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Fuck Your Fear

Fuck Your Fear
album: Acetylene

A scathing, furious attack on the Bush government and its foreign policy, it opens up with 'Fuck Your Fear', a slow grinding barrage of distorted, hazy guitars and pounding, tolling-bell drums. Eckman and Torgerson's joint vocals describe a world teetering on the abyss in which the 60's hippy dream has long gone rotten ("Dead folksingers lie in state/Acolytes scrape off their plates/The message falls onto deaf ears") and death comes quickly and in abundance ("New gravediggers born each day").
Walkabouts - Acetylene review by John Clarkson
A rumble in my bones
4/9/2021 - 12:06

Support the Troops

Support the Troops

Canzone contro Bush e la guerra in Iraq, pubblicata per la prima volta nel live At The Borderline 18th April 2006
Beat the drum, wave the flag,
6/12/2020 - 00:17

Take Your War and Stick It Up Your Arse

Take Your War and Stick It Up Your Arse
Lyrics & music by William Sollox
Album: War Stories

Number 1 On Neil Young's Web Chart with "Take Your War And Stick It Up Your Arse" !

“To all those who have been voting/listening - a great big thank you. We are hoping to use this to launch a publicity campaign in the UK media. Let's also not forget that, more important than songs going up charts, we can get this war ended as soon as possible. Sollox and The Spooners have been making music for a long time, but the exposure that the www can give them has inspired them to new efforts.

Hmm . . . the title tells you what this one's about. Apologies to our cousins across the Atlantic - English spelling of 'ass' ”.
Take your war and stick it up your arse
envoyé par giorgio 5/6/2020 - 13:00
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Long Dark Night

Long Dark Night
Album: Revival

Georgie è ovviamente Bush pronto a prendere i tuoi figli per spedirli a fare la guerra. Una classica canzone contro la guerra dal cantante dei Creedence Clearwater Revival
Georgie's in the jungle
22/4/2018 - 22:36
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The Bush Boys

The Bush Boys
Album - Rock That Babe. (2003)

Questa ironica canzone sulla dinastia Bush risale proprio a 15 anni fa, l'anno dell'invasione dell'Iraq, la guerra di cui ancora paghiamo le consguenze.
Listen up folks the votes are in
20/3/2018 - 22:41
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Continuing War on Stupidity

Continuing War on Stupidity
Order of the Leech
There's only one war to end all war
envoyé par Dq82 14/8/2017 - 22:42
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Capital G

Capital G
Scritta da Trent Reznor e Atticus Ross
Nell'album “Year Zero”

G come “Greed”, ma anche come George W. Bush, che a Trent Reznor e ai suoi doveva stare particolarmente antipatico già solo per il fatto che nella prigione di Guantánamo si era soliti usare la musica della band industrial di Cleveland per torturare i prigionieri...
I pushed a button and elected him to office and... ha
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 8/4/2017 - 21:13

George Bush is an Islamic Fundamentalist

George Bush is an Islamic Fundamentalist
Parole da antagonise

George Bush è un fondamentalista islamico? Tra tutte le teorie del complotto venute fuori in seguito all'undici settembre, questa è sicuramente la più plausibile...
(This is for all the folk... For all the simple folk... for all the good old down home folk.)
8/5/2016 - 20:59
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Mr. President

Mr. President
Qual è stato il costo della presidenza Bush per l'America e per il mondo? E a chi mandare il conto?

In otto anni, dal 2001 al 2009, ci siamo intrappolati in un tunnel dal quale ancora non siamo usciti, e restandoci a lungo, si rischia di morire asfissiati dai gas.

La miscela altamente tossica e nociva è fatta di quel macroscopico intreccio tra big business ed esecutivo, tra quell'attacco al sistema pensionistico e la diffidenza verso contro gli immigrati, tra i troppi scandali e i muri che si vogliono costruire, per arrivare a imporre un'egemonia neoconservatrice sulla Casa bianca e quindi nel mondo intero.
Per otto anni americani e non hanno assistito impotenti ai disastri di questa strategia, che oggi, anno 2016, si vuole riproporre e rischia di affermarsi, visti i candidati alla presidenza americana. Si chiamino Trump o Clinton, poco conta e cambia.

Nella versione neocon il primato... (continuer)
Dodici anni che li stai bombardando,
envoyé par Alessandro Carènzan 15/3/2016 - 13:32

Ar brezel mod nevez

Ar brezel mod nevez
28/29 dicembre 2015
29/12/2015 - 03:56
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Der Sheriff

Der Sheriff
Scritta da Robert Görl e Gabriel "Gabi" Delgado-López
Singolo estratto dall’album “Fünfzehn neue D.A.F-Lieder”

Dedicato a George W. Bush all’alba della seconda guerra del Golfo.
Facile che questo brano sia stato concepito negli stessi giorni in cui lo era questo sito delle CCG/AWS…
Wenn der Sheriff reiten geht, reiten alle mit
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 22/10/2015 - 09:13
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I'm With Stupid

I'm With Stupid
Scritta da Neil Tennant e Chris Lowe
Nell’album intitolato “Fundamental”, un brano estratto poi come singolo insieme a Girls Don't Cry, che campeggia sul lato B dello stesso 45 giri.

Non un’ordinaria e insana storia d’amore come tante, ma quella della relazione malefica tra due macellai serial killer assassini di massa del nostro tempo, l’ex premier inglese Tony Blair e l’ex presidente americano George W. Bush…
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 9/9/2015 - 15:13

In Our Little Town

In Our Little Town
Parole e musica di Holly Near
Nell’album “Cris & Holly”, con Cris Williamson

“Long-time friends, Cris Williamson and Holly Near combine their powerful voices on twelve songs of love and world peace.” (introduzione all’album dal sito dell’autrice)
A flag over there, a flag over here
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 19/8/2015 - 11:22

Laying on the Ground

Laying on the Ground

One evening back in Eugene Oregon my daughter was playing in the garden as the sun was setting on a clear dry summer evening. I was strumming an E chord and watching her play from the back porch. I was strumming the chord alternating between a low E and a low F# as the low note in the chord. It was kind of hypnotic. I don't know how long I was strumming it, maybe 5 minutes, but I started having memories of my childhood playing in my yard on Springhill Road in White Haven PA. I remembered laying on the ground and watching the clouds and swaying tree tops and feeling very grounded and happy. I remembered a sensation of almost melting into the ground, a oneness with the crust of the earth and golden grasses that surrounded me.

I wrote the first two verses and it got dark, so I put down what I was doing and got my daughter off to bed. Our housemate... (continuer)
Laying on the ground hands behind my head
envoyé par Joshua Finsel 11/8/2015 - 17:03
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Bush-toi d'là

Bush-toi d'là
Parole e musica di Jofroi
Nell’album intitolato “Marcher sur un fil”
Bush-toi d'là que j’m’y mette
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 14/11/2014 - 14:25
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Stars & Stripes

Stars & Stripes was written as a plea to the American people to regain their revolutionary spirit and embrace the right to think for themselves.
Livin’ under stars and stripes, do we ever refuse to fight?
envoyé par Matt Martinek 10/9/2014 - 00:47
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Monkey in a Suit

Monkey in a Suit
Album: Munki Brain (2007)
Well I'm commander-in-chief
17/8/2014 - 23:04
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Welcome Back Khadr

Welcome Back Khadr
Nell’EP intitolato “Does Not Equal”.

Ho trovato la canzone su FREE Omar Khadr NOW, il sito canadese della campagna per la liberazione di Omar Khadr.

Le foto ritraggono un ragazzino giovanissimo, appena quattordicenne, ed un adulto tra i 25 e i 30 anni. Sono della stessa persona, Omar Ahmed Khadr, nato in Canada nel 1986 da un egiziano e una palestinese lì immigrati. La famiglia si trasferì poi a Peshawar, in Pakistan. Nel 1995 il padre di Omar fu arrestato con l’accusa di aver contribuito a finanziare l’attentato all’ambasciata egiziana a Islamabad. Passò un anno prima che venisse rilasciato per l’assoluta mancanza di prove a suo carico. Nel 1996 la famiglia si trasferì nuovamente, questa volta a Jalalabad, in Afghanistan, dove il padre aveva trovato impiego presso una ONG. Ma dopo l’11 settembre 2001 e l’inizio della “War On Terror” di Bush, a causa dei continui bombardamenti americani... (continuer)
When they created a monster
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 15/8/2014 - 10:30
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La feroce invettiva contro George W. Bush che apre l’album intitolato “The Terror State”.

“Voltagabbana! Assassino! Bugiardo! Ladro! Criminale protetto dalla legge!”
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 16/6/2014 - 09:46
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Bush Song

Bush Song
A song from Macklemore's 2005 album "The Language of My World" that Slams then President George W. Bush from a very mocking first person perspective.

See rap genius
envoyé par Michael Taylor 6/3/2014 - 00:33

Burning Bush

Burning Bush
Album:The tide is turning
My fellow Americans...
envoyé par adriana 27/4/2013 - 08:13

The George W. Bush Blues

I got the George W. Bush far out right wing blues
envoyé par adriana 21/4/2013 - 13:45
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Red White and Blue

This song was written as a protest to the invasion of Iraq by George W Bush
Sands of fortune, sands of blood
envoyé par Robert C Reynolds 1/4/2013 - 09:55
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Album: The Golden Hour (2008)

Fuggire nel Borneo per scappare dagli USA di George W. Bush (una scimmia per presidente). You know I don't wanna die for the price of oil
Well I ain't gonna live in your world no more
7/3/2013 - 22:57
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Hey Clown

Hey Clown
Album: The Golden Hour (2008)

Dedicata all'allora presidente George W. Bush
Once I was happy and I felt no pain
3/3/2013 - 22:50

You Ain't a Cowboy

You Ain't a Cowboy
Album: Slash and Burn (Artemis, 2004)
You ain't a cowboy because you wear the clothes,
28/6/2012 - 23:56

Yankee Doodle Georgie

Yankee Doodle Georgie
Georgie Porgie è presidente
envoyé par Eleonora 28/6/2012 - 02:20
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Talib Kweli & Cornel West
Revolutions require participation
26/6/2012 - 23:51
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George Bush

George Bush
Lyrics & Music J*O*N*E*$
Album: Thank Drugs We Are Not On God

In early 2006 Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid said of President Bush: "I really do believe this man will go down as the worst president this country has ever had". This morning on Meet the Press, host David Gregory asked Reid whether he regrets making that statement. Reid refused to back down. "I think you just have to call things the way you see them", he said. "I really do believe President Bush is the worst president we’ve ever had". Watch it:

GREGORY: Before you go, do you have any regrets about the way you have publicly battled with President Bush?
Over the years you’ve called him a liar, a loser, and you’ve described him as, quote, our worst president ever.

REID: I wrote a book and I said that in the book several times. David, I am who I am.... (continuer)
Hey, people of the States, have you felt the blows
envoyé par giorgio 11/6/2012 - 08:37
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Fuck You (Guess Who Batman)

Fuck You (Guess Who Batman)
envoyé par matteo 25/3/2012 - 17:52
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Worst President Ever

Worst President Ever
Album: Civil Disobedience
Hey, Mr President..
envoyé par giorgio 11/1/2012 - 09:10
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Dry Drunk Emperor

Dry Drunk Emperor
Single - free download
Baby boy
7/1/2012 - 19:24

War Without End, Amen Amen

War Without End, Amen Amen
Album: Welcome Home
The president looked in the camera today
envoyé par giorgio 6/3/2011 - 19:30
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No Blood for Oil

No Blood for Oil
Album: Backyard Revolution

"War does not determine who is right - only who is left". (Bertrand Russell)

"Anti-War, Anti-Draft.. ..track for this generation. Peace".
Dear Mr Bush I have a complaint
envoyé par giorgio 6/3/2011 - 14:22

Hail to the Chief

Hail to the Chief
words by George W. Bush
music by John McCutcheon
album: Hail To The Chief

"Still about G.W. and the bushism.. from his words themselves"
envoyé par giorgio 4/2/2011 - 08:42

Bush (De wereld is geen schietschijf)

Bush (De wereld is geen schietschijf)
Tekst en muziek van Doc Jazz
Album: Creative Resistance

Protest song against Bush, for his visit to the Netherlands in May 2005.
envoyé par giorgio 26/12/2010 - 15:06

Hunting Season for George W. Bush

Album: Beloveli

"Featuring George W. Bush.. this song goes out to anyone in the armed forces, or anyone that's lost someone in a conflict... Beat by ICBeats.. This is some real shit.."
Now look into my eyes and tell me the truth
envoyé par giorgio 11/7/2010 - 08:59

Bush Lies in Bed

Bush Lies in Bed
Lyrics and Music by Neil Conway
Album: The Somethin' Family Album

!I was doing a philosophy course on violence when I came up with this one. The "war on terror" does exactly the opposite of what it claims to do. Violence only causes more violence. Drop Bush not bombs".
Bush lies in bed with Bin Laden
envoyé par giorgio 10/7/2010 - 12:31

Bush History Lesson

Album: 9/11 Was An Inside Job

"Well, there is this small cabal of nasty inhuman customers who are dedicated to control of all external phenomena, who do evil for the joy of it. Who sit on both sides of every conflict, engineer them and profit thereby. Wake up and smell the bodies burning.. "
When Hitler wasn't Hitler yet
envoyé par giorgio 18/5/2010 - 12:36
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Dear Mr. Bush

Dear Mr. Bush

…Please excuse me, Sir: I've got to go to the bathroom.
Mr. Bush what are you waiting for
envoyé par giorgio 13/12/2009 - 10:15

He Bombed My Daddy

Lyrics by York Taylor
Music by Skiffy Flippo
Album: He Bombed My Daddy

A Rap Bush Biography ("We made up the Title as a joke - then had to write the song..")
My daddy bought me out of the war
envoyé par giorgio 6/12/2009 - 09:20

Stone Cold Corruption (A Tribute to Bush)

Stone Cold Corruption (A Tribute to Bush)
Album: Untitled - 08-13-06
Songwriters: Jerry & Candace Willard

This song is about how Bush and people like him, use others to get what they matter what the consequences are..they have no conscience...
The greed and corruption in our society today is what motivated this song.. Bush is just one example of who we are speaking of...People will use others to get what they want..No matter what the consequences are...Do you know someone like this?!?!
All your life was based on trash.
envoyé par giorgio 22/11/2009 - 08:56

Bush War Shoes

Bush War Shoes
Parla Muntazar Al Zaidi, il giornalista iracheno che contestò Bush. Oggi pensa a una fondazione per i diritti umani e parla delle accuse di tortura

La nuova vita del lanciatore di scarpe
"E oggi colpirei anche Obama"

di Francesca Caferri da La Repubblica del 28 ottobre 2009

GINEVRA - Le scarpe questa volta sono nere. Mocassini leggeri con un piccolo intreccio sul davanti. Di quelli che, se pure ti arrivassero in testa, non farebbero troppo male. Muntazar Al Zaidi è abituato al fatto che la gente fissi le sue calzature. "Made in Iraq", dice con un sorriso che svela il dente mancante, "ricordo", come lo chiama lui, dei nove mesi passati in carcere a Bagdad. Al Zaidi è l'uomo che il 14 dicembre del 2008 durante una conferenza stampa lanciò le scarpe al presidente americano George W. Bush, alla sua ultima visita a Bagdad.

Sono passati dieci mesi da quel giorno, nove dei quali trascorsi... (continuer)
Alessandro 28/10/2009 - 15:44

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