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La tierra misma/The same ball of clay

La tierra misma/The same ball of clay
Hello one more time

Might we add the following to my profile, please:

My sister Marcia was the real musical talent in our family. She could play piano, guitar and flute. In fact, she was first chair flutist in high school. Marcia could also knit beautifully, weave, bake, cook and do anything involving creativity. Cancer took her from us far too soon. Please, everyone, do not smoke and do not let anyone do that around you. "Vaping" is still smoking, still dangerous and to be avoided.
Linda Beck 16/7/2024 - 01:59

La tierra misma/The same ball of clay

Hello, Ciao, Hola!

I'd be happy to although I'm not much of a "social media" person. I do have a Linkedin account for my work at Southern New Hampshire University.

I am a lifelong resident of Wisconsin, USA, born in 1965. In grade school, the music teacher used to bully us and snap her fingers in our little faces. She was quite scary, intimidating, so I was sure I'd never want to do anything musical! When I was in the 9th grade, my history and social studies teacher( Sonja Ivanovich was among the most influential people ever in my life) played protest songs for us when we studied the 1960s. Immediately, I fell in love with Joan Baez.

I took up guitar at age 16 and taught myself to sing by singing along with Baez's recordings until I could get into her range. Truth be told, I wanted to be her! At some point I realized that Baez is one of a kind and I can only be me, so I try to be the... (continuer)
Linda Beck 16/7/2024 - 01:48
Downloadable! Video!


Gratulon pro tiu pagho ! Mi deziras al vi akiron de multe pli da versioj en pliaj lingvoj !
Mi kantas l'Estaca en la occitana kun danciga kant-grupo "Lo Cor de Cantarata". Jorgos-LoJordi ESPERANTOC.
Jorgos-LoJordi ESPERANTOC 15/7/2024 - 22:15
Downloadable! Video!


Un decreto emesso a due giorni dal secondo turno delle legislative francesi accelera il confronto-scontro tra governo e compagnie minerarie nei confronti degli ecologisti.


Gianni Sartori

Premessa doverosa per chi scrive (ma che l'eventuale lettore può elegantemente saltare): oltre a non possedere un cellulare, nonostante l'età avanzata continuo a pedalare di mio rinunciando alla bici elettrica (il “motorino” per i ciclisti autentici).

Purtroppo, nonostante vari tentativi infruttuosi, non riesco invece (almeno per ora) a eliminare dalla mia vita il computer. Infatti nessuno accetta più articoli su carta, pazientemente composti e ricomposti con la macchina da scrivere.

Per cui delle due una. O smetto definitivamente di scrivere (potrebbe essere una buona idea, sicuramente apprezzata da qualche detrattore) e mi dedico ad altro... (continuer)
Gianni Sartori 10/7/2024 - 09:05

Le sciocche illusioni

Le sciocche illusioni
Testo e musica / Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel:
Gianni Siviero

Album:Disco nero
Se quello è il duomo e tu lo chiami domm
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 7/7/2024 - 18:17

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