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Tenere Den

Tenere Den
Out there, the great desert (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 15/8/2023 - 12:48


envoyé par Dq82 15/8/2023 - 10:55
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
2e/sexies. English translation of the "Alba feminine version", by Riccardo Venturi 11.8.2023
I was evacuated to Alba together with my family. My father was a member of “Giustizia e Libertà” (“Justice and Freedom”, a clandestine partisan organization) and used to carry clandestine press from Turin to Alba. In October 1944 I was an eyewitness of the entrance of the partisans into Alba's Cathedral Square. I was an attentive and curious girl, and remember very well that they sang “Fischia il Vento” and also a “feminine version” of Bella Ciao:
11/8/2023 - 12:27

Запевала сојка птица

Запевала сојка птица
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 28/7/2023 - 23:04
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Going Up The Country

Going Up The Country

Rispetto alla versione in studio sono presenti una strofa iniziale e una finale e gli assolo di flauto sono sostituiti da assoli di chitarra
Ogni alternativa di trascrizione sara' ben accetta .
envoyé par Pluck 7/7/2023 - 18:22

Once Were Brothers

Once Were Brothers
Once Were Brothers - The Waterboys
Album : All Souls Hill - 2022
envoyé par Pluck 6/7/2023 - 11:21

The Ballad of Bobby Sands

Jimmy Fontaine
The Ballad of Bobby Sands

This old vhs tape that i recently found This is the best tribute to the late Bobby Sands that is on youtube it was written by Jimmy Fontaine from Manchester England who is no longer with us if there is a band out there who can put a bit of music to it and repost that would be great the first few are missing from the video but think i know them so i`ll paste them here

paddyminceir - Youtube
The tears of a nation can be heard on the breeze,
envoyé par Dq82 20/6/2023 - 18:58


Homestead (June-July 1892) (continuer)
envoyé par Joe DeFilippo 16/6/2023 - 19:44
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Album: The Seed

Your latest single Gunslinger was written after seeing a pop-up advertisement online, which described the possibility of signing up to fight in a war. Can you elaborate on the emotions and thoughts that you experienced when you saw this and how it influenced the sound of the song?

I was in an AirBnB in Detmold and the war was starting and I spent a lot of time in bed with my computer. There was this beautifully designed website with a big button that said something like “Sign Up Now” and you’d be able to head out to the next Ukrainian embassy, catch a train and be at war in 2 days.

I couldn’t understand why this would appeal to young women and men. I thought about Dylan’s With God On Our Side, one of the strongest Anti-War songs. The first verse goes like this –

Oh my name it ain’t nothin’
My age it means less
The country I come from
Is called the Midwest... (continuer)
Well I know what you are feeling
10/6/2023 - 18:51

After We Go to Guns

After We Go to Guns
Questa canzone/preghiera fu incisa nel 2001 col titolo "After we go to guns" nel CD "California Blend" di Chester E Smith e Mele Haggard e cantata (e scritta, credo) da quest'ultimo e ripubblicata (ma mi pare la stessa registrazione) questa volta col titolo "After we go to guns" nella raccolta "Award Winning Gospel Hits" nel 2004.
E' una appassionata preghiera a Dio che illumini gli uomini a fermarsi sulla soglia della guerra.
Mi pare molto adatta ai tempi che stimo vivendo.

Non riesco a trovare il testo della canzone, per cui questo è un mio misero tentativo di trascrizione. Un po' perché il mio inglese è arrugginito, un po' per l'accento del Sud, in po' per la voce profondissima e appassionata, ci sono diversi punti che non riesco a capire: le parti per me più incomprensibili sono fra parentesi, ma anche nelle altre ci sono probabilmente errori e sarò grato a chi vorrà/potrà completarlo... (continuer)
Dear preachers (now?) bow our heads and let us pray,
envoyé par Piersante Sestini 9/6/2023 - 08:41


envoyé par Luke Atreides 7/6/2023 - 22:45

Save the World

Save the World
Album: Weathervanes - Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit

Una canzone sui numerosi casi di sparatorie all'interno delle scuole statunitensi. Isbell racconta di come sia difficile imbarcarsi su un aereo senza documenti, mentre è facilissimo entrare in una scuola con una pistola. Un palloncino che scoppia un un supermercato lo fa sobbalzare, come se fosse un colpo di pistola, quindi racconta i suoi timori come padre nel mandare la figlia a scuola, temendo che possa essere vittima di una sparatoria.
I left my wallet in the hotel room
7/6/2023 - 21:19

Chicken Hawks

Chicken Hawks
This song is dedicated to lawmakers, pundits and others who cheer on wars that they don't have to fight in.
They laid low when called to muster, (continuer)
envoyé par Larry Moore 7/6/2023 - 16:49

Gotta Get to Peekskill

Gotta Get to Peekskill
Okemah Rising

lyrics by Woody Guthrie
Lo scorso settembre i Dropkick Murphys hanno pubblicato “This machine still kills fascists”, un album acustico in cui la band mise in musica dei testi rimasti inediti del nume del folk statunitense Woody Guthrie.

L'operazione venne resa possibile e caldeggiata dalla figlia di Woody, Nora, che aprì i cassetti dei tesori mettendo a disposizione del gruppo proveniente dallo stato del Massachussets l'archivio dell'illustre papà. L'intento di Nora era quello di dare nuovamente spazio alle parole e rinverdire il ricordo del padre scomparso nel 1967. La band portò a termine il progetto nel migliore dei modi e tutti ne furono molto soddisfatti. Talmente soddisfatti che a neppure un anno di distanza viene pubblicato un secondo album di canzoni con le parole di Woody Guthrie. Un disco figlio delle sedute di registrazione di “This machine still kills fascists”... (continuer)
Big boat, little boat, whistle and pound (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 7/6/2023 - 14:15

Rippin Up the Boundary Line

Rippin Up the Boundary Line
Okemah Rising

lyrics by Woody Guthrie
Lo scorso settembre i Dropkick Murphys hanno pubblicato “This machine still kills fascists”, un album acustico in cui la band mise in musica dei testi rimasti inediti del nume del folk statunitense Woody Guthrie.

L'operazione venne resa possibile e caldeggiata dalla figlia di Woody, Nora, che aprì i cassetti dei tesori mettendo a disposizione del gruppo proveniente dallo stato del Massachussets l'archivio dell'illustre papà. L'intento di Nora era quello di dare nuovamente spazio alle parole e rinverdire il ricordo del padre scomparso nel 1967. La band portò a termine il progetto nel migliore dei modi e tutti ne furono molto soddisfatti. Talmente soddisfatti che a neppure un anno di distanza viene pubblicato un secondo album di canzoni con le parole di Woody Guthrie. Un disco figlio delle sedute di registrazione di “This machine still kills fascists”... (continuer)
Ripping up the boundary line, oh, line (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 7/6/2023 - 14:12

Run Hitler, Run

Run Hitler, Run
Okemah Rising

lyrics by Woody Guthrie
Lo scorso settembre i Dropkick Murphys hanno pubblicato “This machine still kills fascists”, un album acustico in cui la band mise in musica dei testi rimasti inediti del nume del folk statunitense Woody Guthrie.

L'operazione venne resa possibile e caldeggiata dalla figlia di Woody, Nora, che aprì i cassetti dei tesori mettendo a disposizione del gruppo proveniente dallo stato del Massachussets l'archivio dell'illustre papà. L'intento di Nora era quello di dare nuovamente spazio alle parole e rinverdire il ricordo del padre scomparso nel 1967. La band portò a termine il progetto nel migliore dei modi e tutti ne furono molto soddisfatti. Talmente soddisfatti che a neppure un anno di distanza viene pubblicato un secondo album di canzoni con le parole di Woody Guthrie. Un disco figlio delle sedute di registrazione di “This machine still kills fascists”... (continuer)
Hitler and Goebbels, they jumped the creek
envoyé par Dq82 7/6/2023 - 14:07
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Preghiera di notte

Preghiera di notte
envoyé par leoharrison 7/6/2023 - 13:29

Nun will die Sonn’ so hell aufgeh’n

Nun will die Sonn’ so hell aufgeh’n
Richard Stokes
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 7/6/2023 - 10:37
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Non è un film

Non è un film
6/6/2023 - 19:56

Tuskegee #626

Tuskegee #626
Album: Bridges (1977)
Gil Scott-Heron & Brian Jackson

Tuskegee Syphilis Study - Wikipedia

The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male (informally referred to as the Tuskegee Experiment or Tuskegee Syphilis Study) was a study conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the United States Public Health Service (PHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on a group of nearly 400 African American men with syphilis.

The purpose of the study was to observe the effects of the disease when untreated, though by the end of the study medical advancements meant it was entirely treatable. The men were not informed of the nature of the experiment, and more than 100 died as a result.


Lo studio sulla sifilide di Tuskegee fu un esperimento clinico attuato e seguito dallo United States Public Health Service nella città di Tuskegee, in Alabama, negli USA.

Svoltosi tra il... (continuer)
Tuskegee #626
4/6/2023 - 19:45

Over the Wall

Over the Wall
I've been a prisoner
4/6/2023 - 19:33

Old Vainglory

Old Vainglory
The apartment mentioned in the first line was across the street from the adult school where Larry Moore was a teacher of English As A Second Language.
A flag was hanging in the window,
envoyé par Larry Moore 31/5/2023 - 04:48



Scritta da Emily Armstrong.

Il riferimento è alla organizzazione della sinistra radicale statunitense chiamata Weatherman, the Weathermen o Weather Underground.

L'organizzazione trasse il proprio nome dal verso di "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" (non serve un meteorologo per sapere da che lato soffia il vento), dalla canzone di Dylan Subterranean Homesick Blues (1965). Il verso divenne il titolo di un documento distribuito alla convention dell'SDS di Chicago del 18 giugno 1969. Il documento propugnava la creazione di una "forza combattente bianca" destinata ad allearsi coi movimenti radicali neri al fine di raggiungere "la distruzione dell'imperialismo statunitense e creare un mondo privo di classi: un mondo comunista".

Il ritornello ricorda una celebre affermazione di una militante dei Weathermen, Naomi Jaffe:

“Sentivamo che non fare nulla in... (continuer)
Come on!
28/5/2023 - 22:04

Workin’ Together

Workin’ Together
Title track dell'album del 1970

Con questo appello alla pace e alla convivenza tra le persone, vogliamo ricordare la grande Tina Turner che ci ha lasciati oggi a 83 anni.
Calling out to all my sisters and brothers
24/5/2023 - 23:14

Masseria Boncuri

Masseria Boncuri
Io mi alzo la mattina (continuer)
envoyé par Alberto Scotti 23/5/2023 - 14:04


Nobody said that ending war would be easy. This is a pep talk for those who struggle to bring peace about and might feel overwhelmed at times.

Trialin' era . . . tryin' times . . . (continuer)
envoyé par Larry Moore 23/5/2023 - 02:21


Album: Kappa I
War has begun ever since the day we were born on this earth
19/5/2023 - 21:54

Patriot Hat

Patriot Hat
That old saying, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel," keeps getting proven every day.
Hey ain’t that a sight there, sittin’ on your head? (continuer)
envoyé par Larry Moore 17/5/2023 - 04:56

The Git Go

The Git Go
Written by Billy Joe Shaver and Gary Nicholson
Album: Long In The Tooth (2014)
Also performed by: Willie Nelson feat. Jamey Johnson
Album: Band Of Brothers (2014)
It's been that way since the git go
16/5/2023 - 23:44

What if There Were No Sides at All

What if There Were No Sides at All
What if there were no sides at all

“Don't make me hate, don't make me choose”, canta in un passaggio della canzone Adams chiedendo la pace: "Why should one side win and the other side lose?".

Nella descrizione della clip, il cantautore ha spiegato: “Questa è una canzone per la pace, contro la guerra. I riferimenti ai luoghi sono generici, ma rappresentano semplicemente i conflitti nel mondo. Lo scopo di questa canzone è provocare riflessioni, e forse anche incoraggiare i governi a parlare di pace. Al momento c'è solo un'escalation di divisione e morte, risultato dei miliardi di dollari spesi dai governi per finanziare queste guerre senza fine".
What if there were no sides at all (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 16/5/2023 - 10:34


Nell'album "Cave World"
He goes to work on his computer
13/5/2023 - 17:51

Unprecedented Time

Unprecedented Time
Album: For The Culture (2021)
Rututututu, yeah, yeah, yeah
12/5/2023 - 22:48

Cold Grey Ground

Cold Grey Ground
Album: My Remembrance of You

Noting that some commentators fear a new Civil War in the USA, between North and South, she said maybe the two sides are still not over the last one, by way of introducing her powerful antiwar song ‘Cold Grey Ground’, delivered a cappella.

Diana Jones, Slaughtered Lamb, London, 2nd May 2023
When I die don't bury me
12/5/2023 - 21:05

Moonlight Shadow

Moonlight Shadow
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel: Mike Oldfield
Singing / Canto / Chante / Laulaa: Maggie Reilly
Album / Albumi: Crises

Ormai ho perso il conto delle volte in cui sono stato “ispirato”da episodi accaduti a i’ bàrre: il bar è un luogo dove si piglia il caffè, si mangia la pastarella, si commenta la partita e si ascolta la musica mista che viene mandata da una radio, da una playlist o da altri marchingegni moderni. Stamani ci sono capitato (poco fa) proprio mentre, per misteriose alchimie che mi sono del tutto ignote (e tali le lascio), un’emittente in vena di classici stava mandando Moonlight Shadow, un evergreen che più ever e più green non si può. Tant’è vero che la cantavano, addirittura con una certa perizia, sia la barrista cinquantenne e passa, sia una ragazzotta di una venticinquina d’anni con una sfogliatella in mano. Con aria sognante,... (continuer)
The last that ever she saw him
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 12/5/2023 - 11:55


Canzone che rappresenta la Svizzera all'Eurofestival 2023 di Liverpool

Remo Forrer è noto in Svizzera per aver partecipato alla terza edizione di The Voice of Switzerland. Il brano punta a far riflettere sulle brutalità della guerra, perché se da bambini innocentemente giocavamo con i soldatini e i carri armati, se da adolescenti ci credevamo invincibili e immortali, da adulti non abbiamo più giocattoli e pistole ad acqua ma solo sangue e morte.

Per questo Remo Forrer nel ritornello canta di non voler essere un soldato. La guerra porta morte, distruzione e tanto dolore, indipendentemente dall’età o dalla forza fisica. Nessuno è al sicuro davanti alla brutalità.

Eurovision 2023: il testo di "Watergun" di Remo Forrer (Svizzera)
When we were boys
10/5/2023 - 22:56


Title track dell'ultimo album del duo di Nottz
Testo e note da Lirycstranslate

"I can feel the shit from your crisis rays spray up my back
Because in England no one can hear you scream
You're just fucked, lads"
(UK GRIM, citato in apertura della recensione di Martina Vetrugno su Ondarock)
Bellower bellowed, "Who would believe we got pot?"
8/5/2023 - 19:25

Hitler of the Month

Hitler of the Month
We've seen it again and again. When the imperialist powers decide on which nation to invade next, the propaganda machine goes into action, with the inevitable comparison of the target country's leader to Hitler. Of course, getting their hands on the nation's resources is not the goal; the intervention is "humanitarian" with every excuse in the book thrown at us.
You don’t need storm troops, you don’t need an iron fist, (continuer)
envoyé par Larry Moore 8/5/2023 - 15:36


L-œuf (L.Trans.)
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 8/5/2023 - 13:34

Antifa Hooligans

Antifa Hooligans
Come on come on
envoyé par Ferdinando Panzica 7/5/2023 - 18:43

Flick of the Finger

Flick of the Finger
dall'album BE, il primo della band dopo la dissoluzione degli Oasis

Scritta da Andrew Bell, Gem Archer & Liam Gallagher

La parte parlata alla fine della canzone è un campionamento di un discorso di Tariq Ali.
Woke up this morning
7/5/2023 - 17:04

Queen and Country

Queen and Country
To fight for Queen and Country
6/5/2023 - 16:15


Album: Ultra Mono
Released: 2020

"Come ci si sente ad avere ridotto in polvere la classe operaia?" si chiede la bnad di Bristol in questo pezzo post-punk che vogliamo dedicare oggi al neo incoronato Charles III.
How does it feel to have blue blood coursing through your veins?
6/5/2023 - 15:59


On the 40th anniversary of the double war crime of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a group of Japanese A-bomb survivors (known in Japanese as Hibakusha) toured Southern California to talk of their experiences. This song was written to honor them.
I did not experience the horror that you tell;
envoyé par Larry Moore 5/5/2023 - 21:29

War Is the Answer!

This is a musing upon a bumper sticker that used to be seen around the time of the Iraq invasion: WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER. Maybe not for the working class, but for the various ruling elites . . .


Buck Tradission and Buck de Bo$$es have written and performed topical songs since the 1980s.


Some say, “War is not the answer,
envoyé par Larry Moore 5/5/2023 - 21:12
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La fille aux chansons, ou Marion s'y promène [Isabeau s'y promène; Sur le bord de l'eau et alia]

La fille aux chansons, <i>ou</i> Marion s'y promène [Isabeau s'y promène; Sur le bord de l'eau <i>et alia</i>]
The Maid on the Shore
John Renbourn Group, The Enchanted Garden, 1980

In tutto questo autentico delirio di fanciulle sulla spiaggia, non poteva mancare un’autentica maid on the shore britannica a far da contraltare alle povere Marion e Isabeau. Ed è un contraltare parecchio serio: in molte versioni britanniche del filone, la vicenda è infatti perfettamente rovesciata. Tutto comincia sì con la consueta fanciulla sola sulla spiaggia e con la nave corsara che arriva: il capitano si accorge della fanciulla, la desidera ardentemente e incarica la sua ciurma di portargliela promettendo di condividere con loro tutti i suoi beni (oro, argento, merci preziose). Qui comincia il rovesciamento: la fanciulla viene sì portata a bordo, si accorge di tutto il bendiddìo che c’è e decide, papale papale, di fregare alla grande sia il capitano che i marinai. La “canzone”, che nelle versioni più antiche è... (continuer)
There was a young maiden that liv’d by the shore, [1]
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 5/5/2023 - 19:28

The South

The South
From The Weary Blues (Alfred A. Knopf, 1926) by Langston Hughes. This poem is in the public domain. (
The lazy, laughing South
envoyé par Pluck 4/5/2023 - 09:13

Rally 'Round the Flag

Rally 'Round the Flag
Same Again Tomorrow

Rich had been working on a song focused on the fighting 69th regiment. I loved the reference to their bravery during the Civil War, and loved the use of their battle cry. I wanted to add more to their story. The 69th has been a part of almost every conflict since the Civil War. I referenced a poem called the Rogue Bouquet by Joyce Kilmer. Sadly he was killed during the battle of Rogue Bouquet Wood during WWI. His Poem was read during the funeral of the fallen soldiers in France. -Brendan

I was exploring Gettysburg with my family and came across the Irish Brigade Monument. I'd heard about the "Fighting 69th" but did some more reading. I was able to knock out the first verse and chorus pretty quickly, and turned to Brendan to flesh out the rest. -Rich
Well they don’t like our kind here
envoyé par Dq82 3/5/2023 - 14:33

Free Mumia

Free Mumia
Knowledge, where the people at?
envoyé par Dq82 3/5/2023 - 14:09
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La fille aux chansons, ou Marion s'y promène [Isabeau s'y promène; Sur le bord de l'eau et alia]

La fille aux chansons, <i>ou</i> Marion s'y promène [Isabeau s'y promène; Sur le bord de l'eau <i>et alia</i>]
Versione inglese cantabile di Riccardo Venturi
Version anglaise chatable par Riccardo Venturi
Riccardo Venturin laulettava englanninkielinen versio

May 3, 2023

Note. Though made in a (rather moderate) “old ballad style”, the language used is not specially old-fashioned, except a couple of typical ballad terms (an old ballad cannot go without a “fair maiden”). The song is accompanied with a beautiful, though rather curious video where a Russian sings superposing himself over Malicorne’s original version.

The Singing Maiden, or Mary Ann is Walking
3/5/2023 - 10:30


" Mulatto "
Page 100 on The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes
Arnold Rampersad,Editor.-1995
I am your son, white man!
envoyé par Pluck 2/5/2023 - 20:48

Holloway Song

Holloway Song
The Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp Songbook

Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp was a peace camp established to protest at nuclear weapon being sited at RAF Greenham Common in Berkshire, England. The camp began in September 1981 after a Welsh group called "Women for Life on Earth" arrived at Greenham to protest against the decision of the Government to allow cruise missiles to be based there.

On 1 April 1983, tens of thousands of protestors formed a 14 mile human chain from Greenham to the Aldermaston nuclear power station and the ordnance factory at Burghfield.

On 4 April 1984, the women were evicted from the Common by Newbury District Council. However by nightfall the women all returned to reform the camp.

The last missiles left the camp in 1991 but the camp remained in place until 2000 after protestors won the right to house a memorial on the site.


Il Campo della... (continuer)
The walls you put around me (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 2/5/2023 - 12:11

Elsie's Song (Chat and Nuke You Talks)

Elsie's Song (Chat and Nuke You Talks)
The Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp Songbook

Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp was a peace camp established to protest at nuclear weapon being sited at RAF Greenham Common in Berkshire, England. The camp began in September 1981 after a Welsh group called "Women for Life on Earth" arrived at Greenham to protest against the decision of the Government to allow cruise missiles to be based there.

On 1 April 1983, tens of thousands of protestors formed a 14 mile human chain from Greenham to the Aldermaston nuclear power station and the ordnance factory at Burghfield.

On 4 April 1984, the women were evicted from the Common by Newbury District Council. However by nightfall the women all returned to reform the camp.

The last missiles left the camp in 1991 but the camp remained in place until 2000 after protestors won the right to house a memorial on the site.


Il Campo della... (continuer)
Women and kids there's such a lot of us at Greenham (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 2/5/2023 - 12:09
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Bridget Evans

Bridget Evans
The Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp Songbook

Ladies and Gems

Lyrics and music by Judy Small
Testo e musica di Judy Small

Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp was a peace camp established to protest at nuclear weapon being sited at RAF Greenham Common in Berkshire, England. The camp began in September 1981 after a Welsh group called "Women for Life on Earth" arrived at Greenham to protest against the decision of the Government to allow cruise missiles to be based there.

On 1 April 1983, tens of thousands of protestors formed a 14 mile human chain from Greenham to the Aldermaston nuclear power station and the ordnance factory at Burghfield.

On 4 April 1984, the women were evicted from the Common by Newbury District Council. However by nightfall the women all returned to reform the camp.

The last missiles left the camp in 1991 but the camp remained in place until 2000 after protestors... (continuer)
There's a woman in Great Britain, Bridget Evans is her name
envoyé par Dq82 2/5/2023 - 11:58
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Sarah's Song

Sarah's Song
The Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp Songbook

Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp was a peace camp established to protest at nuclear weapon being sited at RAF Greenham Common in Berkshire, England. The camp began in September 1981 after a Welsh group called "Women for Life on Earth" arrived at Greenham to protest against the decision of the Government to allow cruise missiles to be based there.

On 1 April 1983, tens of thousands of protestors formed a 14 mile human chain from Greenham to the Aldermaston nuclear power station and the ordnance factory at Burghfield.

On 4 April 1984, the women were evicted from the Common by Newbury District Council. However by nightfall the women all returned to reform the camp.

The last missiles left the camp in 1991 but the camp remained in place until 2000 after protestors won the right to house a memorial on the site.


Il Campo della... (continuer)
They can forbid nearly everything (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 2/5/2023 - 11:48
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Makes a Long Time Man Feel Bad

Makes a Long Time Man Feel Bad
Album : The Midnight Special - 1962
It makes a long time man feel bad
envoyé par Pluck 2/5/2023 - 10:56

Through My Eyes

Chris Foster
Through My Eyes
Album: Peace Expressing
Through my eyes
envoyé par Dq82 1/5/2023 - 12:32

Howard Beale's Speech [Network]

Howard Beale's Speech [Network]
Movie / Film / Elokuva :
Sidney Lumet
Network / Quinto Potere / Kasvot kuvaruudussa

E’ un monologo rimasto famoso dopo l’uscita del film nel 1976. Il film ebbe un grande successo. Il messaggio è sempre attuale.
I brani che seguono sono tratti da Wikipedia
Anche se lo sceneggiatore Paddy Chayefsky ha affermato che il film non voleva rappresentare tanto una critica nei confronti della televisione quanto un'espressione della sua rabbia «contro la disumanizzazione delle persone», col passare degli anni gli è stata riconosciuta la capacità di anticipare alcuni aspetti della società e cultura americane contemporanee, dalla commistione tra informazione e intrattenimento alla proliferazione di reality show e all'influenza dominante delle grandi corporation


L'anchorman Howard Beale, volto storico dell'emittente televisiva UBS entrato in crisi dopo la morte della moglie, apprende... (continuer)
Edward George Ruddy died today! Edward George Ruddy was the Chairman of the Board of the Union Broadcasting Systems and he died at eleven o'clock this morning of a heart condition! And woe is us! We're in a lot of trouble! So, a rich little man with white hair died. What does that got to do with the price of rice, right? And why is that woe to us? Because you people and sixty-two million other Americans are listening to me right now. Because less than three percent of you people read books. Because less than fifteen percent of you read newspapers. Because the only truth you know is what you get over this tube. Right now, there is a whole, an entire generation that never knew anything that didn't come out of this tube. This tube is the Gospel. The ultimate revelation! This tube can make or break... (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 1/5/2023 - 00:01


Track 3 on The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes( 1921-1930 )

Hughes explains the history of black people in first person form; he is aligning himself with the societal roles of a black person throughout history.

(da Genius )
I am a Negro:
envoyé par Pluck 30/4/2023 - 22:05

Siberian Iris

Siberian Iris
I wrote "Siberian Iris" as an anti war song for Ukraine. Ever since February 2022, I've been watching the unfolding events with horror. I've lived in Britain and on the European continent, so I LOVE Europe. And I hate to see the breakdown in communication like this.

So I made this anti war music video. And I'm joining other musicians on YouTube who've written their own "stand with Ukraine" song. I hope I can raise money for the Ukrainian people (links below!), but I also hope that people affected by the war will take strength and hope from this song. That's what the Siberian iris flower stands for: strength and hope

This song is also for the large number of Russian citizens who don't support the war, and have bravely adopted the "нет войны" slogan ("No to war"), despite the risks to their own freedom and well-being.
When the world has gone berserk, in the sin of risk
30/4/2023 - 18:11

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