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Parcour Génocide des Amérindiens

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Words of Fire, Deeds of Blood

Words of Fire, Deeds of Blood
Parole di Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt, meglio conosciuto come Capo Giuseppe, o Giuseppe Il Giovane (1840–1904), capo della tribù Wal-lam-wat-kain (Wallowa) del popolo nativo dei Niimíipu (Nez Perce), originariamente abitanti nel nord-est dell’attuale Oregon.
Adattamento e musica di Robbie Robertson, dal disco “Music For the Native Americans” del 1994, con il gruppo The Red Road Ensemble.

Uno dei tanti, coraggiosi discorsi pronunciati da Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt, prima e dopo l’incredibile e sfortunata impresa del 1877 quando, dopo aver rifiutato la deportazione in Idaho ma al tempo stesso di scontrarsi con i bianchi, condusse la sua tribù in un’epica fuga verso il Canada, nel tentativo di raggiungere i Sioux di Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake (Toro Seduto) che lì erano sconfinati qualche tempo prima. Braccati dall’esercito, i Niimíipu, militarmente organizzati da guerrieri come Toohoolhoolzote e... (continuer)
Perhaps you think the Creator sent you here
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 23/1/2014 - 11:32

Corri indiano

anonyme scrisse un capo con qualcuno del gruppo. .....isola del gran sasso o madonna del faggio?!?
capo delle puma 11/1/2014 - 18:10
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Album: Da musica la vita
Muntagne luminose è stese pulverose
envoyé par adriana 11/1/2014 - 11:39
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Soldier Blue

Soldier Blue
envoyé par Margherita 26/12/2013 - 20:44
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Wounded Knee

Wounded Knee
Morning On A Distant Shore

Written by Finbar Furey
They came with ease
envoyé par DonQuijote82 16/9/2013 - 18:56
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Scritta da Joni Mitchell e Larry Klein
Nell’album intitolato “Chalk Mark in a Rain Storm”
I am Lakota!
envoyé par Bernart 16/8/2013 - 23:03
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Noble Indian Chief

Noble Indian Chief
Noble Indian Chief
envoyé par anonymous 14/8/2013 - 19:58

Red Dawn

Red Dawn
Words: Mark Lane.
Music: Jim Schaffer


COVERED WAGON MUSICIANS: The group came into being in June of 1971, during the escalation of technological warfare by the Air Force, as just one of the voices of GI resistance at Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho. Two of the GIs against imperialism in the short—and long—one of the civilian organizers, Mark Lane, wrote the first original Wagon song, "Silver Bird" (about the awesome B-52s and the resistance of the GIs who work on them), Since then, hundreds of GIs, both enlisted and commissioned women and men, together with their civilian friends, have shaped the experiences of the Covered Wagon. Our songs have been sung everywhere on the base: in the barracks, on the flight line, in the planes, in the maintenance shops, in the chow hall, off the base at the project, after a collective meal, a newspaper planning meeting, beer blasts, study groups... (continuer)
I feel the plains are singing
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 19/7/2013 - 21:20



Album :(Guamary) Tupac Amaru, 500 años
Arriero de mil caminos,
envoyé par adriana 24/5/2013 - 11:38

Cochayuyo / Chuccuruma

Cochayuyo / Chuccuruma

Album :(Guamary) Tupac Amaru, 500 años
No te diré nada,
envoyé par adriana 24/5/2013 - 11:34

Tupac Amaru 500 Años De Resistencia

Tupac Amaru 500 Años De Resistencia

Album :(Guamary) Tupac Amaru, 500 años
Hoy, cuando se van a cumplir cinco siglos
envoyé par adriana 24/5/2013 - 11:24

Sitting Bull

Sitting Bull
Lyrics & Music by Forrest Tegtmeier

The Ghost Dance (Caddo: Nanissáanah, also called the Ghost Dance of 1890) was a new religious movement which was incorporated into numerous Native American belief systems. According to the prophet Jack Wilson (Wovoka)'s teachings, proper practice of the dance would reunite the living with the spirits of the dead and bring peace, prosperity, and unity to native peoples throughout the region. The basis for the Ghost Dance, the circle dance, is a traditional ritual which has been used by many Native Americans since prehistoric times, but this new form was first practiced among the Nevada Paiute in 1889. The practice swept throughout much of the Western United States, quickly reaching areas of California and Oklahoma. As the Ghost Dance spread from its original source, Native American tribes synthesized selective aspects of the ritual with their... (continuer)
Darkness flying above me like a crow into the night
envoyé par giorgio 24/5/2013 - 09:21
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Wounded Knee

Wounded Knee
Lyrics & Music by Alastair Hughes
Album: Who Cares Any More
Take a trip with me to the big country
envoyé par giorgio 23/5/2013 - 10:37

Native Americans

Native Americans
Lyrics and Music by Frank A. Dicker, Sr.

A Tribute To Native Americans.

Personnel: Frank Dicker, Sr., composer and artist. Jim Dicker, Sr. lead guitar, JR Dicker, drums, Patrick Hughes, Bass and Keyboards and Robin Hughes, vocals and percussion.
Mothers and Fathers showed them how to pray,
envoyé par giorgio 23/5/2013 - 09:23

Fight No More

Fight No More
Album: Year of the Crow

Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt, Hinmatóowyalahtq̓it in Americanist orthography, popularly known as Chief Joseph, or Young Joseph (March 3, 1840 – September 21, 1904), succeeded his father Tuekakas (Chief Joseph the Elder) as the leader of the Wal-lam-wat-kain (Wallowa) band of Nez Percés ('pierced noses'), a Native American tribe indigenous to the Wallowa Valley in northeastern Oregon, in the interior Pacific Northwest region of the United States.

He led his band during the most tumultuous period in their contemporary history when they were forcibly removed from their ancestral lands in the Wallowa Valley by the United States federal government and forced to move northeast, onto the significantly reduced reservation in Lapwai, Idaho Territory. A series of events which culminated in episodes of violence led those Nez Perce who resisted removal including Joseph's... (continuer)
On behalf of the resistance
envoyé par giorgio 22/5/2013 - 16:21

Anastasio Aquino

Anastasio Aquino
Parole e musica di Paulino Espinoza dei Yolocamba I Ta
Testo trovato sul sito del gruppo salvadoregno.‎

Come El indio Anastasio Aquino, una canzone sulla rivolta indigena in Salvador nel 1833.‎

‎Nel 1824, quando il processo indipendentista in centro America era giunto al suo ‎fulcro, conclusasi la brevissima parentesi del “Primer Imperio Mexicano”, si arrivò alla costituzione ‎della “República Federal de Centro América” comprendente gli attuali territori di Guatemala, El ‎Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua e Costa Rica. La nuova entità politica ebbe fin dall’inizio vita ‎difficile (e infatti non durò poi che 15 anni) perché per le necessità di bilancio si imposero nuovi e ‎pesanti tributi sulla proprietà e per quelle della difesa venne reintrodotto l’odioso reclutamento ‎forzato. Come accade in ogni epoca e in ogni angolo del mondo, ad essere colpite maggiormente ‎dalla nuove misure furono... (continuer)
En mil ochocientos treinta y tres
envoyé par Bernart 29/4/2013 - 13:01


Parole di Omar Ernesto Michoelsson
Musica di Alan Gomes
Testo trovato su Los Charrúas del ‎Uruguay (dove il brano può anche essere ascoltato)

‎La città di Tacuarembó, di cui lo storico Ernesto Michoelsson è originario, fu ‎istituita nel 1831 con decreto a firma di don Fructuoso Rivera. Da Tacuarembó passa una delle ‎arterie stradali più importanti del paese, la “Ruta 5, Brigadier General Fructuoso Rivera”… Già, ‎perchè Fructuoso Rivera (1784-1854) è stato il primo presidente costituzionale dell’Uruguay, un ‎pezzo grosso insomma, uno che cominciò la sua sfolgorante carriera combattendo per ‎l’indipendenza al fianco del “padre della patria” ‎‎José Gervasio Artigas. Ma se lo ‎sfortunato Artigas fu davvero il “Protector de los Pueblos Libres”, avendo in massima ‎considerazione negros, gauchos e, soprattutto, i nativi ‎‎charrúas tra i quali era cresciuto e si era fatto ‎uomo (ebbe moglie indigena... (continuer)
En las puntas del Queguay
envoyé par Bernart 24/4/2013 - 14:30
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Wounded Knee

Wounded Knee
What colour's in fashion
envoyé par adriana 21/4/2013 - 13:29
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Album: Mission Blvd.
A long time ago in the town of Genoa
envoyé par giorgio 17/4/2013 - 09:31

Antiguos dueños de flechas (Indio Toba)‎

Antiguos dueños de flechas (Indio Toba)‎
‎[1972] ‎
Scritta da Félix Luna, detto Falucho (1925-2009, avvocato, storico, scrittore ed artista argentino) e ‎Ariel Ramírez (1921-2010, compositore e pianista argentino)‎
Dall’album “Cantata Sudamericana”‎
Testo trovato su‎

‎I Toba o Qom sono un’etnia nativa del Chaco centrale, Argentina. ‎
Li abbiamo già incontrati in Soy e Mi tierra, entrambe di Lucas Segovia.‎

Nell’estate del 1924 i Toba furono vittime di uno dei più crudeli e sanguinosi massacri che la storia ‎della sottomissione dei nativi americani ricordi.‎
Il 19 luglio di quell’anno, nella colonia aborigena di Napalpí, più di 200 ‎nativi Qom e Mocoví ‎furono uccisi dalla polizia del Chaco e dalle guardie private dei proprietari ‎terrieri. Proprio come i ‎Lakota a Wounded Knee nel 1890, anche gli indigeni del Chaco si erano raccolti ‎per partecipare ad una ‎festa religiosa, in un area che oltre tutto essi... (continuer)
Indio toba
envoyé par Bernart 10/4/2013 - 13:15

Los indios

Los indios
Dall’album “Pasaban los cantores”‎

América es el largo camino de los indios.
envoyé par Bernart 10/4/2013 - 11:13
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Parole di Cecilia Gauna
Musica di Cecilia Gauna, Mariano Agustín Fernández e Juan Pablo Ferreyra
Dall’abum “Aliento”‎


Un disco questo interamente dedicato ai popoli nativi argentini, in gran parte sterminati tra la fine ‎dell’800 e l’inizio del secolo successivo.‎

I due dischi di canti selk’nam editi dalla Folkways, “Selk'nam (Ona) Chants of Tierra del Fuego, ‎Argentina” (1972) e “Selk'nam Chants of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, Vol. 2” (1977)‎


‎I Selk’nam (chiamati anche Onas, nella lingua yagán dei nativi tehuelches) erano un popolo nomade ‎di cacciatori-raccoglitori che abitava la Isla Grande della Terra del Fuoco, a sud dello Stretto di ‎Magellano.‎

I primi contatti con gli occidentali risalgono proprio alla spedizione di Magellano del 1520, ma in ‎seguito furono molto sporadici. Però a partire dagli ultimi decenni dell’800 anche quelle terre ‎inospitali cominciarono... (continuer)
Busca en el agua turbia el pez su alimento.
envoyé par Bernart 4/4/2013 - 14:23

Mi tierra

Mi tierra
Parole e musica di Lucas Segovia
Dall’album “Melitona, crímenes en sangre”, basato sul libro omonimo di ‎‎Pedro Solans.‎
Testo trovato qui.‎

Un disco tratto interamente da un libro dedicato alla ‎‎Masacre de Napalpí del 19 luglio ‎‎1924, ultimo atto dello sterminio dei nativi del Chaco argentino ad opera dei discendenti dei ‎conquistadores spagnoli.‎

Il titolo è anche un omaggio a Melitona Enrique (1901-2008), ultima sopravvissuta dei ‎sopravvissuti all’eccidio di Napalpí, una nativa Qom (Toba) morta alla veneranda età di 107 anni. ‎poco prima della sua scomparsa fu a lei che il governo del Chaco chiese ufficialmente scusa per lo ‎sterminio del suo popolo… Ci sono voluti più di 80 anni.‎
En el principio fue el verde: nuestros ojos recorrían la inmensidad vegetal. Todo era nuestro: los ‎árboles, sus frutos, el ágil guasuncho, el vuelo de las aves, el rugir del puma…estaba todo dentro de ‎nuestra piel. ‎
envoyé par Bernart 4/4/2013 - 11:18


Parole e musica di Lucas Segovia
Testo trovato su Corrientes Chamamé‎

Un “chamamé” – tipico genere musicale “litoraleño” argentino – del Corrientes offerto da un ‎giovane artista di Buenos Aires che ha consacrato la sua opera alla complessa e sanguinosa storia ‎del Gran Chaco, la vasta regione storica che si estende tra il Norte Grande argentino, Bolivia, ‎Brasile e Paraguay, compresa tra i fiumi Paraguay e Paraná e l’Altiplano andino. ‎

In questa canzone c’è un riferimento allo sterminio dei nativi Qom o Toba, un’etnia di cacciatori-‎raccoglitori seminomadi che, dopo l’arrivo degli spagnoli, imparato come pochi altri l’uso del ‎cavallo, opposero una fiera resistenza ai colonizzatori fino alle campagne anti-indigene della ‎seconda metà del’800 (si veda La Conquista del Desierto) e al massacro di Napalpí del 1924, quando più di 200 ‎nativi Qom e Mocoví furono uccisi dalla polizia del... (continuer)
Soy el guitarrero,‎
envoyé par Bernart 4/4/2013 - 09:05
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Album :Patagonia mision posible

AHONIKEN (gente del sur) (kaani)
envoyé par adriana 29/3/2013 - 13:50
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India madre

India madre
Scritta da Eduardo Falú e Cesar Perdiguero
Nell’album “Tonada del viejo amor”‎
Interpretata anche da Jorge Cafrune. Che grande chitarrista, che grande cantante! ‎Guardatevi il video…‎

‎“Madre india, i flauti andini ti piangono. Tu che fosti principessa prigioniera nel tempio del sole, ‎amata dall’Inca che una notte cantò per te. Poi brillarono le lame delle spade e prima di morire ‎lasciasti sulla terra figli del sole dalla pelle bruna…”‎
India madre,
envoyé par Dead End 21/3/2013 - 13:48
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Chanson française – Gilbert Bécaud – 1973
Paroles: Maurice Vidalin, musique: Gilbert Bécaud

Ah, Lucien l'âne mon ami, te souvient-il de Gilbert Bécaud, un chanteur grand public, qui charma nos mères et nos grand-mères au début de la deuxième moitié du siècle dernier. Il fut un temps, c'était le bel âge de la radio, les débuts tonitruants de la télévision et du microsillon, où ce Bécaud-là se glissait dans tous les interstices, dans toutes les oreilles. Son répertoire lui valait, comme tu t'en souviens, un succès monstrueux auprès des midinettes, juste avant que ne déboule le rock... Il garda son public, mais fut abandonné à son sort par les jeunes générations montantes. Bref, il avait fait son temps...

Je me souviens bien de tout cela, dit Lucien l'âne en roulant des épaules pour montrer le sérieux de son affirmation. Je m'en souviens très exactement car j'ai une mémoire d'âne... (continuer)
Le premier grand chef de ma tribu
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 4/1/2013 - 18:37

Crazy Life

Crazy Life
Lyrics & Music by Glen Phillips
Album: Coil

The story of Leonard Peltier as described in the book "In the Spirit of Crazy Horse" was the inspiration for the Toad song Crazy Life. There are many disagreements and strong feelings on all sides about the shootout at Jumping Bull Ranch on June 6, 1975.
Leonard Peltier is an imprisoned Native American considered by Amnesty International, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, National Congress of American Indians, the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Rev. Jesse Jackson, among many others, to be a political prisoner who should be immediately released.

Leonard Peltier was convicted for the deaths of two FBI agents who died during a 1975 shoot-out on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Leonard Peltier has been in prison for over 29 years.
The Wounded Knee occupation of 1973... (continuer)
Anyway now, it don't seem right
envoyé par giorgio 27/10/2012 - 15:37
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Wounded Knee

Wounded Knee
In memoria di Russel Means

Altre foto
giuanìn ferr 23/10/2012 - 15:15
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Banner Year

Banner Year
Album: Our Newest Album Ever!

In the spring of 1864 the Cheyenne and Arapaho were ready for peace. They met with US Officers, Evans and Chivington, at Camp Weld outside of Denver. No treaties were signed. The Indians were offered a sanctuary at Fort Lyon. Black Kettle and over 500 Cheyenne and Arapaho travelled south to set up camp on Sand Creek, near Eads, the town later built on top of the massacre site. Some dissenters headed north to join the Sioux.
General Samuel Curtis sent a telegram, "I want no peace till the Indians suffer more". 700 Cavalry volunteers called "100 Dazers", assembled in Denver. The camps of Chief Black Kettle, White Antelope, Left Hand and others, lay in the valley before them. Chivington, with mostly drunken troops, headed to Sand Creek with 4 Howitzers.

Black Kettle raised both flags of peace. Chivington raised his arm for attack. Cannon and rifles pounded... (continuer)
A banner year 1864, don't want the Redman anymore,
envoyé par giorgio 17/10/2012 - 08:10
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Massacred and Dismembered Culture

Massacred and Dismembered Culture
Album: Millions of Damn Christians - This Blood's for You

Personnel: Dave "Knucklehead" Dictor, Bill Wapepah, Dennis Banks (vocals); Paul Davis , Paul Davis , Gordon Fraser (guitar); Darren Hardcome (mandolin, background vocals); Ron Charles (synthesizer); Dan Sullivan (vibraphone); Al Schvitz (drums); Rock Hudson's Ghost, Sprocket, H.G. Lewis, Cammie, A. Sandinista, Joe (background vocals).
I see spirits rising from war's sad remains
envoyé par giorgio 15/10/2012 - 09:36
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Spirit Horse of the Cherokee

Spirit Horse of the Cherokee
Lyrics & Music by Joey DeMaio
Album: The Triumph of Steel
[Spoken, whispered:]
envoyé par giorgio 8/10/2012 - 16:49
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Pow Wow

Pow Wow
Lyrics & Music by Lewis Allan Reed
Album: Legendary Hearts
Christopher Columbus discovered America
envoyé par giorgio 7/10/2012 - 10:15
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Battle at Little Big Horn

Battle at Little Big Horn
Album: Return of The Pride
He was made for battle
envoyé par giorgio 4/10/2012 - 14:35
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Bury My Heart

Bury My Heart
Album: Dirty Surfaces

“I shall not rest quiet in Montparnasse.
I shall not lie easy at Winchelsea.
You may bury my body in Sussex grass,
You may bury my tongue at Champmedy.
I shall not be there. I shall rise and pass.
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee”

(Stephen Vincent Benét)
When the day is done I'm walking down the docks
envoyé par giorgio 4/10/2012 - 13:25
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Ombre rosse (canto per il popolo rosso)

Registrato presso Area Sismica, Forlì 2002
Ombre rosse invisibili
envoyé par DonQuijote82 27/9/2012 - 09:58
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Tatanka Yotanka

Tatanka Yotanka
Music by Olgostin
Album: The Story of History

« If we must die, we die defending our rights » Tȟatȟaŋka Yotȟaŋka said.

Born in present-day South Dakota, Tȟatȟaŋka Iyotȟaŋka (Sitting Bull) became a political, military and spiritual leader of the Sioux tribe. As a young warrior and later chief of the northern Sioux, he advocated firm resistance to white encroachment and settlement. Accustomed to a nomadic life of hunting, the Sioux fought attempts to force them onto cramped reservations. In 1868, Sitting Bull made peace with the U.S. Army in exchange for a sizable reservation free of white settlers. In the mid-1870s, however, an influx of gold prospectors and railroad crews outraged the Sioux, who left the reservation and joined with the Cheyenne and Arapaho in a renewed campaign of resistance.
In the summer of 1876, the U.S. Army's 7th Cavalry under Custer tracked down and attacked... (continuer)
envoyé par giorgio 25/9/2012 - 08:35

Black Elk Speaks

Black Elk Speaks
Music (for cello) by David Huebner
Album: David Huebner (A Solo Folk 'n cello experiment)
My friends I'll tell you the story
envoyé par giorgio 23/9/2012 - 21:15
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Ballad of Sitting Bull

Ballad of Sitting Bull

(1) A tal proposito mi limito a riportare le dichiarazioni rilasciate dallo stesso Custer, che considero le più azzeccate e lucide che l'intrepido-dissennato fantoccio del potere poté mai pronunciare, quando nel 1867 (è un caso?) fu sospeso dal comando e dalla paga.
A chi gli chiedeva perché mai il "problema indiano" era di così difficile soluzione, egli rispondeva: « Perché lo zio Sam con una mano – l'Indian Bureau – dà armi agli indiani e con l'altra – l'esercito – li combatte. Se si potesse togliere di mezzo l'Indian Bureau non ci sarebbero più problemi ». Se basta questo perché non tolgono di mezzo l'Indian Bureau? – gli fu chiesto. « Perché fornitori e agenti, che si arricchiscono derubando gli indiani, non lo permettono. Poi, quando gli indiani, stufi di essere derubati insorgono, fanno intervenire noi militari. Allora i ladri ci chiamano macellai ».
« Condotta assurda?... (continuer)
giorgio 23/9/2012 - 14:15

No More Ghost Dance

No More Ghost Dance
Lyrics & Music by Dennis Temby
From the day that Custer and his men met their fate
envoyé par giorgio 23/9/2012 - 09:50

Listen to the Children

Listen to the Children
Album: Badlands - Ballads of the Lakota
Should you go out today, to reservation land
envoyé par adriana 22/9/2012 - 11:44

Three Chiefs

Three Chiefs
Album: Badlands - Ballads of the Lakota
In a 4 by room at Pine Ridge, on a cold December day
envoyé par adriana 22/9/2012 - 11:42

Walking Through the Prayers

Walking Through the Prayers
Album: Badlands - Ballads of the Lakota
Blackbirds flying, through the darkness
envoyé par adriana 22/9/2012 - 11:40
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So You Want to Be an Indian

So You Want to Be an Indian
Album: Badlands - Ballads of the Lakota
So you want to be an Indian, an original American
envoyé par adriana 22/9/2012 - 11:37


Album: Badlands - Ballads of the Lakota
They built a casino, out under the stars
envoyé par adriana 22/9/2012 - 11:35
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Broken Promise Land

Broken Promise Land
Album: Badlands - Ballads of the Lakota
Well an eagle flew high above Red Shirt Table
envoyé par adriana 22/9/2012 - 11:33
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Big Foot

Big Foot
Album: Badlands - Ballads of the Lakota
Big Foot was an Indian chief
envoyé par adriana 22/9/2012 - 11:31
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Old Man's Vision

Old Man's Vision
Album: Badlands - Ballads of the Lakota
There was an esteemed Lakota elder
envoyé par adriana 22/9/2012 - 11:27
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Trip to Little Big Horn

Trip to Little Big Horn
Album: Badlands - Ballads of the Lakota
I went to Little Big Horn, not a single word was said
envoyé par adriana 22/9/2012 - 11:22

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