lyrics & music by Sadye Shepard
Album: A Message From The People

The contemplative, and questioning, "There’ll Be No Peace Without All Men As One", is a pivotal track from Ray Charles’ 1972 album, "A Message from the People". The album takes stock in a post 1960s civil rights movement America, and features Robert Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, and John F. Kennedy on the cover.

The song is a powerful commentary, which still resonates today.

In celebration of Ray Charles’ 90th birthday (2020), Tangerine Records, the label he founded in 1962, was proud to announce the release of “True Genius” the ultimate Ray Charles collection. Featuring 90 of his greatest songs and most important recordings of his legendary career, this newly remastered set includes all of his biggest hits.
What good is the sun?
envoyé par giorgio 24/7/2022 - 09:01

The Spanish Inquisition

The Spanish Inquisition
All pay heed! Now enters his holiness Torquemada, the Grand Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition!
23/7/2022 - 03:33

Hannah Arendt Final Speech / Discorso finale di Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt Final Speech / Discorso finale di Hannah Arendt
dal film biografico Hannah Arendt di Margarethe von Trotta interpretato da Barbara Sukowa
from the biographical film Hannah Arendt by Margarethe von Trotta starring Barbara Sukowa

La banalita del male

Eichmann tutto era fuorché anormale: era questa la sua dote più spaventosa. Sarebbe stato meno temibile un mostro inumano, perché proprio in quanto tale rendeva difficile identificarvisi. Ma quel che diceva Eichmann e il modo in cui lo diceva, non faceva altro che tracciare il quadro di una persona che avrebbe potuto essere chiunque: chiunque poteva essere Eichmann, sarebbe bastato essere senza idee, come lui. Prima ancora che poco intelligente, egli non aveva idee e non si rendeva conto di quel che stava facendo. Era semplicemente una persona completamente calata nella realtà che aveva davanti: lavorare, cercare una promozione, riordinare numeri sulle statistiche, ecc. Più che l'intelligenza... (continuer)
Perhaps just for today, you will allow me to smoke –immediately. When the New Yorker sent me to report on the trial of Adolf Eichmann, I assumed that the court room had only one interest, to fulfil the demands of justice. This was not a simple task because the court that tried Eichmann was confronted with a crime that could not found in the law books. The criminal whose call is unknown in any court prior to the Nuremberg Trials. But still the court had to define Eichmann as a man on trial for his deeds. There was no system on trial, no history, no-ism, not even anti-Semitism but only a person. The Treiben with a Nazi criminal like Eichmann was that he insisted on the renouncing on personal qualities as if there was nobody left, either to be punished or forgiven. He protested time and again c... (continuer)
17/7/2022 - 16:51


Album: Bellringer
feat. Angela Davis

Abolire la polizia, abolire le prigioni
If being radical is grasping from the root, that’s just what I’ll do, that’s just what I’ll do…
17/7/2022 - 16:20


Album: All Billionaires Are Bastards
Flesh as commodity
17/7/2022 - 16:01

Reasons to Be Anxious

Reasons to Be Anxious
dall'album Process del 2022

Ci sono tante, troppe ragioni, per essere ansiosi nel mondo moderno.
I get anxious
17/7/2022 - 13:17

Throwing Stones

Throwing Stones
Album: Chuck Wright’s Sheltering Sky

“Throwin’ Stones” è una canzone potente e straordinaria. Come nasce?

Le tracce base di questa canzone sono state registrate qualche tempo fa con il mio defunto amico, Pat Torpey dei Mr. Big e Lanny Cordola che era con me con gli House Of Lords. Abbiamo realizzato un gran numero di album e colonne sonore di film insieme. Ho trovato questo brano e altri due incompiuti. Volevo onorare Pat finendoli: da qui nascono “Army Of Me” e “It Never Fails”.
I testi e le melodie vocali di “Throwin’ Stones” sono stati scritti da Joe Retta (Sweet, TSO, Dio Disciples). È un messaggio contro la guerra scritto ben prima dell’invasione russa dell’Ucraina. La chiamo triste serendipità. Nel realizzare il video, tuttavia, volevo che riflettesse ciò che stava accadendo nel mondo.

Il messaggio nella canzone parla di come, dall’alba dei tempi, fossimo l’uno contro l’altro... (continuer)
You might think I’m crazy
16/7/2022 - 19:15


The song is roughly the same in the Yiddish and English. Note that думать/dumai(t) is Russian, and is the word “to think”. I will provide the direct translation of the Yiddish pieces however as some differences remain
envoyé par dq82 16/7/2022 - 18:53



La bellissima canzone che chiude l'album KIWANUKA del 2019

Forse non esplicita nelle parole, ma accompagnata da un video che la ricollega all'orgoglio nero e al movimento Black Lives Matter.

“The way so much of the world has been designed has often caused me and so many other Black people psychological damage,” Kiwanuka says. “We so often hear that we are lesser than because we are Black. We are a label, a token, a statistic, and we can be dehumanized. I’ve spoken about it in my music but I wanted to declare in words that I’m so proud to be Black. We are so beautiful and have such a wonderful history of strength, overcoming, talent, innovation, creativity, invention and love.”

Michael Kiwanuka's "Light" video celebrates Black life and power - WXPN
We're miles apart
14/7/2022 - 22:43

Pure Comedy

Pure Comedy

"Pure Comedy is the story of a species born with a half-formed brain. The species' only hope for survival, finding itself on a cruel, unpredictable rock surrounded by other species who seem far more adept at this whole thing (and to whom they are delicious), is the reliance on other, slightly older, half-formed brains. This reliance takes on a few different names as their story unfolds, like 'love,' 'culture,' 'family,' etc."


"Pure Comedy è la storia di una specie nata con un cervello formato a metà. La sola speranza di sopravvivenza di questa specie che si ritrova su una roccia crudele e imprevedibile, circondata da altre specie che sembrano molto più abili e adatte a questo ambiente è la dipendenza da altri, leggermente più vecchi, cervelli formati a metà. A questa dipendenza vengono dati alcuni nomi differenti mentre la loro storia si svolge, come 'amore', 'cultura', 'famiglia' eccetera"
At six-
10/7/2022 - 16:37
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At the End of World War 3

At the End of World War 3
Also recorded by Chet Gardiner

It is abundantly evident that the world is closer to a nuclear holocaust than at any time since 1962.
At the end of World War 3, amid the lightning and thunder
9/7/2022 - 18:28

Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa
A song about two people who have lived through war
I live in Addis Ababa I drive a taxi cab
6/7/2022 - 20:25

Holy Hell

Holy Hell

[...] Then, he uploaded new track ‘Holy Hell’ – a politically-charged but sombre piece of piano-led chamber pop in which he laments “damn the future ain’t looking so bright…”, ending with the reassuring lines: “But all my friends, yeah, I’m talking to you/The world won’t end unless we want it to/There’s no one in control/And it’s our life to choose.”

Father John Misty gets political, shares new song 'Holy Hell'
5/7/2022 - 23:53
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Čekáme kdesi na konci aleje

Čekáme kdesi na konci aleje
envoyé par Stanislava 5/7/2022 - 18:32

No Oxygen in the West

No Oxygen in the West
Music and Lyrics by SHAMAN
Actress and Dancer: SIJIA CHRISTINA CHEN
In silence
3/7/2022 - 22:29
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Kam jsme to zašli?

Kam jsme to zašli?
English translations: Lenka Lichtenberg & Alena Jirásek
What is this place?
2/7/2022 - 19:23

Generation Cancellation

Generation Cancellation

Russian punk-pop-rave band returns with anti-war manifesto “Generation Cancellation”. Little Big’s first release in 2022 is accompanied by a music video that criticizing the war, the politics, the propaganda in their signature style through a series of scenes filled with socio-political references and easter eggs. Sonically, the track is a tribute to Ilich favorite bands such as Nirvana and The Prodigy.
My generation
1/7/2022 - 15:35

We Need to Talk About It

We Need to Talk About It
We need to talk about it

Bloodline Maintenance
envoyé par dq82 30/6/2022 - 11:16
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Hard Times on Main Street

Hard Times on Main Street
Lyrics, music and performed by Barry David Butler

As Butler will say in his song "Wall Street is flying, but Main Street is dying "..

This song is about the Plight of the Middle Class in America..
She has three kids and the bills to pay
envoyé par giorgio 30/6/2022 - 09:46

Death Is a Job

Death Is a Job
Sarajevo Blues
I'm running across an intersection to avoid the bullet of a sniper from the hill when I walk straight into some photographers:
envoyé par Dq82 28/6/2022 - 11:31

I Want to Go

I Want to Go
I Want To Go - J. B. Lenoir - 1966
My name is JB Lenoir
envoyé par Pluck 21/6/2022 - 18:31

Move This Rope

Move This Rope
Move This Rope - J.B. Lenoir - 1966
Remove this rope from 'round my neck
envoyé par Pluck 21/6/2022 - 18:05

Alabama March

Alabama March
J.B. Lenoir - Alabama March - Album : Alabama Blues - 1965
Third month, twenty-fifth day of '65, we marched on Alabama hill
envoyé par Pluck 21/6/2022 - 10:59


[1888 ]
A Poem by / Gedicht / Poesia / Poème / Runo:
John Henry Mackay

La poesia di John Henry Mackay fu posta nell’introduzione al saggio Anarchism: what it really stands for di Emma Goldman, del 1911.
Tutte le versioni della poesia qui proposte ci sembrano interessanti per un motivo o per l’altro. Troviamo particolarmente suggestiva la versione tedesca di Christoph Holzhöfer
[Riccardo Gullotta]
Ever reviled, accursed, ne’er understood,
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 20/6/2022 - 20:03


Album: Ultra Mono
Released: 2020

Idles are a British-Irish punk rock band formed in Bristol in 2009. The band consists of Joe Talbot (vocals), Mark Bowen (guitar), Lee Kiernan (guitar), Adam Devonshire (bass) and Jon Beavis (drums).
envoyé par Timur Kukharets 19/6/2022 - 18:26


Secondo singolo estratto dall'album di prossima pubblicazione "Will of the People"

Su un ritmo anni 80 i Muse ci parlano delle potenti organizzazioni che ci vorrebbero asserviti e aderenti alla loro visione del mondo, perdendo ogni spirito critico.

“Compliance” is about the promise of safety and reassurance sold to us by powerful entities during times of vulnerability. Gangs, governments, demagogues, social media algorithms and religions seduce us with misleading untruths and comforting fables. They want us to join their narrow worldview in exchange for obedience and turning a blind eye to our own internal voice of reason and compassion. They just need our Compliance.


“Compliance” parla della promessa di sicurezza e tranquillità vendutaci da entità potenti durante i momenti di vulnerabilità. Le gang criminali, i governi, i demagoghi, gli algoritmi dei social media e le religioni... (continuer)
18/6/2022 - 17:54

Try Better Next Time

Try Better Next Time
Album: Never Let Me Go
Ai cori: Cody Molko (il figlio diciassettenne di Brian Molko, già con una carriera come attore nella serie Shadow and Bone)

“Try Better Next Time for me is very much my song about the environment. You know, it’s a disillusioned, disappointed song. It’s very disappointed in humanity. It’s basically saying, good riddance, humanity, try better next time, you know, next time you come back and get a chance to live on this beautiful planet, you know, try better. It’s a story about people who live underground, about growing fins and going back to the water.

It’s a very disillusioned song about the climate disaster presented in a sort of three minute Weezer ish kind of pop punk thing. If you dig deeper, it’s one of the more disturbing songs because it’s talking about an extinction event next, you know, the extinction of human beings, but is presented in in in... (continuer)
At the core of the earth it's too hot to breathe
envoyé par Lorenzo Masetti 18/6/2022 - 13:36

Six White Horses

Six White Horses
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Larry Murray

Performed by / Interpreti / Interprétée par / Laulavat:
Johnny Cash

Album: Six White Horses

Il tema dominante di questa canzone country di mezzo secolo fa é il razzismo negli Usa negli anni ’60. Riscosse molto successo, si classificò quarta nella “Billboard Hot Country Singles “statunitense.
Parla degli assassinii di John Kennedy, Martin Luther King e Robert Kennedy. Il tema si riflette nel titolo, ripetuto in ogni strofa: il colore dei cavalli è bianco.
Da notare che il numero dei cavalli coincide con il numero di versi di ciascuna delle tre strofe.
Forse, è un’ipotesi di chi scrive, l’immagine dei sei cavalli si ispira anche alla canzone folk “She'll Be Coming Around The Mountain” pubblicata nel 1927, le cui due strofe iniziali sono riportate a seguire:

She'll be coming 'round the... (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 17/6/2022 - 22:32

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