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Parcour Guerre au Vietnam: vue des USA

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What’s Going On: cinquant’anni di un capolavoro

Antiwar Songs Blog
What’s Going On: cinquant’anni di un capolavoro
Le lettere che mio fratello mi mandava dal Vietnam mi colpirono profondamente, così come la situazione sociale che vedevo davanti ai miei occhi, nel mio paese. Ho capito che per scrivere canzoni capaci di raggiungere l’anima della gente era necessario che mi gettassi alle alle spalle ogni fantasia Troppe madri che piangono. Troppi fratelli che […]
Antiwar Songs Staff 2021-05-21 19:03:00

Wake Up America!

Wake Up America!
Single: Wake Up America! / How Do You Tell A Small Boy

A double-sided Vietnam single, written and sung by Lance Lindsay. Bruce Miller arranged both sides. Released by Voices in Vital America (VIVA) - a not-for-profit student organisation formed in 1967 in Los Angeles by Carol Oates, under the name Victory in Vietnam Association, this group sought to counter campus radicalism while promoting concern for US soldiers missing in action and prisoners of war.

They famously distributed metal bracelets, with details of those M.I.A. or P.O.W., selling over 5 million. The group disbanded in 1976. Many of its records are held at the Vietnam Center and Archive, at Texas Tech.

The back of the picture sleeve said that

"over 1800 men are prisoners of war or missing in action. A picture of Lt. Ron Dodge (front cover) being escorted by North Vietnamese soldiers appeared in 'Paris March' magazine... (continuer)
In a cell a man waits for a pardon
24/6/2020 - 22:59

The Blind Soldier From Vietnam

The Blind Soldier From Vietnam
The country song "The Blind Soldier From Vietnam" (Arzee # RZ-106-X) took an anti-war and plight of the soldier interpretation.

Curly Herman (1918-1968), from West Virginia, a fiddler in the 1960s, sometimes headed a group called the West Virginia Boys. He died shortly after the recording and release of this single, in 1968.

Narrated from the perspective of a soldier, who had returned home "from Vietnam", blinded by the war. His brother had also died in a war, possibly Vietnam or Korea. Likewise his father, presumably a reference to the Second World War. It thus sought to show a family continuity in fighting wars for the US. The narrator then explained that the young boy helped him cross the street. The boy told him that his friend's father had died in the Vietnam War. The soldier then declared: "dear god...stop the fighting in Vietnam and send the boys home safely". Released in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Rex Zario's record label Arzee (he produced the single). Composed by Curly Herdman.

Vietnam War Song Project
I am a blind soldier,
21/6/2020 - 22:28

God Is Love

God Is Love
dal capolavoro assoluto di Marvin Gaye, What's Going On.

Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

1 John 4, 7-8

Carissimi, amiamoci gli uni gli altri, perché l'amore è da Dio: chiunque ama è generato da Dio e conosce Dio.

Chi non ama non ha conosciuto Dio, perché Dio è amore.

1 Giovanni 4, 7-8

Una canzone di profonda religiosità e un appello alla pace e all'amore per il prossimo, ma che parla anche del rapporto conflittuale di Marvin con suo padre, pastore del movimento pentecostale. Come è noto, nel 1984 Marvin Gay Sr. uccise il figlio mentre quest'ultimo tentava di difendere la madre durante una lite per futili motivi.

Notevole l'utilizzo di questa canzone nell'ultimo film di Spike Lee, Da 5 Bloods, cantata da uno dei personaggi principali durante una delle scene più drammatiche.

Don't go and talk about my father
envoyé par Lorenzo 21/6/2020 - 15:48

Tricia Tell Your Daddy

Tricia Tell Your Daddy

The song "Tricia, Tell Your Daddy" (Steed Records # 715), performed on this single by Andy Kim in 1969, targeted President Nixon's daughter Tricia. The narrator pleaded with her to spread "love and peace", and stop the "people dying needlessly" because Nixon "is everybody's daddy now". Composed by Jeff Barry & Marty Joe Kupersmith (aka Marty Sanders) of the band Jay and The Americans, who released their own version of the song in 1970: Tricia Tell Your Daddy, arranged by Donald Fagen & Walter Becker, otherwise known as Steely Dan.

Vietnam War Songs Project
Tricia tell your daddy
8/6/2020 - 21:57

Vietnam Will Win!

Vietnam Will Win!
Album: The Force Of Life

Words and Music by Mike Stout
Additional Words by Red Star Singers - 1974

We heard "Vietnam Will Win!" on a tape from New York made by Mike Stout.

We liked it but we wanted to rework parts of it. Gary rewrote some of the words and added a verse and Michael made some changes in the music. All this was done without Mike Stout ever hearing it. When we finally contacted him to let him know we changed the song and wanted to use it be was (fortunately) very pleased.
They came for the pride and glory of the western man
7/6/2020 - 22:26

Pig Nixon

Pig Nixon
Album: The Force Of Life
Testo da YouTube

In the '60's a lot of spirituals and rock 'n' roll songs were overhauled to become freedom songs for civil rights demonstrators. “Pig Nixon” comes from “Oh Wallace,” (“you're never gonna jail us all”) which people sang in Alabama. We use “Pig Nixon” as an all-purpose song, writing verses for the occasion, each verse about a current issue.
We're singin' for you people, it's a very simple song
7/6/2020 - 22:03
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When You Gonna Bring Our Soldiers Home

When You Gonna Bring Our Soldiers Home
Lyrics & music by Skeeter Davis
Album: It's Hard To Be A Woman

In 1970 Skeeter Davis aimed “When You Gonna Bring Our Soldiers Home” directly at president Nixon. Voicing a woman’s perspective, Skeeter declared, “Every mother has to worry about the son she loves, And every sweetheart has to worry too". Although Nixon did not think she should “protest” or “question” his policies, “I think I’ve got a right 'cause I just got word tonight, The Man I love was killed there yesterday, When you gonna bring our soldiers home?”. The following year, Arlene Harden’s “Congratulations, You Sure Made a Man Out of Him” was equally bitter and provided an even more frontal challenge to the South’s patriotic militarism. Unlike Lynn’s and Davis’ songs, in which the US soldiers had died, the character in this song had returned home profoundly impaired: “I watch him just sit by the window and silently... (continuer)
When you gonna bring our soldiers home
envoyé par giorgio 7/6/2020 - 20:10

Comment #1

Comment #1
In a 1970 spoken-word poem off his debut album Small Talk at 125th and Lenox, musician Gil Scott-Heron takes aim at the (predominantly white) student movement and its claim to represent “radical” change. He pours cold water on the idea that there could be a meaningful alliance between the white New Left and radical organizations of color, because middle-class and upper-class whites are simply incapable of understanding the struggles of the poor and disadvantaged.

Kanye West sampled this song in “Who Will Survive In America”, ending the album with the same message as GSH did

Poem here says, Comment #1
4/6/2020 - 22:34

There in Vietnam

There in Vietnam

The song "There in Viet Nam" (Bubbie Records # 1003) - a country music track that took an anti-war position. It placed a strong emphasis on the contrast between the voting age (21) and the draft age (18).

The narrator also expressed moral and religious opposition to the war, quoting the bible: "thou shall not kill". Yet, she also defended the previous generation's conflict as a just war for freedom: "his daddy fought in World War Two so that we can live in peace".

Released in Midwest City, Oklahoma. Written by B. Willow. Produced by Frank Dell.

Vietnam War Songs Project
Back home they say he's not a man
3/6/2020 - 00:16

Viet Nam

Pat Bohlman and Edwin Maderia
Viet Nam
The country anti-war track "Viet Nam" (Green Mountain # GM-101), by the obscure artists Pat Bohlman and Edwin Maderia, expressed the view that the war was harming the US, but it also noted the ongoing peace negotiations in Paris, which the song described as "doing well". The negotiations started in Paris in 1968, and were mainly conducted by Henry Kissinger (National Security Adviser to President Richard Nixon, 1969-1974) and his North Vietnamese counterpart Lê Ðức Thọ.

Vietnam War Songs Project
The war in Vietnam is doing us a lot of harm
3/6/2020 - 00:04

The War Is Over

The War Is Over
Single The War Is Over / You Ain't Goin' Nowhere

Anti Vietnam war song "The War Is Over" (RCA Victor # 74-0309) referenced Richard Nixon, criticizing him for ignoring the protesters and prolonging the war. It also noted a protester being killed, which in the case of Michael James Brody Jr. won't make any difference because he will be reborn.
I just want to thank everybody for letting me record now. All the money that I record off this record goes to peace.
2/6/2020 - 17:04

Weep No More

Weep No More

Nathan McKinney recorded the doo-wop track "Weep No More", composed by the blues man Len Johnson. The song, released on the Los Angeles based label Rayco Records (R-526), founded by Floyd Ray, contained themes of the Vietnam War. It is narrated from the soldier's perspective, who tells us that "Uncle Sam is calling for me", and that he is resigned to leaving those he loves: "So I guess I'll have to go".

Vietnam War Songs
Weep no more, my baby for me
1/6/2020 - 22:54

Bring 'Em on Home

Bring 'Em on Home
Musica un po' copiata da You Ain't Go Nowhere (da The Basement Tapes di Bob Dylan & The Band interpretata anche da The Byrds)

Double-sided Vietnam War single by Chicano soul group Six Pak, released on the Californian label Gordo (# 704), founded by Eddie Davis (a sub-label of his Rampart Records). Both tracks had a Latin Soul feel to it - of course, the label focused on Mexican Americans.

This formed part of the West Coast 'Eastside Sound' music scene. According to the president of Rampart Steven Chavez: "almost 50% of the artists from the East Side Sound era served in combat roles in Viet Nam, losing their innocence to a war in the prime of their youth, and returned to a changed American music scene that pretty much turned their back on them with the advent of new genres like hard rock, heavy metal, punk, disco and the like".

Firstly, the group covered the song "Weep... (continuer)
One by one, numbers are called
1/6/2020 - 22:25

Why Is It?

Why Is It?

Double-sided anti-Vietnam War single, with the tracks "Why Is It?" and "When I Come Home" (A & G Records # AG 2041) - this label was almost certainly based in New York, with A & G standing for Al Grannum, a radio DJ for WLIB. His program in the late 1960s and early 1970s focused on R&B groups. This record was released under the name "Al Grannum & the Granulated Souls". There is a picture of Grannum in a 1971 article from the The Daily Register, based in Red Bank, New Jersey, in which Grannum was helping out at a community party. Is there a connection to Hugh Grannum, the Detroit based photographer? The record was also released in Jamaica - Why Is It? / When I Come Home (Dynamic Sounds # AG 2041).

So in the first track, "Why Is It?", the narrator, in spoken-word, said that he was "sick and tired" of hearing about children starving and "soldiers dying". He wanted to... (continuer)
The way things are today is bad
1/6/2020 - 15:10

(I Got) So Much Trouble in My Mind

(I Got) So Much Trouble in My Mind
I got so much trouble in my mind
31/5/2020 - 23:25

Viet Nam

Viet Nam

In the blues / gospel track "Viet Nam" (Gospel Corner Records # GC-127) Madame Nellie Robinson pleaded for the conclusion of the Vietnam War - "settle this war in Vietnam" - in order to stop people from dying: "lord have mercy, a child is dying". It considered the pain felt by those fighting: "soldiers laying in mud". It also looked at the family and friends of soldiers in the US: "mothers and fathers at home crying". Robinson signed to the label Gospel Corner, based in Los Angeles, California, by Brother Hudson in 1968, a subsidiary of Proverb Records.

Composed by Madame Nellie Robinson. Produced by Bro. Henderson.

Vietnam War Songs Project
Vietnam, Vietnam
31/5/2020 - 23:11

See What You Done, Done (Hymn No. 9)

See What You Done, Done (Hymn No. 9)

The 1971 track "See What You Done, Done (Hymn No. 9)" about a Vietnam veteran who became a drug addict, was composed by Atlanta, Georgian soul singer Delia Gartrell and her husband James T. Shaw, otherwise known as The Mighty Hannibal (he also released a Vietnam War song in 1966 with a similar name, but different theme - Hymn No. 5). This Delia Gartrell single, originally released on the obscure Atlanta label Demin-Kalo (# JS-2/JS-3), was soon after picked up by the larger New York label Right-On Records (RR0-109).

Hannibal explained in an interview the inspiration for writing "See What You Done, Done": "Me and my wife were watching the news and Walter Cronkite was talking about how all the soldiers were coming back from Vietnam addicted to opium". Thus, the song provides a representation of veteran drug addiction associated with the Vietnam War:

Vietnam War Song Project
Can't you see what you done done to my only son
31/5/2020 - 22:37

Bring My Buddies Back

Bring My Buddies Back
(David Sheffield)

Soul song called "Bring My Buddies Back" (Stone Lady # SL-006), which had a very similar sound and theme to Freda Payne's "Bring The Boys Home" - except in this case the plea came from the perspective of a war veteran, asking the government to end the war and send his friends home.

The very first line actually referenced Payne, saying: "Hey Freda, maybe you were right". The song went on to recall one of his friends dying in Vietnam because of the "lack of doctors". Not much is know of this group. They probably came from the East Coast - their label Stone Lady was based in New Jersey, founded by David L. Sheffield, who composed this and most of the songs on their album. The members of the group were Luis Farinas (tenor vocals), Doug Green (lead vocals), Greg Jackson (tenor vocals), and Tony Matthews (bass vocals).

This song also featured on the album "Bring My Buddies Back" (Stone Lady # 1001), the front cover of which has a painting of marching troops in Vietnam.

Vietnam War Songs Project
One two, three four...
31/5/2020 - 17:30

The Dean Rusk Song

The Dean Rusk Song

From the album "Hey, Hey...LBJ! Songs of the U.S. Antiwar Movement" (Crisis Records # LP-001 / US / LP / 33rpm)

Dean Rusk (1909-1994) segretario di stato dal 1961 al 1969 sotto le presidenze di Kennedy e Johnson e convinto sostenitore della guerra in Vietnam.
Oh, I'm weary and I'm harried and I don't know what to do
31/5/2020 - 17:00

Honor Our Commitment

Honor Our Commitment
da Broadside #64
O gather round you bully boys
31/5/2020 - 16:37

Johnny Comes Marching Home

Johnny Comes Marching Home

Citazione della canzone popoloare When Johnny Comes Marching Home (vedi Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye)
When Johnny comes marching home again hurrah, hurrah,
31/5/2020 - 16:16

It's Outrageous

It's Outrageous
I don't understand my fellow white man
30/5/2020 - 16:13

Eugene McCarthy for President (if You Love Your Country)

Eugene McCarthy for President (if You Love Your Country)

Scritta per la campagna del democratico Eugene McCarthy che alle primarie democratiche per scegliere il nuovo candidato in vista della fine del mandato di Johnson, presentò una piattaforma pacifista criticando aspramente il suo compagno di partito LBJ e denunciando la sua volontà di escalation in Vietnam.

McCarthy non vinse le primarie, gli fu preferito Hubert Humphrey, vice di Johnson che fu comunque sconfitto dal candidato repubblicano Richard Nixon.
If you love your country and the things for which it stands
30/5/2020 - 13:48

Long Black Wall

Long Black Wall
A beautiful contemporary folk song, "Long Black Wall" , one of the first songs written and released about the memorial. It looked back at the idealistic early days of the war, wanting to fight communism and become a soldier.
Then he recalled the growth of the protest movement, referencing demonstrations outside the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August 1968.
It then looked at the college days
with a reference to President Richard Nixon , and hippie culture. The song then turned to the impact of the war on the returning veterans.
( da Vietnam War Song Project )

Il Vietnam Veterans Memorial ("Memoriale dei veterani del Vietnam") è un memoriale di guerra degli Stati Uniti. Si trova a Washington, e onora i membri della forze armate americane che combatterono e persero la vita durante la guerra del Vietnam. In ordine cronologico vengono elencati i nomi delle 58.318 vittime... (continuer)
A Green Beret came to talk to us
envoyé par L.E. 28/5/2020 - 07:38
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Vietnam Blues

Vietnam Blues
Legacy of the Blues, Vol. 3

Un blues che parla di guerra del Vietnam, inciso durante la guerra, prevede che questa sia senza fine viste le numerose nazioni che appoggiano il Vietnam. Poi paragona i problemi dei Vietnamiti con quelli degli afroamericani (dice "i miei problemi", il padre era del Congo, la madre per metà Cherokee e per metà afroamericana): Champion Jack Dupree negli anni '60 abbandona gli Stati Uniti per trasferirsi in Europa: gira Svizzera, Danimarca (dove vive a Christiania a Copenhagen), Inghilterra, Svezia e infine in Germania. [DQ82]

Champion Jack Dupree - born William Thomas Dupree (c.1910-1992) in New Orleans, he played blues piano in the boogie-woogie style, mainly based in Chicago, Illinois. He lived in London and worked in Europe through most of the 1960s. He sung about drugs, drink, and jail, as well as writing many political songs about US presidents (such... (continuer)
Well, I feel so sorry
envoyé par Dq82 23/5/2020 - 15:35
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Echo Park

Echo Park
Lyrics and Music by Buzz Clifford
Album: Echo Park

This was a song that's haunted me for a long time - it tells of the Old Man looking back on his life, and what's left for him - all loneliness and retrospection - but what's really haunting was the Vietnam era reference of a letter saying "your son will not be coming home" - I thought, how amazing and sordid would that be, getting the news of the death by mail…
It's the morning - soon he'll rise,
envoyé par giorgio 7/5/2020 - 09:20
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Politicians in My Eyes

Politicians in My Eyes
Scritta da Bobby Hackney, uno dei tre fratelli afroamericani da cui era composta questa punk band di Detroit
Singolo poi incluso nell'album "... For the Whole World to See", registrato nel 1975 ma pubblicato solo nel 2009
Testo trovato su Genius

Un pezzo incredibile, devastante, che non conoscevo, con una suite strumentale incendiaria...
Si ispiravano ai britannici The Who e ai loro concittadini MC5...
Erano neri, erano punk, e vennero prima di parecchi celebri gruppi punk bianchi...
Ma non ebbero fortuna, nessuno pubblicò il loro primo possibile album...
Le loro registrazioni dimenticate furono riscoperte nel 2008 dai figli di Bobby Hackney e finalmente pubblicate, più di trent'anni dopo...
1, 2, 3, now
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 12/4/2020 - 22:00


Scritta da Joe De Filippo, musicista di Baltimora, leader della R.J. Phillips Band
Testo trovato qui
I met Finn in '64.
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 2/4/2020 - 11:15

Catonsville Nine (War No More)

Catonsville Nine (War No More)
Scritta da Joe De Filippo, musicista di Baltimora, leader della R.J. Phillips Band
Testo trovato qui

Daniel e Philip Berrigan erano due fratelli del Minnesota. Di profonda fede cattolica, il primo divenne gesuita, il secondo prete.

Il 17 maggio 1968, i due fratelli Berrigan, insieme ad altri sette religiosi ed attivisti cattolici, entrarono negli uffici della leva militare a Catonsville, Maryland, prelevarono centinaia di lettere di coscrizione destinate a giovani americani obbligati ad andare a combattere in Vietnam e le bruciarono nel parcheggio antistante all'edificio, usando un liquido infiammabile simile al napalm con cui la US Air Force bombardava tutti i giorni i villaggi nordvietnamiti.

L'attivismo radicale contro le guerre e contro le armi nucleari accompagnò i fratelli Berrigan per tutta la vita, gran parte della quale trascorsa in aule di tribunale e in prigioni con la sola imputazione di disobbedienza civile.

Il brano si apre con un'invocazione scritta all'epoca dei fatti da Daniel Berrigan.
We make our prayer
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 31/3/2020 - 21:21

They All Look the Same

They All Look the Same
Lyrics by Grace Slick
Music by Ken Lauber

Scritta dal pianista Ken Lauber e cantata dalla cantante dei Jefferson Airplane/Starship, una ballata sul destino di un ragazzo mandato a combattere in Vietnam.

Dalla colonna sonora di Kent State un film sugli studenti della Kent State uccisi dalla guardia nazionale mentre protestavano contro la guerra.

Trascritta all'ascolto.
I wonder if he would remember me
envoyé par Lorenzo Masetti 14/3/2020 - 17:29


Album: Smash The Windows (2009)
No more songs against the war
envoyé par Fede 5/3/2020 - 12:38
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Tears of Rage

Tears of Rage
Parole di Bob Dylan
Musica di Richard Manuel
Originariamente registrata da Dylan con The Band nei famosi Basement Tapes pubblicati solo nel 1975
Registrata nel 1968 dalla Band senza Dylan in apertura dell'album Music from Big Pink cantata da Richard Manuel e da Joan Baez in Any Day Now .

Tears of Rage … is a soldier’s curse upon his commander. It’s the voice of a man who followed his leader into battle, saw his friends slaughtered for a cause he never believed in, only to return to find his superior running for political office, turning his back on the values that were so easily sacrificed. “We carried you in our arms / on Independence Day” is the kind of battle-scar allusion that Robbie Robertson will flesh out on ‘The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down” …

“Tears of Rage” doesn’t depend on the same associations, but it pursues the same memories and voices , a disbelief in and... (continuer)
We carried you in our arms
envoyé par L.E. 6/1/2020 - 17:31
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We Will Not Bow Down to Genocide

We Will Not Bow Down to Genocide
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel: Leonard Hunt Chandler
Album / Albumi: Originalmente non pubblicata in album / Originally unrealeased in album
Versione modificata / Modified Version: Freedom is A Constant Struggle - Songs of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement [1994]

Len (Leonard Hunt) Chandler, nato il 27 maggio 1935 a Akron nell'Ohio, ha pubblicato soltanto due album in proprio, e tutti e due nel 1967: To Be a Man e The Lovin' People. Nel 1968 ha collaborato ad un album di Lee Irwin & The Credibility Gap, An Album of Political Pornography. Per il resto, canzoni sparse e unreleased in album, come questa; ciò non gli ha impedito di essere considerato, tra la fine degli anni '60 e gli inizi degli anni '70, tra i più influenti artisti afroamericani, e tra i più coerentemente impegnati. Sostenitore riconosciuto del Black Power, il tema... (continuer)
I heard a young boy say,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 23/12/2019 - 09:02
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Somebody to Love

Somebody to Love

Parole e musica di Darby Slick
Originariamente incisa da The Great Society il primo gruppo in cui cantava Grace Slick
Portata al successo dai Jefferson Airplane nel loro disco "Surrealistic Pillow" del 1967

Il primo grandissimo successo dei Jefferson Airplane fu portato in dote alla nuova band, insieme a White Rabbit da Grace Slick che l'aveva già interpretato insieme al suo primo gruppo "The Great Society". Il chitarrista Darby Slick (fratello dell'allora marito di Grace, anche lui nella band) l'aveva scritta con il titolo originale "Someone to Love".

Fate l'amore e non la guerra era per gli hippies qualcosa di più di un facile slogan e questa canzone, scritta come risposta alle melense canzoni d'amore che imperversavano all'epoca (e imperversano tuttora) non era solo un inno all'amore libero ma anche a una forma di amore universale in risposta a un mondo impietoso dove le... (continuer)
When the truth is found to be lies
1/12/2019 - 13:04
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Stoned in Saigon

Stoned in Saigon
Scritta da Alan Gorrie, Ray Singer, Simon Napier-Bell (fonte: Discogs)
Singolo dall'album "Fresh Today"

"Fresh weren't actually a real band, but the brainchild of producers Ray Singer and Simon Napier-Bell, producers responsible for a lot of 60's hits in Britain. The musicians listed were Roger Chantler, drums Kevin Francis, bass and Bob Gorman, guitar. There were only two albums issued by this "group": Fresh Out Of Borstal and Fresh Today. And then nothing.

So Stoned In Saigon was an anti-war anthem that came out just around the time anti-war sentiment was at a high. In 1970 we had the invasion Cambodia and the shootings at Kent State and word back in the states was drug use was rampant in Vietnam."

Gordonskene su croocks and liars
The jungle is a live place
28/11/2019 - 03:36
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Red Dirt Girl

Red Dirt Girl
Parole e musica di Emmylou Harris
La traccia che dà il titolo all'album del 2000

Canzone struggente e tristissima che racconta la vita e la morte di Lillian, una ragazza nata e cresciuta nelle terre rosse sul confine tra Alabama e Mississippi. La scomparsa dell'amato fratello in Vietnam le rubò l'infanzia, la durezza della vita e la violenza dello sposo le rubò la giovinezza, condannandola ad una morte prematura – per alcool, per droga, per tristezza, un suicidio... - a soli 27 anni, restituita alla terra rossa da cui proveniva, senza una riga sui giornali...
Me and my best friend Lillian
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 17/10/2019 - 22:09
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Sit Down Young Stranger

Sit Down Young Stranger
Parole e musica di Gordon Lightfoot
La title track dell'album pubblicato nel 1970 che venne poi subito reintitolato "If You Could Read My Mind", a causa del grande successo di quest'altra canzone.

"Sit Down Young Stranger" è una canzone bellissima ma complessa e per questo ci è finora sfuggita come autentica ed imprescindibile CCG/AWS... Racconta di un dialogo serrato e difficile tra un giovane, che da poco ha fatto ritorno a casa, e i suoi genitori, manifestamente ostili alle scelte del figlio, tanto da considerarlo uno straniero. I genitori sono un padre e una madre come tanti, lui burbero e pratico, lei amorevole e silenziosa, soggetta al marito... Entrambi vorrebbero un futuro regolare e di successo per il proprio figlio, che invece è un idealista che ha per giunto scelto di disertare per non andare a combattere in Vietnam, e si è rifugiato per parecchio tempo all'estero, forse... (continuer)
I'm standing' at the doorway, my head bowed in my hands
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 15/7/2019 - 22:23
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Requiem For The Masses

Requiem For The Masses
This is one of my all-time favorite songs, and I wish I had a choir I could convince to do it justice (I'd have to be allowed to sing it, of course).

There are very, very few songs that give me massive goosebumps: almost the entire score of "West Side Story;" Joni Mitchell's bleak portrait of an inner-city junkie, "Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire;" and THIS ONE. I'm always a sucker for haunting melodies and unexpected chords beneath them, lush harmonies, and even more haunting (and, in these days prophetic) lyrics. "Requiem For the Masses" combines them all.

I wish radio had the guts to revive it for airplay.
Sandy A. 21/5/2019 - 03:09
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Fortunate Son

Fortunate Son
dall'album VI del 1987
2/4/2019 - 22:52

The Ballad of Jerry Norman Duffy

The Ballad of Jerry Norman Duffy
Il sergente Jerry Norman Duffey (e non Duffy), da Charlotte, Michigan, nel 1971 si guadagnò una copertina di Life non perchè fosse morto da eroe (semplicemente venne ucciso da una bomba di mortaio nel corso di un attacco vietcong nell'area di Binh Dinh, Sud Vietnam) ma perchè aveva 20 anni, perchè la guerra ormai era data per persa, perchè l'esercito invasore già si stava ritirando, perchè in quella settimana del 1971 Jerry Norman Duffey fu l'unico soldato americano a finire ammazzato...

Una morte del tutto inutile, come inutile fu quella ed ogni guerra...
B.B. 26/3/2019 - 15:32
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I'm looking for a German version of this song.
If you find one, please put it here. Thank you, Hansi
Hansi 11/2/2019 - 19:43
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Kill For Peace

Kill For Peace
Lo scorso 25 gennaio è morto a Belgrado il regista jugoslavo Dušan Makavejev. Aveva 87 anni.

Forse il suo film più famoso è W.R.: Mysteries of the Organism (W.R. – Misterije organizma) del 1971 per cui fu censurato e esiliato dalla Jugoslavia comunista.

Una celebre scena del film, incentrato sulle teorie dello psicologo Wilhelm Reich sulla relazione tra frustrazione sessuale, repressione della sessualità e violenza, vede Tuli Kupferberg, cantante dei Fugs, che masturba il suo fucile giocattolo, con la colonna sonora di Kill For Peace.
27/1/2019 - 16:35
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Bobby Cortez

Bobby Cortez
Album: This Movie Is For Real

The lyrics recall Page's friend from his high school who dropped out of school and was killed in Viet Nam. The tombstone at the school has the names on it of those who fell in the war. Bobby Cortez is number 4 on the list.
Bobby Cortez was a friend of mine back in the days of old
envoyé par Ceil Herman 12/1/2019 - 22:19

Draft Dodger's Farewell

Draft Dodger's Farewell
Nice to see my old song here.
Charlie Ipcar 12/1/2019 - 20:32
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Christmas at Home

Christmas at Home
Scritta da Max Powell e Wayne Walker
Interpretata da Webb Pierce (1921-1991), importante country singer-songwriter, specializzato nel sottogenere honky-tonk
Testo trovato su Vietnam War: Christmas Songs

In partenza per il Vietnam nel giorno di Natale... Troppo giovane per votare ma non per essere costretto ad andare a farsi ammazzare...
Christmas at home
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 23/12/2018 - 16:59
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Silent Majority

Silent Majority

Anti-Nixon, anti-war track "Silent Majority" (Atlantic # SD 8259), a reference to Nixon's Vietnam War speech on 3 November 1969: "and so tonight—to you, the great silent majority of my fellow Americans—I ask for your support".
Vietnam War Song Project
The silent majority
envoyé par Dq82 21/11/2018 - 10:31
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Who'll Stop The Rain?

Who'll Stop The Rain?
Just another stone cold classic from one of America's greatest bands. Not sure how CCR's fame suffered from a poor starting time at Woodstock as suggested by an earlier comment...
31/10/2018 - 18:28

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