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Auteur David Rovics

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Saint Patrick Battalion

Saint Patrick Battalion
Versione live di Lee Brickley

Dq82 7/12/2020 - 20:20
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The Draft Is Coming

The Draft Is Coming
David is brilliant but this song shows a surprising lack of unnderstanding of America's military strategy at home. Vietnam taught American politicians that a draft results in protests & makes war unpopular. We now boast of our all-volunteer military because it keeps Americans supportive of war. But the majority of the massacre-ing is done by mercenary forces like Blackwater (now operating under different names) because soldiers are subject to ptosecution for ear crimes
2/5/2020 - 10:28
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Paul Wolfowitz

Paul Wolfowitz
persona nongrata 2/5/2020 - 09:48

I Won’t Be a Slave

I Won’t Be a Slave
Una canzone di David Rovics dedicata alla Lowell Mill Girls.
Testo trovato su Genius


No more shall I work in the factory
Greasy up my clothes
No more shall I work in the factory
Splinters in my toes

Pity me, my darling
Pity me, I say
Pity me, my darling
And carry me away

No more shall I hear the bosses say
"Boys, you better dauf"
No more shall I hear those bosses say
"Spinners, you better clean off"

Pity me, my darling
Pity me, I say
Pity me, my darling
And carry me away

No more shall I hear the drummer wheels
Rolling over my head
When factories are hard at work
I'll be in my bed

Pity me, my darling
Pity me, I say
Pity me, my darling
And carry me away

No more shall I wear the old black dress
Greasy all around
No more shall I wear the old black bonnet
With holes all in the crown

Pity me, my darling
Pity me, I say
Pity me, my darling
And... (continuer)
B.B. 7/5/2018 - 09:51
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Today in Charlottesville

Today in Charlottesville
Usa, auto si lancia su un corteo antirazzista: un morto e 30 feriti in Virginia

Tragedia dopo gli scontri e le cariche della polizia a Charlottesville. Tutto è nato dalla protesta dei suprematisti bianchi contro la rimozione di un statua del generale Lee da un parco. Il governatore della Virginia proclama lo stato d'emergenza: "Nazisti non sono benvenuti qui". Arrestato l'autore dell'attacco: ha 20 anni. Fbi apre un'inchiesta federale. Trump condanna: "No alla violenza di qualunque parte sia". Ma piovono critiche perché non nomina mai i suprematisti. In serata cade elicottero della polizia impegnato nella vigilanza: due vittime

Una manifestante morta e 30 sono rimasti feriti a Charlottesville, nello stato della Viriginia, dopo che un'auto si è lanciata contro un corteo antirazzista formatosi per contrastare una protesta dei suprematisti bianchi. La tragedia è arrivata dopo una notte di... (continuer)
Dq82 13/8/2017 - 10:49

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule

Veterans for Peace have fixed up the old Golden Rule boat that sailed to the Pacific in 1958 against nuclear testing, and nuclear weapons. The boat's back in action, the anti-nuke mission remains, and I wrote a song...
Albert was in Pearl Harbor, that's just where he happened to be
envoyé par adriana 22/5/2016 - 09:05
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If You Bomb Somebody

If You Bomb Somebody

Album: Punk Baroque

Terrorist attacks. They're always trying to figure out why someone would do that, while fastidiously ignoring the elephant in the living room. This song is about the elephant.
They haven't even started cleaning up the mess
envoyé par adriana 22/5/2016 - 09:01

Good-Bye Portland

Good-Bye Portland

I've been writing a lot of songs on this subject, but here's another one. Gentrification, ethnic cleansing, chaos, genocide, whatever you want to call it. It's happening to Portland. Everybody's leaving aside from the baby millionaires. San Francisco, Seattle, New York City, Boston, now it's here. Welcome to cancerous growth. Welcome to rampant, uncontrolled capitalism. Welcome to America. Home to no one but the millionaires. The rest of us are just hanging on to the edges, being told we should be grateful that there was a bush growing on the side of the cliff that we could grab onto before going splat into the ravine.
I grew up in the suburbs, the ones where you do not stay
envoyé par adriana 22/5/2016 - 08:54
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In 1492 Colombo crossed the Ocean
envoyé par adriana 8/4/2016 - 16:43

Death Of Mother Jones

Death Of Mother Jones
Canzone di autore anonimo.
La prima incisione è di Gene Autry, 1931.
In alcune compilation, come “Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?: American Song During The Great Depression” (1977) e “Poor Man, Rich Man - American Country Songs Of Protest” (1989).
Testo trovato su Union Songs

Ripresa anche da Joe Glazer nel suo “Down In A Coal Mine” del 1974.

Quindi David Rovics – cui la canzone è stata impropriamente attribuita in origine – è solo l’ultimo arrivato in ordine di tempo…

Nel 1930 moriva, ultranovantenne, la leggendaria Mary Harris "Mother" Jones, insegnante ed ‎agitatrice sociale, organizzatrice dell’United Mine Workers e fondatrice dell’Industrial Workers of ‎the World, in prima linea in tutti i grandi scioperi dalla seconda metà dell’800 fino al massacro di Paint Creek (1912), a quelli di Ludlow‎‎ (1914) e Matewan (1920) e alla battaglia di Blair Mountain.

Quando scioperare significava davvero qualcosa e chi lo faceva sapeva cosa rischiava (non solo qualche ora di paga sulla pelle degli altri)…
Bernart Bartleby 19/5/2015 - 12:20
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Song for Ginger Goodwin

Song for Ginger Goodwin
Penso che la storia di Albert "Ginger" Goodwin meriti qualcosa di più di un breve copia/incolla.

Immigrato dal Yorkshire, dove già lavorava nelle miniere di carbone, Ginger Goodwin finì nelle miniere del Cumberland canadese, vicino a Vancouver. Appena arrivato, disgustato dalle pessime condizioni di lavoro, si diede subito da fare per organizzare i suoi compagni e nel 1912 fu certamente tra coloro che parteciparono al lungo sciopero dei minatori del Cumberland durato fino all’inizio della guerra in Europa, nel 1914. Perso il lavoro per via del suo impegno sindacale, Ginger Goodwin si trasferì a Trail, British Columbia, dove fu assunto come addetto agli altoforni. Ben presto lì divenne un esponente sindacale e dirigente del Partito socialista.

Quando gli USA entrarono in guerra nel 1917, Ginger Goodwin si proclamò obiettore di coscienza, perché riteneva che la classe operaia non dovesse... (continuer)
Bernart Bartleby 20/4/2015 - 13:06

The Popular Wobbly

The Popular Wobbly
Parole di T-Bone Slim
Sulla melodia dell’allora molto popolare ragtime “They Go Wild, Simply Wild Over Me” (1917), di Joseph McCarthy e Fred Fisher.
Nell’edizione del 1920 del “Little Red Songbook”, il libretto di canti dell’Industrial Workers of The World (IWW), i cui membri erano appunto noti come “Wobblies”

Testo trovato su Political Folk Music Dot Org
Interpretata, tra gli altri, da Pete Seeger, Utah Phillips, David Rovics e Joe Glazer.

Come mai “tutti si scagliavano selvaggiamente” contro i militanti dell’IWW?
Perchè il suo cantore, lo svedese Joe Hill, fu assassinato dal Governo dell’Utah nel 1915?
Come mai nel 1916 la polizia di Everett, Washington, sparò sui wobblies in sciopero uccidendone 5?
Perchè il wobbly Frank Little fu barbaramente linciato in Montana nel 1917?
Come mai il wobbly Wesley Everest, veterano decorato della Grande Guerra, fu linciato a Centralia,... (continuer)
I’m a mild mannered man as can be,
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 19/4/2015 - 14:52
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Khader Adnan, Bobby Sands

Khader Adnan, Bobby Sands

Album: Falasteen Habibti

Khader Adnan, Bobby Sands” talks about the Israeli policy of indefinite detention without trial of Palestinians. A similar policy on the part of the British occupation authorities in Northern Ireland was a major element in what fueled the growth of the IRA in the early 1970's. Many Palestinian and Irish activists are acutely aware of these parallels, as was Khader Adnan, who refused food almost until death, when Israel agreed to release him. For 66 days he didn't eat – which is exactly how long Bobby Stands was on hunger strike, leading to his early death.
Khader Adnan grew up near Jenin City
envoyé par adriana 24/8/2014 - 15:20

Israeli Geography 101

Israeli Geography 101

Album: Falasteen Habibti

“Israeli Geography 101,” refers to one of the many elephants in the living room when it comes to Israel/Palestine. Israeli leaders are constantly bemoaning the idea that Hamas refuses to acknowledge Israel's “right to exist.” But neither they nor the western media will explain that one of the reasons Hamas and others are reticent about this “acknowledgement” is that the government of Israel refuses to acknowledge where its own national borders begin and end.
Netanyahu is in a tizzy, his eyes are filled with hate
envoyé par adriana 24/8/2014 - 14:28
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Album: Falasteen Habibti

“Gaza,” was written during the massive Israeli bombardment of July, 2014. But it's actually a song about how daily life was for Palestinians in Gaza in the decade or so preceding that.
One point eight million people surrounded on all sides
envoyé par adriana 24/8/2014 - 14:00
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2013 Spies are reading my blog

Canzoni dedicate a Trayvon Martin:
Trayvon Jasiri X
Justice! Godswill
We Are Trayvon Plies
Trayvon Martin Tribute Papoose
Super Life Chaka Khan
Hoodiez Willie D
I wonder why Rick Ross
The Ballad of Trayvon Martin Will Hoge
Justice (if You're 17) Wyclef Jean
No More Innocent People Dying Kamal Imani
Trayvon David Rovics
Sandra's Smile Blood Orange
Call It What It Is Ben Harper
Angel Down Lady Gaga
Sad News Swizz Beat
Black America Again Common

Trayvon Martin era un ragazzo afroamericano di 17 anni.‎

Il 26 febbraio 2012, mentre passeggiava verso le 19 in una strada di Sanford, Florida, era stato ‎segnalato alla polizia come sospetto da George Zimmerman, un membro di un gruppo di vigilantes ‎della zona chiamato Neighborhood Watch. Zimmerman aveva ritenuto di segnalare la presenza di ‎Martin perché questi si muoveva in modo, a suo dire, sospetto... (continuer)
A boy went to visit his father out of town 
envoyé par donquijote82 28/1/2014 - 12:08
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John Brown

John Brown
Ten Thousand Miles Away

John Brown (Torrington, 9 maggio 1800 – Charles Town, 2 dicembre 1859) è stato un attivista statunitense, simbolo della causa antischiavista cui si dedicò anche mediante la lotta armata e per cui pagò con la vita. Egli fu infatti impiccato in seguito al fallito assalto all'arsenale federale di Harper's Ferry con le cui armi voleva dare il via ad una rivolta grazie al sostegno degli schiavi nelle contee occidentali dello Stato della Virginia.
La canzone John Brown's Body, di cui esiste anche una versione italiana, fece di lui un eroico martire della causa nordista. Essa perciò, adottata come canzone di battaglia dell'Unione durante la Guerra Civile Americana, divenne popolare.
Owen Brown was an abolitionist
envoyé par donquijote82 28/1/2014 - 11:29
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Israeli Geography

Israeli Geography
Meanwhile In Afghanistan
Netanyahu is in a tizzy, his eyes are filled with hate
envoyé par donquijote82 28/1/2014 - 11:19
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Meanwhile In Afghanistan
They say he acted alone for a Europe white and free
envoyé par donquijote82 28/1/2014 - 10:57
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Holy Land 5

Holy Land 5
Meanwhile In Afghanistan
They grew up among the bombs of the occupation
envoyé par donquijote82 28/1/2014 - 10:38
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God Bless the USA

God Bless the USA
Into A Prism
God bless all the Indians living in their reservations
envoyé par donquijote82 27/1/2014 - 18:48
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Comets of Kandahar

Comets of Kandahar
Everything Can Change
The Twin Towers came down in 2001
envoyé par donquijote82 27/1/2014 - 16:48
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Bonobo Song

Bonobo Song
Into A Prism

Con il medesimo argomento si veda Bonobo power
There are lots of different monkeys on this lovely planet Earth
envoyé par donquijote82 27/1/2014 - 15:58
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Ballad of Saed Bannoura

Ballad of Saed Bannoura

Saed Bannoura (b. 1973) is a Palestinian journalist working for the Bethlehem-based IMEMC ( Saed currently lives in the United States. He is confined to a wheelchair since 1991 after being shot repeatedly by an Israeli death squad, who had infiltrated a demonstration in Bethlehem. In his own words:

When the man noticed that I had realized their true identify he pulled a small automatic gun from under his shirt, and I ran away knowing that even if I surrendered to him then, I would have been immediately assassinated, as had happened to so many Palestinian martyrs before me.The man ran after me, along with the other undercover death squad members, until I came to an area were he was standing above me on a hill, just five meters away from me. When he shouted at me again, I began to turn, and I could see his eyes, or at least, what was visible of them from under his... (continuer)
Saed Bannoura is a friend of mine
envoyé par donquijote82 27/1/2014 - 12:35
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Aurora Massacre

Aurora Massacre
Everything Can Change

Il 20 luglio 2012 James Holmes, ex dottorando di neuroscienze ventiquattrenne, ha aperto il fuoco durante la proiezione della prima del film Il cavaliere oscuro - Il ritorno in un cinema di Aurora, in Colorado negli Stati Uniti d'America. L'attacco ha ucciso 12 persone e ne ha ferite 58
The survivors will hug and tell their stories
envoyé par donquijote82 27/1/2014 - 12:25
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Occupy Wall Street (We're Gonna Stay Right Here)

Occupy Wall Street (We're Gonna Stay Right Here)

"I wrote the song for the Occupy movement. I landed in Philadelphia after 5-1/2 weeks on tour in Europe on September 16th and headed up to Brooklyn, where I had a gig that night. The next day was the first day of these ongoing protests on Wall Street and around the country and the world. In the course of a 7-week tour of the US and Canada I visited 18 Occupations.

This song has been well-received by Occupiers and their supporters, so I thought I'd spend a day at Big Red Studio when I got home to Portland, and I did -- with a stellar cast of musicians: Jarrod Kaplan on percussion, Arcellus Sykes on bass guitar, with Billy Oskay producing and engineering and Jim Cuda assisting.

As with any of my songs, you're welcome to play it, use it in videos, sing it, etc. If you want to sing it, it's easy - 3 chords: D, A and G!
(David Rovics)
Because this is where they buy the politicians
15/10/2011 - 22:34
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Trading With The Enemy

Trading With The Enemy
La vidi nel centro città
envoyé par Federica 11/10/2011 - 22:14

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