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Auteur David Rovics

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Song for Chile

Song for Chile
envoyé par Kiocciolina 29/12/2007 - 18:08

Drug War

Drug War
Oltre alla Drug War c'è anche la War on Drugs che ha delle cifre impressionanti:
Alessandro 9/7/2007 - 16:02

Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Bay
Bonne continuation.see also\voir aussi: "GUANTANAMO BAY" song by J.D.SAGE at < >
J.D. 11/4/2007 - 17:36

How Many Soldiers Per Gallon Does Your SUV Get?

How Many Soldiers Per Gallon Does Your SUV Get?
I saw you driving by
envoyé par adriana 10/3/2007 - 08:31


Testo ripreso dal sito ufficiale dell'autore
By the Euphrates River
envoyé par adriana 10/3/2007 - 08:08
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Operation Iraqi Liberation

Operation Iraqi Liberation
Iraq, soldato Usa ammette stupro irachena e omicidio

Barker davanti alla corte marziale Usa. Eviterà esecuzione

ROMA. Un soldato americano ha ammesso ieri di avere stuprato una ragazzina irachena di 14 anni e di avere ucciso lei e tutti i membri della sua famiglia. James Barker, riferisce la Bbc online, ha ammesso le proprie colpe all'inizio del processo marziale a suo carico in corso negli Usa.

L'ammissione di colpevolezza permetterà all'imputato di evitare la pena capitale. Barker è uno dei quattro soldati Usa accusati dell'omicidio. Tutti i sospetti appartengono alla Seconda Brigata di Elite della 101esima Divisione Aerea.

L'avvocato di Barker, David Sheldon, ha spiegato che il suo assistito ha deciso di collaborare con al Corte e di testimoniare contro gli altri sospettati. I tre imputati che dovranno rispondere di stupro e omicuidio sono Jesse Spielman. Paul Cortez e Bryan Howard.
Alessandro 16/11/2006 - 12:12
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Candle For Durruti

Candle For Durruti
Lyrics and music by Al Grierson
Testo e musica di Al Grierson
Testo ripreso da / Lyrics available at David Rovics' Official Website

"Written some time after the fall of the Berlin Wall, this song is a tribute to La Pasionaria, Durruti, the Lincoln Brigade and all the others around the world who fought and generally died in defense of freedom in Spain. The Spanish Civil War is seen by many as the real beginning of WWII, and also represents perhaps the most spectacular outpouring of international solidarity the world has ever seen. Though the war in Spain was won by the Spanish fascists (with the aid of Hitler's planes, Mussolini's troops and America's oil), the legacy of the International Brigades who went to defend Spain's democractic government continues to inspire many today."
David Rovics

« Scritta qualche tempo dopo la caduta del Muro di Berlino, questa canzone è un... (continuer)
Well the headline on the paper said the good guys won the war
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 17:34

Song For Hugh Thompson

Song For Hugh Thompson
[December 1998]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
David Rovics' Official Website
Da/From "We Just Want The World"

"I was in a wonderful cafe (Hyperion Espresso) in Fredericksburg, Virginia, when I read in the paper about this helicopter pilot who landed in My Lai near the end of this horrible massacre perpetrated upon Vietnamese peasants by American troops. I never knew until I read this article that certain American troops were also involved with finally putting an end to it. The only reason Hugh Thomson's heroic story emerged after thirty years was because the government of Vietnam was preparing to give him a medal for his actions, and the U.S. Army decided it wanted to try to avoid being upstaged." - David Rovics.
Hugh Thompson was a pilot, just like many more
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 17:16
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We Just Want The World

We Just Want The World
[December 1998]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/da "We Just Want The World"
David Rovics' Official Website

"We Just Want the World -- not its ashes. There's certainly no future for any of humanity's hopes and dreams if the earth itself is strangled to death by oil spills and chainsaws." -David Rovics.
When we're living in the White House
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 17:11
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The Flag Desecration Rag

The Flag Desecration Rag
[December 1998]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/da "Live At Club Passim"
David Rovics' Official Website
They tried to pass an amendment in the U.S. Congress
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 17:07
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We Are Everywhere

We Are Everywhere
[July 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website

"It’s true. I would say this is the single most important fact that we should always remember." -David Rovics.
When I say the hungry should have food
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 16:25
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In One World

In One World
[March 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website

"Based on a story I read in the Palestine Monitor about a Palestinian refugee from the city of Haifa who went to visit the home of his birth and met the Jewish refugees from Iraq who were living there." -David Rovics.
It took a long time, but I made a home here
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 16:22

By The Time They Nuke D.C.

By The Time They Nuke D.C.
[July 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website

"As research into mini-nukes continues at the Y-12 Nuclear weapons factory in Tennessee, the specter of nuclear terrorism becomes ever more real." -David Rovics.
I want to write this song
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 16:13
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I Have Seen The Enemy

I Have Seen The Enemy
[July 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website

"Any relation to any politicians, living or dead, is entirely coincidental." -David Rovics.
He has no feelings for the dead
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 16:04
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Good Kurds, Bad Kurds

Good Kurds, Bad Kurds
[May 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website

"I wrote this after watching a documentary of the same name. There may not be a more glaring example of the contradictions in US foreign policy than our policy towards the Kurdish nation." -David Rovics.
Saddam Hussein gassed the Kurdish people
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 14:11
Parcours: Du Kurdistan
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Bomb Ourselves

Bomb Ourselves
[March 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website

"Another song inspired by Dubya" -David Rovics.
The President got on TV and there was nary a dry eye, he said he loved his country and mom and apple pie
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 11:40
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The Village Where Nothing Happened

The Village Where Nothing Happened
[January 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website

"Based on an article by Richard Lloyd Parry that originally appeared in the Independent (UK)." -David Rovics
The Army commander spooke to the media
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 11:37
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Drink Of The Death Squads

Drink Of The Death Squads
[March 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website

"True story first told to me by Katie Knight from the Colombia Support Network in Montana. Something like half of the union organizers that are killed in the world each year are Colombian. Colombia is also the biggest recipient of military aid in the hemisphere. This, of course, is a coincidence." -David Rovics.
Coca-Cola came to Colombia
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 11:34
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Hang A Flag In The Window

Hang A Flag In The Window
[March 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "Hang A Flag in the Window"
David Rovics' Official Website

"US foreign and domestic policy is a hotbed of contradictions. Many of the lines in this song came directly from the mouth of the president-select himself." -David Rovics.
We want a safer country
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 6/8/2006 - 18:14
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Behind That Gate

Behind That Gate
[November 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "WWJB"
David Rovics' Official Website

"Another SOA-related song, which I wrote the morning of the 2002 protest at the gate to Fort Benning. The irony of the situation was stated most eloquently over breakfast to me by Bruce Gagnon -- that the cops would be searching peaceful protesters for hidden weapons outside of the world's biggest terrorist training camp." - David Rovics.
The judge condescended to the people
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 6/8/2006 - 18:08
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[June 2003]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "Return"
David Rovics' Official Website

"Al awda" -David Rovics.
i can't help it.
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 6/8/2006 - 15:40
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The Key

The Key
[March 2003]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "Return"
David Rovics' Official Website

"I was trying to write a song for Sami Al-Arian, currently being held in solitary confinement in the US for the crime of being an outspoken Palestinian. In one of the interviews with him I found on-line he mentioned his grandmother, and the key around her neck. This song is for her." -David Rovics.
Let me tell you about a lady
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 6/8/2006 - 15:38
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Strike A Blow Against The Empire

Strike A Blow Against The Empire
[April 2003]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "Return"
David Rovics' Official Website

"Silence is the voice of complicity, that’s the point. If you know what’s going on and you’re just sitting by and trying not to do harm, that’s not good enough. What have you done? What will you do? They’re killing your family." -David Rovics.
When the rich man on the TV
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 6/8/2006 - 14:41
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Promised Land

Promised Land
[February 2003]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "Return"
David Rovics' Official Website

"Everyone can, and must, be understood. This is a song from the perspective of Mohamed Atta." -David Rovics.

NOTA. Per chi non lo avesse presente, Mohamed Atta è stato il capo del commando degli attentati dell'11 settembre.
Life could've been different
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 6/8/2006 - 14:38
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Reichstag Fire

Reichstag Fire
[January 2003]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "Return"
David Rovics' Official Website

"Given history, those of us who weren’t born yesterday must ask the obvious question: Who knew what and who did what and why is the government so terrified of asking these questions?" -David Rovics.
The planes hit New York City
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 6/8/2006 - 13:29
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[November 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "Return"
David Rovics' Official Website

"The name of the enemy always changes, but the war between the haves and the have-nots continues to rage, as it has for the past several thousand years, as it will until there’s sanity in the world, or until there is no more world." -David Rovics.
You can say that it's about the savages
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 6/8/2006 - 13:27
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[February 2003]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "Return"
David Rovics' Official Website

"The infrastructure of terror." -David Rovics.
You ask me how it is
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 5/8/2006 - 18:28
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What If You Knew

What If You Knew
[November 2003]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "Songs for Mahmud"

"What would you do if you were seeing the truth every day on TV, rather than neoliberal/neoconservative, pro-war propaganda?" - David Rovics.
If you knew that the earth was dying
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 5/8/2006 - 18:20
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The War Is Over

The War Is Over
[May 2003]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Album : Songs For Mahmud
The President stood in front of the jet planes
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 5/8/2006 - 18:17
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[August 2003]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Songs for Mahmud"
David Rovics' Official Website

"During the US war against the people of North Korea in the 1950's, one in five people in North Korea were killed, and every structure was destroyed by bombs dropped by the US in the biggest bombing campaign in history up to that time." -David Rovics.
Fifty years ago today we stood in rubble
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 5/8/2006 - 18:10
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Song For The SOA

Song For The SOA
[October, 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "Songs for Mahmud"

"The community that can be found outside the gates of Fort Benning in Columbus, Georgia every November is a beautiful thing, despite the reason for the semi-annual formation of that community (the US Army's School of the Assassins). This song celebrates that community." - David Rovics.

NOTA. La SOA, or "School Of the Americas", con sede a Fort Benning (Georgia) è la scuola dove vengono addestrate, negli Stati Uniti, le forze governative (di polizia, militari ecc.) dei vari paesi latinoamericani. E' detta anche la "Scuola dei torturatori". Sono stati diplomati SOA, ad esempio, il famoso torturatore cap. Astiz in forza alla giunta militare argentina e vari altri bei personaggini del genere. [RV]
Well I pulled up there at the gate
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 5/8/2006 - 18:07
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Butcher For Hire

Butcher For Hire
[February 2004]
Lyrics and Music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Songs for Mahmud"

"John Timoney. Police chief during any mass convergence these days, it seems, from Philly to Miami to Boston, and even an advisor to the NYPD during the same summer. When the heads of nonviolent protesters need to be cracked to protect democracy, Timoney seems to be the man for the job." -David Rovics.
If you wanna have a protest in the USA
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 5/8/2006 - 18:00
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Evening News

Evening News
[August 2003]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Songs for Mahmud"

"I watched "CBC National" one night in a hotel in New Brunswick. It was such outrageous propaganda, I had to write a song about that one evening's newscast. CBC is right up there with Foxhole News, but I just wasn't expecting it to be quite that bad, so it was a bit of a shock." -David Rovics.
The cities are full of criminals
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 5/8/2006 - 17:55
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Song The Songbird Sings

Song The Songbird Sings
[November 2003]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "Songs for Mahmud"
David Rovics' Official Website

"In memory of Mahmud al-Qayyed, age 10, killed by Israeli occupation forces for the crime of catching songbirds in the Gaza Strip." -David Rovics.
It was another Friday morning
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 5/8/2006 - 17:49
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The Face Of Victory

The Face Of Victory
[November 2003]
Lyrics and Music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
David Rovics' Official Website

"Welcome to the next Oklahoma City (and many other developments). The veterans of war are returning." -David Rovics.
I lost my job and joined the army
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 5/8/2006 - 17:45
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Lyrics and music by David Rovics
From "Songs for Mahmud"
David Rovics' Official Website

"The FTAA protests in November, 2003 involved some of the most coordinated and unprovoked military-style assault on nonviolent protesters I've ever heard of or seen." -David Rovics.
The leaders of the world had gathered
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 5/8/2006 - 17:07

Spanish Journalist Strike

Spanish Journalist Strike
September 2004
Lyrics and Music by David Rovics
David Rovics' Official Website

Here's to José Couso and all the other journalists targeted and killed by the US occupation forces in Iraq. -David Rovics.
The battle had been raging
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 30/6/2006 - 15:01


January, 2006
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
David Rovic's Official Website
First thing that he did before even getting to DC
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 30/6/2006 - 12:44
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The Next Attack

The Next Attack
[September 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "Hang A Flag in the Window"
David Rovics' Official Website

"“The next attack is coming.” This is a headline I saw in some tabloid in Europe. I am pretty sure the article did not get into the reasons that I list as to why the next attack is coming, but it was a good headline."


September 2002
Dear Listener,

Of the twenty-one songs on this CD, eighteen of them were written since last September. George W. Bush has certainly been a great inspiration, but the general themes of my songs have not changed, only the details. Because, for the people of the world, things have not changed so much since September 11th. There was suffering and resistance before September 11th and the suffering and the resistance continues. I suppose these are the themes that have occupied my mind and my songwriting... (continuer)
The next attack is coming
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 28/3/2006 - 11:54
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My Daughter

My Daughter
[May 2000]
Lyrics and Music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "Living In These Times"
David Rovics' Official Website

Originally recorded in 2001 (before 9/11), about one of my Iraqi daughters. -David.
She was picking yellow flowers
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 28/3/2006 - 11:41
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Who Will Tell The People

Who Will Tell The People
[July 2001]
Lyrics and Music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "Living In These Times"
David Rovics' Official Website
The CIA is pushing crack in the ghettoes of LA
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 26/3/2006 - 11:56
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International Terrorists

International Terrorists
Written on September 15, 2001
Scritta il 15 settembre 2001

Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "Living In These Times"
David Rovics' Official Website


Hi folks,

Horrible news today of course. I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner. Needless to say (I hope), I mourn for all the innocent lives lost. I've yet to find out, but I may know some of them personally. Regardless, years ago I often worked as a temp for many evil corporations, and I'm sure there are many people just like me who were at the World Trade Center today, typing away endless streams of meaningless words and numbers for their meager pay.

But of course, as one might expect, the rulers of the world have spun this event to their militaristic ends, bent on world domination as they are. Let me be clear that I don't support the... (continuer)
International terrorists are scheming
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 26/3/2006 - 11:31
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Children Of Jerusalem

Children Of Jerusalem
[Created October 2000 - Updated June 2001]
Lyrics and Music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "Living In These Times"
David Rovics' Official Website
Did you see them praying
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 26/3/2006 - 11:21
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Pray For The Dead And Fight Like Hell For The Living

Pray For The Dead And Fight Like Hell For The Living
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "Live At Club Passing"
David Rovics' Official Website


I'd like to dedicate this recording to the memory of Eric Mark. Eric was a very dear friend of mine. We lived together in San Francisco along with our close friends, David and Annie and other wonderful folks. It was a great gang there on Macalester Street. Mostly cab drivers and late-night waitresses, all with crazy stories to tell each night during the kitchen gatherings at 2 am or so.
Eric had quit his job as a mechanical engineer in Berkeley to be a cab driver in San Francisco. He had such a love of life and all things alive. He was one of the most intelligent people I ever met. Always thinking hard, questioning. He had gotten into Marxism and dialectical materialism and such, and was quickly leaving me in the dust when... (continuer)
They bombed Philadelphia, killed women and children and men
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 26/3/2006 - 11:02
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Contras, Kings And Generals

Contras, Kings And Generals
[December 1998]
Lyrics and Music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "We Just Want The World"
David Rovics' Official Website

"A song for the beautiful, suffering people of Iraq, and all the other victims of America's genocidal foreign policy." - David Rovics.
Missiles flying in the Third World
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 26/3/2006 - 10:57
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Henry Ford Was A Fascist

Henry Ford Was A Fascist
[December 1998]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "We Just Want The World"

"Henry Ford was an openly anti-semitic, greed-driven capitalist who used Jewish slave labor in Germany to help the Nazis kill American soldiers and many, many other people. History is rarely as clearcut as it appears in the capitalist American ("mainstream") press, and WWII was no exception" -David Rovics.
Ford built tanks for the Nazis
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 26/3/2006 - 10:54
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Turkish (partial) version available at this page
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 22/2/2006 - 01:36

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