La ragazza di Praga
Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / Sanat: Anna Andreoli
Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel: Dimitri Yordanov
Single: Fonit SPF 31241 La ragazza di Praga / Quando capirai
Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / Sanat: Anna Andreoli
Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel: Dimitri Yordanov
Single: Fonit SPF 31241 La ragazza di Praga / Quando capirai
Ragazza di Praga, ti ho amata
envoyé par Dq82 + CCG/AWS Staff 11/2/2022 - 10:10
Chanson italienne – Praga – Massimo Bubola – 1989
Dialogue Maïeutique
Ah, Lucien l’âne mon ami, nous voilà de retour à Prague.
Oui, Marco Valdo M.I. mon ami, finalement avec tes chansons, on est devenus des enfants d’Herbert Georges Wells, de véritables voyageurs temporels.
Quoi, dit Marco Valdo M.I., mais nous n’avons pas de machine ?
Certes, dit Lucien l’âne, nous n’avons pas de machine, mais nous avons les mots. Nous ne voyageons pas en peau et en poils, mais en chanson. Souviens-toi, à Prague, on y était déjà venus bien sûr quand on parlait d’Ilse Weber, Karel Kryl et d’autres, mais aussi en pèlerins pèlerinants avec Matthias, Matěj, l’Arlequin amoureux dont tu contas les aventures entre Marengo (1800) et Austerlitz (1815), au travers des lettres du Lieutenant : La Lettre de Marengo et La Lettre d’Austerlitz. On y était revenus avec Le Parti que créa pour les élections de Prague... (continuer)
Dialogue Maïeutique
Ah, Lucien l’âne mon ami, nous voilà de retour à Prague.
Oui, Marco Valdo M.I. mon ami, finalement avec tes chansons, on est devenus des enfants d’Herbert Georges Wells, de véritables voyageurs temporels.
Quoi, dit Marco Valdo M.I., mais nous n’avons pas de machine ?
Certes, dit Lucien l’âne, nous n’avons pas de machine, mais nous avons les mots. Nous ne voyageons pas en peau et en poils, mais en chanson. Souviens-toi, à Prague, on y était déjà venus bien sûr quand on parlait d’Ilse Weber, Karel Kryl et d’autres, mais aussi en pèlerins pèlerinants avec Matthias, Matěj, l’Arlequin amoureux dont tu contas les aventures entre Marengo (1800) et Austerlitz (1815), au travers des lettres du Lieutenant : La Lettre de Marengo et La Lettre d’Austerlitz. On y était revenus avec Le Parti que créa pour les élections de Prague... (continuer)
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 2/2/2022 - 12:01
Guardie e ladri
La Carovana
La Carovana
Restan segni e ferite per le strade
envoyé par Dq82 27/1/2021 - 12:09
Music for Prague 1968
Music for Prague 1968 is a programmatic work written by Czech-born composer Karel Husa for symphonic band and later transcribed for full orchestra, written shortly after the Soviet Union crushed the Prague Spring reform movement in Czechoslovakia in 1968. Karel Husa was sitting on the dock at his cottage in America at the time, listening to the BBC broadcast of the events on the radio. He was deeply moved, and wrote Music for Prague 1968 to memorialize the events. This piece is a standard among wind ensemble repertoire.
The work was commissioned by Ithaca College and was premiered in January 1969 in Washington, DC at the Music Educators National Conference by Dr. Kenneth Snapp and the Ithaca College Concert Band.
The work is scored for 2 Piccolos, 6 Flutes, 2 Oboes, English Horn, 2 Bassoons, Contrabassoon, Eb Clarinet, 9 Clarinets, Alto Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Contrabass Clarinet,... (continuer)
Music for Prague 1968 is a programmatic work written by Czech-born composer Karel Husa for symphonic band and later transcribed for full orchestra, written shortly after the Soviet Union crushed the Prague Spring reform movement in Czechoslovakia in 1968. Karel Husa was sitting on the dock at his cottage in America at the time, listening to the BBC broadcast of the events on the radio. He was deeply moved, and wrote Music for Prague 1968 to memorialize the events. This piece is a standard among wind ensemble repertoire.
The work was commissioned by Ithaca College and was premiered in January 1969 in Washington, DC at the Music Educators National Conference by Dr. Kenneth Snapp and the Ithaca College Concert Band.
The work is scored for 2 Piccolos, 6 Flutes, 2 Oboes, English Horn, 2 Bassoons, Contrabassoon, Eb Clarinet, 9 Clarinets, Alto Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Contrabass Clarinet,... (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 7/9/2019 - 15:29
con alcune correzioni (avevano messo Rambo al posto di Rimbaud, attenzione!!) e integrata nelle parti mancanti
2/6/2019 - 19:14
Tak vás tu máme (Bratři)
envoyé par Edvard Sidoryk 4/2/2019 - 21:31
Dědicům Palachovým
Millions of blind eyes, the snake's head on the coat of arms,
envoyé par Edvard Sidoryk 4/2/2019 - 21:29
Album: Auff!!
La canzone fa riferimento al fatto di cronaca accaduto all'Università di Palermo il 13 settembre 2010 quando Norman Zarcone, dottorando in filosofia, si suicidò gettandosì dal settimo piano dell'edificio.
“Norman/Primavera a Praga/il fuoco di Jan Palach te lo ricordi?” chiede la voce narrante a Norman Zarcone, nell’omonima “Norman”. Zarcone è, o meglio era, un giovane ricercatore universitario di 27 anni, morto suicida nel 2010 come Palach, non dandosi fuoco bensì gettandosi dal settimo piano dell’Università di Lettere e Filosofia di Palermo. Fu il suo modo di protestare, di scuotere un sistema marcio dominato dalle baronie. Un gesto per niente fine a sé stesso, come quello di Palach che provò a scuotere i suoi connazionali. “Poiché i nostri popoli sono sull’orlo della disperazione e della rassegnazione, abbiamo deciso di esprimere la nostra protesta e di scuotere la... (continuer)
Album: Auff!!
La canzone fa riferimento al fatto di cronaca accaduto all'Università di Palermo il 13 settembre 2010 quando Norman Zarcone, dottorando in filosofia, si suicidò gettandosì dal settimo piano dell'edificio.
“Norman/Primavera a Praga/il fuoco di Jan Palach te lo ricordi?” chiede la voce narrante a Norman Zarcone, nell’omonima “Norman”. Zarcone è, o meglio era, un giovane ricercatore universitario di 27 anni, morto suicida nel 2010 come Palach, non dandosi fuoco bensì gettandosi dal settimo piano dell’Università di Lettere e Filosofia di Palermo. Fu il suo modo di protestare, di scuotere un sistema marcio dominato dalle baronie. Un gesto per niente fine a sé stesso, come quello di Palach che provò a scuotere i suoi connazionali. “Poiché i nostri popoli sono sull’orlo della disperazione e della rassegnazione, abbiamo deciso di esprimere la nostra protesta e di scuotere la... (continuer)
Dottorando in filosofia
19/11/2018 - 21:52
North Winds
Aural Sculpture
That was mine, just a JJ 'where things are now' song. It was one of my melancholy songs about the very strong images that had occurred during my life, while I was growing up. The 'Orange road burning' was about the self immolation of Buddhist priests during the Vietnam war, setting themselves on fire. The 'Youth on fire' referred to Jan Palak, who I'd talked about before on Euroman. The 'Metal machines...' line was about the Prague spring in '68, when the Czechs tried to be much more liberal and the Russian tanks just rolled in. 'Two generations' referred to the two world wars, 'Birth pains' was about the birth of Israel and what I remembered about the Yom Kippur war. 'Freedom in the shape of disease' was about AIDS, suddenly this new word AIDS had arisen when we were writing Sculpture. It was an unknown disease then. 'Kids whose bellies' was about the west and the... (continuer)
Aural Sculpture
That was mine, just a JJ 'where things are now' song. It was one of my melancholy songs about the very strong images that had occurred during my life, while I was growing up. The 'Orange road burning' was about the self immolation of Buddhist priests during the Vietnam war, setting themselves on fire. The 'Youth on fire' referred to Jan Palak, who I'd talked about before on Euroman. The 'Metal machines...' line was about the Prague spring in '68, when the Czechs tried to be much more liberal and the Russian tanks just rolled in. 'Two generations' referred to the two world wars, 'Birth pains' was about the birth of Israel and what I remembered about the Yom Kippur war. 'Freedom in the shape of disease' was about AIDS, suddenly this new word AIDS had arisen when we were writing Sculpture. It was an unknown disease then. 'Kids whose bellies' was about the west and the... (continuer)
I saw an orange robe burning
envoyé par Dq82 14/10/2018 - 09:45
In questi giorni di cinquantenario dell'invasione della Cecoslovacchia, la canzone era stata reinserita come inavvertito doppione (e attribuita, seppure con qualche fondamento, a Shalom Hanoch). Il doppione è stato ovviamente eliminato, mantenendo sul sito solo questa pagina che risale a oltre undici anni fa.
CCG/AWS Staff 23/8/2018 - 09:36
They Can't Stop the Spring
Scritta da John Waters e Tommy Moran
Ultima classificata all'Eurovision 2007
La canzone prende spunto dalla famosa frase di Neruda: «Potranno tagliare tutti i fiori ma non fermeranno mai la primavera»,
Scritta da John Waters e Tommy Moran
Ultima classificata all'Eurovision 2007
La canzone prende spunto dalla famosa frase di Neruda: «Potranno tagliare tutti i fiori ma non fermeranno mai la primavera»,
The curtain has been raised
22/8/2018 - 00:05
Printemps de Prague 1968
Modlitba pro Martu
Proviene dal blog Learn Czech through Songs ed è quindi una traduzione letterale. In realtà, Marta Kubišová ha eseguito una versione inglese della canzone, della quale però il testo è irreperibile e che provvederemo, quindi, a trascrivere all'ascolto:
Prayer for Marta singer Kubišová recalls dramatic comeback during 1989's Velvet Revolution
Modlitba pro Martu, A Prayer for Marta, is a song that for many people will be forever associated with Czechoslovakia’s Velvet Revolution of 1989. Performed by the 1960s Czech pop star Marta Kubišová, it had previously come to symbolise resistance to the 1968 Soviet-led invasion.
Originally titled just Modlitba, the song was composed by Jiří Brabec with lyrics written especially for Kubišová by Petr Rada. Those inspirational lyrics include a quote from the 17th century Czech educator Comenius along the lines of, the people will one day once again... (continuer)
Prayer for Marta singer Kubišová recalls dramatic comeback during 1989's Velvet Revolution
Modlitba pro Martu, A Prayer for Marta, is a song that for many people will be forever associated with Czechoslovakia’s Velvet Revolution of 1989. Performed by the 1960s Czech pop star Marta Kubišová, it had previously come to symbolise resistance to the 1968 Soviet-led invasion.
Originally titled just Modlitba, the song was composed by Jiří Brabec with lyrics written especially for Kubišová by Petr Rada. Those inspirational lyrics include a quote from the 17th century Czech educator Comenius along the lines of, the people will one day once again... (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 21/8/2018 - 23:16
Riccardo Venturi 21/8/2018 - 22:11
Qui, nella traduzione italiana, ho sostituito "capecchio" con "stoppa", tout court. "Capecchio" è termine esistente, certamente, (sarebbe la "prima filatura della canapa"), ma è termine tecnico, settoriale, incomprensibile ai più. Assolutamente nessuno lo usa comunemente.
Riccardo Venturi 7/6/2018 - 15:40
Dědicům Palachovým
Il testo (leggermente corretto) scovato qui
envoyé par Krzysiek Wrona 25/1/2016 - 20:41
Tak vás tu máme (Bratři)
d'après la version italienne de Stanislava
Chanson tchèque – Tak vás tu máme (Bratři) – Karel Kryl – 1968
Ryzsard Siwiec (née à Dębica le 7 Mars 1909, mort à Varsovie le 12 septembre 1968) fut la première personne à s'immoler par le feu pour protester contre l'invasion de la Tchècoslovaquie en 1968. Il accomplit ce geste au stade de Varsovie à l'occasion de la fête de la récolte. Bien que son suicide fut repris par une caméra et que tout se fut produit en présence des chefs du parti communiste polonais et de très nombreux spectateurs, son geste n'eut pas d'écho dans les moyens de communication de masse et son nom resta presque méconnu. La presse polonaise n'en fit pas mention et le Parti Communiste Polonais en effaça toute trace. Peu de gens se rendirent compte de ce qu'il avait voulu obtenir par son sacrifice. Seulement après la chute du régime, on lui consacra un film documentaire... (continuer)
Chanson tchèque – Tak vás tu máme (Bratři) – Karel Kryl – 1968
Ryzsard Siwiec (née à Dębica le 7 Mars 1909, mort à Varsovie le 12 septembre 1968) fut la première personne à s'immoler par le feu pour protester contre l'invasion de la Tchècoslovaquie en 1968. Il accomplit ce geste au stade de Varsovie à l'occasion de la fête de la récolte. Bien que son suicide fut repris par une caméra et que tout se fut produit en présence des chefs du parti communiste polonais et de très nombreux spectateurs, son geste n'eut pas d'écho dans les moyens de communication de masse et son nom resta presque méconnu. La presse polonaise n'en fit pas mention et le Parti Communiste Polonais en effaça toute trace. Peu de gens se rendirent compte de ce qu'il avait voulu obtenir par son sacrifice. Seulement après la chute du régime, on lui consacra un film documentaire... (continuer)
MES BIEN CHERS FRÈRES... Enfin vous voilà !
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 30/7/2014 - 21:05
Una valle che brucia
Il working title di “Canzone di Alekos” era Canzone degli eroi, credo la risposta stia lì: i miei eroi, oggi, sono tutti quelli “noti o sconosciuti” capaci di sacrificare sé stessi per un ideale, per una lotta civile, o anche solo per non cedere a un ricatto.
Alekos Panagulis, Lelia Perez, Jàn Palach e Giancarlo Siani, che cito nel testo, sono solo alcuni esempi; molti di più ce ne sono, “noti o sconosciuti”, a cui dico “grazie e chiedo scusa per tutto”.
Unòrsominòre: un brontolone con la chitarra elettrica