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Looking for America

Looking for America

“Looking for America” is a song Lana wrote on August 5th, 2019 regarding the mass shootings throughout the US, once she got back to L.A. The message of the song relies upon Lana dreaming of a better situation for American people, a topic she has sung before in tracks like “Coachella – Woodstock in My Mind” and “When the World Was at War We Kept Dancing.” Del Rey released the song via streaming platforms on August 9th, 2019 as a single.

Dopo le sparatorie di massa di El Paso e Dayton, Lana Del Rey ha deciso di usare il potere della musica. Per esprimere i suoi pensieri.

La cantautrice è andata su Instagram ieri, lunedì 5 agosto, e ha lanciato una nuova canzone intitolata Looking For America. Mentre Jack Antonoff suona la chitarra, LDR canta dolcemente. «Sto ancora cercando la mia versione dell’America / Senza le pistole la bandiera può volare liberamente / Niente bombe nel cielo, solo fuochi d’artificio e io e te», canta.
"Looking for America": il brano di Lana Del Rey dopo le stragi in USA
Took a trip to San Francisco
12/7/2020 - 23:31

When the World Was at War We Kept Dancing

When the World Was at War We Kept Dancing
Album: Lust for Life

Una canzone che si domanda quale sarà il destino degli Stati Uniti dopo la vittoria di Trump, e ricorda che anche nei periodi più bui della storia recente, durante la Guerra del Vietnam e la Guerra Fredda, ci fosse un'importante controcultura protagonista dei movimenti pacifisti e hippie e del movimento per i diritti civili. E anche oggi non bisogna farsi da parte, ma continuare a ballare e a lottare.
Girls, don't forget your pearls and all of your horses
12/7/2020 - 23:18

I Wonder if Canada's Cold

I Wonder if Canada's Cold

Based in Nashville, Tennessee, Milete wrote many songs for famous performers, including Elvis Presley. He avoided the draft during the Korean War, and did a stint in jail as a result.

The song "I Wonder If Canada's Cold" (Poppy # 69-0101) took a peace / anti-war perspective. The first person narrator set out for Canada in order to avoid the draft because of his moral opposition to war. Later released in 1970 on RCA Victor # 1909. Featured on the 1969 album Shirl Milete.

Vietnam War Song Project
Kill or be killed just ain't much of a future for no man
12/7/2020 - 18:38

Heartbreak House

Heartbreak House
Music by Michael Saxell
Lyrics by Keith Reid, outside Procol Harum
Album: The Common Thread (The Keith Reid Project)

As lyricist for Procol Harum, Keith Reid wrote the words to their hit "A Whiter Shade Of Pale" and many other nice songs. He moved to America in 1986, and in the mid-'00s started writing songs for what would become The Common Thread, the new multi-artist album which was issued in August 2008 under The Keith Reid Project banner.
He wrote this song with the Swedish songwriter Michael Saxell, who handles the vocals.
The song is about a woman whose husband is killed when he is sent overseas to fight a war.
Says Keith: “That song I wrote in Sweden. But it felt American to me. The military guy, to me it was an American. I think the characters, although I actually wrote it somewhere else, it felt like an American situation. The idea for that was, 'even the floorboards... (continuer)
She always did the best she could,
envoyé par giorgio 12/7/2020 - 18:35

5 Prayers of Afghan Women

5 Prayers of Afghan Women
5 Prayers of Afghan Women
[ 2006 ]

Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :

Album: All is war

Sulla band Fun-Da-Mental

L’intenzione di proporre canzoni contrarie alla guerra ci fa vincere le perplessità che ruotano inevitabilmente attorno alla band inglese Fun-Da-Mental e al suo leader Aki Nawaz , aka Propa-Gandhi. La band non ha mai nascosto la sua militanza, la sua prossimità all’Islam politico, ossia al fondamentalismo islamico, a partire dal nome.
La band ne ha fatto un motivo di orgoglio. Si è ritenuta legittimata al percorso intrapreso a causa degli elementi costitutivi della civiltà occidentale percepiti come antislamici e razzisti. Nello stesso tempo ha affermato di dissentire da chi fa uso delle bombe.
Che una serie di critiche siano fondate non sfugge a chicchessia animato da una qualsivoglia onestà intellettuale. Quando... (continuer)
Five prayers slip onto silence, five lights became dim
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 12/7/2020 - 18:11
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War Is Not Healthy

War Is Not Healthy
Lyrics by Keith Reid
Music by Gary Brooker

Lorriane Schneider (1925-1972), a doctor’s wife, mother of four and printmaker, created one of the most emotionally charged posters of the Vietnam War era out of concern that her eldest son would be drafted into the army. At the time, given Lyndon Johnson and General William Westmoreland’s increased troop build-up, one need not be a fortune-teller to predict the inevitable consequence. But when the poster was issued in 1967, few could foresee that Schneider’s petition for peace would become the ubiquitous anti-war icon it was then or is today, almost 40 years later.

In 1967, Schneider entered a small print titled “Primer” to a miniature print show at Pratt Institute in New York. The only entry criterion was each submitted work could not exceed four square inches. With the war uppermost on her mind, Schneider made what she called her own... (continuer)
War is not healthy
envoyé par giorgio 12/7/2020 - 09:41

Stop the War in Vietnam

Stop the War in Vietnam

Reco and Laurel Aitken

dall'album Scandal In A Brixton Market - Girlie And Laurel Aitken

Laurel Aitken, born in Cuba in 1927, moved to Brixton, London in 1960. He released the ska / reggae track "Stop the War in Vietnam" - obviously a protest song from the title, which is repeated over and over, on the obscure and hard to find album Scandal in a Brixton Market (Economy # ECO-8).

Vietnam War Songs Project
Stop the War in Vietnam
11/7/2020 - 23:50

Army Man in Vietnam

Army Man in Vietnam
Testo incompleto
dall'album Thinking Of What They Did To Me

Big Joe Williams (1903-1982), delta blues guitar player, born Joseph Lee Williams, in Crawford Mississippi, used a nine-string acoustic guitar, giving his delta style an interesting, unique sound. In the track "Army Man in Vietnam" (Arhoolie Records # 1053) he expressed a desire to "stop the war in Vietnam" because he feared that the government might "drop that atom bomb", a reflection of Cold War tensions. The song also showed concern for young men, at the age of eighteen, drafted into the army and given a gun. Note the minor reference to Christmas: "some will be home for Christmas, some will hurt real bad". Chris Strachwitz (founder of Arhoolie) recorded the song on 14 December 1969 at Arhoolie House in Berkeley, California. It featured Charlie Musselwhite on harmonica.
Vietnam War Songs Project
Well I heard a voice one morning
11/7/2020 - 23:39

Divided (We All Fall)

Divided (We All Fall)
Lyrics & music by Lee Shapiro

A plea to stop the gun violence, bombings and wars around the world. Hatred, religious and cultural bigotry, power and money drive the violence and divide us all. And divided we shall fall...
Every single day
envoyé par giorgio 11/7/2020 - 20:26


Songwriters: Ebben/Birchmeier/Linsmeier
Album: Kill The White Man Dead

The War in Afghanistan followed the United States invasion of Afghanistan of 7 October 2001, when the United States of America and its allies successfully drove the Taliban from power in order to deny al-Qaeda a safe base of operations in Afghanistan.

The war in Afghanistan continues destroying lives, due to the direct consequences of violence and the war-induced breakdown of public health, security, and infrastructure. Civilians have been killed by crossfire, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), assassinations, bombings, and night raids into houses of suspected insurgents. Even in the absence of fighting, unexploded ordinance from previous wars and United States cluster bombs continue to kill.

Hospitals in Afghanistan are treating large numbers of war wounded, including amputees and burn victims. The war... (continuer)
Fires burning bright light
envoyé par giorgio 11/7/2020 - 10:20

Srebrenica (Never Again) #10

Srebrenica (Never Again) #10
Srebrenica (Never Again)
[ 2008 ]

Testo e musica / Tekst i muzika / Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel

Album:The Psy-op Mixtape track #10
Anniversary But we aint here to Celebrate
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 10/7/2020 - 23:55

A Day Wıthout War

A Day Wıthout War
Ночной Пилот
Look into the eyes
10/7/2020 - 13:36

Love Makes the World Go Round

Love Makes the World Go Round

Written By Patrick Leonard & Madonna
Album: True Blue
"Make love, not war," we say
10/7/2020 - 11:23

We Are Still Here

We Are Still Here
feat. Anders Sunna
Album: Orda - This Is My Land

WE ARE STILL HERE! Collab with singer Sofia Jannok and artist Anders Sunna, both residing in Sápmi, resisting the ongoing colonization, persisting to remain.
"Swedish State calls us "Lapps", questions us as a people, claiming: You have not been here historically, you have no rights.
We say: We are still here. We have every right to be. We ARE Sápmi!"

Intro (Excerpts from the State Attorney’s intervention during the hearing in the court case between the Sámi reindeer herding community Girjas - from whence Sofia Jannok’s grandmother came - and the Swedish State. Gällivare Lapland District Court, June, 2015.):

“From the onset on, it is of importance to state that:
The Sámi have not been subjected to discrimination by the State.”
”The question then is what is meant by the concept of ethnicity, if it is to be claimed that the... (continuer)
Kill the bison,
10/7/2020 - 10:36

In 2020 (Part 2)

In 2020 (Part 2)
Lyrics & music by Lee Shapiro

In 2020 (Part 2) is about the year of a CoronaVirus pandemic, systemic police racism, the BLM movement, riots, face masks, politics, and, of course, Trump making everything worse..

“When I wrote "In 2020 (Part 1)", back in February, it was basically a personal story about my medical issues and my continued anger and frustration of Trump. When it was written and posted online, none of the major issues that were facing this year had even begun. No pandemic, no riots, no protesting, no confederate flag protests, no Wall Street crashes, no face masks, no self-quarantining and no Trump making all of this much worse. So I had to write a second part of this song, to include everything that happened since I wrote the first part. The music is similar (with a faster tempo and some changes), but different enough to make it an entirely new song”.
So here it is the second part
envoyé par giorgio 10/7/2020 - 09:00

Love Not War

Love Not War
Album: Kingdom Coming
The politics, the politics be crazy
10/7/2020 - 08:33

Make Love Not War

Make Love Not War
Album: Who Are We
So many people
9/7/2020 - 16:02
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Hoping Machine

Hoping Machine
Lyrics by Woody Guthrie
Music by Jay Farrar
Album: New Multitudes [2012]

“Don’t let any earthy calamity knock your dreamer and your hoping machine …”

New Multitudes is a Woody Guthrie tribute album performed by Jay Farrar, Will Johnson, Anders Parker, and Jim James to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Guthrie's birth, released through Rounder Records on February 28, 2012. The project was initiated by Woody's daughter Nora Guthrie to have Farrar add music to her father's lyrics – specifically, his earliest songwriting years in Los Angeles. Over the course of several years, he invited the others to collaborate and recorded at a variety of locations across the United States. Each artist wrote music to lyrics that inspired him and presented it to the collaborators for recording. The result is an album with diverse musical genres that has garnered positive reviews from critics... (continuer)
Don’t let anything knock your props out from under you
envoyé par giorgio 9/7/2020 - 14:55

Make Love Not War

Make Love Not War
Abadabukileyo, worldmusic-choir of the Saint-Gertrude College Wetteren, Flanders, Belgium.

Abadabukileyo was founded on the 13th of November 1997 by conductor Reinout Bracke. Twice a week he guides a group of young people through a musical journey all around the world.Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons, from 12.40h till 13.20h these pupils sing out their belief in a better world, a world where solidarity and respect still have meaning. These young people dare to dream that we can do better, through their journey they also learn to enjoy the beautiful things our world has to offer today. Dazzeling rhythms and a rainbow of sounds, without discriminating anyone.
Whatever you do
9/7/2020 - 12:01

Make Love

Make Love
Album: Look For The Good (2020)

A prima vista sembrava che Mraz, cantore di good vibrations californiano la cui I’m yours era stata un bel contagio musicale del 2008, avesse sbagliato l’anno per fare il brillante con Look for the good, nuovo album reggae light, quasi ostinatamente pieno di ottimismo: si può veramente dire ancora “fai l’amore e non la guerra”? Ma dopo Minneapolis, le proteste, la repressione, Trump a Tulsa il dubbio sorge. Forse Mraz ci ha azzeccato: c’è bisogno di qualcuno capace di ballare in levare e cantarci su una storia positiva. E “make love not war” suona bene.

Pier Andrea Canei, International love - Internazionale
Put down the weapons that you use against yourself
7/7/2020 - 17:48

Born on the Fourth of July

Born on the Fourth of July

I'm watching a country built on the foundations of slavery, genocide, real estate speculation and fantasy crumble before my eyes. May it crumble faster, and may I live to see the dust settle.
As I walk down the streets of this city
envoyé par adriana 7/7/2020 - 09:29
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I Dreamed I Saw Ron Reagan Last Night

I Dreamed I Saw Ron Reagan Last Night
Lyrics by Tom Frampton
Music: sung to the tune of "I Dreamed I Saw Joe Hill Last Night"
Album: The Revolution Will Not Be Amplified

As one may well know, not all dreams are beautiful or pleasant experiences because some are real nightmares…
I dreamed I saw Ronald Reagan last night
envoyé par giorgio 5/7/2020 - 20:30

Don't Kill the Animals

Don't Kill the Animals

Singolo animalista poi incluso nella compilation Animal Liberation del 1987
Don't kill the animals
4/7/2020 - 23:11


Nina Hagen & Warner Poland

Written and produced by Warner Poland/Nina Hagen
Featuring: Tequila Mockingbird,
Also featuring: George Clinton on Nina’s Telephone-Answering-Machine
Featuring: a sample of Kid Cudi
Featuring a quote from the gospel song ‘Wade in the Water
Recorded by: Paul Roessler @ Kitten Robot Studio in Los Angeles, with kind permission of Groenland Records
Hold the phone." . . . . Let`s enjoy!
4/7/2020 - 21:57

Cold War

Cold War
The ArchAndroid

La guerra che deriva da essere una donna nera nella società occidentale. Una bellissima canzone supportata da un video emozionante.

Da leggere: Embracing Gender Narratives, A Textual Analysis of Cold War by Janelle Monae
So you think I'm alone?
envoyé par Lorenzo 4/7/2020 - 15:28

Death From Above

Death From Above
To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere

Song from the perspective of a drone pilot losing faith
I always thought, I always thought, that there was something different, setting us apart
3/7/2020 - 14:19

Four Hours

Four Hours
Lyrics & music by Billy Liar (except the chorus, which owes more than a little to the dehumanising process of late twentieth century US Army training and a certain film by Stanley Kubrick).
Album: Made To Break / Four Hours

« But.. these are human beings, unarmed civilians, sir! » The last famous words before the massacre.

Hugh Thompson shortly before the My Lai Massacre. He had turned to sergeant David Mitchell, who replied that the only way to help them was to put them out of their misery…then to second lieutenant William Calley, 1st Platoon Company C commander ..

Thompson: What's going on here, lieutenant?

Calley: This is my business.

Thompson: What is this? Who are these people?

Calley: Just following orders.

Thompson: Orders? Whose orders?

Calley: Just following...

Thompson: But, these are human beings, unarmed civilians, sir.

Calley: Look Thompson, this... (continuer)
Four hours gone
envoyé par giorgio 2/7/2020 - 14:30

Come to Mama

Come to Mama
dall'album °Joanne°
Scritta da Father John Misty (ex batterista dei Fleet Floxes), Emile Haynie & Lady Gaga

Un vero e proprio inno soul-rock alla pace e all'amore universale (ma come c'era sfuggita??) dalla bravissima Lady Gaga. Sono solo io a trovare questa canzone vagamente springsteeniana? D'altra parte Stefani Germanotta, come Bruce, ha le radici nel New Jersey da una famiglia di immigrati italiani...

Da ascoltare la versione cantata dal vivo durante il Dive Bar Tour, una serie di concerti che Lady Gaga ha tenuto in piccoli locali e pub per promuovere l'album Joanne.

Perché dobbiamo dire agli altri come vivere? Le sole prigioni che esistono sono quelle in cui ci chiudiamo l'un l'altro.
Everybody's got to love each other
envoyé par Lorenzo 1/7/2020 - 22:28

A Very Nice Country

A Very Nice Country
Testo da Mudcat

Dalla compilation What Now, People? Vol. 1
I was born in Philadelphia
1/7/2020 - 12:08

Go on Home British Soldiers

Tommy Skelly
Go on Home British Soldiers
envoyé par Lucone 1/7/2020 - 10:22

World War 49

World War 49
Lyrics by Tapani Siirtola
Music by Robert Gunnarsson

“War is such a vaste of human lifes and resources. How many WW will there be? 49? Right now we feel a threat from many parts of the World. In fact, more people are dying today than during WW2. How crazy can it be?”
Too many people have died again
envoyé par giorgio 1/7/2020 - 10:05

Brucia la terra

Brucia la terra
Riccardo Gullotta
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 30/6/2020 - 10:52

Твой новый мир

Твой новый мир
envoyé par Margarita Orlova 28/6/2020 - 05:03


envoyé par Margarita Orlova 28/6/2020 - 03:35



Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Lucky Dube
Album : Prisoner

Dedicata a tutti i carcerati del pianeta, oggi in particolare ai Prigionieri politici

[Riccardo Gullotta]
Somebody told me about it
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 27/6/2020 - 18:27

Thank You Daniel Ellsberg

Thank You Daniel Ellsberg

Daniel Ellsberg era uno dei "geniacci del Pentagono" (i brillanti giovani reclutati da Robert McNamara, segretario della difesa dal 1961 al 1968). Divenuto oppositore della guerra del Vietnam, cominciò a fotocopiare un dossier di 7000 pagine coperto da segreto di Stato, che rivelava le strategie del governo americano in merito alla guerra in Vietnam.

Nel 1971 consegnò questo materiale al The New York Times sotto il nome di Pentagon Papers, dando vita a una controversia politica nazionale.
wanna thank you Daniel Ellsberg
27/6/2020 - 17:38

The Prisoner's Song

The Prisoner's Song
The Prisoner's Song
[ 1925 ]

Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Guy Massey (copyrighted by)

Performed by / Interpreti / Interprétée par / Laulavat:
1. Vernon Dalhart [ 1925 ]
2. Jimmie Davis [ 1925 ]
3. Louis Armstrong [ 1957 ]
4. Slim Whitman [ 1958 ]
5. Hank Snow [ 1964 ]

Solidarity Keeps us Alive

June 27, 2020: Action Day for Political Prisoners Worldwide

La lista che segue è parziale, riguarda una minima parte dei detenuti per motivi politici nelle prigioni turche, circa 8.000 in aumento. Ci dispiace di non disporre di altri nomi.

A tutti/e la nostra più profonda solidarietà ed i nostri auguri che le loro sofferenze cessino presto.

La canzone The Prisoner's Song

Molto probabilmente fu composta da un detenuto in un carcere del Sud negli Stati Uniti negli anni ’20 del secolo scorso. Lì l’avrebbe ascoltata Robert... (continuer)
Oh, I wish I had someone to love me
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 26/6/2020 - 22:46

Take Your Knee Off My Neck

Take Your Knee Off My Neck

Actor Jenifer Lewis writes an amazing spoken word in the name of justice for George Floyd who was killed by Minneapolis police.
Take your knee and privilege off my neck!
envoyé par adriana 26/6/2020 - 11:16

Lord Is Coming

Lord Is Coming
Testo da Genius
Album: I Used To Know Her

The idea of ‘Lord Is Coming,’ you hear people say, like, it’s Armageddon, it’s the end of the world. I really felt like there’s so much happening in the world right now that needed to be said, that’s not acknowledged. I wrote the spoken word as an introduction to what the song is about.

I’m really happy I wrote ‘Lord Is Coming,’ because of everything that’s going on in the world right now. It needed to be said, for me. It came from a very passionate place and music is a language everybody speaks. It brings everybody together, and that’s one of those songs I think could do it.
An Interview With H.E.R., Who's Getting Back to Her Younger Self
One, two, one
26/6/2020 - 10:25

I Can’t Breathe

I Can’t Breathe
Written By
H.E.R., D’Mile & Tiara Thomas

Release Date
June 19, 2020
Oh, oh, oh
26/6/2020 - 09:44

Too Young to Die

Too Young to Die
Lyrics & music by Barbara Lee George ©

“A tribute to our brothers and sisters lost to war..”

Line up:
Barbara Lee George (vocals & guitar),
Even Steven Levee (bass),
Al Orlo (guitar),
Additional musicians include:
Cecil Hooker (violin), Yoshi Kikkawa (cello), Roderick Kohn (sitar/guitar synth, hammond organ), Andy Bigan (drums), Steve Wolf (drums), Phoenix Rivera (drums), Gerardo Velez (percussion), Miguel Valez (percussion), Steve Nichol (piano), Chris Famah Fletcher (Piano), Eric Johnson (piano), David Snider (keys, guitar), Scott Kreitzer (flute), Christian Ravaglioli (oboe, duduk, english horn) and rapper TRP (Gun Hill)
Ring around the rosie,
envoyé par giorgio 25/6/2020 - 13:25
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My Son

My Son
Lyrics & music by Jan Howard
Album: Jan Howard [1969]

"My Son" is a song written and recorded by American country music singer Jan Howard. It is among several songs recorded by country artists during this period that related to the Vietnam War. The song is based on a letter Howard wrote to her son, Jimmy, who was drafted into the war. After writing the letter, she was inspired by family and friends to put it to music. Recording the song in a single take, it was released as a single in 1968.
Jan sent the song to her son in 1968 after its release. Before he could write back, he was killed in battle. At the same time, "My Son" became a major hit on the country charts in the United States. The recording later appeared on Howard's 1969 self-titled studio album. Since its release, "My Son" has been considered among Howard's signature songs. In later years, the song also has also... (continuer)
My son my son I pray
envoyé par giorgio 25/6/2020 - 09:05

A Sad State of Freedom [ a Challenge to the Dark ]

A Sad State of Freedom [ a Challenge to the Dark ]
[ 2020 ]

A Poem by / Poesia / Poème / Elokuva:
Charles Bukowski

Music background / Sottofondo musicale / Musique de fond / Musiikin tausta:
A sad state of freedom by Savfk

Bukowski, un essere umano

Inclinazione sfrenata per il sesso e l’alcool; fobico, cinico, insofferente al punto da cadere nella misantropia, nichilista, un bastardo, e chi più ne ha, più ne metta. Bukowski però è un caso paradigmatico di come le etichette si frappongono alla comprensione di una realtà complessa. Paradossalmente più se ne appongono meno fermo risulta il quadro.
Si rimane perplessi dato che Bukowski, al netto di atteggiamenti epidermici, è un punto di accumulo delle contraddizioni dell’essere umano. Forse è per questo che rimane indigesto , soprattutto ingombrante, non solo per il mondo di sopra ma anche per chi, irriducibile alla” modernità liquida”, non può rinunciare a qualche astro di secondo... (continuer)
shot in the eye
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 25/6/2020 - 09:04

How Do You Tell a Small Boy?

How Do You Tell a Small Boy?
Single: Wake Up America! / How Do You Tell A Small Boy

The second song "How Do You Tell a Small Boy", narrated from the perspective of a P.O.W. (Prisoner of War), looked at the impact of a missing father on a child.

The P.O.W. wondered how to explain to his son that he "had to go to war", and that he spent most of his "time on a prison floor". The P.O.W. missed many of his son's life events: receiving his first bike, going to school, meeting his friend, playing in the snow. The father concluded that while he could not make up the time, and that his son paid the cost, he intended to stay home.

Vietnam War Songs Project
His hair was long and it tumbled down
24/6/2020 - 23:16

Wake Up America!

Wake Up America!
Single: Wake Up America! / How Do You Tell A Small Boy

A double-sided Vietnam single, written and sung by Lance Lindsay. Bruce Miller arranged both sides. Released by Voices in Vital America (VIVA) - a not-for-profit student organisation formed in 1967 in Los Angeles by Carol Oates, under the name Victory in Vietnam Association, this group sought to counter campus radicalism while promoting concern for US soldiers missing in action and prisoners of war.

They famously distributed metal bracelets, with details of those M.I.A. or P.O.W., selling over 5 million. The group disbanded in 1976. Many of its records are held at the Vietnam Center and Archive, at Texas Tech.

The back of the picture sleeve said that

"over 1800 men are prisoners of war or missing in action. A picture of Lt. Ron Dodge (front cover) being escorted by North Vietnamese soldiers appeared in 'Paris March' magazine... (continuer)
In a cell a man waits for a pardon
24/6/2020 - 22:59

All You Talk About Is World Destruction

All You Talk About Is World Destruction
All your problems are solved with a war. Dance music for the new escalation.
Single out on Efforts in Futility.
Hey party people I said what the fuck
envoyé par giorgio 24/6/2020 - 09:25
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(Say Goodbye to) Sophie Scholl

(Say Goodbye to) Sophie Scholl
Album: Need to Feel Your Love

Twelfth and final track of the album "Need to Feel Your Love" (2017): A ballad dedicated to Sophie Scholl and ‎‎Weiße Rose..
Say goodbye to Sophie Scholl
envoyé par giorgio 23/6/2020 - 15:05
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Burning Alexandria Down

Burning Alexandria Down
Lyrics & music by Bill MacKechnie
Album: Doorways

An album of music inspired by, featuring, and in tribute to, the late Anubis Spire multi-instrumentalist / vocalist / songwriter, Marlon Kempmann.
A mix of songs and performances from the band and a host of special guests including Mary Everhart, Mel Clemans, Marc McKechnie, Jerry Willard, Dace Yates, and Kathy Stewart. Songs that journey from the joy of love and friendship to sadness and pain for the loss of a great friend and fellow musician. But we must remember that when one door closes another opens, always. There is no end to the doorways…

Its track 7, Burning Alexandria Down, is a song about media manipulation and the raising tide of hate groups.
Well they don't like you
envoyé par giorgio 23/6/2020 - 09:25

The Fight of Our Lives

The Fight of Our Lives
Written, Composed & Produced by TAX.THE MAN

THE FIGHT (Of Our Lives)
R u ready for the
envoyé par Holland DAYZ 23/6/2020 - 04:47

Stop the War

Stop the War
Album: Exploration - A New Phase
This world needs love to keep peace around, he-e-ey
23/6/2020 - 00:03

Goat Head

Goat Head
Parole e musica di Brittany Howard, musicista e cantautrice, front woman degli Alabama Shakes
Nel suo primo disco solista, intitolato "Jaime"
Testo da Genius

Un disco autobiografico, non a caso intitolato alla sorella maggiore, morta di retinoblastoma nel 1998. Brittany stessa fu vittima della malattia, riportando una parziale cecità da un occhio.

Nella famiglia di Brittany la mamma era bianca e il babbo era nero. Ad Athens, Alabama, la cosa non passava inosservata. "Goat Head" racconta di quando qualcuno vandalizzò l'auto della famiglia, lasciando sul sedile posteriore la testa mozzata di una capra...

Verso la fine della canzone, il verso "I'm one drop of three-fifths" si riferisce a due dei fondamenti razziali degli USA. Il primo è addirittura costituzionale: i Padri Fondatori, per stabilire il numero di seggi di ciascun Stato al Congresso, decisero che gli schiavi contavano... (continuer)
See, tomatoes are green
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 22/6/2020 - 22:30

It’s About Blood

It’s About Blood
Nell'album “Ghosts of West Virginia", con la band The Dukes
Testo da Genius

Tutte le canzoni dell'album furono originariamente composte per uno spettacolo teatrale intitolato "Coal Country" ed incentrato sulla vita dei minatori del carbone in West Virginia ed, in particolare, sulla tragedia dell'Upper Big Branch Mine di Raleigh dove, il 5 aprile 2010, una trentina di minatori rimase intrappolata da un'esplosione a 300 metri di profondità. Morirono quasi tutti, 29 su 31. L'inchiesta successiva appurò che la compagnia proprietaria, la Massey Energy, aveva eluso le più elementari regole di sicurezza. L'ammontare dei risarcimenti per il disastro superò i 200 milioni di dollari.

Don Blankenship, amministratore delegato della compagnia al momento del disastro, venne condannato per gravi omissioni nella sicurezza dell'impianto. Si fece un solo anno di galera. Oggi Blankenship è in politica... (continuer)
Look me in the eye when you're talkin' to me
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 22/6/2020 - 19:06

Union, God and Country

Union, God and Country
Nell'album “Ghosts of West Virginia", con la band The Dukes
Testo da Genius

Tutte le canzoni dell'album furono originariamente composte per uno spettacolo teatrale intitolato "Coal Country" ed incentrato sulla vita dei minatori del carbone in West Virginia ed, in particolare, sulla tragedia dell'Upper Big Branch Mine di Raleigh dove, il 5 aprile 2010, una trentina di minatori rimase intrappolata da un'esplosione a 300 metri di profondità. Morirono quasi tutti, 29 su 31. L'inchiesta successiva appurò che la compagnia proprietaria, la Massey Energy, aveva eluso le più elementari regole di sicurezza. L'ammontare dei risarcimenti per il disastro superò i 200 milioni di dollari.
My daddy was a miner, my daddy's daddy, too
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 22/6/2020 - 18:38

Devil Put the Coal in the Ground

Devil Put the Coal in the Ground
Nell'album “Ghosts of West Virginia", con la band The Dukes
Testo da Genius

Tutte le canzoni dell'album furono originariamente composte per uno spettacolo teatrale intitolato "Coal Country" ed incentrato sulla vita dei minatori del carbone in West Virginia ed, in particolare, sulla tragedia dell'Upper Big Branch Mine di Raleigh dove, il 5 aprile 2010, una trentina di minatori rimase intrappolata da un'esplosione a 300 metri di profondità. Morirono quasi tutti, 29 su 31. L'inchiesta successiva appurò che la compagnia proprietaria, la Massey Energy, aveva eluso le più elementari regole di sicurezza. L'ammontare dei risarcimenti per il disastro superò i 200 milioni di dollari.
Well the Devil put the coal in the ground
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 22/6/2020 - 14:12

Let's Stop This War

Let's Stop This War
Lyrics & music by David Russell Moss
Album: David Russell Moss, vol. 4
Some people tell me, what is going on
envoyé par giorgio 22/6/2020 - 09:02
Downloadable! Video!

Hard Times

Hard Times
Una canzone scritta da Curtis Mayfield, mèntore di questa straordinaria band di Gary, Indiana, morta ancor prima di nascere per via della scomparsa prematura del suo front man James Thomas Ramey, Baby Huey, "180 kg di puro soul", morto per sovrappeso e per droga nel 1970, alla vigilia dell'uscita del loro primo ed unico LP, "The Baby Huey Story - The Living Legend" (1971)

Curtis Mayfield la incise solo nel 1975, nel suo bellissimo "(There's No Place Like) America Today"

La canzone parla di un tema ancora attuale, la condizione della popolazione nera americana, di come già allora fosse diffusa la disillusione rispetto alle presunte conquiste del movimento per i diritti civili, mentre i leader afroamericani cadevano uno dopo l'altro ammazzati e le condizioni delle comunità in tutti gli USA non miglioravano affatto, anzi... Oggi non pare che la situazione sia cambiata in meglio di molto...
Cold, cold eyes upon me they stare
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 21/6/2020 - 23:09

The Blind Soldier From Vietnam

The Blind Soldier From Vietnam
The country song "The Blind Soldier From Vietnam" (Arzee # RZ-106-X) took an anti-war and plight of the soldier interpretation.

Curly Herman (1918-1968), from West Virginia, a fiddler in the 1960s, sometimes headed a group called the West Virginia Boys. He died shortly after the recording and release of this single, in 1968.

Narrated from the perspective of a soldier, who had returned home "from Vietnam", blinded by the war. His brother had also died in a war, possibly Vietnam or Korea. Likewise his father, presumably a reference to the Second World War. It thus sought to show a family continuity in fighting wars for the US. The narrator then explained that the young boy helped him cross the street. The boy told him that his friend's father had died in the Vietnam War. The soldier then declared: "dear god...stop the fighting in Vietnam and send the boys home safely". Released in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Rex Zario's record label Arzee (he produced the single). Composed by Curly Herdman.

Vietnam War Song Project
I am a blind soldier,
21/6/2020 - 22:28
Downloadable! Video!

This Is My Country

This Is My Country
Title track dell'album del 1968, la canzone è una rivendicazione dei diritti e del giusto ruolo degli afroamericani nella società americana. Purtroppo ancora attuale più di cinquanta anni dopo.
Doo doo doo
21/6/2020 - 22:07

God Is Love

God Is Love
dal capolavoro assoluto di Marvin Gaye, What's Going On.

Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

1 John 4, 7-8

Carissimi, amiamoci gli uni gli altri, perché l'amore è da Dio: chiunque ama è generato da Dio e conosce Dio.

Chi non ama non ha conosciuto Dio, perché Dio è amore.

1 Giovanni 4, 7-8

Una canzone di profonda religiosità e un appello alla pace e all'amore per il prossimo, ma che parla anche del rapporto conflittuale di Marvin con suo padre, pastore del movimento pentecostale. Come è noto, nel 1984 Marvin Gay Sr. uccise il figlio mentre quest'ultimo tentava di difendere la madre durante una lite per futili motivi.

Notevole l'utilizzo di questa canzone nell'ultimo film di Spike Lee, Da 5 Bloods, cantata da uno dei personaggi principali durante una delle scene più drammatiche.

Don't go and talk about my father
envoyé par Lorenzo 21/6/2020 - 15:48

Got to Feed the Grinder

Got to Feed the Grinder
Lyrics and music by Marlan L. Rhame III
Album: Shades of Gray [2014]

Song looks at the illusions versus the realities of war.
“I was at a County Fair several years ago and saw Marine Corps Recruiters with a red Hum-Vee [1] that had a monster stereo system and wondered what illusions and promises they were using to entice young people to sign up...”
Big red tricked out Hum-Vee [1]
envoyé par giorgio 21/6/2020 - 13:00

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