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Auteur David Rovics

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If a Song Could Raise an Army

If a Song Could Raise an Army
Per quanto io condivida quasi tutta la "poetica" di Rovics, la sua esagerata prolificità, insieme ai suoi oggettivi limiti musicali, mi infastidisce...

La stessa sensazione che mi restituiscono le "canzoni" di Marco Valdo MI, pure lui prolificissimo, e senza neppure proporsi in musica...

Scrivere così tanto e invano forse soddisfa il loro ego, non certo l'ascoltatore/lettore...

Preferisco sempre la qualità alla quantità.

Parere personale...
πολεμικός 5/5/2024 - 16:24


ho sentito questa mattina la notizia dell'acronimo WCNSF a Radio Popolare e mi è subito venuta la voglia di scrivere un brano sull'argomento.
Facendo ricerche in rete ho trovato che il bravissimo e prolifico David lo aveva già fatto con molto tatto e profondità di racconto.
Il coinvolgimento complice dei suoi USA immagino lo faccia sempre soffrire e gli dia ulteriori ragioni per scrivere.
vi metto il link alla dichiarazione dell'infermiera del Gaza Doctors without Borders che ha dato l'annuncio

paolo Rizzi 5/12/2023 - 11:55
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From the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea

From the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea
Bellissima anche la sua vecchia ma attualissima
Israeli geography 101
contro le politiche di Netanyahu
C'è anche lei questo sito
Paolo Rizzi 22/11/2023 - 12:04

Rich Men North of Richmond

Rich Men North of Richmond
I wish politicians would look out for miners
28/8/2023 - 23:21

Behind These Prison Walls

Behind These Prison Walls
Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo, 15-10-2022 17:03
Dietro a queste mura carcerarie
15/10/2022 - 17:03
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Saint Patrick Battalion

Saint Patrick Battalion
Versione live di Lee Brickley

Dq82 7/12/2020 - 20:20
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Ballad of Lachlan Macquarie

Ballad of Lachlan Macquarie
Say their names

Lachlan Macquarie (Ulbha, 31 gennaio 1762 – Londra, 1º luglio 1824) è stato un generale scozzese. Fu governatore coloniale nel Nuovo Galles del Sud, in Australia, ed ebbe un ruolo cruciale nello sviluppo economico e sociale del territorio, che sotto la sua guida cominciò la transizione da colonia penale a libero insediamento.
Lachlan Macquarie was a Scotsman who
envoyé par Dq82 7/12/2020 - 19:03

November 2020

November 2020
The election has been won but the loser won't concede
envoyé par hmmwv 25/11/2020 - 22:01

Born on the Fourth of July

Born on the Fourth of July

I'm watching a country built on the foundations of slavery, genocide, real estate speculation and fantasy crumble before my eyes. May it crumble faster, and may I live to see the dust settle.
As I walk down the streets of this city
envoyé par adriana 7/7/2020 - 09:29
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Ballad of Alvaro Luna Hernandez

Ballad of Alvaro Luna Hernandez
Lyrics & music by David Rovics
Album: Notes from a Failed State

A handsome man targeted by the local police in Alpine, Texas from an early age, Alvaro Luna Hernandez has been in prison since 1996, for the crime of daring to defend himself against a racist police officer with murderous intent.
Alvaro Luna Hernandez
envoyé par giorgio 15/6/2020 - 08:45

If They Defunded the Police

If They Defunded the Police

No matter what is said about it, the ruling class in the US will not defund the police. To do so would be to overthrow their brutally unequal, sick form of society. But it's nice to imagine what it might be like to be liberated. David Rovics
If they defunded the police, what would we do
envoyé par adriana 13/6/2020 - 17:00
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As I Watch Minneapolis Burn

As I Watch Minneapolis Burn
Notes from a Failed State
Are people still lynched in America – and what happens when they die
envoyé par adriana 30/5/2020 - 07:58
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I Can't Breathe

I Can't Breathe
from The Other Side, released August 31, 2015

I wrote this song, "I Can't Breathe," after the death of Eric Garner. Unfortunately, it's now also about George Floyd.

I Can't Breath, non respiro! Le stesse parole di Eric Garner 5 anni fa e oggi di George Floyd, afroamericano di 46 anni, ucciso per soffocamento da un agente di polizia a Minneapolis, USA davanti a diversi passanti che hanno iniziato a riprendere la scena. Nel video si vede il poliziotto che lo blocca a terra con un ginocchio all'altezza del collo rimanendo in quella posizione con tutto il peso del corpo per diversi minuti nonostante le proteste dei presenti.

Wake up in the morning, nowhere you can hide
27/5/2020 - 22:52
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Parole e musica di David Rovics
Album: Historic Times
History doesn't repeat, they say, but it often appears it does
envoyé par hmmwv 24/5/2020 - 19:27
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Neither King Nor Kaiser

Neither King Nor Kaiser
Lyrics & music by David Rovics
Album: When I'm Elected President & Wayfaring Stranger (double album)

NeitherKingNorKaiser is the tag the Europe-based campaign is using to remember the imperial carnage that was World War I in a more accurate light.

It was a war that was opposed by the majority, and fought on behalf of the few.
A hundred years ago today
envoyé par giorgio 4/5/2020 - 14:25
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The Draft Is Coming

The Draft Is Coming
David is brilliant but this song shows a surprising lack of unnderstanding of America's military strategy at home. Vietnam taught American politicians that a draft results in protests & makes war unpopular. We now boast of our all-volunteer military because it keeps Americans supportive of war. But the majority of the massacre-ing is done by mercenary forces like Blackwater (now operating under different names) because soldiers are subject to ptosecution for ear crimes
2/5/2020 - 10:28
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Paul Wolfowitz

Paul Wolfowitz
persona nongrata 2/5/2020 - 09:48
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Still Waiting for the Change

Still Waiting for the Change
Lyrics & music by David Rovics
Album: Ten New Songs (double album)

A song for president Obama. (And his entire party. And the other party, too, for that matter) ..
A perfect example of a politician. That is, he unfailingly represents the basic truth about politicians worldwide – that it doesn't matter what they say, or how eloquently they say it. All that matters is what they do. And with Obama, what he says and what he does have nothing to do with each other. Any progressive person who still thinks otherwise is either deluded or not paying attention (or both).
I remember in 2008
envoyé par giorgio 21/4/2020 - 15:25
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Waiting for Their Checks to Come

Waiting for Their Checks to Come

At least ten million renters in the US began the month of April, 2020 by withholding their rent -- for most of them, because it was either pay rent this month, or eat. Those among the now teeming ranks of the unemployed and housing insecure in the US who qualify for it are now anxiously awaiting the money the federal government says it will start disbursing in the coming week.
The world shut down last month
envoyé par adriana 12/4/2020 - 13:49
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Viral Solidarity

Viral Solidarity

"We recorded my latest ditty, "Viral Solidarity," Saturday evening in Brisbane, Australia, at what will probably be my last gig for a little while. Now I'm back in the US, heading home to Portland, to see what happens next."
(David Rovics)
There's foreboding in the air
15/3/2020 - 15:45
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Frieden Und Freiheit

Frieden Und Freiheit
Album : The Other Side

Franz Jacob (August 9, 1906 – September 18, 1944) was a German Resistance fighter against the National Socialists and a Communist politician.
Franz Jacob was a man, grandfather of a friend of yours
envoyé par DQ82 28/12/2018 - 14:29

They All Sang the Internationale

They All Sang the Internationale

Album : The Other Side

Katharina Hochmuth Jacob (March 6, 1907 – August 23, 1989) was a teacher and member of the German Resistance movement against National Socialism. She was married to Franz Jacob, a German Resistance fighter who was executed by the Nazis.
Katharina Jacob, long before she took that name
envoyé par Dq82 28/12/2018 - 14:24
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Denmark 1943

Denmark 1943
Album : The Other Side
When we heard the news that we were to be arrested
envoyé par Dq82 28/12/2018 - 14:14
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Stumbling stones. A German artist named Gunter Demnig started putting little bronze squares in the sidewalks of German cities in 1992. Now there are thousands of them in several different countries in Europe. They are placed in front of the homes and workshops from which people were taken to be sent to concentration camps, primarily. It's a powerful form of art, turning much of Germany into a permanent exhibit, a constant reminder of what has been, and what must never be.

Pietre d'inciampo. Un artista tedesco Gunter Demnig ha iniziato a posizionare delle piccole lapidi di bronzo sui marciapiedi delle città tedesche nel 1992. Adesso ce ne sono migliaia sparse in diverse nazioni europee, posizionate di fronte alle case o alle botteghe, da cui le perosne sono state prelevate per essere portate nei campi di sterminio. E' una forma d'arte piena di forza, che trasforma la Germania... (continuer)
When I first showed up in Deutschland, camping on the Rhine
envoyé par Dq82 27/12/2018 - 15:57



State terror. For the children and their parents.
She left late at night out of sight of the gangs
envoyé par adriana 11/7/2018 - 10:43

Land Day


1976/2018. Land Day was originally declared in the wake of a massacre carried out by Israelis against Palestinians protesting against ongoing theft of their land by Israel. Now we have a far bigger massacre to add to the ongoing saga.David Rovics
Another day, another massacre of children
envoyé par adriana 17/5/2018 - 17:28

I Won’t Be a Slave

I Won’t Be a Slave
Una canzone di David Rovics dedicata alla Lowell Mill Girls.
Testo trovato su Genius


No more shall I work in the factory
Greasy up my clothes
No more shall I work in the factory
Splinters in my toes

Pity me, my darling
Pity me, I say
Pity me, my darling
And carry me away

No more shall I hear the bosses say
"Boys, you better dauf"
No more shall I hear those bosses say
"Spinners, you better clean off"

Pity me, my darling
Pity me, I say
Pity me, my darling
And carry me away

No more shall I hear the drummer wheels
Rolling over my head
When factories are hard at work
I'll be in my bed

Pity me, my darling
Pity me, I say
Pity me, my darling
And carry me away

No more shall I wear the old black dress
Greasy all around
No more shall I wear the old black bonnet
With holes all in the crown

Pity me, my darling
Pity me, I say
Pity me, my darling
And... (continuer)
B.B. 7/5/2018 - 09:51
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East Kilbride

East Kilbride
Live in Huston

A friend in Berlin sent me a story about how the entire Chilean Air Force was essentially grounded for a time as a result of the actions of union engineers in Scotland who refused to repair the engines of their fighter jets after the 1973 coup.
Jet fighters bombed the palace, we all watched it on TV
envoyé par adriana 28/1/2018 - 10:47
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A Brief History of Jerusalem

A Brief History of Jerusalem

It's been in the news a lot lately, since Trump announced his plan to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. So here's a little history for those who don't know.
From the frozen north with shields and swords
envoyé par adriana 28/1/2018 - 10:38

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