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Anti War

Anti War
Anti War EP

Una canzone che non si dilunga nel testo, alquanto essenziale ma chiarissima nel suo messaggio.
Who declared the fucking war?
5/11/2022 - 21:12

Black Smoke Rising

Black Smoke Rising
dal primo EP Black Smoke Rising
e poi in "From the Fires" - entrambi del 2017

“Black Smoke Rising” talks about political rebellion, corruption, and war. It depicts the leaders as those in the “tower,” looking down on the people and devising methods to control them. It calls for the people to come together against these forces, as together is the only way the leaders can be defeated.

There are spiritual and philosophical expressions in our work—the lyrics for the song “Black Smoke Rising” are a reflection on the lessons of history and that man does not always learn from the lessons of history; The wars and tyrants of ages past and the innocent victims of blind hatred ultimately have us begging the question, “What is the meaning behind all this?” The song is a reaction to these themes, and in a more positive light, embodies a unity of humanity, as an example.

—Josh Kiszka, Metal Riot
I didn't know there was a tower
5/11/2022 - 20:55

People Say

People Say
Album: The Satanic Satanist
Save me, I can't be saved
5/11/2022 - 20:42

Gente di merda

Gente di merda
5/11/2022 - 15:26

War TV

War TV
Album: Erratic Cinematic (2017)
[Intro: Man & Woman]
4/11/2022 - 23:32
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Yellow Submarine

Yellow Submarine
Si è sempre pensato che "Yellow Submarine" fosse stata composta solo da Paul McCartney nonostante fosse firmata Lennon-McCartney, come gran parte delle composizioni dei Beatles.

Recentemente però è stato pubblicato un outtake delle session di Revolver in cui Lennon interpreta chitarra e voce la strofa della canzone, in una versione malinconica completamente diversa dal risultato finale con il ritornello scritto da Paul.

Hear John Lennon sing dark take on 'Yellow Submarine' in wild 'Revolver' outtake
In the place where I was born
3/11/2022 - 21:54

Their Law

Their Law
Album: Music for the Jilted Generation (1994)

Featuring Pop Will Eat Itself

"How can the government stop young people having a good time? Fight this bollocks."

Era il 1994 quando il primo ministro inglese, il conservatore John Major, promulgò il Criminal Justice and Public Order Act, una serie di nuove leggi che prendevano di mira in particolare i rave illegali e i cosiddetti free parties, festival di musica elettronica autogestiti e gratuiti.

Vi ricorda qualcosa? Quasi trent'anni dopo in Italia il nuovo governo di estrema destra come primissimo provvedimento urgente scrive un decreto del tutto analogo, che andrà a limitare i diritti fondamentali dei cittadini, con l'obiettivo neanche tanto nascosto di colpire - oltre che i cosiddetti rave - le occupazioni e le iniziative sindacali e politiche. La risposta deve essere la stessa che dettero i Prodigy: Fuck 'em and their law
What we're dealing with here is a total lack of respect for the law [1]
envoyé par Lorenzo Masetti 1/11/2022 - 23:35

You Always Want to Bomb the Middle East

You Always Want to Bomb the Middle East
Album: Too Much to Ask (2022)
He’s tall
1/11/2022 - 16:54
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No More Wars

No More Wars

‘No More Wars’ is entirely about temper, control, and focus. It’s about experiences I’ve had that taught me to reflect intentionally before I resort to violent acts. The lyrics are inspired by my father’s consistency in following his path despite dealing with an overwhelming amount of harsh, untrue, and deliberately cruel people inside and outside of his circle.”
No more wars for me
1/11/2022 - 16:43

Man With No Name

Man With No Name
Album: White Jesus Black Problems (2022)

In Virginia, back in 1759, a white Scottish servant Elizabeth Gallimore, fell in love with a black slave whose name had been lost over time. Their great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson, Xavier Amin Dphrepaulezz, who performs under the pseudonym Fantastic Negrito, has released the compelling concept album White Jesus Black Problems based on his recently discovered lineage. The ambitious multi-media project includes a companion film.

The Album track “Man with No Name” is a painful reminder that often the identity and experiences of the oppressed are often erased. With the song and album, the stories of the courageous forgotten are being reclaimed. The tune also contains a galvanizing message of hope with the line “I keep moving on.” It is a potent statement of perseverance that continues to resonate.

Daily Dose of Protest: Man with No Name – Fantastic Negrito
I feel like (Gettin' away)
1/11/2022 - 16:25

Southeastern Son

Southeastern Son
Album: Goodbye Normal Street (2012)

A song like “Southeastern Son” is based on my cousins, both of whom are deployed. Not everyone gets into the National Guard to be a hero or save the world. Those guys were just trying to make a living in a small town. Not to detract from the work they’ve done or anything… but they just weren’t planning on leaving the country when they signed up. I thought it was an interesting standpoint.
Q&A: Turnpike Troubadours
Well I guess I was born with a gun in my hand
1/11/2022 - 15:46


Album: Diamonds & Gasoline (2010)

A song about recognizing the potential in the people around you with reference to Martin Luther King Jr. The song lyrically touches on the life of Martin Luther King Jr. who was tragically assassinated in April of 1968.
One, two, three
1/11/2022 - 15:34

You Make Me Feel Like It’s Halloween

You Make Me Feel Like It’s Halloween
Album: Will of the People

Solo in apparenza una canzone horror scanzonata sulla festa di Halloween, in realtà i Muse hanno spiegato che si riferisce alle vittime di violenza domestica durante il lockdown per il COVID.
31/10/2022 - 19:59

Dig a Hole

Dig a Hole
Parole e musica / Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel:
Woodrow Wilson Guthrie

Scritta durante la Seconda Guerra mondiale da Woody Guthrie , messa in musica e registrata nel 2022 dai Dropkick Murphys pubblicata in "This machine still kills the fascists" un disco acustico interamente fatto da canzoni di Woody Guthrie.
Mr. Hitler, Mr. Hitler,
envoyé par Lucone 31/10/2022 - 08:27

The Army of the People

Inno dell'Official IRA, scissione dallo IRA di orientamento marxista.
In aid of men like Connolly, Barney and McCann,
envoyé par Io non sto con Oriana 26/10/2022 - 18:14

American Teenage Holocaust [To Mel Sembler With Love]

American Teenage Holocaust [To Mel Sembler With Love]
©2019 Roy Schneider/Halfstache Publishing (BMI)

Hmm. This feels a little awkward, as I seem to be physically shaking as I go to post this. But… Here goes. The following is a song I have needed to write for 34 years, 7 months and four days. To be fair, for the first ten months of that I was locked up and unable to express myself in any real terms. If you are familiar with my song “Angels Along the Road,” that may take on a little more meaning for you after this. This is an introduction to my truth, the big ugly one I have kept mostly buried for a really, really long time. I’m hoping it might help to at least make sure that a serial criminal doesn’t leave this earth with high honors attached to his name.

Please share widely.


Thank you to all who have extended words of support, encouragement and healing since I posted this video the other day… Exposing my long-buried truth of having... (continuer)
Trap me in your factory - sow me in your rows
26/10/2022 - 02:04

The BoJo Song [Ballad of Boris Johnson]

The BoJo Song [Ballad of Boris Johnson]
Testo e musica / Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel: Seán Brady

"The single from Seán Brady. Released to coincide with the 35th anniversary of the release of Seán's hit album in 1984, 'The Thatcher Song'. This single and all of Seán's current albums and recent singles are available from all of the usual online download and streaming outlets. CDs of several of his albums are also available directly from his management website. Booking enquiries can also be made via the site for Festivals, Conferences, Parties, Cruises, Weddings, Wakes and Funerals.
Boris Johnson è un politico conservatore britannico già sindaco di Londra e Primo Ministro fra il 2019 e il 2022, al momento sostenitore dell'aggressività "occidentale" del tipo decisissimo a opporsi alla Russia fino all'ultimo ucraino.

Johnson fa parte a pieno titolo della serie di autentici sociopati capacissimi... (continuer)
Boris is our leader he’s moved into number 10
envoyé par Io non sto con Oriana 25/10/2022 - 12:43

The Thousand Names of God

The Thousand Names of God
Album: Motörizer
Walking forever is a long, long time
24/10/2022 - 23:06
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La memoria

La memoria
Paula E. Kirman

"This is an English version of La Memoria by León Gieco. Much of the lyrics are based on Gieco's original, but I have "Canadianized" a lot of it, as some of what he is singing about would not translate well for a North American audience." - Paula E. Kirman
The Memory
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 24/10/2022 - 20:17

Yma o hyd

Yma o hyd
robert4289 (L. Trans.)

Still Here
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 21/10/2022 - 23:46



Steven Keene puts an uncanny finger on the pulse of our troubled times with new single and video "Soon"

The newest emanation of Keene’s signature ethos arrives in the form of his latest single “Soon” (to be released July 8, 2022, via Reviver Records), a track that seamlessly melds a James Agee-styled social critique with the ardent defiance of the best in American protest music. Once again leveling the sights of Keene’s masterful compositional craft dead-center on the faltering heart of the matter, “Soon” holds an unflattering yet hopeful creative mirror up to the great lumbering leviathan of a numb world sleepwalking into yet another World War.

Whether motivated by ignorance or outright disregard for the most costly lessons of human history, or by an equally untenable lack of collective self-awareness — it has now become frighteningly clear that the world is falling... (continuer)
Soon there will be no hate
envoyé par Lydia Michaels 21/10/2022 - 01:34

There Were Bells

There Were Bells

‘There Were Bells’ was written by Brian Eno for a performance by him and his brother Roger at UNESCO World Heritage site, the Acropolis in August 2021. It was 45 degrees in Athens on the day of the concert with wildfires raging just outside the city, prompting his introductory comment “I thought, here we are at the birthplace of Western civilization, probably witnessing the end of it.” There Were Bells is taken from Eno’s new album FOREVERANDEVERNOMORE and provides a poignant reminder of the current climate emergency, a theme that is explored throughout the record.


Scritta nel 2021 per una performance all’Acropoli: il giorno del concerto, ricorda, la temperatura ad Atene era di oltre 43 gradi e gli incendi divampavano intorno alla città: “eccoci nel luogo dov’è nata la civiltà occidentale, e probabilmente ne stiamo testimoniando la fine”.
Brian Eno, il nuovo album. Ascolta e guarda il video del singolo There Were Bells - RUMORE
There were birds above, they sang the whole day through
16/10/2022 - 12:10

The 25th of December 1969

The 25th of December 1969
Hudson / Newman / Black
Album / Albumi: The 2nd of May
Vertigo Records 6360037
It was Christmas day in North Acton
16/10/2022 - 00:07

Prisoner of War

Prisoner of War
Album: City Slicker (1985)
feat. Jan Hammer
Name, rank and number
15/10/2022 - 21:30

Ring Ring I've Got to Sing

Ring Ring I've Got to Sing

"Ring, Ring I've Got to Sing" is a 1966 protest song composed and performed by Ferre Grignard.

It became an international hit. The song criticizes racism and war through an African-American who doesn't want to fight for his country, because of the way black people are treated in the United States.
Don't cry my baby,
15/10/2022 - 21:03

We Want War

We Want War

Canzone sarcastica cantata in inglese del cantante belga (di Antwerp) Ferre Grignard. Un hippie eccentrico, Grignard provò a trasferirsi negli USA ma fu espulso in quanto anarchico. Negli anni '70 visse in una sorta di comune hippie. Dimenticato dai fan e con gravi problemi economici, morì ancora giovane di cancro nel 1982.
Lordy, Lordy with your bloody ways.
15/10/2022 - 20:53

Hey America America

Hey America America

Testo incompleto

The obscure psychedelic rock group Children of the Morning, formed in Italy, released the song "Hey America, America" which criticised the US government for the Kent State killings.

Shel Shapiro, who led the group, composed the song. He had previously played with the British beat group The Rokes (1950s-60s). The narrator questioned the validity / plausibility of the argument that the National Guard fired in self defense: "government pretends that it was self defense". The lyrics then suggested that the killings harmed the reputation of the US: "America you're fucking up", which could have repercussions: "hey America don't push you luck".

The song ended with a general anti-war message, complaining that the "war in Vietnam continues", in which the soldiers "kill woman and children".

Vietnam War Songs Project
At the Kent State university, what is going on
15/10/2022 - 19:43

Please Mr. President

Please Mr. President

The track "Please Mr. President" (Kent Records # K 45x446) by the blues man King Soloman, apparently based on the West Coast, recording with the Los Angeles label Kent (this is a different artist than the well-known soul singer Solomon Burke, ending with a "mon" rather than "man", also sometimes referred to as "King Solomon"). Released in 1966 with Lyndon Baines Johnson in the White House, the narrator of the song bitterly complained to the president about being sent to Vietnam. He loved his country and "never did get the notion to burn up my draft card", yet he warned the women of American that "Uncle Sam...sure can take your man". At the end of the song the soldier takes to hugging his pack and rifle to comfort him.

Vietnam War Songs Project
Uncle Sam ain't no woman
15/10/2022 - 19:15


15/10/2022 - 19:01

Behind These Prison Walls

Behind These Prison Walls
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel: David Rovics
Album / Albumi: Rebel Songs

Si sta svolgendo oggi, 15 ottobre 2022, una 24h di mobilitazioni ed eventi in tutto il mondo in sostegno a Julian Assange e per bloccare la sua estradizione negli Stati Uniti d'America. Julian Assange è attualmente imprigionato presso il carcere di Belmarsh, a Londra. Durante la 24h sono previsti eventi, proiezioni e presìdi; in Italia si stanno svolgendo (o si svolgeranno) a Acquedolci (ME), Bari, Bologna, Firenze, Faenza e Cagliari. Alle ore 10,43, secondo il programma, è stato trasmesso il video della canzone che David Rovics ha scritto nel 2019 dedicata alla detenzione di Julian Assange; il video relativo è registrato davanti al carcere di Belmarsh. La proponiamo anche qui aderendo all'iniziativa. [CCG/AWS Staff]
Behind these prison walls there’s a man who’s won awards
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi e Daniela -k.d.- 15/10/2022 - 11:32

Miracle Man

Miracle Man
Album: No Rest for the Wicked (1988)

The song refers to televangelist Jimmy Swaggart.

In 1985, after a teenager killed himself while listening to Ozzy’s song Suicide Solution, Swaggart went on a crusade against rock music and took every opportunity to point out Osbourne’s depravity. Ozzy got the last laugh in 1987 when Swaggart was caught with a prostitute and admitted an addiction to pornography. Swaggart became known as one of the biggest hypocrites ever to walk the earth.

La canzone si riferisce al "teleevangelista" Jimmy Swaggart.

Nel 1985, ins seguito al suicidio di un adolescente che si tolse la vita mentre ascoltava la canzone di Ozzy Suicide Solution, Swaggart iniziò una crociata contro la musica rock cogliendo ogni occasione per sottolineare la depravazione di Osbourne.

Ozzy ha avuto la sua rivincita nel 1987 quando Swaggart è stato fotografato con una prostituta e ha ammesso una dipendenza dalla pornografia. Swaggart da allora è annoverato tra i più grandi ipocriti della storia.
I'm looking for a Miracle Man
15/10/2022 - 03:31
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Cover Up

Cover Up

It was after scrolling through the news about another round of war between Israelis and Palestinians in Gaza that Gliksberg found inspiration for "Cover Up." Gliksberg shares, "I'm from the Middle East so I was used to seeing this kind of trauma on TV, but this time, I suddenly realized that we've been through this exact scenario many times before."

Gliksberg adds, growing increasingly weary of the constant strife, that the song at its core, is anti-war. "Growing up in Israel, I have seen, firsthand, that war is the definition of insanity. We keep expecting a different result, and nothing changes. It keeps happening, cyclically and seasonally this cold winter of humanity keeps coming back. War is not a solution. It won't solve your problems. In a bird's eye view, everyone will lose and nobody will win until we decide war itself is over."
Late Sea Share New Anti-War Protest Single 'Cover Up'
On the last day of summer I step outside and shed my skin
14/10/2022 - 19:05

A Song of Liberty

A Song of Liberty
Danny's in the corner and he's waiting all alone
envoyé par dq82 13/10/2022 - 09:30

The Last One

The Last One
This Machine Still Kills Fascists

Feat. Evan Felker (Turnpike Troubadours)

“This machine kills fascists” era la leggendaria scritta che campeggiava sulla chitarra di Woody Guthrie, uno dei padri della canzone folk statunitense, ed ora è anche il titolo (con l'aggiunta della parola 'still', ancora) del loro nuovo disco. Un album in cui la band – orfana del cantante Al Barr, alle prese con problemi familiari - ha staccato la spina dalla presa elettrica scegliendo, per la prima volta, di viaggiare sul binario acustico. Un viaggio il loro che è temporale poiché con il beneplacito e il supporto di Nora Guthrie, figlia di Woody, il gruppo ha avuto accesso ad alcuni testi inediti dell'illustre genitore che avevano bisogno di essere messi in musica; ma anche fisico, infatti per registrare “This machine still kills fascists” i Dropkick Murphys si sono spostati dal Massachusetts fino allo stato natale di Guthrie, l'Oklahoma.
How can you call a man a man when you treat him like a dog?
envoyé par dq82 13/10/2022 - 09:19

All You Fonies

All You Fonies
This Machine Still Kills Fascists

Feat. Woody Guthrie

“This machine kills fascists” era la leggendaria scritta che campeggiava sulla chitarra di Woody Guthrie, uno dei padri della canzone folk statunitense, ed ora è anche il titolo (con l'aggiunta della parola 'still', ancora) del loro nuovo disco. Un album in cui la band – orfana del cantante Al Barr, alle prese con problemi familiari - ha staccato la spina dalla presa elettrica scegliendo, per la prima volta, di viaggiare sul binario acustico. Un viaggio il loro che è temporale poiché con il beneplacito e il supporto di Nora Guthrie, figlia di Woody, il gruppo ha avuto accesso ad alcuni testi inediti dell'illustre genitore che avevano bisogno di essere messi in musica; ma anche fisico, infatti per registrare “This machine still kills fascists” i Dropkick Murphys si sono spostati dal Massachusetts fino allo stato natale di Guthrie, l'Oklahoma.
Come all ye friends and workers
envoyé par dq82 13/10/2022 - 09:17

Ten Times More

Ten Times More
This Machine Still Kills Fascists

Feat. Woody Guthrie

“This machine kills fascists” era la leggendaria scritta che campeggiava sulla chitarra di Woody Guthrie, uno dei padri della canzone folk statunitense, ed ora è anche il titolo (con l'aggiunta della parola 'still', ancora) del loro nuovo disco. Un album in cui la band – orfana del cantante Al Barr, alle prese con problemi familiari - ha staccato la spina dalla presa elettrica scegliendo, per la prima volta, di viaggiare sul binario acustico. Un viaggio il loro che è temporale poiché con il beneplacito e il supporto di Nora Guthrie, figlia di Woody, il gruppo ha avuto accesso ad alcuni testi inediti dell'illustre genitore che avevano bisogno di essere messi in musica; ma anche fisico, infatti per registrare “This machine still kills fascists” i Dropkick Murphys si sono spostati dal Massachusetts fino allo stato natale di Guthrie, l'Oklahoma.
When the crooks they work, we gotta work
envoyé par dq82 13/10/2022 - 09:14

Forgotten Generation

Forgotten Generation
Obey the Tyrant

'Forgotten Generation’ the longest but also the EP’s standout track. Telling simply the story of men conscripted and sent off to fight and for many to die for the freedoms we take for granted.
As we take our lives for granted and go on about our day
envoyé par dq82 13/10/2022 - 08:49

Putin-setä asuu Venäjällä

Putin-setä asuu Venäjällä
Uncle Putin lives in Russia
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 10/10/2022 - 08:10
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The Internatiovania
An Undertale parody of The Internationale

Hi, Luis here.
Regarding my Spanish translation of the Internationale, it doesn't have Panamanian features, leave as it is now.
This, however, is a very, very, very, very different version of the Internationale that I was making. I say very, very different, because this tyme we don't talk about Communism, socialism etc. This time we're talking about a video game!

And you'll ask me: Hey L. C., the majority of versions (word for word, literal, or lyrical/rhythmical translations) talk about communism, socialism, anarchism etc, but why we don't go beyond, well, outside those roots? Why we don't make The Internationale not just be a battle song or anthem not just for communists alike, but for gamers instead?

That's why I cometh with the idea of making a sort of a parody of the Internationale, based on this video game that many people... (continuer)
Rise up, all beings from your slumber,
envoyé par Luis C. González M. 7/10/2022 - 19:25

Sound of Da Police

Sound of Da Police
Album: Return of the Boom Bap
Testo tratto da Genius

Ormai si può considerare un vero e proprio classico dell'hip hop. Il riconoscibilissimo ritornello con la voce che imita la sirena della polizia è stato campionato in almeno altre 100 canzoni.

La pronuncia di KRS-One è particolare tanto che a un madrelingua francese "That's the sound of da police" suona inequivocabilmente come "assassin de la police", cosa che è stata sfruttata da Cut Killer nel suo mix "Assassin de la police".

Un pezzo orecchiabile che però contiene un forte messaggio di protesta contro le violenze della polizia contro la comunità nera, spesso accostato a Fuck tha Police, pubblicata 5 anni prima.
Woop-woop! That's the sound of da police
7/10/2022 - 14:55

Στο στήθος μου η πληγή

Στο στήθος μου η πληγή
Edmund Keeley’s and Philip Sherrard : George Seferis, Collected Poems (Princeton University Press, 1995).
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 5/10/2022 - 08:39

Ο ύπνος σε τύλιξε

Ο ύπνος σε τύλιξε
Edmund Keeley’s and Philip Sherrard : George Seferis, Collected Poems (Princeton University Press, 1995).
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 4/10/2022 - 15:18

Percy's Song

Percy's Song
Parole e musica / Words and music: Bob Dylan

Dylan aveva scritto Percy's Song nel 1963 durante le session dell'album The Times They Are A-Changin', ma non l'aveva mai pubblicata. La canzone aveva acquistato una certa notorietà grazie alle interpretazioni dal vivo di Joan Baez ma la versione più bella e di successo fu quella del gruppo folk rock inglese dei Fairport Convention che la incisero, insieme ad altre canzoni di Dylan, nel loro terzo album "Unhalfbricking" del 1969.

La canzone, anche se scritta nello stile di una antica ballad tradizionale, racconta di un modernissimo e fatale incidente automobilistico. L'io narrante della canzone apprende che un suo amico è stato condannato a ben 99 anni di galera per omicidio preterintenzionale perché era al volante durante un terribile incidente in cui avevano trovato la morte quattro persone. La prigione dove dovrà scontare la pena... (continuer)
Bad news, bad news,
envoyé par Lorenzo Masetti 3/10/2022 - 19:43

I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts

I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts
This song is from their album: More Fun In The New World (1983)
Written by Exene Cervenka about the civil war in El Salvador
The facts we hate
envoyé par Tasha Hollenbaugh 2/10/2022 - 19:55
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Uno de abajo

Uno de abajo
Brother, I'm going to war
1/10/2022 - 19:48

Thomas O'Halloran

Thomas O'Halloran
Thomas the Martyr © 2022 Tony Smith

On 16 August 2022, elderly busker Thomas O'Halloran was murdered as he sat on his mobility scooter. This must have shocked buskers everywhere. Thanks to my partner Gene for her rendition of this song. [Tony Smith]
Ennistymon’s a township in west County Clare
envoyé par Tony Smith 1/10/2022 - 02:24

The Story of One Sky

The Story of One Sky
Dimash Qudaibergen's 12-minute work is dedicated to the unity of people on our planet. We are all divided into races, nations and religions, but we are all children of one planet and live under one sky. Life is the highest value.

No sacred book calls for the destruction of people. We must learn to be friends, for it is impossible for a few adults to cause millions of children to suffer. The future of our planet, the future of people is in our hands, let there be peace in the world.

About the song/music video: The Story of One Sky: A new composition by Dimash Qudaibergen

Singer: Dimash Qudaibergen
Composer: Dimash Qudaibergen
Lyrics: Liliya Vinogradova
Can't believe what's happening at all
envoyé par Turid Bergmann 30/9/2022 - 15:05

Επιφάνια Αβέρωφ

Επιφάνια Αβέρωφ
Edmund Keeley’s and Philip Sherrard : George Seferis, Collected Poems (Princeton University Press, 1995).
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 30/9/2022 - 11:22

It's a Sin to Be Rich, It's a Low-Down Shame to Be Poor

It's  a Sin to Be Rich, It's a Low-Down Shame to Be Poor
Non è una canzone contro la violenza materiale e morale della guerra ma un anelito ad una possibile eguaglianza economica con un esplicito riferimento Evangelico alla difficolta' che avranno i ricchi ad entrare nel Regno dei Cieli. ( ndr )
Lightnin’ Hopkins – ( 1912 – 1982 )
envoyé par Pluck 29/9/2022 - 19:39

Pans of Biscuits

Pans of Biscuits
Blues and lamentations
I saw an honest farmer
envoyé par Pluck 28/9/2022 - 23:21

Long Line Rider

Long Line Rider
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Bobby Darin

Album:Bobby Darin Born Walden Robert Cassotto

Bobby Darin scrisse la canzone nel 1968 a seguito del caso Cummins State Farm , quando nel campo della prigione furono scoperti tre scheletri di detenuti. Si rimanda a I Don't Do Nobody Nothin’ per un’ulteriore spiegazione.
Wettin' it down, boss
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 26/9/2022 - 19:57
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
4l. Bella ciao (Versione inglese dei Workers' United Front)
4l. Bella ciao (English version by Workers' United Front)

Night of the Living Reds (2007)

One morning when I awakened
envoyé par Dq82 25/9/2022 - 19:28

hosted by