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Make America Hate Again

Make America Hate Again
Heart Aid First Kit

Il titolo riprende il motto elettorale di Donald Trump: Make America Great Again... che poi quando gli Stati Uniti sarebbero stati "Grandi"?
Can you feel the tide is turning 
envoyé par Dq82 29/8/2017 - 09:58
Parcours: Donald Trump
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One Small Voice

One Small Voice
Re-released in 2017

I wrote the words and music for the song “One Small Voice” in 1982. More than two decades later I re-recorded it because I wanted a version without synthesizers. I had forgotten about the second recording until January 20, 2017.

On January 21, 2017 men, women, and children of all ages with a variety of political views marched peacefully in “Women’s Marches” on seven continents around the world. I marched in a snowstorm in Stanley, Idaho (pop. 63) with 29 other people comprising half the town. I carried a handmade sign that said “One Small Voice” because I’ve never stopped believing that one small voice plus millions of other small voices is exactly how we change the world.

I’m making the updated recording of “One Small Voice” available to everyone because it will take the strength and persistence of many small voices to overcome the lies of the loudest voice with our message of truth, dignity, and decency.

huffington post
The Emperor’s got no clothes on
envoyé par Dq82 19/5/2017 - 17:37
Parcours: Donald Trump
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The Times They Are a-Changing Back

The Times They Are a-Changing Back
Sulla musica di The Times They Are A-Changin'

"I wrote these lyrics within half an hour of seeing Donald Trump's inaugural speech last Friday evening and played it in Salisbury that night. With apologies to Bob Dylan."
Come gather around people wherever you roam
envoyé par Dq82 18/5/2017 - 12:50
Parcours: Donald Trump

Leur bon Président

Leur bon Président
Chanson parodique de langue française – Leur bon Président – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2017
inspirée par Eugène Pottier et sa chanson Leur bon Dieu – 1884

L’autre soir, Lucien l’âne mon ami, j’ai reçu moi aussi la visite d’un revenant inquiet. Souviens-toi de la Commune, souviens-toi de Nuremberg, il est des massacreurs, il est des assassins qu’il vaut mieux arrêter avant qu’ils ne sévissent.

Un revenant, un fantôme, tu en as d’étranges visiteurs nocturnes ? Marco Valdo M.I. mon ami. Je me demande qui ça peut être et pourquoi tu en parles ici.

Il m’a dit : prends une de mes chansons et fais-en une bigarade contre ce gros balourd étazunien. Peut-être, lui demandai-je, veux-tu dire une arlequinade, une pasquinade, enfin bref, un pasquin.
Et il m’incite plus encore : fais-en une moquerie, une raillerie, un brocard, une goguenardise, une ironie, envoie-lui des lazzi et des gros mots. Cet... (continuer)
Au citoyen Donald Trump de New-York.
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 9/2/2017 - 21:01
Parcours: Donald Trump
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Antonia vs Trump

Antonia vs Trump
Letra y música: Los Morancos de Triana
Testo e musica: Los Morancos de Triana

Los Morancos enfrentan a Antonia con Trump en su nueva parodía
El País - Pablo Cantó, 18 nov. 2016

Música y humor. Esas son las herramientas con las que Los Morancos llevan dos años comentando la actualidad en su canal de YouTube. Han publicado su última canción el 18 de noviembre, con la elección de Donald Trump y sus políticas de inmigración como tema. Tres horas después de su publicación, "Los Morancos" ya se había colado entre los trending topic nacionales.

La canción enfrenta a Donald Trump, futuro presidente de los Estados Unidos –e interpretado con un parecido más que razonable por César Cadaval–, con Antonia, una madre que llama a la defensa chancla en mano y que pretende representar a todos los hispanos. Es uno de los personajes recurrentes del dúo cómico (pareja de Omaíta), interpretada... (continuer)
Desde Barrameda Beach, para el mundo
envoyé par L'Anonimo Toscano del XXI secolo 30/1/2017 - 18:20
Parcours: Donald Trump
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Land of the Free

Land of the Free

“Land of the Free” is the third single off Joey Bada$$’s second album, AABA. It was released on January 20, coinciding with both Joey’s birthday and Donald Trump’s Presidential inauguration.

The track is about America’s many flaws, specifically focusing on corruption and inequality. Joey teased the track on January 16th for Martin Luther King Day.


Released on Inauguration Day, "Land of the Free" is a biting anti-Trump rap delivered in a smooth package. With lines like “Donald Trump is not equipped to take this country over," its message isn't subtle—it's a clear indictment of the new president.
29/1/2017 - 20:37
Parcours: Donald Trump
On vous l’avait déjà dit qu’il nous donnerait beaucoup de boulot; donc, nous venons de créer son beau parcours spécial. Il nous va faire regretter George W. Bush, c’est sûr: Make America Shit!
Riccardo Venturi 29/1/2017 - 20:09
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We the People....

We the People....
Album: We got it from Here... Thank You 4 Your service (2016)

Parole da Genius
batteria campionata da "Behind the Wall of Sleep" dei Black Sabbath

Una delle canzoni più politiche dell'album, "We the People..." (il cui titolo riprende ironicamente l'incipit della Costituzione statunitense), affronta i problemi della violenza poliziesca contro la comunità nera ed il razzismo del neo eletto Donald Trump.

Released three days after the election, A Tribe Called Quest’s new album, “We got it from Here…Thank You 4 Your service” makes statement after artful statement about racism in the United States. Additionally, the members of the group are Muslim and bring the fight against growing Islamophobia into their rhymes.

Aside from being a statement on the injustices committed against people of color, Tribe’s “We The People” offers a solution. The lyrics call out the propensity to turn a blind... (continuer)
[Verse 1: Q-Tip]
6/1/2017 - 20:54
Nous avons l'impression que ce monsieur très riche, qui vient d'être élu président des États Clé d'Amérique, remplira ce site de chansons. God bless America (pourquoi bien...?)
Riccardo Venturi 9/11/2016 - 08:49

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