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Parcour Hiroshima e Nagasaki 広島市 - 長崎市

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Fags should be exterminated like in Hiroshima
23/6/2006 - 19:43

ひろしまから [From Hiroshima]




La canzone sembra essere stata composta negli anni '60 collettivamente da un "Consiglio di sopravvissuti ai bombardamenti di Tokyo" - ma è stato usato il traduttore automatico di Google per la pagina sulla quale è stato reperito il testo.

The song seems to have been composed in the 60's by a "Tokyo Bombings Survivors Council" - but we have used Google automatic page translator on the page the lyrics are reproduced from. [CCG/AWS Staff]

以前江戸川区での平和コンサート(主催:親江会=江戸川区在住被爆者の会)でそのような話を聞いた記憶があります。このコンサートで、福原道子さんの篠笛奏者が演奏した「ドームの祈り」という曲(お父さんの寶 山左衛門の作品ということで、CD「笛のこころ」に収録されてます)は、やはり「ひろしま」関連の一つです。このように草の根的に広まっている「ひろしま」。今年はご存知のように被爆60年。日本のうたごえ祭典も10月に広島で開催されますね。

焼き尽くされた 広島に
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi-san 20/4/2006 - 21:11
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Alternative Japanese version, from this page

作曲者ジョルジュ・ムスタキは、ギリシャ系ユダヤ人です。1973年 東京音楽祭にゲストとして初来日以来、何度も日本で公演を行い、日本でも幅広いファンを抱えてます。ファンクラブも出来てます。
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 20/4/2006 - 20:14
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原爆許すまじ [No More Atomic Bombs]

原爆許すまじ [No More Atomic Bombs]
The English version by Ewan McColl.

Si tratta della versione inglese del grande folksinger Ewan McColl (marito di Peggy Seeger e quindi cognato di Pete Seeger, che ha pure interpretato la canzone). Inserita prima a suo nome, fino a quando non è stato reperito il testo originale giapponese della canzone-

The following is the English version by the great folksinger Ewan McColl (the husband to Peggy Seeger, who has performed the song, too and, thus, Pete Seeger's brother-in-law). Formerly included to his name until the original Japanese lyrics have been found and contributed.
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 20/4/2006 - 18:00
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原爆許すまじ [No More Atomic Bombs]

Sostituisce la versione italiana di quella inglese di Ewan McColl presente sinora. E' ripresa da La musica dell'altra Italia
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 19/4/2006 - 22:23
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原爆許すまじ [No More Atomic Bombs]

La trascrizione del testo originale giapponese [1a strofa]
Romanized Japanese lyrics [1st Stanza]

Special thanks to Janet Patterson for contributing the Romanized lyrics, which have been emended, and partly respelt, according to Roland von Malmborg's Swedish version.

Un ringraziamento speciale a Janet Patterson per aver fornito la trascrizione testo, che è stato emendato, e in parte corretto ortograficamente, in base alla versione svedese di Roland von Malmborg.

"A song by Ishiji Asada sung by Pete Seeger on The Rainbow Quest album (available on Folkways from globalsound at the Smithsonian for download or on CD:"
Furusato no machi yakare
envoyé par Janet Patterson 19/4/2006 - 21:39
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Poesia di Rasul Gamzatov (ХӀамзатил Расул) scritta originariamente in lingua àvara
Dalla raccolta "Покуда вертится Земля" [1976]
Traduzione russa di Naum Grebnëv
Musica di Jan Frenkel [1969]
Interpretata da Mark Bernes [Album: Журавли, 1969]
A poem by Rasul Gamzatov (ХӀамзатил Расул) originally written in the Avar language
From the collection of poems "Покуда вертится Земля" [1976]
Russian translation by Naum Grebnyov
Music by Yan Frenkel [1969]
Performed by Mark Bernes [Album: Журавли, 1969]
Оригинальное стихотворение Расула Гамзатова на аварском языке
Из сборника стихов Покуда вертится Земля [1976]
Перевод с аварского Наума Гребнëва
Mузыка Яна Френкеля [1969]
Интерпретировал Марк Бернес [Альбум: Журавли, 1969]
Poème de Rassoul Gamzatov écrit originellement en langue avare
De la collection de poèmes "Покуда вертится Земля" [1976]
Traduction russe de Naoum... (continuer)
Мне кажется порою, что солдаты, [1]
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 24/1/2006 - 01:40
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原爆許すまじ [No More Atomic Bombs]

原爆許すまじ [No More Atomic Bombs]
La versione svedese di Roland von Malmborg.
Swedish version by Roland von Malmborg.

La versione, nel testo svedese, consta soltanto della prima strofa e del ritornello. In seguito, Malmborg canta la stessa prima strofa e il ritornello nell'originale giapponese di Ishiji (Sekiji) Asada e Koki Kinoshita (nella traslitterazione di Malmborg, basata ovviamente sulla grafia svedese).
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 3/1/2006 - 13:34
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Hiroshima mon amour

Hiroshima mon amour
It was newborn and ten feet tall,
5/10/2005 - 22:40
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Album: Dirty Fingers - 1983
They still remember
5/10/2005 - 22:36
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Catalan version
Da / From Eduquem en pau
6/8/2005 - 16:03
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English Version by Riccardo Venturi
5 agosto / August 5, 2005
5/8/2005 - 19:55
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English Version by Riccardo Venturi
Version anglaise de Riccardo Venturi
5 agosto / August 5, 2005
5/8/2005 - 19:39
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Nagasaki Nightmare

Nagasaki Nightmare

Da/From questa pagina / this page

"On the 6th of August 1945, Hiroshima in Japan, gained a certain permanent place in history as the first city to be destroy by a nuclear bomb. As a result of that attack, 250 000 people alone have died. Three days later, on August the 9, Nagasaki suffered the same faith, a counting for another 60 000 deaths. We will never know how many people are now dying as a result of those attacks. It is estimated that fifty percent of the deaths in the two bombing resulted from burns. Anyone within half a mile from the blast stood little chance of survival, and those that did almost certainly would have died weeks later from radiation sickness. Long term radiation effects are equally terrifying: leukemia, genetic defects, retarded development, malignment deceases, shorten life span, death. Radioactive fallout is carried hundred of miles by the wind and is deposit into the soil by rain and snowfall. The number of deaths and tragedies as a result of nuclear bomb on the earth surface..."
They're always there high in the skies...
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 1/8/2005 - 17:24
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I Come and Stand at Every Door

English translation by Howard Fast of the poem by Nazim Hikmet
I Come and Stand at Every Door
Versione inglese di Howard Fast della poesia di Nazim Hikmet

The first English version of the song I found was in Masses and Mainstream, monthly, New York, June 1955. It printed three songs of Nazim Hikmet, under the title "Poems for Peace," with the following note:

"These three songs of peace were written for the World Assembly of Peace by the famous Turkish poet, Nazim Hikmet. They were set to music by Czech composers, and the music as well as literal translations of the Turkish original was sent to Paul Robeson and Howard Fast in New York.

"What follows are the texts which Howard Fast wrote to the Czech music, basing himself as nearly as possible within the musical framework upon Nazim Hikmet's original version. They will be recorded by Paul Robeson, whose voice will be heard in Helsinki by the men women of the world assembly."

The World Peace Council was at that time trying to get... (continuer)
12/6/2005 - 18:40
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When The Bomb Drops

When The Bomb Drops
When the bomb drops I'll be a bank holiday
5/6/2005 - 22:51

Cranes over Hiroshima

Cranes over Hiroshima
Lyrics and music by Fred Small
Testo e musica di Fred Small

Album No Limit
The baby blinks her eyes as the sun falls from the sky
envoyé par Monia 5/4/2005 - 09:51
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Fills d'Hiroshima

Fills d'Hiroshima
23/1/2005 - 22:40

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