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Parcour La Grande Guerre (1914-1918)

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O Gorizia, tu sei maledetta

O Gorizia, tu sei maledetta
L’unione di terra e sangue può solo far venire il tetano.

Cos’è accaduto a #Gorizia il 23 maggio? Guerra, fascismi, confini, sdoganamenti
Interessante articolo su giap, a cui rimandiamo
CCG Staff 30/5/2015 - 21:38
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Monte Pasubio

Monte Pasubio
@Nipote di un reduce Alpino: Il canto "Monte Pasubio" è un canto d'autore, parole di Carlo Gemignani e musica di Bepi de Marzi, con questo non voglio dire che non sia un canto ispirato al periodo della ritirata dal Pasubio. E anzi è uno dei pochissimi canti che si sono ispirati alle vicende del Pasubio.
Ma quello che tendo a sottolineare è che essendo d'autore, e l'autore nato nel 1935, non può essere considerato un Canto della Prima Guerra Mondiale (e neppure della seconda)... ovvero nato tra i soldati (alpini) in quel periodo.
Senza dubbio un gran bel canto "ispirato" alla Grande Guerra, inciso nel 1968 da "I Crodaioli" di De Marzi.
Non mi risulta quindi non potesse essere cantata in presenza di ufficiali, tanto che il Coro della Brigata Alpina Julia lo ha sempre avuto in repertorio fin dal 1979...
Vedo! :-)
Ivan Fozzer 22/5/2015 - 16:43
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envoyé par Juha Rämö 3/5/2015 - 11:00
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La Butte Rouge

Versione neerlandese del cantante belga Wim De Craene, morto suicida nel 1990 a soli 40 anni.
La Butte Rouge
Musica di Jaap van de Merwe, dall’album “[[|Wim De Craene]]” del 1973.
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 30/4/2015 - 14:35
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There's a Long, Long Trail

There's a Long, Long Trail
Parole di Stoddard King (1889–1933), autore e cantautore
Musica di Alonzo "Zo" Elliott (1891-1964), compositore e cantautore
L’interpretazione più nota è quella del grande tenore irlandese John McCormack, nel 1917.

June Tabor ne ha offerta una propria versione – intitolata “The Long, Long Trail” - nel disco collettivo “We Died in Hell—They Called it Passchendaele” (1993)

La canzone fu pubblicata negli USA nel 1914, poco prima dello scoppio della guerra in Europa e divenne immediatamente popolarissima tra i soldati americani lì spediti a combattere a partire dall’aprile del 1917. Veniva usata spesso per chiudere i concerti per le truppe e l’esecuzione era sempre seguita da un lungo, commosso e significativo silenzio.
Nights are growing very lonely,
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 30/4/2015 - 14:02

Home Fit for Heroes

Home Fit for Heroes
Parole di Les Barker (1947-), poeta di Manchester.
Musica di Martin Carthy.
Interpretata da Norma Waterson nel disco di Les Barker intitolato “Some Love”, con June Tabor, Roy Bailey, Eliza e Martin Carthy, Chris Harvey, Ken Nicol e molti altri
They died in their millions,
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 30/4/2015 - 08:49
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All of No Man's Land Is Ours

All of No Man's Land Is Ours

The album version of LAMENT should be heard as a studio reconstruction of a work primarily designed to be performed live, rather than an official new Einstürzende Neubauten LP proper.

In truth, the piece can only be fully realised, as well as best experienced, in its physical embodiment, performed on or by founding member Andrew Unruh’s gigantic instruments and noise generating devices that visually evoke the horrors the work describes or embeds in the sounds they conjure from the filth and terror of the industrialised 20th century world at war with itself.

But in fulfilling what at first appears to be a surprise commission for such a formidable longtime outsider group, Einstürzende Neubauten transformed the earthy, idiosyncratic contents they mined from academic, state, music hall and internet archives with the help of their two researchers into a richly complex cycle of... (continuer)
Hello, Central, Hello, hurry, Give me four-oh-three; Hello, Mary, Hello, Jerry, Yes, yes, this is me! Just landed at the pier And found the telephone, We’ve been parted for a year, Thank God, at last I’m home! Haven’t time to talk a lot, Though I’m feeling mighty gay; Listen, sweet forget-me-not, I’ve only time to say:
envoyé par dq82 28/4/2015 - 16:12
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How did I die?

How did I die?

The album version of LAMENT should be heard as a studio reconstruction of a work primarily designed to be performed live, rather than an official new Einstürzende Neubauten LP proper.

In truth, the piece can only be fully realised, as well as best experienced, in its physical embodiment, performed on or by founding member Andrew Unruh’s gigantic instruments and noise generating devices that visually evoke the horrors the work describes or embeds in the sounds they conjure from the filth and terror of the industrialised 20th century world at war with itself.

But in fulfilling what at first appears to be a surprise commission for such a formidable longtime outsider group, Einstürzende Neubauten transformed the earthy, idiosyncratic contents they mined from academic, state, music hall and internet archives with the help of their two researchers into a richly complex cycle of... (continuer)
I was in a crater
envoyé par dq82 28/4/2015 - 16:00
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The album version of LAMENT should be heard as a studio reconstruction of a work primarily designed to be performed live, rather than an official new Einstürzende Neubauten LP proper.

In truth, the piece can only be fully realised, as well as best experienced, in its physical embodiment, performed on or by founding member Andrew Unruh’s gigantic instruments and noise generating devices that visually evoke the horrors the work describes or embeds in the sounds they conjure from the filth and terror of the industrialised 20th century world at war with itself.

But in fulfilling what at first appears to be a surprise commission for such a formidable longtime outsider group, Einstürzende Neubauten transformed the earthy, idiosyncratic contents they mined from academic, state, music hall and internet archives with the help of their two researchers into a richly complex cycle of... (continuer)
envoyé par dq82 28/4/2015 - 15:44
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On Patrol in No Man's Land

On Patrol in No Man's Land

The album version of LAMENT should be heard as a studio reconstruction of a work primarily designed to be performed live, rather than an official new Einstürzende Neubauten LP proper.

In truth, the piece can only be fully realised, as well as best experienced, in its physical embodiment, performed on or by founding member Andrew Unruh’s gigantic instruments and noise generating devices that visually evoke the horrors the work describes or embeds in the sounds they conjure from the filth and terror of the industrialised 20th century world at war with itself.

But in fulfilling what at first appears to be a surprise commission for such a formidable longtime outsider group, Einstürzende Neubauten transformed the earthy, idiosyncratic contents they mined from academic, state, music hall and internet archives with the help of their two researchers into a richly complex cycle of... (continuer)
What the time? Nine?
envoyé par Donquijote82 28/4/2015 - 15:27
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The Willy - Nicky Telegrams

The Willy - Nicky Telegrams

The album version of LAMENT should be heard as a studio reconstruction of a work primarily designed to be performed live, rather than an official new Einstürzende Neubauten LP proper.

In truth, the piece can only be fully realised, as well as best experienced, in its physical embodiment, performed on or by founding member Andrew Unruh’s gigantic instruments and noise generating devices that visually evoke the horrors the work describes or embeds in the sounds they conjure from the filth and terror of the industrialised 20th century world at war with itself.

But in fulfilling what at first appears to be a surprise commission for such a formidable longtime outsider group, Einstürzende Neubauten transformed the earthy, idiosyncratic contents they mined from academic, state, music hall and internet archives with the help of their two researchers into a richly complex cycle of... (continuer)
tsar to kaiser]
envoyé par dq82 28/4/2015 - 13:10
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The album version of LAMENT should be heard as a studio reconstruction of a work primarily designed to be performed live, rather than an official new Einstürzende Neubauten LP proper.

In truth, the piece can only be fully realised, as well as best experienced, in its physical embodiment, performed on or by founding member Andrew Unruh’s gigantic instruments and noise generating devices that visually evoke the horrors the work describes or embeds in the sounds they conjure from the filth and terror of the industrialised 20th century world at war with itself.

But in fulfilling what at first appears to be a surprise commission for such a formidable longtime outsider group, Einstürzende Neubauten transformed the earthy, idiosyncratic contents they mined from academic, state, music hall and internet archives with the help of their two researchers into a richly complex cycle of... (continuer)
Heil dir im Siegerkranz,
envoyé par dq82 28/4/2015 - 12:27
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Stelutis Alpinis

Stelutis Alpinis
Ho 65 anni. Ho cominciato ad ascoltare questa "Preghiera di un popolo" (e che da questa terra friulana nasce)quando avevo 6-7 anni. La cantavano gli avventori dell'osteria dei miei,nelle sere d'inverno intorno alla stufa. Contadini , operai,con qualche "Ragazzo del '99" : gente seria e dura; ma, finito il canto, un lungo silenzio continuava a "cantare" ... nel Cuore e negli Occhi.
Ed io, ancora oggi ogni volta che l'ascolto, sento in gola quel famoso "grop".
Provo anch'io una "traduzione" delle ultime due strofe.

Prendi su, prendi una stellina:
è il ricordo del nostro amore.
Tu gli darai un piccolo bacio
e poi nascondila nel seno.

Quando a casa Tu sei sola
e con il Cuore preghi per me,
Il mio spirito Ti vola attorno,
io e la stella
siamo lì con Te.

Trovo Molto Bella anche la "versione" di De Gregori.
Luigi Girardi 27/4/2015 - 12:20
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La licenza

La licenza
Non sono io l'autore, ma e' una filastrocca che conosco da sempre.
Brutta zozza sei morta 'mbriaca (3 volte)
5/4/2015 - 11:14
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Dead Soldiers’ Wives Don’t Dance

Dead Soldiers’ Wives Don’t Dance
Parole e musica di W. J. “Bill” Adair, singer songwriter di Glasgow.
See them marching to the railway in their uniforms and boots,
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 25/3/2015 - 14:16
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Finalmente la guerra è finita

Finalmente la guerra è finita
Chanson italienne – Finalmente la guerra è finita – anonimo – ca. 1918/19

Voici, Lucien l'âne mon ami, une chanson qui donne à réfléchir à certains aspects de la mémoire des guerres. Je te précise tout de suite que je n'ai aucune envie de célébrer les chants guerriers, les hymnes à la nation combattante et autres fariboles, juste bonne pour les chœurs et les fanfares militaires et leurs aficionados nationalistes et guerriers. Je n'en ai pas plus pour les chants patriotards et les litanies aux glorieux vainqueurs – une fois dans un sens, une fois dans l'autre.

C'est donc une chanson qui raconte une autre histoire, une chanson de guerre mais qui ne sacrifie pas au Dieu de la Guerre : Arès ou Mars. Mais dis-moi ce qu'elle a de particulier...

Elle a une double caractéristique : d'une part, c'est une chanson sur une guerre finie, sur une paix renaissante et le héraut qui la chante n'est généralement... (continuer)
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 21/3/2015 - 12:30
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Addio Venezia addio [El diciaòto novembre]

Addio Venezia addio [El diciaòto novembre]
Video della canzone su youtube (Versione del Canzoniere Popolare Veneto)

Giada 2/3/2015 - 08:01

Le champ d'honneur

Le champ d'honneur
dall'album "14-18 - Une vie d' bonhomme" pubblicato nel 2008 nel quale il trio francese mette in musica testi originali scritti durante la Grande Guerra. Nel disco compare anche una versione della celebre Chanson de Craonne
Ayant obligé l'homme de la terre
1/3/2015 - 22:57
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dall'album Approchez (2004)
23 janvier 1916
1/3/2015 - 22:49
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Kriegslied [So lebt der edle Kriegerstand]

Kriegslied [So lebt der edle Kriegerstand]
[März 1917]
Versi di Erich Mühsam (1878-1934), anarchico e poeta, una delle prime vittime del nazismo trionfante: arrestato nel 1933, subito dopo l’incendio del Reichstag, fu barbaramente trucidato nel campo di concentramento di Orianenburg il 10 luglio 1934.
Nella raccolta intitolata “Brennende Erde. Verse eines Kämpfers” pubblicata a Monaco nel 1920.
Questa poesia è già di per se stessa una canzone, come dal titolo.
In ogni caso è stata messa in musica da diversi artisti, come Gerhard Stäbler ‎(in “Für Später: Jetzt” del 1984), dai gruppi punk Blockade (nel loro disco omonimo del 1989) e Kaltfront ‎(nel loro “Zieh Dich Warm An” del 2006), dai Der Singende Tresen ‎(nel loro “Mühsamblues” del 2014) e da Claus Boysen e Rainer Abraham ‎(nel loro “Tucholsky Und Genossen”, data imprecisata)…
Oltre all’immancabile, prolificissimo Christoph Holzhöfer.
Sengen, brennen, schießen, stechen,
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 20/2/2015 - 09:55


envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 9/2/2015 - 15:39

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